Divine Brilliance

Chapter 461: Pure white dragon shadow

The forty-sixth chapter of pure white dragon shadow (recommended for the monthly ticket)

"Thousand City League, what is that?"

Throughout the hall, suddenly a silence. Uploaded by netizens == The smile of the broken snow is dead on the face.

After a long while, it recovered. It is still a smile, full of grace.

"I heard others say that my Highness is just strong, even if I was in a desperate situation two years ago, I would never have a half-recession. Now I see it, sure enough! Just this sentence, I still want to say the snow." The second city, half a month ago, has joined me in the Qiancheng League. There are 1,274 cities in our alliance, twenty-seven provinces, and 30 million troops backing up. That Longze and the two provinces, please also Your Highness, āo is still good!"

"Millions of troops? Oh, I am so scared!"

Zong Shou slammed his mouth without temperature, and smiled: "You are very interesting. You have been licking your left face and putting your right face together. The orphans are not already said, they have to fight and fight! Then, after today, you and me are both convenient and hostile. Give you three days to get out of the dry Tianshan border!"

The smashed snow smashed into a hole and was slightly unexpected. He thought that the Shou Shou would refuse. But I didn't expect the other party, as if I wanted to fight with them.

That is the Zong Ling. It is also sneer, yīn cold eyes, faintly sweeping. Not only did it not discourage the meaning of the family, but also a little bit of bloodthirsty.

Suddenly awakened, this old man is a powerful spiritual master who has followed Zong Weiran and has experienced hundreds of **** battles.

For a moment, it was a little hesitant. Could it be that this Tianshan Mountain, and other cards?

After thinking for a moment, the smashed snow shook his head again: "Just laughed, the soldiers were born and killed. Once they started fighting, they must be ruined. How can they play like this?"

This time, this is just the meaning of temptation. When I started fighting, I never thought about it.

There was only a grievance in my heart. As a result, it seemed that they were a thousand city alliances and became a party to the war. However, although the Qiancheng League is now prosperous, it is necessary to coordinate the various forces, but it takes a lot of time. It is indeed not the time for the war.

Also, the heart is fretting, is it the Tianshan Mountain, is it correct to see this point, is it ready to take the opportunity to make trouble?

Even after the disarmament of the Tianshan Mountains, the strength is stronger than the flames of the mountains. It is only limited by the five-year peace treaty, only the border of Chen Bing. At this time, it is indeed the last defeat of the dry day.

Putting out the thoughts clearly, the smashing snow in the sputum reveals a touch of jīng mang, the dry demon king, xìng love really decisive!

Next to Ge Xin, the face sè changed, and then sneered: "On the words of Jun, Ge Xin must be a word, do not change, tell me all the family, leave!"

Zhang Zhe also looked down on a faint look: "Since I can't talk about it, then Zhang Zhe is not helpful here! Right, my family is yin, the city owner has a word to tell his grandmother. It is said that it is the humiliation of the tyrant, the Lord. The hatred of the broken arm is always remembered in the heart, and must be guaranteed—"

When I said it, it stopped short. I only felt a cold and incomparable killing, suddenly hit. Directly hitting the depths of his heart, as if to say a word more, his head will fall.

It was cold and the mouth was squeaky. After a long time, Ge Xin was barely able to speak: "The two armies are fighting, but they are still not coming. Is the king ready to kill the envoy?"

Zong Shou Yi Le, this guy is really a fangs. If you change to another place, such a person has long been stunned and looked annoying. On these occasions, it is really not easy to do it.

I waved my sleeve directly and said a word "rolling". I was too lazy to care about these little people.

Ge Xin Li was relieved, feeling that bitter killing, and finally subsided. After the words, I dare not continue, the footsteps are slightly embarrassing, out of the temple mén.

Kong Yao over there, looking at the funny, but secretly shaking his head. For the senses of this demon king, it is more and more complicated.

On the one hand, I admire the strength and strength of this person's heart, on the one hand, I look down on the coping method of the demon king.

Too much refusal, no room for manoeuvre. If it is the dry Tianshan, the forces are indeed stronger than the other side, then it is all. But even before the disarmament, when the Tianshan Mountain was full, it could not be compared with the military power of the Qiancheng League.

What's more, after these three major forces, it has the shadow of Dongling Zhuzong.

If you change to be a squat, you will not be so unwise, you will be more eager to deal with āo involvement.

The face of the smashed snow sè, at this time can no longer maintain the grace of the turbidity of the world, and looked at the figure in the throne above the cold, only to open again.

"Since these two have left, it is useless for the foreign minister to stay here. Thanks!"

