Divine Brilliance

Chapter 416: Nothing

There are countless wounds, some deeper, deeper into the bone marrow.

Zong Shou did not care, these pains and pains could not make him move.

When the storm disappeared, the first sight of Zong Shou, first look at that.

After seeing this holy fire ant, it was unharmed.

He had already seen it, and this sly figure seemed to be sensitive to the cracks at that time. Always be able to move to a safe location in advance.

Let Zong Shou be quite scared. This time and space power is the most unpredictable. When the cracks are produced, there is no warning. Even the most powerful instinct of wild instinct, it should be helpless.

But this is not the case.

I don't know the worms in the worms. In the end, it is the essence of what kind of insects are gathered, so that the queen of the magic fire ants is so transformed.

Wrinkled, Zong Shou moved his eyes to the front. When the **** mist of that group was completely dissipated. It was a mess that appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw countless firefowl corpses appearing in front of his eyes. It is all incomplete, and it is estimated that part of it has been lost in the gap.

The previous surge of red tides has been completely gone. There are only three or five seventh-order firebirds, and the sound of whistling from time to time. Most of them are weak and the body is also heavy.

Just at this time, the sound of Fengming also sounded again. Still with endless resentment. But this time, it is more pleading.

Zong Shou was too lazy to pay attention to it. First, he took a deep breath and suppressed the chest. Then he held his chin in his hand and looked at it in front of him.

\"——Zong Er, do you say these things, worth 300,000 merits?"

The sect of the second in his speech is Zongyuan. At the moment, it is a loss of God, looking at the front.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s hard to believe that this kind of disaster is caused by three yuan-killing charms.

And that Xuan Ye is also a burst of hair at this moment. After a long time, it was also a sigh.

Looking at the many poultry bodies in front of her eyes, she did everything she could to suppress the greed.

- Is it more than 300,000? The total amount of material and animal crystals in these poultry bodies is as high as 500,000.

It is a pity that you can see that her sacred leaves are in this sorrowful situation. It is often a year, but it earns only two or three thousand merits. Only recently, after breaking through the heavens, the income has increased significantly.

Is this what is the blessing in those words? It’s really envious and hateful


It took about half an hour to clean up these poultry corpses, almost filling the entire small Qiankun bag. The golden-winged fire phoenix, and then did not appear again, screaming in the distance for a whole half of the hour, after that I do not know how, and then disappeared.

And wait for the three, follow the Linghe down, after a few hours, return to the Linghai again. I saw only a few hundred disciples here, all looking at them with a weird sight.

The only shock that came from a distance, this Linghai side, also felt. More faint and audible, the faint sound of Fengming.

But what happened to them, these people are not aware of it.

But they are all about to guess, it must be related to the three,

Zong Shou'an Ruoxu, together with Zongyuan, swayed and swayed, and looked back at the dilemma with many eyes.

Xuanye is a strange look, stopping at several of his sisters and sisters, and he never said a word from beginning to end.

Yongqin has a small pupil, and his eyes are full of meaning. Isn't this the same illusion that makes her uncomfortable for a few days at night?

That Chen Rou is also strange: "This is the talk of Qiu Shijie, what happened in the end?"

Xuanye is still silent, only from time to time, touch his own Xiaokun bag. Although the autumn temperament is bad, it can be a real person. At that time, in the name of compensating for his injury, she hardened her poultry body of about 30,000 merits.

But since the benefits of the people have been collected, there are some things that need to be kept secret on behalf of the teacher.

Next to it, there was a clear male voice: "This person, is it not long ago, the person who entered the first courtyard of the main character?"

Xuanye bowed and turned to look back, then the sword brow was unpleasantly provoked: "Rosie? He is good, what do you ask this?"

\"Just want to know the depth of this person"

Nairos smiled slightly: "Since it is his future opponent. Can you not understand one or two? When you say it, you don't know what's going on. The whole horror of the world is shaken. You are only with him. Together, I don't know how it feels?"

I also smiled at Yongqin and Chen Roo: "I know that you two sisters, who once counted the man, and the result seems to be very bad. You can hear the sound of snoring through a long distance. Can break You are enchanted by magic, and you are not affected by the charm of the heart. This person, after breaking through the seventh order, is probably worthy of my shot -"

On the face of Yongqin, suddenly he was red and red. Xuanye heard the words, it was turned over and white, some speechless. Do you want to find death? She had this idea before, but at the moment it completely dispelled the idea. The qualifications of the true disciple can only find another way.

