Divine Brilliance

Chapter 426: Camp confrontation

"As far as I know, as early as three months ago, Tai Lingzong had sent dozens of elite disciples, together with six hundred soldiers, and the former Yanchengguan was stationed to guard the original Jiuchen."

Zhao Yuran is the face of the sè Tieqing said: "Where Muling, Longling, Tailing three, are all stepping into the seventh order. The most important thing to pay attention to is the season's spirit. These four people are Among the descendants of Tai Lingzong, the most outstanding ones. Among them, the head of Ji Lingzi, not only has already entered the eighth order, but also the most terrible population.

Zong Shou frowns and listens carefully to Zhao Ruran, the past deeds and evaluations of these people.

"This season, the spirit of the Sixth-order Yang Yang Ling Shi, has once defeated ten Xuanwu masters with one's own strength. Known as the genius of Fufa, it is a figure called the three swords in the cloud world. It is said that This time, this person is deliberately forcibly suppressed, and does not make his own cultivation to break through the eighth order. He rushed to Yanchengguan to preside over the affairs. And there is more than one of the Tailing sects who have been there, and they have heard this one by one. It’s already a cold heart. He knows that this sacred mission is extremely difficult, but it’s not quite the same. It’s hard to get to this point.

Only Zhao Zhaoran mentioned the name, and the seventh-order power has four. The original Jiu Chen itself is also considered one.

Yanchengguan is a stalwart in the southwest of the Central Dynasty. The seventh-order master, not only the original nine Chen. The rest of the Taoist priests and Confucianism will certainly send out the strong.

That place has become a place where Tai Ling Zong and Cang Sheng Dao fight.

In Zongshou’s heart, almost immediately raised an impulse to escape.

Or, as the South Koreans have said, it is a matter of saving the three million people.

This assassination of the original Jiuchen, you don't have to think about it, wait until more than ten years later.

Condensed with an eyebrow, Zong Shou is a sigh.

After all, he still couldn’t stand by and watched him. He’s really valued him. It’s just that the huge Tibetan Buddhist scriptures have no hidden concealment for him. For this reason, he can't help but do his best.

If possible, Zong Shou also wants to try to see if he can save the future of Cangsheng.

Let your own sects avoid decline and move toward prosperity.

I rubbed my eyebrows with my fingers, but after half a mile, I still had no income.

Zong Shou then laughed and laughed, and Chen Rou said that there is a good saying that knowing oneself and knowing oneself can win every battle.

In addition to the fact that Tai Lingzong has already sent people to intervene, the rest do not know, but can come up with something and therefore come out.

Suddenly, the slight movement of the heart looked at the other girl who was also worried.

"Ryun Lan, I know that the news of your light door in the central Yunlu is very good. Can you help me to check the details of this original Jiuchen, where is his family, and who is in Yanchengguan? Which one has the opportunity to be promoted. Who is the Yancheng Guandu Association who will take over? There is also the Hanwang, the lord of this person, and everything about the Liaowang. Yes, there are Yanchengguan and Helian Tieshan. Nearby topographic map one ~"

Xuan Yunlan heard the words but was stunned. Hanwang and Liaowang, both of whom are the emperors of the current central dynasty, were dispatched outside and defended one side.

This Hanwang and topographic maps are gone, the latter is indispensable, the former is the head of the original Jiu Chen. But why should we look at the Liaowang, tens of thousands of miles away, and the land is sealed in the northeast of the central cloud, and it has nothing to do with this matter.

Carefully enlightened for a moment, Xuan Yunlan is already the heart of the míhuò, but still point the point.

Now that the Highness wants it, then I try my best, anyway, it is not difficult for them to light the door. This person has been relegated to the land for less than a year. It is a rare young lord. If he tells, he must have a deep meaning.

Zong Shou went to India and picked it up again. I remember that I used to go to Zongmen’s first wish, which was Tai Ling.

But now, it is to see each other.

"Right, weak water, now the national name of the Central Dynasty, is the big business right?"

Sleeping in the eyes, sitting in the weak water behind him, for a moment did not know the intention of the Zong Shou, had to ‘Well, a voice, it was an answer.

After Zong Shou, it was a look of silence in the distance.

I hope that when I am bored in later generations, the historical materials I read are all true ※※※※※

The experience of Xuanshu is indeed rich. Leading these five hundred people, they shuttled among the barren mountains. All things, eating and drinking Lazarus, are properly arranged, and no one has to use Zongshou to intervene.

Even the same as the master of the family, looking at the most critical eye, can not find the slightest omission. I can’t see anything, and I’m likely to leak the flaws.

When Zong Shou is satisfied, he will simply let all things go and let Xuanzhu do it. These five hundred people are hosted by others, just as easy. How do you stay in the cloud car and consolidate your own cultivation.

Although it is a combination of the sixth pair of veins, it is still somewhat unstable. It took a full six days, the new two veins, which was in his bones, smooth circulation.

