Divine Brilliance

Chapter 505: Thunder pterosaur

The fifth chapter of the five chapters of the Thunder Dragon (the second is to recommend the monthly ticket)

Zong Shou looked at the hoops of the circle above the circle, still nòng did not understand, did not go to nòng understand. Device: no ads, full text, more

After taking a look, I immediately walked out of the altar. After a while, he will be inexplicably transferred to another unopened world.

Besides, he does not have so many life yuan, which can be used to consume.

Following this stone bridge across the void, Zong Shou went all the way. Just as I was about to cross this mén, I heard a chuckle.

"It turns out that there is no amount of light and endless darkness, character. It is no wonder that this view can be used.

interesting. Among the cloud world, there are such descendants. The seventh order and the opening of the world, for you, I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse, take care of it—"

Zong Shou was shocked, and the voice came suddenly, as if he was thinking of him.

Huo Ran turned around and saw the surrounding area, no one. Within the sense of spiritual sense, there is no difference.

After smashing his eyebrows, Zong Shou did not hesitate to step out of this mén. Then I looked back and looked at the attic and fell into meditation.

This voice is really strange, is it the owner of this star-gauge? But it sounds like it doesn't seem to be malicious.

As soon as he shook his head, Zong Shou could only temporarily put down the many doubts. First of all, I will call out a water mirror, and I have been so embarrassed by so many longevity, it will not become an old man?

If he is tender, he is not happy, but he can become a bad old man, and he is not willing.

Looking at the mirror, Zong Shou’s mind was only seen. It is still the face of the young, without any change.

After Zong Shou for a while, he suddenly realized something, then lamented and shook hands.

After the legend of the seventh stage, the deeper the Tao, you can stay in the face, how can you forget?

In other words, in the future, are these 16-year-old m?

Frustrated for a moment, Zong Shou from the fingers, bī a drop of blood. Then I read the mantra, and after a few spirits decided, I saw the blood, shining a glimmer of light.

This is a secret technique of testing the Shouyuan in later generations, even for ordinary civilians.

At the moment, the results of the test, even Zong Shou, are also a set of eyebrows.

"Thirty years -"

In the viewfinder, the consumption is as high as 900 years. At this time, his cultivation is, if he can no longer break through, then he can live for 30 years.

His eyes flashed, and Zong Shou slammed, but he didn't put it in his heart.

What really frustrated him was that he stayed in the field of view for at least seven days. The Dragon Temple opened on the first day and closed on the third day.

In other words, today's Dragon Hall, I am afraid that it has already been closed, this is what really hurts him.

There is also a tingling in the mind, and the consciousness is somewhat unclear. The heart is consumed too much, and with any kind of spirit, it can't be slowed down for a while.

Step by step down the stone steps, Zong Shou is once again. I saw the side of Yuan Yuntan, Zongyuan Ruo Shui and non-frost sisters, still beside the pool of water, looking at this side.

Zong Shou is also extremely suspicious, flying in the past. Just want to ask a few people have passed three days, when you have not left. Then I saw that the Thunder Wings and the seven silver urns were still at the depths of the pool. Then I changed my mind immediately: "How long has it been for a lone? What time is it now?"

"Have you been there for a long time? I just watched you go there. First, it disappeared inexplicably, and then I came back again."

Ye Feishuang looked strange, looking at Zong Shou's pale face, and there was some worry in the sigh: "Are you okay?"

Zong Shou is once again a glimpse. The seven days have just passed away. Looking back, the previous stone platform has disappeared without a trace, and can no longer be seen.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, only after a moment, the shou sè was restored as usual, and turned to smile: "How? Worried about me?"

"Hey! I am just afraid that you have an accident, you can't enter the inheritance!"

Ye Feishuang disdained over the head: "This Yuan Yun jīng spring can replace the dragon spirit and blood Dan. But there are several spiritual things in the inheritance. If you don't take it, it is a pity --"

Ye Feishuang was talking here, and the leaf next to her was not cold, but she made a lovely face toward Zong Shou, pointing to her own chún, pointing her finger to her heart and shaking her hand. This is to Xiang Zong, his sister is not right.

Zong Shou was dumbfounded, and Ye Feishuang was shocked. Then he turned back and glared at his sister.

There are still nearly nine hours away from the Thunder Wings.

After Zongshou, he waited quietly. He did not go to enlighten anything, and did not meditate.

The mind is completely relaxed, and if there is no breathing, the consciousness is half-awake and half-awake, and the thoughts are completely stopped.

In this near hibernation, stop all signs of life to restore the consumption of the heart.

I don't know how long it took, there was a dragon in the pool, and it was a direct shock. Zong Shouyi opened his eyes and saw a dragon shape covered with purple scales, suddenly struggling out of it.

It was the thunder and the scorpion, and after the body came out, it was even smaller. However, the purple sè-light that surrounds the circumference is more and more dense, and the dragon is so vast that he will be the master of his master, and he will also pick a brow.

