Divine Brilliance

Chapter 465: Pain

The forty-sixth chapter of the painful heart and lungs, the second, ask for a monthly ticket for recommendation)

The mountains of Qiankun, the smashed part of the temple that has been beaten. ()

Zong Shou is sighing and looking at the ground in front of him. Those chairs, except for the one that Kong Yaoya had previously sat on, remained intact. The rest have been turned into powder.

This is the top red black wood! The weight of ten pounds, the price is better than the fourth-order spirit soldiers! It is said that it can be prolonged for years of life. The wooden chair is from the hands of the master. When I bought it, I spent at least a thousand fourth-order beast crystals.

But now, it is completely ruined.

Not only these chairs, but also four wooden beams were destroyed inside the hall. Not to mention the 'bricks on the ground, that's all real gold.

Seeing this partial temple, if you don't overhaul it, I am afraid that it will collapse after a short time. This is also the countless animal crystal expenditure.

The old sacrifice, Zong Ling, is closing his eyes and pretending to be a nurse. As for the frowning face on the side, I don’t know.

He smiled in his heart. He knew that Zong Shou was on the one hand and enjoyed the luxury. On the other hand, he loved money.

This time, it is estimated that I really have to die.

\"In the future, I will see the messenger. All things worth more than one elementary animal crystal must be removed for me! The things you use must be as cheap as possible!"

With this conclusion in mind, the look of Zong Shou has finally returned to normal. And 'snacked, suddenly realized: \" No wonder the kings of the past to meet the ministers of the land, often with solemn simplicity as the top. It makes sense, it really makes sense! Save money, but also get a good reputation, Even if you are beaten, you don’t feel bad, why not?

Zong Ling’s brow was a little bit of picking and tearing. He was a little bit smirking. Finally, he opened his eyes: “On the king, I’m watching the ambassadors of the two cities of the blazing flames. They are all in full swing. I’m afraid I’ve done a good job with me. A preparation for this. It is estimated that when the soldiers are in the territory of my dry days, it will not exceed three months!"

Zong Shou’s eyes glimpsed and then smiled. The latest chapter of the church is similar to the heroes. He also judged this. In three months, he used the speed of the production of Wu Zongjing in Tianshan City. At that time, it is enough to increase the number of two thousand, at least half, to enter the blood cloud ride.

Four thousand blood clouds and iron rides, really do not believe, in addition to the former three holy places, there is also a sect, can harden the strength of the Tianshan City.

Today's dry Tianshan, every day, can be a strong point.

\"Lonely knowing what you mean, returning to your own purpose to give the prime minister. To avoid being caught off guard, the spirits in those warehouses can secretly distribute the troops-"

When the voice did not fall, Zong Shou blinked in the eyes and looked at the side of the temple: "What happened?"

In the shadow of that direction, it is empty. With the words of Zong Shou, the figure of a girl suddenly appeared.

Looks lazy, as if you are not sleeping enough forever, look a little tired,

\"Only married two martial arts around him, Wu Zong, and a day traveler. He escaped, using the scorpio, the weak water can not catch up."

\"Scorpio? This person is really rich!"

Sending the same sigh with the weak water, Zong Shou is simply envious of hatred.

This Yang Fan, whether it is the 傀儡 灵 灵 , , , , , , , , , , 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九Only the powerful people in Wonderland will be produced.

He also has three pieces of Scorpio, which is the thing that has been accumulating merits and exchanges this year.

There are many good things in the Cangshengdao Palace. In the past year and a half, Zong Shou not only found the proper cultivation method and secret technique for the weak waters. More Amoy has a lot of treasures that can defeat the enemy at a critical time, or save lives.

This is the case with the Scorpio, which is said to be far between miles. Within the fairyland, it is impossible to trace.

However, Zong Shou has never been willing to use it. In fact, there is no chance to use it.

\"But! Let him eat a big loss before the war, it is not bad!"

When I think about it in the time of the proceedings, this Yang Fan’s look at his eyes is really uncomfortable. The latest chapter of the church

Just saying this, the whole mountain suddenly shook a little. Zong Shouyiyi, then swept to the edge of the high cliffs of this mountain.

Looking down, I saw dust in the sky, I saw the stone wall above the eight hundred feet below, and was suddenly wearing a large hole.

Zong Yuanzheng and Kong Yao, fighting in midair, all the way down until they fell to the bottom of the mountain.

Zong Shou only looked at it and recognized that it was a warehouse that stored low-ranking medicinal herbs.

After a glimpse of the spirit, I suddenly felt that it was a painful heartache, and I almost fell on my chest.

It was found that all of them were dusty gravel, and most of the wooden frames on which the medicine bottles were placed had fallen to the ground.

Such a warehouse has more than 20 in the second and third floors. It is a large-scale alchemy teacher trained in the Tianshan Mountains. It is not too valuable for practicing things.

But if it is sold, it can also be worth 600,000 orders! But now, there has been a powder because of the battle between Zongyuan and Nakongyao.

This guy is really a loser, and it’s not a pain to sell Ye Tian!


The face of Li Qing was screaming, and Zong Shou re-examined it with a clear understanding. This was a relaxed look.

