Divine Brilliance

Chapter 444: Yuan 1 Yin Jian

...the fourth four four chapter yuan one yīn sword (recommended for the monthly ticket)

"Can you dare to fight me fair?"

When the voice fell, the many disciples who were stalking the words heard aloud.

Then the next moment, Luo Shi sneered.

"Fair war! You are a man, it’s a shameless! Chief, don’t pay attention to it--"

If the gap between the fifth and sixth levels is ten times, then the gap between the seventh and eighth is nearly a hundred times!

The three of them, although they were the chief disciple of the Cangsheng Palace in the autumn, they all wanted to fight for a battle. But no one has ever thought about it. Even if you decide to challenge, you have to wait for the autumn, and then go beyond this.

Xuanxu Xuanchi, and Xuanye Xie An several people, are also face sèyīn cold down.

Ji Lingzi did not care, and his eyes were forced to wear, as if to wear Zong Shou.

Zong Shou himself is somewhat heart-warming, and he has the heart to teach again. The secret martial art of Tai Lingzong - Taiqing rides the sword!

Exercising in the hands of a core disciple like Ji Lingzi will surely give him a glimpse of the whole leopard, and it will be a completely different experience.

Just think about it again, but it's not worth it. When others say that they want to fight, they will be stupid. There is no advantage in winning. In front of the strong god, I am afraid that I can’t kill people. Many killings can’t be used. It is an idiot to promise.

It is not a battle of life and death. The effect of his sword training is small and small.

A cold glimpse, Zong Shou's chún corner, also revealed a bit of disdain.

The face of the spirit of the season changed, and I knew the meaning of Zong Shou, and the defeated man, the courage and bravery? The group has already won, so why bother with you?

But still some unwilling, suddenly bite his teeth. From the Qiankun bag, I took out two things and threw them out.

"I will gamble on the egg of this beast. Do you dare not dare to talk about autumn?"

The eyes of Zong Shou, a slight glimpse. Looking at the two things that are floating on one side, I saw a fist-sized turtle egg, sè is pale black, and the egg shell is covered with dense purple gold runes.

"--This is, Xuan Ling turtle eggs?"

In the entire Black Spirit Valley, the moment is one silence. This animal egg is not really a beast, but it is almost the same.

Zong Shou is also a bright eye, this is the heart of the flowers and flowers, unintentional willows.

At that time, in the municipal level on the side of the Cangsheng Palace, the Xuan yīn turtle was not able to be traded. At this time, it was seen that a bloodline was closer to Xuanwu and closer to the ground.

The mysterious turtle eggs, once hatched, are the true sixth-order peaks. Compared with the red-hot golden phoenix egg, it is completely unreasonable.

This chip is really making him feel excited.

The mind has been decided, but Zong Shou then looked up. Then the next moment, I heard a voice passed down coldly.

"You can fight the sword, you can't hurt it!"

Zong Shoumei’s pick, this voice is strange, not like from the Korean side. He also thought that the ancestor of Tai Lingzong would take the opportunity to let them fight, and life and death will come.

I couldn’t help but lick the corner of chún. I can’t take this opportunity to take this person’s life.

But still leaping down the silver scale stepping beast, put the big red sword on the door, and put it on the ground!

The Xuanlong sword of the mouth system is used in conjunction with the practice of the Xinglong Xuanlongshi. Like those **** clouds, it is only a pseudo fifth-order instrument.

Therefore, the only thing that can't be opened is the Xuan Tiewen Mountain.

If you really want to fight, you still have to change your edge.

Take the fire yīn sword directly, and Zong Shou went to the spirit of the season. In the Cangsheng Road, I changed my identity. This sword has naturally changed its face.

That time, after refining the gold and silver. Zong Shou also took it, and in addition to the bone sword, he also wrapped a layer of this spirit. It is equivalent to a scabbard and can be removed when not in use. Once put on, it only slightly affected the weight and sharpness of the sword.

Also, when he had just stood still, the eyes of the season had flashed a trace of cold. A sword and shadow, like the wind into the wind, suddenly flying! In the twinkling of an eye, the fierce swordsmanship has already rushed to the neck of Zongshou!

Zongshou’s brow was picked, and the sword in his hand was also swung out. He only heard a muffled sound of ‘铿’. It was dangerous and dangerous, and it was almost at the last minute before the sword light bounced off.

At this time, a lot of disciples around the world were relaxed. Xuan Ye is a cold voice: "Shameless!"

The sword that was only a sneak attack was standing on the stand of the enemy of life and death. However, in the case of the military, it is not shameful. The character of this season is already inferior.

Among the people, even Yongqin is also a worry. I don't know what it is like to talk about autumn.

Is this guy really thinking that he can win the mysterious turtle? Even if you master the extremes of the sword, it is not easy to win the seventh order with the sixth order. Why do you have to fight this person?