There are still a pair of wings on the sides of the dragon. It seems as if it can absorb the sun and the flames linger on it.

Flying in the air for a half-time, this thunder pterosaur suddenly fell, to the side of Zongshou, tame and hovering on the side.

Ye Feishuang faintly glanced at the eyes, and the flow of the eyes smashed out a trace of yàn羡, and quickly disappeared: "Not bad! Just the dragon, the blood has the middle, not the sè those born beasts. Unfortunately, you are the dragon of thunder The blood is mixed, and the blood of the winged snake is also hún. If it cannot be excluded or merged, it is only a curse."

Zong Shou ‘Hmm’, but did not pay much attention to it, continue to look at this Yuan Yunquan.

It is reasonable to say that the promotion of these seven holy fire ants should be a little faster than the Thunder pterosaurs.

Sure enough, after the biggest silver egg, there was movement. It’s not a break, but the thread of that strip, all quickly returning to chōu,

But for a moment, a little silver light, from the water pool, flying up. When he arrived at Zongshou, he was cold and cold and he looked at him.

The eyes have been restored before, with a bit of unruly and provocative. It is already trying to counter the control of the soul of Zong Shou, and the body is burning with a silver flame.

Zong Shouyi music, and the look in the back is also changed. Did not force the spur of the soul control, and that too Xuan locks the heart to suppress.

But the breath is cold, and the sword is full of enthusiasm. It seems to come from the origin of the Yuan Dynasty, the beginning of all things. This sword is the same as the body of the scorpion, so that this sacred fire silver ant, the arrogance disappeared, and the whole body shivered slightly, revealing a bit of fear.

Just yù rebelled against Zong Shou’s control, but at this time it was a savage sect.

And the first snow that was sleeping there, at this time, Liu Mei was scornful, and the mouth was suspicious hu: "Too early?"

Zong Shou turned his head and looked at the girl. Slightly suspected huò, but did not find any abnormalities.

This snow, is it a dream? But why is this the word 'too early'?

The only use of the talents is the nuclear of the Tai Chi Tai Guan, which is a little bit of artistic conception.

Insignificant, but the beginning of everything, even if it is born differently, it can be suppressed.

At this time, after the sect, the Thunder Dragon was also a low-pitched voice, showing some threats.

The body re-shocked, watching the dragon shadow behind Zongshou, the eyes also revealed a bit of surprise.

The dragon is a beast, and it is the same level as the natural one. It is also the eighth order. Deterrence is completely different from the previous one, when it was a wing.

The jealous flybacks are a few times, and the cockroaches are finally completely tamed. The eyebrows are calm and there is no struggle to fight.

At this time, Zong Shou carefully looked at the changes in this body. The figure is half a foot high, and the four arms are also extended by a few points, which is even sharper. Six pairs of wings on the back, but at this time it is full of silver silk.

That silver sè holy fire, burning, surrounded the whole body. It seems to be more and more holy, and the whole form is absolutely beautiful.

It seems to be a true ‘angel’ wing, unbelievable, this thing comes from the ugly and disgusting magic ant.

Zong Shou was equally astonished. Then, the next moment, I felt that there was a sensation in the soul, and then I fell into meditation.

The realization of the heart, this is the evolutionary information of the embarrassment.

After this holy fire ant, after the eighth grade, there are two options. One is to spontaneously proliferate and divide, and then four fourth-order mid-term sacred silver ants can be separated. Another option is to strengthen the six silver ants and raise the half-order. In the middle of the seventh-order, go further and reach the peak level.

No matter the strength, or the control of the spirit of heaven and earth, it is only eight steps and a half-order, and the speed is not inferior to the victory.

Waiting for success, advanced to the eighth-order mid-term, you can jump to a realm at the same time.

Let him judge, it is to show the meaning of surrender.

Zong Shou only slightly yín, he chose the latter without hesitation.

Unless there are thousands of ~www.readwn.com~100,000 million troops, there will be no more use for four more fire ants.

It is better to strengthen the other six silver ants and it is more beneficial.

In the end of his decision, the depths of the water pool, once again flashing silvery sè Guanghua.

The six holy fire silver ants have changed. When the silver enamel disappeared, they each rose from the water pool and floated on the side of the dragonfly.

It is also the same as 晗曦, the blade is sharper, the silver armor is stronger, and the four pairs of wings also have silver streaks.

The figure has also been changed, faintly like a human figure, but it is still mostly worms. The speed of flight is not as good as sè晗曦, but also in the seventh order. As for the specific strength, but still have to look at the actual combat

When Zong Shou did not look at it carefully, he put all these silver ants in their hands. Then look at the front, this Yuan Yuntan.

I sighed in my heart, and I don’t know if this little thunder and the bathing water of the dragonfly have any effect on Qiankun.


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