Divine Brilliance

Chapter 481: No way to faint

Chapter VIII

No way to faint

"It is estimated that the emperor of the immortal world of Zongmén is trying to show the spiritual law.

"It should be! We are in the midst of sorrow, we have never heard of it, there will be rain and snow -"

"The spirit of this heaven and earth, so strange!"

Yuan Fei sensed it all around, and sure enough, the spirits of the world were solidified. Inexplicable, there is a feeling of heart, but I don’t know why. I don't know if other people are aware of it.

But then, the topic around it is a change,

"--I heard that yù is out of our embarrassing situation and has not yet retired."

"Really! I went to see it yesterday. Not only is it still there, but there are more and more people waiting for it. It is to watch the war, but who is going to these people, what is the plan?"

"Hey! This sword son, when there is also a time to play rogue, it is really shameless! If I talk about the uncle of the Taishi, I will never marry him."

"There are two princes, you are disrespectful about the wife and grandfather."

"It is omitted! Omitted! Is it not swearing?"

"But it’s not a way to drag on. If you talk about the uncles of the Taishi, will you really fight?"

"Stop! On the same day, the chief talked about the 300-year-old Xuanlongshi, and against the enemy of 100 times, but did not fight, and would you be afraid of him? Xuechu Taishi’s uncle did not say it, the chief he just did not see yù And already."

"Oh! This sentence is sincere, or an excuse. It is hard to say-"

Yuan Fei was listening, and he felt that he was deeply convinced. The two words of Shu Road are really close to me.

If it is not a war, how can you suddenly choose to retreat at this joint?

He no longer looked at the snow scene, turned directly, and prepared to return to the lecture hall. However, the next thing, his perspective, I saw a person. Then, immediately after the brow, I felt helpless.

I saw that not far away, there are two people coming. One of them should be Zhao Yuran, the chief disciple of the Seven Lingzong generation. The other, he is the snow that he least wants to see.

It’s a coincidence that it’s just going to him and avoiding it.

After seeing Yuan Fei, Zhao Yuran and Xue Chu, also hold the same. The latter immediately looked at the fierce light, and the first snow really hated this guy who liked to say bad things about bad things. It is a pity that after a battle with the yoke, this person slipped away early and disappeared.

Zhao Yiran stunned the gods, and then the chún corner provoked: "Hey! This is not Fei Yuanshi's uncle, how come there is a mood to appreciate the snow?"

Yuan Fei’s face is iron and blue, and yù puts out the shelf of the uncle’s ancestors. At this time, there is a disciple who is higher in this generation. It is estimated that it will only be self-inflicted.



Under the word

He had to be cold and said: "Who are you calling?"

Zhao Yuran is fearless, hiding chún chuckle: "I don't know who said it on that day. If she is able to stand in front of the yù in the snow, then from now on, write the name upside down. Yuan Fei, fly Yuan, the apes that will fly, it’s a good name—"

At this time, the eyes of the people are also coming. Yuan Fei couldn't help but face the red ear, and ōng also provoked a anger.

Immediately and awake, right, you must guard against arrogance and arrogance!

After recovering from calmness, Yuan Fei’s eyes turned and he had an idea and smiled.

"But! The name is reversed and written. It is no problem. I am optimistic about the uncle who is now a teacher. If he does not dare to fight, if he loses, I will fly Yuan’s name and write it in reverse!"

After that, after a provocative slanting Zhao Xiaoran glanced, proud, and returned to the lecture hall.

Zhao Xiaoran blinked and counted his eyes. It’s hard to be funny, this guy is really shameless.

This is to confirm that Zong Shou will not fight, even if it is to fight with y, it must be lost.

Conversely, the name can be changed back to the point.

Although the heart is infertile, it is also a pleasure. It turns out that there are such living treasures in their hearts.

The first snow is still in the mí paste, this way Yuan Fei, how suddenly changed, so optimistic about the Lord?

Is it true that this guy is actually a good person?

Sure enough, the Lord said yes, what is the sentence? Shouldn't you look at it on the 3rd?

It seems that something is wrong -

At the same time, in the hustle and bustle of the world, yù is also squinting, looking at the four weeks.

There is no snow here, but the whole space and time gaps are all twisted in the shock dàng. Numerous black sè cracks, in the vicinity, are flickering.

Just now, there are already dozens of people who have been accidentally injured by these gaps.

Two of the sixth-order, even seriously injured dying, fortunately, the people around him, promptly shot, saved back.

It seems that the entire outer layer of the cloud is uneasy. Also with it, this time and space gap, constantly twisted.

Although it is not broken, it is indeed very dangerous.

At the moment, it is not just him. Even the dozens of monks, who are in the ninth order, are all dignified.

There are quite a few people who are already talking about it.

"How can this be? Is it not someone who is attacking the cloud?"

