Divine Brilliance

Chapter 455: 0古善政

The forty-fiveth chapter of the age of good governance (the second is to recommend the monthly ticket)

Chai Yuan can't help but hear the secret belly. Every time I come back, the most joyful thing to watch is the you. .

In fact, if this monarch really can't stand it, I want to stop it. This is why the Tianshan Mountain is expensive, and who dares to let it go before him?

Whether it's doing it yourself or calling the outside garrison, you can end the farce.

He also saw it early, and Zong Shou seemed to be indulging in the discussion of the temple.

It was the first snow, and it was also squinting, and I looked at my girl very thinly.

Zong Shou is not aware of it. He has been despised by both of them. He is a headache and sighs: "It’s not a system! You are not afraid of being jokes. If you have the strength to fight, you might as well use it on the battlefield!" Hey, Chai Shu’s cross-practice method is really good."

The two next to them hurriedly looked at it, and it was a burst of dance. I saw that Chai Yuan, madly, smashed the tables and chairs around the body. The man who was so sap was also flying his big feet. In addition to the eyes still a little dizzy, the whole body up and down, is no loss.

At this time, it was not only those who participated in the discussion, but also those who listened to it, and some people jumped into the battle.

On the other side of the stand, the face of the silver-haired girl and Li’s surnamed two are already very weird.

"The two people are the heads of the Tianshan City Wind Bear Tiehu and the Tigers? Hey, this is also the Minister of the DPRK? It’s a blatant fight, what about the villagers? What is the official body? It really is a wild land! ”

The silver-haired girl also licked her eyebrows and carefully looked at the direction of the head. She was also shaking her head.

"This sect seems to be like a human being -"

Just talking about it, just listen to it, and the same words are ringing.

"This child is not like a human being! What qualifications are there, according to the land of the thirteen provinces? The more you look at the cloud and the incompetence, the more you become famous."

The silver-haired girl suddenly had a strange look and looked to the side. I saw the young man who was seen in the restaurant. But the person who spoke only was next to the person, a blue shirt middle age.

The son did not shake his head, but he couldn’t help it. He only said faintly: "The more the cloud and the tyrants, the anger and the anger, there are still some skills. The demon king, two years ago, should be taken, and it is indeed wise. Shenwu. Being able to enter the door of the Longying old man, the qualifications must also be the top choice, but now -"

The latter words have not been said. *Very literature* The young man’s voice was also squinting, and some vigilantly looked in this direction.

The silver-haired girl smiled and took back her sight. She has abilities, and even if she has spiritual protection, she often cannot pass her ears.

Although this eavesdropping thing is somewhat wrong, it is even more necessary, and it is too close.

Then I only listened to my side. The surname Li was brows and wrinkled, and the face smiled bitterly: "Supervisor! I am now, some doubts about my own judgment. This is so ridiculous, even if I have the support of the big business, I am afraid that the mud can not help the wall, on No tabletop. I might as well go to the Dragon Elephant City to see it later. The east side is somewhat ambitious, and it is better than this dry Tianshan."

The silver armor girl nodded and did not speak. Looking at the so-called "consultation" that is a melee below, I always feel that something is wrong.

In the heart, there is a slight recognition of the situation here. Think carefully, but can't think of the reasons for recognition.

After thinking for a moment, if you think about it: "This dry Tianshan, it is really worthy of Wu Liguo, everyone is good, quite bloody. The Quartet barbaric power is stronger than my big business people, there is no cause ""

Under the first book of the House of Representatives, Zong Shou is still completely ignorant. He has been completely labeled with a few people in the stands.

Still shaking his head: "I am worried now, the prospect of this hall, so what is Sven? Is it true that the establishment of the Senate was right or wrong?"

That is what Bo Wenyan said, but it is confusing: "Where did you say this on the king? The former minister could not see clearly, but now the court thinks that His Highness is wise, but it is wise!"

See Zongshou’s strange turn. Ren Bo continued with a chuckle: "Even if you are a wise monarch, there can be no mistakes. In the annals of history, those who are young and heroic, but because of their long time in office, or too old, are gradually fainting kings. There are quite a few. Often those who are the founding kings, the talents are handsome. The candidates who succeeded in the latter are not satisfactory. Only the world is selfish and greedy, and the kings of the past have never been willing to be like this.