This warehouse has a blessing of the spirits. When Zongyuan started, it was estimated that he also deliberately controlled his strength. Most of the medicine bottles are well preserved. Only some porcelain bottles are broken, but those auras are still good. Only at this moment, they are mixed in the mud and sand.

Later, I ordered people to pick them up and wash them in front of them. As for who will be swallowed in the stomach. Zong Shou is not prepared to manage, and the three million soldiers will be able to ask for more happiness.

At this time, the bottom is a loud bang. Then I saw Zongyuan, carrying Kong Yao, who was in a coma, and flew to the Tianshan Mountains.

Then the silver armor girl in the handle was thrown aside. Holding a fist to Zongshou, expressing the meaning of resurrection,

Zong Shou did not look good to Zongyuan: "I am waiting for you there, ‘please ask her to stay in Tianshan for a few more months, but I have not let you do it in the drugstore!”

Zongyuan heard the words, it is a face that does not change color, and the expression is calm: "This woman has a secret technique, and the spirits are forbidden. For her, it is all ingenious. Zongyuan is incompetent, after this woman has explored dozens of warehouses. I finally found out. This is to be prepared according to the words of my Highness, but in the end, I found that this woman has the meaning of destroying my dry days, and Zongyuan has no choice but to fight with it."

Zong Shou breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved his hand: "Oh, I am too lazy to care about you."

Then I looked at the ground, this silver girl. If you say the most tragic person in the Emperor's time, in addition to Shi Ruolan, the last military **** of the Great Shang Dynasty is definitely one of them.

The battle of the battlefield is invincible, and it is also invincible, maintaining the final glory of the big Shang Dynasty. But finally it has not been able to stop, the 2,400-year-old central dynasty collapsed.

In the end, he also died in the ‘the hand of the Emperor’s Emperor, with a 370,000 remnant, a battle of ten times the enemy. After breaking through dozens of battles, I have tried my best at the last moment of the dawn of victory.

It is said that its corpse, with a gun station, stands on the battlefield of the corpse of millions of corpses, and does not fall over a hundred days.

When he was dead, it was blood and red in the world, as if he was crying for it. The subordinates of the future Emperor, no one, dare to approach.

The ending is tragic, but it is also arranging. All of the women were led by the army and were trapped in the encirclement. It was only because of the Emperor of the Emperor who fled from Kyoto that he wanted to take control of the three states.

There are no defeats in the battles, but in the end, they die behind the loyalty of their own people.

The irony is that it was on the tenth day of the death of Kong Yao. The Liaowang, who was once expected to be the future Mingjun, also died in the same battle.

Being betrayed by the cronies around him, the Tai Lingzong of the Great Wall is also abandoning him.

At this time, the day of the woman’s death is less than twenty-seven.

Zong Ling over there, but I don’t know that this silver armor woman has such a ‘future. At the moment, there is no such thing as a half-sentimental feeling. Instead, it wrinkles its eyebrows and feels awkward: "On Jun, this woman knows today, there are too many. It takes a few months to stay in the East." Just now I am doing the Tianshan Mountains, and there are only six steps at most. The old minister is incompetent, and I am afraid that no one can make her after the monarch is gone!"

After all, this woman is a big business ambassador, and it is not feasible to kill people.

Knowing that Zong Shou came back this time, it only lasted for a few days, so it was really embarrassing.

On the other side of the Central Dynasty, it is estimated that it will not sit and watch this female beggar.

Zong Shou is also a headache, and immediately after the view of the light, I saw a person outside the thousand feet, is flying fast. Suddenly smiled: "There is Zong Bo sitting in the town, what are you afraid of?"

Zong Ling suddenly looked up and saw an old man who had to be white, and the volley fell. It was the former Zong Bo Zongzheng of Qian Tian Zong's predecessor~www.readwn.com~ Looking at Nakong Yao, this policy is also white-browed Hey. Then, with a wave of sleeves directly, Nao Yao has disappeared from the crowd.

\"This woman can work hard, and the monarch suppresses for several months. But today is too big, and I still need to find an excuse to pass, and doubts -"

Also looked indifferently: \"This time my patriarchal rush back. Just to help me Zong's, to achieve the East to the hegemony! After the event, still will leave. The high-level repairers of the Tianshan Mountains, there are too few. At that time, There is also a need to extend some of the offerings."

Deep in the eyelids, it is unusually complicated. I was determined to look at Zong Shou, and I was afraid that I was wrong.

Who can think that in this regard, he is regarded as a 'waste, ‘the side of the people, the dry Tianshan City, will be so prosperous.

Just two years later, there has been a fight against the patriarchs and sweeping the east.

The seven-tailed Zongshi, now not only will master the highest authority in the east, but also the strongest of countless staunch clan, emerge one by one.

\"Excuses? It is said to be alone, and I have seen this Kong Yao. I must force her to do it--"

Zong Shou swears a bad smile, and then thinks about this cloud world, in the end there are those scattered, it is worthy of him.

Gradually, it is a bit of a distraction. I think that the Xuanyuan people who are still connected to Dan Quanzong are still fading.

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