Divine Brilliance

Chapter 401: Zongmen 3 Jie

The fourth chapter of the Zongmen Sanjie (the second is to recommend the monthly ticket)

"Awkward, rhyme?"

Zong Shou secretly stunned. The two figures, among the many disciples of the sacred path, are like standing out, and like the pearls in the sand. They are involuntarily eye-catching, and they are dazzling and almost impossible to ignore. m

These two people, after the gathering of Longshan, do not say that they want to return to the Zongmen? How come here?

However, in my heart, it is only a little strange. These two are sacred disciples. It seems that this is not a miracle.

What is really amazing is that the two women are at him at the moment, but they are not seen. The look is also a little indifferent, so they have stepped out of the hall.

Immediately, it suddenly sounded, and at this time, it was already after the easy capacity. These two people and themselves, when they do not know.

Even if you guess your identity, it is not appropriate to recognize each other under this broad public.

Zong Shou meditation for a moment, but also did not hesitate to follow up. Passing through several corridors, walking into a large garden, I saw two women, waiting for him here.

"Yun Lan has seen His Royal Highness. How can it be done recently? After the gathering of the Dragon Mountain, the cultivation of His Highness seems to be higher and deeper."

Looking at the arrival of Zongshou, Xuan Yunlan seems to have changed a person, the face is full of smiles, and there is no previous expression of the iceberg.

That Zhao Xiaoran is against him, but there is nothing good, a cold, even if he has said hello

Zong Shou was an eye-opener, and he untied his own illusion. I don’t even ask why the two people will be in a dilemma, and nod their heads directly: "The rhyme you came in just right, there is no one to give a solo piano recently."

Without Xuan Yunlan's Jingshen An Lingqu to suppress the soul, his face mirror has not been used recently.

Although he created the illusion of his own, if he suffered any harm in it, it was real and it would hurt his soul.

Over there, Xuan Yunlan heard the words, but he did not care. Instead, he smiled aloud: "Xuan Yunlan came here for this purpose. At the beginning, he and his Royal Highness set the date of March. It has not been completed yet. Come on the 10th. The sorrowful situation is to wait for the Highness and complete the promise."

Zhao Yanran looked at the stunned, secretly screaming at this sect, really shameless. Directly Xuan Yunlan as a coolie, the latter is actually a slap in the face.

Then I looked at it and revealed the serious color: "Zong Shou, I don't ask you to break through the heavens within a year. I hope that after one year, you can compete for something, at least hit the realm of Xuanwu, I don't know if it can be done. If you are still a man, don't let it down!"

Zong Shou stunned, and decided to look at Zhao Xiaoran, and then with the eyes of the inquiry, swept to Xuan Yunlan.

Ruan Dao, Zhao Ruran, is it that I have eaten gunpowder? Speaking so rushing?

One year later, he was somewhat aware of the realm of Xuanwu. However, if you consider the foundation of your own spiritual consciousness, this speed is still slightly faster.

Looking at this Zhao Ruran, it seems that it is not a patient who has no patience.

Xuan Yunlan was very understanding, saw Zong Shou's eyes, and immediately smiled: "It is because of the swordsman's desperate desire. His Highness may not have heard of it. This is one of the three swords in the cloud world. The legend is a young generation. In the middle, the most good man of the sword. Not long ago, he had vowed to come to the door, challenge the nineteen spiritual houses, the ten holy places, and the three sacred three-hole days. To prove his own kendo, not long ago, already Defeat the two great spiritual sects."

"Swordsman is desperate?"

Zong Shoumei took a look. From Su Chen, he heard the name of the three swords in the cloud world. But who is it, but I don’t know. I only know that there is a thundering enemy, the "spirit sword" Ruo Tao.

The heart is more secretly admire, challenge all the holy places of the spiritual house, and smash the world, this is the real sword to test the world -

What I have always wanted to do, this sword son is absolutely eager, but it is already beginning.

It’s also awkward, no wonder Zhao will be so anxious. The Seven Lingzong is the head of all the sects of the Lingfu. This Suchen is to challenge the 19th Lingfu, and the Seven Lingzongs are naturally not spared.

The characters who can be called with the ‘Sword of the Sword’ are not inferior to the thunder.

His brother-in-law, nowadays, is the realm of Wu Zun.

After a moment of indulgence, Zong Shoucai nodded his head: "I tried to look good! But those characters, I want to come even if you break through the peak of Xuanwu, I am afraid that it is not his opponent. You are estimated to be only your uncle in the Seven Lingzong. He Xueying, qualified for the battle."

Zhao Ruoran’s heart is obviously loose. She and Zong Shou are the relationship of reversing the top tire. Originally qualified by her, within one year, breaking through the Xuanwu Master, it is impossible to do. However, if you can get the Zongshou Ding, but you have quite a bit of control.

I didn’t get angry when I heard the last few sentences. I also know myself, it is too reluctant to fight that desire at this time.