Followed by, is a series of ‘Dangdang’ sounds. Just like rain and banana, countless swords, and scattered around. With a sword, the stone walls on both sides are drawn with countless deep marks.

Even in the vicinity, the people of both Cangsheng and Tailingzong had to withdraw from the dozens of degrees.

However, among the people, they are more and more surprised.

The sword shadow of Ji Lingzi is almost as fast as it is impossible to see. Between only one breath, you can take out twenty or thirty swords. This is too clear to ride the wind sword, but it is indeed a terrible, although the speed of the sword is fast, the power is not reduced. Instead, a sword is faster than a sword. Jianguang dances with the wind. He is also talking about the autumn, and picks up a raging tornado.

To be completely no less than the destruction of the two squadrons in the recent past, destroying everything around!

But the autumn in this storm is still a good one. The speed of his skill is naturally far from the spirit of the season, and the difference can not be justified. But it turned into a savage sword, always able to easily block.

Gradually, at his body circumference, he formed a circular sword circle. Only one foot, but it is like a thunder pool, insurmountable!

No matter how Ji Lingzi, how to impact, how to beat, never collapsed, nor has it ever been deformed.

It seems that there is a suction, not only slowly absorbs the spirit of the heavens and the earth. The swordsman that the spirit of the season took out, rushing into the circle of the sword, often like mud cows into the sea, no more sound, as if born to swallow everything.

The people next to them gradually saw some doorways. It was previously thought that Zong Shou was able to resist, and it was an amazing pre-judgment after relying on the martial arts to a very high level. At the moment, it was discovered that the swordsmanship exhibited by Zong Shou was indeed extraordinary.

Xuanye and Luo Shi, the people who know the goods, are even more condensed. This swordsmanship is almost unguarded, and it seems to contain several kinds of swords and shadows.

Even if there are still many flaws, this sword circle can be replaced by opponents. No matter what method you want, it seems that it is difficult to break through.

In the sky, there were two horror sounds. I don't know if it is from the mouth of the South Korean side, or the autumn cloud.

Two vast hún thoughts, again b. More than that, the faint feeling can be felt, and there are other stocks that are more subtle and more tyrannical, and they are here.

Zong Shou is at the moment, but is enjoying it! He hasn't been so happy for a long time, and he has arbitrarily sprinkled his swordsmanship. It is almost the best, and the sword in his hand will follow!

This body inside, as well as the outer column of the steel column, it is really able to withstand the real impact of the seventh-order powerhouse!

It is full of muscles and muscles, and even blood and bones. Although it is also suffering from a huge pressure, but it is no longer like the Julong Mountain, it is oppressed to almost the feeling of being broken.

Can compete with this season, and is getting more and more adapted.

Previously, I still barely kept up. At this moment, it was easy to stop the sword of Ji Lingzi in advance.

In this world, I have been struggling for nearly two years. Today, he is finally able to compete with these seventh-order powerhouses, and can compete with one of them!

What is even more gratifying is that this sword he has performed in the past life, and the swordsmanship that has been constantly improved in this world can finally be used in actual combat today! And it seems that the effect is very good.

Then, Zong Shou no longer pays attention to his own sword, thinking without thinking, letting instinct to deal with it.

More, it is to observe the mystery of the Taiqing Qingfeng sword, in the scorpion, revealing the light of hunting.

There is experience in the past life. If you want to steal the sword, you must first look at the sword and then check the sword.

Get your **** first, then learn its shape. In this way, even if you don't know the specific points of your heart, you can probably steal most of them!

And every time the attack, Zong Shou can judge the other person's infuriating and running in that round through the real mutual impulse.

After only two hundred swords, a rough internal cycle diagram. It has been faint, and it appears in his mind.

But at this time, in the void, it was passed down again.

"What's useless, are you ready to take the Taiqing Qing dynasty's set of Taiqing's swords, so that the kid's full mathematics will be willing?"

That season, the spirit was first shocked, and then the figure floated backwards and retreated to twenty feet.

At this time, the two people's body ~ www.readwn.com ~ has long been a mess, everywhere are pits. A piece of ground was flattened for more than a dozen feet. The stone walls on both sides are also in jeopardy and almost collapsed.

Only Zong Shou's body week is intact, just a square!

Ji Lingzi breathed a deep breath and suppressed the bō澜 in his heart. The eighth-order sword in the hand is getting brighter and more glaring.

"What sword technique are you? Why have I never heard of it?"

Zong Shou’s eyes are stunned and he knows each other and is accumulating power. The next sword, I am afraid that is the time to decide the outcome, but did not care much, replied faintly: "I did not hear it is normal, this is a yīn sword, is my own sword!"

The way of heaven and earth, one life two, two three, three things.

His sword, the tens of thousands of streams, can naturally be two, the sword is divided into yīn yang.

It is precisely recently that the big day yīn Yang Faxiang, gave him inspiration.

*JRM! .

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