"Impossible! At this time, my cloud industry is solid, and there are dozens of strong people who are destined for the environment. It is not before the 10,000-year-old, when the people are slaughtered. Even if you want to do it, you need to wait for the start of the spirit."

"This time the earthquake dàng, it does not seem to be born from the outside. But from the inside out, from the depths of the cloud -"

"What is the difference between the spirit of heaven and earth?"

"It seems to be solidified! How can it be?"

"I always feel that there is something going on, it is going to happen, my heart is restless, and I feel terrified. It seems that there is a terrible existence, and it is about to come. These changes, is this a sign of heaven?"

"This spirit has not yet started, and any weird things have come out."

The sly look is awkward, and his heart feels the same. I really feel that something is happening, even if it is coming.

But what is the meaning of fear, but he is not. That ‘the existence of great horror’ is even less sensational. It’s just a little uneasy, and there’s a lot of distracting thoughts in it. It’s not peaceful for a long time.

It is only a sixth-order spiritual master who sees the speaker. Most of them are just the illusion of that person.

After meditation for a moment, it’s a trick. The old man dressed as a driver appeared immediately beside him.

At this time, I also took out a dozen gold sè charms and threw them away.

"This is a move and a definite rune. If you go out and see, what is the sign of the outside? At this time, you should be careful!"

After that, I continued to pay attention to the direction of the dynasty. From the outside, one of the five great dilemmas seems to be a light film of water blue, which exists in the void.

Looking back, I’m still in the middle of it, and there’s a bit of helplessness.

He does not want to attract so many people, but if he wants to give up the fight with that, he is also reluctant.

Only with such a true genius genius battle can he hone his swordsmanship.

So in any case, he must see the man, even if he is a mean, somewhat mean.

"How is it possible? That nv, really said so?"

In the dry Tianshan City, the original Shilixiangxiang is still the restaurant. Li Zhile almost completely crushed the wine glass in his hand.

In the eyes, it is the y-cracking of the eyes, full of red hot flames.

On the original day, he listened to the life of Kong Yao and waited outside the city to prepare for the Dragon Elephant City.

But I don't care about the end, Kong Yao has not returned for a long time, and disappeared. He also had to return to the dry city and ask for information.

But unexpectedly, this is the result.

Beside Li Zhile, he is sitting on a Xuanwu knight who is also wearing a silver armor. It is also a look of yīn, anger and concealment.

"There will be no mistakes! This is the heavy money that the subordinates have spent a lot of time on this day. From the mouths of several Nvshì in the smoke-filled palace of the Tianshan Mountains, I have inquired about it. The demon king, it is indeed ready to take the superintendent and accept it as a side. Oh, actually, the matter has spread in the upper layers of the Tianshan Mountains in the first two days."

Li Zhile heard the anger and the heart of the wine glass, and finally could not support it. Directly pinched as powder,

"It is really shameless! This dry demon king, it really is no way to faint! He is so courageous!"

I can’t wait to carry the gun in my hand at the moment, and immediately kill the Tianshan Mountain, and hold the Heavenly Demon King to sin!

But think about Zong Shou, that sword smashed the eternal strength of the eighth-order person.

After Li Zhile carefully thought about it, he still gave up. The more sinister the situation, the more you have to hold your breath, not to panic, but not to act rashly.

I don't know if it happened, just at this time. A new table of guests not far away, also began to talk about Kong Yao.

"You? Can you hear that a dozen days ago, on the dry mountainside battle?"

"How can I not remember? There is a shock in the whole city. It is said that in our mountain city, there are countless damages and dozens of houses have been collapsed. Fortunately, no one has been hurt."

"Then you know, who is the one who was in the hands of the sunrise? What is the reason?"

The person who speaks is a fat man with a round face, because the face is too fat, making the eyes look smaller and smaller. Wearing a luxurious robes, this moment is unpredictable.

Until the people around, they all came to see, this fat man was full of smug sè's words: "The war of the day ~ www.readwn.com ~ one is the famous star of my Tianshan, once 3,000 iron ride The other is a sergeant of the Central Yunlu. It is said to be a nv son, the country is fragrant, and looks beautiful like huā. It is only two or nine years old. A dozen or so ago Being shackled, we are on the verge of preparing for her to be sidelined-"

Everyone around you, the words are a glimpse, face to face. At this time, those who didn't care about it were also looking forward to it.

"Is this really true?"

"It’s true! It’s the face of my brother. What do you say, can you still have a fake?”

No one cares who this fat brother is, but it is all about this, and it has a bit of interest.

"Jun Shang is also a side, and the appearance is definitely top-notch. I really see it -"

"In this way, isn't it equal to robbing people nv? How can this be?"

"Isn't you ever done it before? Can you remember the Xuanqin division? Anything is good on the king, it is too good sè-"


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