She is so persecuted by Zong Shou today that she only wants to hold her hopes and is unwilling to be humiliated by the Seven Spirits.

I am screaming in my mouth and I want to thank you. The next one must listen to Zong Shouxiao and say: "But if you want to be alone, you have to have a condition. In this year, you must be the sparring of my maid, you have to work hard, otherwise you will not talk!"

Zhao Yuran suddenly sighed, suffocating in the chest, unable to vent. I should have known that I can ask for this guy, but how can I not pay the price?

Zong Shou has stopped paying attention to him, and then curiously, looking at the Xuan Yunlan: "What is going on today? I remember myself, I have not offended what is the same as the same door? How can you not bother? Talking to a lone?"

Xuan Yunlan heard the words and shook his head helplessly: "Your Highness did not offend before, but now he has lived in the first courtyard of the word, and he has offended some people."

Zong Shou’s heart is awkward, is the dark road really the reason for that single house? The first court of the first word, in fact, when I first saw the five words, there was some bad feeling.

It is only because of the arrangement of the South Korean side that it is not good to reject it.

Then I listened to Xuan Yunlan and continued to say: "There is an unwritten rule in my life. The first court of this character, only the Cangsheng Hall, and even the three six disciples, the most outstanding one, can occupy. Moreover, those who stay in the house will be able to be enrolled in the fairyland in the future. For thousands of years, from the no exception, until the water fairy of Taiyuanzong left twenty years ago, it has been vacant. Originally, in this generation, that Taiyuan, Xuanyang, Hanling three, all outstanding disciples, are expected to stay, not long ago, they are still qualified for this qualification, and you are living and dying. His Highness is born, directly put this first word, no Hateful?"

Zong Shou can only be a bitter smile. In this way, he is indeed guilty of sin.

A guy who didn’t know the origins at all, and didn’t know which scallions were, for no reason, took up the long-awaited thing. If you change to yourself, you will be annoyed.

"Taiyuan Emperor Xuanye, Xuanyang Zong Xi'an, Han Ling Zongluo, these three people, in the Cangsheng Road, and called the three Jie. Also the most I have to admire the disciples, the impact is great, not only limited to their own Zongmen Within the rest of the three cases, there are six people who are respectful, but the three are the heads of the horse."

Zhao Xiaoran has also recovered at this moment, his expression is faint, with a bit of awkward meaning: "The three are all three people, or do not care about the home of the first hospital. But their friends and brothers, right All of them are hateful and gnashing their teeth, and they are not holding their hands. Now they are also grinding their fists and giving them a lesson. If you want to make them convinced, it’s not easy."

Zong Shou smiled, there was no intention to talk again. The doubts in his mind have been solved, and there is no longer the meaning of chatting with these two women. At first glance, there are too many things to do.

As for those who are not well-intentioned, they have never been taken care of. If you are not convinced, then you will be convinced.

He entered the sacred way and came for the study of art. It is natural to be able to keep a low profile.

But since the brother of the South Koreans has put him in this position, he will not be afraid. There is no such thing as a modest idea, and there is no interest in it. This is what the first word of the A word, anyway, his sect is occupied.

Back to the lecture hall, the same door around, still cold attitude, far away.

At this time, Zong Shou did not care, just to be clean. Listening to it leisurely is like the time when you started to learn kendo. Focusing on the mind, the whole person is like a sponge, absorbing all the spiritual foundations he can use.

There are four lessons in the daytime. How to practice in the morning, and occasionally a few actual combat. In the afternoon, it is the spiritual law, and the road,

Zong Shou is not listening to every class, only chooses his own useful. Whenever you talk about the law, you will always leave. Go to the Tibetan Pavilion and find a quiet place to read alone.

This is true for several days in a row. No one jumped out to find him trouble. It’s just that the sight around it seems to be getting worse.

Zong Shou also feels vaguely. The life of these days seems to be calm, but there is a submarine flow, which is constantly surging under the lake.

What makes him gratified is that Zongyuan Weak Water ~www.readwn.com~ In this Cangsheng Palace, it seems that it is also like a fish, no one is not suitable.

Every day is busy, Zongyuan specializes in martial arts, but recently, because of the practice of spiritual law, occasionally accompanied by Zong Shou to attend classes. The weak water is on both sides, as if it is into a treasure house, and it is busy every day.

Only the first snow, there is something wrong with it. Even in her favorite martial arts class, most of them are incomprehensible, all of them look stunned.

It was not until two days later that Zhao Yuran came to be her sparring. This was a spirit of strength, and there was finally some spirit in the day.

Let Zong Shou sigh again, this gimmick, isn't all IQs invaded by the perverted instinct?

Shi Ruolan was picked up by the Korean side every morning, and was released at the end of the evening.

Zong Shou only knows that this little girl has gradually gained some interest and is getting stronger. He does not care about her progress. I only know that there are more powerful people who can adjust their own hands, which is more reliable than their own.


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