- Even if it does not break through the seventh order, this is the strength of the autumn, I am afraid that it is stronger than her.

After this person breaks through, he can protect him and challenge him when he fully exerts his strength. Is it not lost?

Looking at this confident Luo Shidi, Xuanye is inexplicable, there is a kind of fortunate. Anyway, in the future, it will not be her.

When Zong Shougang returned to the Cangsheng dilemma, he found that the first snow was weak and was waiting at the entrance and exit of the Linghe River.

Seeing Zong Shou appear, the latter is okay, the first snow of this **** is immediately tears, a nose and tears, holding the Zongshou.

The people who provoked the passing of them all paid attention to them and harvested countless inferior sights. They thought he had taken this chick.

It’s hard to calm the first snow. Zong Shou went straight to the Gongde Building again. The heart was a little relaxed and smug, so that the whole house was completely destroyed. The stupid head of the first snow was mostly forgotten to go abroad.

The presiding of Gongdelou is an inner-door disciple of the eighth-order strength. I heard that it is the surname, the middle-aged forty years old, likes to have a face, Zong Shou and this person twice face, do not see what the other side has.

However, when Zong Shou went directly to the highest third floor, opened the Qiankun bag, screaming, and dumped a pile of seven-stage firebirds on the ground. This middle-aged, indifferent middle-aged, finally moved. I couldn't help but look at the **** smell of the nose, but then frowned.

\"This same door, the rule of Gongdelou, is that you must kill yourself in Linghe. If it is taken by someone else, you can't count it--"

Zong Shou heard the words, the lips suddenly provoked, and I expected this person to say so. However, he did not refute it. If he did not say a word, he would take it out again.

However, he has only just begun. There is an old man’s voice coming from the side: "These things are indeed within the Linghe River, and they are earned by one's own strength. I can testify for him."

When Zong Shouxin was neutral, he said, "Which is this, what is so much." Listening to the sound, it seems to be the brother of the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures.

Turning the line of sight, it turned out to be the Korean side, standing on the stairway like a smile. That pays the surname to speak in the middle of the year, and also looked at the past. First of all, I was amazed: "Who is you?"

It seems that I have never seen this Korean side. After a while, I don’t know what I thought of it. I was deeply polite: "It turned out that my ancestors were coming, and I was polite. Since the predecessors testified, this matter is naturally true. ”

In the tone, there are more or less unbelief.

Zong Shou helpless, had to continue to open the mouth of Qiankun bag, and pour the body of the seventh-order firebird. After a short time, it is piled up in the size of a hill.

Fortunately, on the third floor of this Gongde Building, it was also blessed with the secret of space. The place is very large and it is not piled up.

I guessed that there should be a number of 60,000 merits, and Zong Shou would like to close the bag.

Unexpectedly, after the Korean side smiled, he grabbed his hand and took Zong Shou’s hand: “The younger brother is too kind to the red fire and golden phoenix, but it makes me a big shackle and consumes a lot. Moreover, when the younger brother enters in advance, it is not necessary to know the rules of the sacred path. Within the Linghe River, the hunts should be exchanged for my life."

Zong Shou was speechless and had to let the Qiankun bag dump. I thought I could make a fortune, but now it is soup.

Cangsheng does have this rule, but when I entered, I did not expect that it would be so much.

In fact, he only needs 35,000 merits. How good are these poultry bodies to sell?

What can be used to convert to the merits of Cangsheng Road?

The 300,000 merits in the Cangsheng Road are placed outside~www.readwn.com~ Excluding the animal crystal, the material on the poultry body is enough to sell at least one thousand seven-order animal crystals, enough to buy a lot. Something is gone.

It took half an hour to collect it. When all the poultry were dumped, it took a while. That Fu Wu was completely stunned, and after a full half, he woke up.

First, I did not dare to pay attention to the South Korean side, seeing the unknown ancestral elders nodded. Fu Wu was so fascinated and began to calculate merits.

It took two hours to get the result, and took a deep breath: "The income of this same door is about 490,000 merits. Fuwu wants to thank the younger brother, there are these materials, I am alive. Within three years, the seventh-order spiritual materials of the lower-order disciples will not be able to help me to grow up."

This is grateful, but it is sincere. Even if the Wonderland is strong, it is impossible to find so many seventh-order firebirds in a short time.

Most of the ranks of the strong, there is no such time.

Zong Shou only feels helpless and reluctant to take out his own ancestral token.

When I saw the Zongshou token, the words of the three generations of true disciples, this Fuwu's face changed again, and then I felt awkward.

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