Again: "The Senate is set up. I can do many things in Tianshan. I can argue in the bright side. Many disputes of interests can also be solved in a more reasonable way. Many of the powers in the city can also be safe from now on, without worrying about yourself all day. The thing is deprived of the robbing for no reason. The monarch is of course self-removing of the kingship, but many things have nothing to do with the monarchy, and it is to be borne by these many congresses. In the temple, every three or five days have a fight, though It is mostly for the benefit of the family, but there are many times when it is true for the people. The official body? Sven? Hey! If it allows me to do the people of Tianshan, everyone is rich and healthy. What is the use of these? The civil servant is indeed a Sven, very official body! But most of them are against the people, they are all people who are not living. It is often these decent people who are so sleazy, secretly stunned, and do everything that hurts the world. In short, this system of participation, the minister carefully It is really a lot of benefits! Sometimes the old ministers have thought about it. Is it because the ancient emperors of the ancient times of the ancient times have ruled the world? Is my Confucian classics wrong in the end, or is it misinterpreted?

Zong Shou picked up his eyebrows and didn't think of Ren Bo. He would scream in it and say a lot of words. Appreciation of this system of participation is appreciated. It seems that the central dynasty is also deeply resentful.

It is said that his prime minister also seems to come from the central cloud. Before encountering his ‘father’, he was quite unbearable.

In fact, he built this forum, but he did not think too much. What's more, when you are not there, you can use these arguments to clamp down on the cabinet.

Purely lazy, even if you are not in your position, government affairs can also run smoothly.

Someone is embarrassed to be boasted. Zong Shou was proud of his heart, and he was slightly shy on the face: "The singer has a good reputation, and Zong Shou He De He can, can't compare with those holy emperors."

That Ren Bo shook his head seriously: "I have never been acclaimed. Ren Bo can assist the two generations of the father and son. It is a good fortune! Even in the afterlife, I am willing to enter the army, even if I am a dog, I am better than Business!"

Zong Shouyi, carefully looked at Ren Bo, his eyes slightly stunned, a sad feeling. This old man looks like his age, but his age is not small. Wu Zongjing can extend life for eighty years. I can only live for a maximum of forty or fifty years.

When I was lost, suddenly I heard a cry from the ear and said, "Less Lord, be careful!"

Zong Shou stunned and looked in front of him. Then I saw only a dozen eggs, and flew straight to the bottom of the table.

I didn’t pay attention to it, but it’s very close at the moment. Hurry to dodge, but still can not be, was two eggs, is holding his head. ‘啪嗒’ two sounds, the egg yolk, immediately sprinkled him with a look.

The face of Zong Shou is always a piece of iron. Huo Ran stood up and completely smashed the table.

The first snow was originally a reluctant, secretly snickering. At this moment, I was shocked, and I quickly hid far away, so as not to be angered by the younger who had become an adult-shaped storm.

There, Ren Bo, also faceless, silently opened the distance.

In the entire hall of the council, the ‘responsible’ in those melees are also not right. I felt a very cold and cold, extremely oppressive atmosphere, covering the entire hall of the council.

So they stopped their hands and turned their heads to look up. When I saw the top of my head, I was hanging from the two pieces of broken egg shells. Suddenly, I was shocked and filled my face with cold sweat.

Even the tiger and the firewood, and at this moment is also awkward. The heart is dark, this is which is not open, this egg is thrown to them, why go to provoke the king?

Zong Shou’s sight was cold, and he glanced at the temple, and then he stared at the direction of the egg.

Then there was a slight glimpse, only to see the tiger Zhongyuan and Chai Zhou, at this time it was twisting in one place.

In addition to these two people, there will be no others next to them.

These two, he remembers still sitting on the sidelines. I don't know when, but I actually jumped down. It is estimated that I want to help their old father, and then they will become a group.

The face of Zong Shou is getting more and more gloomy: "Who are you two, who is doing good things?"

That Chai Zhouhu and the Central Plains had originally started their battles. At this time, they did not feel right. After hearing the words, I glanced around and was shocked. There was no blood. Quickly jump off, without hesitation, just point to each other.

"It's him!"

Zong Shou snorted ~www.readwn.com~ The eyes are even more sullen, and the line of sight is like a knife, sweeping to the people below.

Looking around, those who have never seen him are still good. Some people who had attacked the city with him, swept across several provinces, or had once passed through the sea of ​​clouds, felt that their legs were soft and half-squatted.

I was secretly thinking in my heart. How could I not see it for half a year? The gentleman, the more majestic, the more intimidating this momentum?

It is clearly a self-removal authority, and it is clear that it has not handled government affairs for nearly a year. But why not, they are more respectful to this young demon king.

"It’s really good! I’m going to build this hall of the House of Representatives. I want you to supervise the cabinet and help you to sort out the big government! But every day, if you don’t do anything, you will fight in this hall every day. It’s really a long-term skill! I see it like this. This is not the case, and it is not necessary to continue. It is simply abolished-"

That tiger Qianqiu and Chai Yuan, suddenly a big rush. And the public participation is also like earthy.

Next to Ren Bo, he also screamed at the brow, and he leaned over and said: "Jun, please think twice! Don't be mad at the moment, waste this good governance!"


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