Divine Brilliance

Chapter 476: The body of warfare?

Chapter 476—The Body of Warfare? (The third is to ask for a monthly ticket)

At the beginning of this snow, in addition to the hustle and bustle, it is still awkward. Uploaded by friends ==

This sword, I really blocked it? Look closely, the opposite yù, it seems very embarrassing look? The sword that had made her feel difficult to breathe even before, but now she is still there, but there is no longer a way to trap her.

I feel that it is easy and light. The spirit of the five elements of the body is more active. The feeling of removing the ground and the spirit of the seal before, and inexplicably came back again.

But how is this possible? I really want to smash this, and let the Yuan Fei several people, even a sword can not block the swordsman repelled?

- It must be your own mistake, it must be an illusion!

However, I have never noticed that the body has broken through the seventh-order power, and that is exactly what the water rǔāo melts into.

It is incomparable mí茫, some are overwhelmed.

Until the back, the five spirits of the beast had suddenly read and violently swayed the police, and the first snow suddenly woke up again, and then saw the opposite yù, which had stopped the retired figure.

After the toes in the air, the whole person will wear a sword and rush to the side.

Not only is there no half-shameful frustration on the other side, but it is a little faint, it seems to be very exciting, and the war is high!

The black sè broad sword, tearing open the void, once again brought up a thick fog of black sè, without the momentum that swallowed before, but it was condensed.

Extinguish everything! Put all the dust particles that come into contact with it!

The first snow was first shocked, and then the pupil was standing upright, like a cat's erect.

Then I thought about it and didn't want it. It was almost unconscious, and it was a sword.

- The explosion of the Five Spirits!

In a year and a half, I have practiced thousands of times and almost become a sword of the body instinct. At this time, it was unexpectedly smooth.

Behind the flames of the golden phoenix, also opened the wings, a bō浩dàng huangwei, immediately pressure the audience.

The meaning of the first snow sword is also changing, still maintaining the previous lightness, but more violent violent flames, and the nobleness of the king of birds!

A layer of flame was ignited around the body, and the five sè swords also ignited a piece of gold in the red. In the black sè sword cháo, hit against the trend, as if the phoenix is ​​on the horizon!

And in the **** dàng's red flame, and the pure black sword fog, jī hit the impact of the 霎. The tip of the sword in the first snow, but on the body of the broad sword, gently.

Immediately, it was a sharp sound of ‘铿’, and the shape of the yù , was actually retreating again.

This time, the first snow, but there is no longer a half-stagnation, and then do not give the slightest breath of the yù. As the shadow follows, it follows.

The fierce inflammation on the body slowly subsided. More pure white aura, shrouded in the body. The five sè swords in your hand, as if in this squat, raised two orders! The edge of the blade is more flashing, and the heart-wrenching forest is cold.

- The plundering of the Five Spirits!

If the sword of the previous snow is said to be violent. At this time, it is impossible to be sharp.

The cold golden tiger screamed, and the white sè of the first snow body seemed to be transformed into a white tiger. That green, at this time is also a rune. The first snow of the body, and a layer of green breeze, the figure is faster.

That is to say, in the smashing of the sword, the trajectory of the first snow has changed.

- Lower left, three inches!

She didn't know why it was so, but she felt awkward. Spurting there, it must be right. I remember that the Lord has said that her intuition is more reliable than the brain. Without hesitation, the sword has fallen to the other side.

Another screaming sword, the virtual air burst out of ignition huā. Still, the entire piece of the void is destroyed, and the columns of the fingers are swept laterally.

The look of yù, the figure retreating, is still a giant.

Not yet stable, the first snow is another sword, falling into the air.

- The dragon of the five spirit swords!

ù ù ù 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一It is also in his self-righteousness that all the swords of the first snow have been sealed.

However, I saw only the blue sword in the air, and the track changed, pointing to the right of his body.


A whisper, once again resounding through 100,000 feet of time and space. At this time, the absolute yù, it is already unable to stand up and stand, and is forced by the vast sword. It was suddenly slammed down, stepping on the ground that was essentially a time-space barrier, and once again wandered back, this time, it was a distance of ten feet!

The first snow is still unrelenting, and the red inflammation that has not subsided in the body week, once again inflated. Behind him was the two sides of the fire wing open, gently fluttering, flying in the air.

Chi Yan Jianguang, with a piece of sudden fire sè Jin Yu. Going beyond the ten feet, he went wild.

- The fierce feather of the Five Spirits!

It seems to be the body of Jin Huang, the blood from the ancient beasts in the body, but also pulsating and burning!

Among the minds, there is no excitement, but no distracting thoughts. Just follow the instinct, keep chasing, and constantly throw out the sword.