Slightly leaning over the ceremony, the smashing snow chilled and smiled: "But today's business, please ask the monarch to think twice! I am a thousand city alliance to resist the power, smash the war, end the luàn world, so that I can live in harmony with the Zhucheng in the east. The purpose, therefore, is not willing to light war. However, if it is a last resort, it is not worthy of mobilizing troops. However, if Jun is willing to annex the land a year ago, āo is still the flames and the three cities of Taoyun. I am a thousand city alliance, It is also possible to accept the dry Tianshan. At that time, it is impossible to go to the country with you, a deputy leader. The grievances of Jun and Dongling Zhuzong can also be settled here-"

Halfway through the words, the smashed snow frowned and looked up. I saw Zong Shouzheng lazily yawning and then looked down curiously.

"Don't you say goodbye? Why don't you roll it, you can't wait for dinner here!"

The smashed snow was dumbfounded, and now I don’t miss it anymore. I turned to the temple and went outside.

Looking at this person, I walked out of the hall. Zong Shou is slightly brows, thoughtful. After a while, I tried it and simulated the voice of Zhang Zhe with real power, whispered.

"The Lord of the City?"

That yang smashed snow did not think much, the subconscious should have a voice. Then the whole figure is completely frozen.

After a few interest, I turned around helplessly. I saw Zongshou’s face. It was all a little fox-like smile. I couldn’t wait to punch a punch on his face.

"It is Yang Fan! Dragon Elephant City Lord."

Lightly breathed a sigh of relief, Yang Fan took the hand behind the road. "I don't know what to do, how to deal with it!"

Although he was regained his identity, Yang Fan’s face was not ugly, but instead he took a bit of exploration.

“How to dispose of it?”

Zong Shou's eyes slightly picked up: "This lonely is still not thought of. But since the dragon elephant owner can see that I am doing Tianshan, personally here, then why not stay for some time, let the loneliness of the landlord?"

That Yang Fan heard the words, but couldn’t help but smile, as if he heard a joke that was funny, but he couldn’t suppress it. The laughter was getting bigger and bigger, and it’s getting louder and louder. The tiles above are also shaking.

"Haha! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Since the king dared to come here, how could he not be prepared? I look at the friendship of the landlord, you should not use cào heart."

The sound of laughter, long time. And the shadow of that Yang Fan's eyebrows was gradually put on a layer of yīn cold.

"Which! This time, I will not be willing to try it. Oh, the Lord Zongcheng knows that the last thing you should do today is to break the identity of my yangfan in this hall! The ancients have words, near咫 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

When Zong Shouzheng raised his eyebrows, the figure of Yang Fan suddenly burst open. Then a two-person-sized silver figure suddenly flew out of the dense fog and looked deep inside the hall. Attacked.

Look carefully, but it is not the real person who is wearing a hyperthyroidism. I saw the whole body up and down, it is a layer of silver sè. The blood sè rune is painted on it, just like the blood meridians, the psionic power of hao dàng, flowing along the line.

Although it is a paper man, but that breath, but it is not inferior to the eight-order yīn蛟 that was seen in the evil spirit ditch before the sè.

A boxing out, just the hurricane brought up, will be inside the hall, all the red and black wooden chairs, all smashed.

Zong Ling smashed his eyebrows, raising his hand was a brilliance flying out, actually a sixth-order spiritual shield, in front of the silver-clad paper people.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was smashed by the paper man! In the mouth of Zong Ling, a blood spurted out, and the whole person stepped back a few steps.

The arrogance of the silver-clad paper people is not reduced. The speed of flying is also faster than before.

Kong Yao wrinkled his eyebrows and pressed his hand against his waist. I am hesitating whether to save. But see the top of the Zongshou sè, from the beginning to the end are plain, no panic.

My heart must be remembered, remembering the demon king, a year and a half ago, it was already a disciple of the Long Ying old man. How is it possible that there is no means to save lives?

The dry Tianshan is thirteen, and it is impossible for no strong people to rely on it.

This matter was also not used by her outsider, and it was a good thing for her mission.

The same hand presses the sword, the gaze of Zong Shou, just like the ancient well cold lake, clear and cold, not seeing half a minute b.

Yuan Yijian, who has never used it for a long time, quietly and idly, sneaked into the fire yīn sword on his side.

This sword is contained in his soul. It is not the rough at the beginning, and there is gradually a dragon in the middle.

And just in the silver-paper man close to the front of the ten-footed ,, Zong Shou's fire yīn sword, only smashed ~www.readwn.com~ the breath of the whole person, also suddenly changed, steady and the river Strong as the world!

When the swordsmanship of the red-yellow sè, it also brought up a breeze that made people feel dàng.

The next one, I heard a sharp bang. That Hao dàng Jianqi, directly put this silver armor paper, divided into two!

However, with the sound of the bursting sound, a dozen of thunderballs in the interior also slammed out.

"Nine yīn sons Lei? Hey, it turns out,"

Coldly screamed, Zong Shou in the handle of the sword chā back to the scabbard. Then he reached out and took all of the dozen or so thunderballs in his hand. The thunderball that made this explosion quickly returned to calm.

At the moment, Kong Yao, but it was a stunned. It is not for the sword and the spiritual method of Zong Shoucai, but for the red sword.

The sword is red and yellow, pure white dragon shadow, this is the ‘Holy King’!


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