And the infuriating element also began to strengthen his skeleton.

Taking advantage of the lurking dragon in the body, the remaining Thunder essence.

Almost every day, Zong Shou feels his body and is stronger. From the breakthrough of the realm, his physical strength, at the explosive speed, began to grow.

Only twenty days later, under the leadership of Xuanzhu, the group passed through the vast sea of ​​the vast sea, and the other end of the huge desert, only 10,000 miles away from the city.

At this time, those sacred dragons are okay, and they don’t care much about the harsh environment of the desert.

The elite disciples of many Zongmen were languid. Until then, they knew that they were about to leave the sand sea before they recovered their vitality.

Only the grievances against Zong Shou have gradually warmed up.

At the time of camping at night on this day, this grievance finally had some signs of an explosion.

The campsite of Zongshou has been arranged in the center of the entire camp. This day, sitting next to the campfire, I realized the characters in the five elements. I saw the Xie Guan not far away, and suddenly walked slowly.

When he got outside of his three feet, he stopped and walked over and looked coldly.

“The chief knows that these many same doors have already resentful to the chief heart?”

Zong Shou helpless, knowing that he is at the moment, do not want to calm down and enlighten. I had to stop and open my eyes: "I know, but this is what it is like with Yancheng."

Xie Guan was stunned by úchún, with his hand pressing the sword, his disdain said: "I am too lazy to fight with you, the chief you y ù ,, Xie Guan I can not help. Now just want to ask, you have said to my brother The ability of our Xuanyang sect disciples, but this is the case."

Zong Shou heard a word and swept away, not far away, Lizhe in the crowd. I saw this person, it was just a sigh of sorrow, with a bit of nervous look. It seems that I can't think of this Xie An, I will ask him directly.

Can not help but frown, my heart is cold.

"Don't say it!"

That thank you look, suddenly awkward, but still refused to leave. Stepping forward, a forceful sword, suddenly vacated.

"I don't know if I talk to my uncle, can I swear by my heart?"

Zong Shou’s pupils suddenly squashed, and his temperament was so gentle that he could not help but rise up a bit of anger.

The corner of the eye, the more hope to see the Lizhe, is already a face of fainting, the tension is more intense.

Know yourself, just one sentence, you can tear down this person's lies.

Zong Shou was a cold smile and shook his head directly: "I don't want it!"

The look of Na Lizhe was obviously stunned, and then he chuckled again, and he turned to gloating.

And the look of Xie Guan is also a moment, yīn 翳 翳. After a long time, I breathed a deep breath: "Okay! After a year, I will see you will fight with you and challenge the chief. Let the chief see, what is the skill of my Xuanyang Zong disciples. I hope that at that time, You can break through the seventh order!"

After that, afterwards, he would not want to talk to Zong Shou, and turned and walked away.

Zhao Xiaoran next to him has already heard the powerlessness. I dare not wait for Xie Guan to go far, but it is very helpless to go to Zong Shoudao. "Talk to the Chief! Do you know that Lizhe is in the middle of provoking the inability to let a handful? I have not done it before, only one vow of vows, and Why care?"

The step of Xie Guan’s footsteps suddenly stopped, seemingly waiting for the answer from Zong Shou.

Zong Shou faintly shook his head: "This sentence, I did not say before the autumn. But now, it really is that the Xuanyangzong disciple's ability, but that is all."

The elite children of Xuanyangzong are glaring at it. When this statement came out, they even stood up and pressed their swords to make the atmosphere of this space instantly silent.

And that Xie Guan, also turned around, his eyes sharp as an arrow, fixed hopes came over, as if wishing, to completely penetrate the body of Zong Shou.

Not far from the world, Luo Shi, even more sneer: "Great tone! Xuanyang Zong's brothers and sisters, even my cold spirits, but also ask themselves to be quite equal. Not the chief, I also think that I am a cold disciple, But that's it?"

Zong Shouyixiao~www.readwn.com~ I don't want to argue with it, but the look of the face is like saying that the words of Luo Shi are in agreement.

At this moment, not only the look of the disciples of Xuanyang Zongzi, but also the people of the cold spirits, the face is also very unsightly.

Zhao Yuran is no longer in the language, can only be weak with Xuan Yunlan, fixed to stare at Zong Shou.

The latter seems to be unconscious, but secretly prepared. His disposition is like this.

People respect me a foot, I respect a man. People ruined me a bit, I won three fights.

It’s just that I can’t find an excuse to take this person’s embarrassment. He came over with a cloud-carrying car, and it was just for the thorns, these people could turn their faces best.

Are these people's temperament not all unruly? They tamed themselves. Isn’t it a sexual slut, not a slogan? Using fists naturally makes these people honestly obey!

Xie An’s look is getting colder and colder. Luo Shi is also a cold company, stepping out of the atmosphere, the atmosphere of the entire camp, is already on the verge. It can be followed by a cold and awkward sound. ! .

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