At this time, it is a pupil who can't help but succumb. In his eyes, the first snow at this time is simply a unity with this piece of heaven and earth.

The spirit of the earth, especially the five elements of psionic power, almost completely abandoned him. All around the body of this nv child, circling around, let it schedule.

And in the shackles like the autumn water, there is no previous fear. It was a sudden rise in the will of the war, implying an excitement, as if enjoying the battle.

I was eager to pick a brow, and then my heart was completely silent. This time, he ignored this nv, and this snow is indeed enough for him.

Therefore, in this battle, he must also do his best!

Black sè broad sword, suddenly rose. There are thousands of swords and shadows, and a black sè current, with the piece of fire and rain, constantly colliding with each other, one of them will be broken.

In the end, all the dark swords and shadows are gathered together in one place, and they are shocked by the most blazing fire.

But at the point of āohui, the sword of the Red Flame was first shrunk, and just after the power of his sink at the tip of the sword broke out, the ignition light rose again.

When the two swords hit, it is a large space-time crack, such as a snake sweeping. It’s yù, but it’s boring, and it’s going to vomit.

The time of the outbreak of power has been different, which makes him clearly have the pressure to suppress the other party's internal interest, but it is at a disadvantage. In order to concentrate on the dispersion, so that his sword light, slamming a burst of luàn, almost into a state of disorder.

The body shape has to retreat again, this fourth sword is another ten feet away! Around the body, he was even infiltrated by a few fires, and his hair was burnt a lot.

In my heart, there is a feeling of incomparable absurdity, as if all of his own flaws, in this less nv eyes, are invisible. Even some of the swordsmanship flaws that I didn't even notice could not escape the sensitivity of the other side.

- How is this possible? What a joke!

He has been regarded as a sword genius since he was a child, and he has been studying martial arts for twenty-three years. In the past two years, I have challenged the Ten Holy Lands, the 19 Lingfu, and all the world-recognized mén.

Will be all over the cloud, almost all young generations, the size of 174 battles.

Self-examination of swordsmanship among his peers, he must be among the top three. The combat experience is even more unique.

But this little nv child, but only sixteen. Where is the deep martial arts cultivation that can break his great extinction sword?

At first snow, there was no time to pay attention to his thoughts. When the fire and rain subsided, it was a sword.

The body is covered with blue water, but it is not in conflict with the flames. Instead, the water vapor boils and steams out numerous white mists.

The flamingo behind the first snow has turned into a water blue wing. The long sword swayed, with countless boiling streams, and moved forward.

- Mercury of the Five Spirits!

It’s like a mercury leak! Whether it is the sword shadow or the liquid water, it is filled with all the space. If you see the stitches, you can't get into the black sè sword cháo, and send out a series of ‘叮叮’ sounds.

And whenever the sound of a double sword slams, it is a step back. When this water is light, it will gradually be exhausted. ù ù ù has been withdrawn from the ten feet, the look yīn sinking like water, that handsome to the devil's cheek, there are a few more blood marks,

At this time, the entire space, all 10,000 people, is a dead silence. Almost everyone, holding their breath, feared that sāo disturbed this jīng sword fight.

The eyes are full of horror and incredible sè, the first snow only has a total of five swords, but the yù is every one sword, it is necessary to back ten feet.

Known in the cloud world, it is almost invincible sword son, but at this time it seems to be very embarrassing, left and right.

Is this the myth that challenges the Ten Holy Land, the Nineteen Spirit Houses, and no defeat, will end in the hands of this nv child today?

This is less nv, a young age, how could it be so high, even to suppress the swordsmanship?

Su Chen in the distance is also wrong, looking at the field inexplicably.

Thinking about it and thinking, Su Chen couldn't help but speak.

"It's a strange thing! I see this ~www.readwn.com~ Almost every sword falls on the flaws of this yù. This sword is strong, I don't think it's too good for Zong Shou's brother. Just look at her sword road. It is clear that the front is extremely dull, and after halfway, it will suddenly change with the trend. It’s a strange way to go, it’s really weird—"

He has seen Zong Shoujian, basically pre-emptive, and it is the sword of the other side. Or simply, it is the bī that makes the other party, according to his intentions.

The thunder is also a burst of mí paste, he has seen the first snow, this gimmick is not high, but some mí paste is right. Is it yourself, the wrong person?

This is called the small nv child at the beginning of the snow, not the first snow?

Look closely, the sword road is really dull, lack of change, but there is a spirit that is hard to reach?

At the same time, above the attic. Han Fang stood up and stood up, stepping forward and getting outside the fence. The hand trembled a little, and after a long time, he took a long breath.

"This girl, but the body of war?"


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