Divine Brilliance

Chapter 522: Unbearable

With the magic flying shuttle, Zong Shou only took more than a day to return to the dry mountain city.

This second-order magic weapon is indeed fast and fast. What is rare is that the mana consumed is also very rare. Even Zong Shou, with a large-scale strength of the gap, can still be maintained for more than three days, and it is easy to be imperial.

Instead, let Zong Shou, the remaining pieces of the remaining parts of the object, quite a bit to look forward to.

In the smoke-filled palace at the foothills, there were hundreds of guards at the moment, and rushed to the ground.

Knowing that the discovery came in, it was after Zong Shou, and this was dispersed. The defense is obvious, beyond the previous time when Kong Yao came.

The idea is unfolding, and even more impressive in this palace, there are several strong players with a breath of up to nine steps.

In addition to the Mingdu, which he invited, there are at least six nine-order monks in the square of the smoke palace.

When Zong Shouzheng felt awkwardly, he only listened to four directions, and there was a ‘quote’ word. Then it was a loud bang. The entire mountain is constantly shaking.

Then, the next moment, Zong Shou finally knows what these are doing. I only felt that there were several dragon veins in the vicinity of this place, and I was violently pulled over and gathered in this dry mountain.

Actually there are six giants in total, and the dragon veins gather under the mountain peaks, which immediately makes the spiritual power of this place abundant.

This dry mountain, Zong Shou has been operating for a few years, and has accumulated a lot of spirituality under the mountain.

There are even two dragon veins. At this time, after these changes, they will be transformed into a spiritual land.

At this time, Ren Bo waited, and it has already heard the news. The rest of the nine-order monks also rushed to the front of Zongshou.

Mingdu, Liehe is a tribute to him. As for the remaining six entries, they all looked at the guards up and down.

Can be immediately a slight surprise, at this time Zongshou body, there are many injuries, the breath is slightly dark.

And the wound, the original sword that was left without injury, is still unable to be expelled. The psionic power of Zong Shoushou’s body is constantly exploding. It’s a flesh and blood, and there is also a psionic blessing that will not be hurt by this sword.

This look, constantly can not see the depth of the Zong Shou, the competition is almost hurt for the explosion.

The sword's level of swordsmanship is even more so that the scalp is numb.

In the process of entering, there is also the entry of the goods. It is a brow: "It is the spirit of the sword, the sword is one level. This world can be used in the eighth-order environment to repair the sword to the level of the sword. Only the mad sword did not hurt one, I don’t know if I was on the stage, but I used to have a hand with him?"

Zong Shou heard a slight surprise, and went on. Ren Bozhi knows his heart and smiles and introduces: "These are all my cognac, and I have recently invited them. These two predecessors are called Zongfei Zonghan, and the same family on the king. And this The three are the tigers and the predecessors -"

Ren Bo introduced in turn, in addition to Zong Fei Zong Han, was born in Qiwei Zongshi. It is a sect, a family of four hundred years ago. There is also Hu Ruodong, which is also the ancestors of the Iron Tiger family. The other three entries, one named Qi Cai, a name called Ling Jiu Chen, only listen to their surnames, they know that these are each from the cognac, the other two can be compared with the Zong family.

As for the last one, it was named Hong Lingzheng, but it was born into the family, but it was invited by Ren Bo.

It was the Zong Han who was inquired about Zong Shou, and it was still incomprehensible on the 1st.

However, I have not yet waited for the sect, and the snow cloud next to it has already said: "Two days ago, Jun did encounter the sword madness. The king fought against the 347 swords and defeated them. Half-length, so that the original is harmless and escaping -"

This sentence says that in addition to not knowing all the people in this place, it is Renbo who did not hurt. The rest are a little glimpse, and some can't believe their ears.

When I heard the phrase "Three hundred forty-seven swords and defeated", all the people are taken for granted. Even if they still feel that Zong Shou can support for so long, is it a gold on the face? Or is it the original without injury, and the mercy?

The eighth order of Bi Jingjian’s level, that is, even them, is also a far-away existence.

But behind that, plus a ‘子’, it is a completely different feeling.

First, I felt incredible, and I didn't believe it. Even if I calm down, I still feel absurd.

So Snow Cloud is expected to come, it will be like this. The look is faint, and there is no disappointment: "I am ordering snow clouds! Although these years are in retreat, they can be a little thin in the cloud world a hundred years ago."

The eight-ninth-order monks are all again in the face.

"It turned out to be the name of the brother, your sorrowful snow sword, even today, it is famous in the world!"

After the cold horrified, then he was silent. I know that this is the other party, and I am taking my own reputation. It is also not allowed to enter, questioning their credibility.

Just a few moments, and then looking at Zong Shou, the eyes are very different.

In addition to the identity of the Zongshou demon king, the respect of the surface, more respect.

Also salute again, this is the same courtesy and unique etiquette that can keep pace with yourself and even above its own strength.

A few of the Zongfei in the eyes, but also the color of the surprise: "Jun Shang is really good! I don't care if I fox fox, before the spiritual tide, you can actually appear like you, with that." Up and down, it’s really awkward!”

Zong Shou knows this, not the same as that. The latter is the sideline of Zong's, and the Zongzi was seven hundred years ago, but it is an authentic fox.

However, if he talked about the pulse, his seven hundred years ago, it was also a vein. Therefore, in this case, the so-called sacral veins, unless the blood is really far apart, there is no doubt.

It’s true that it’s still the ancestors of his ‘Zhou Shou’. He can treat each other equally, but this one cannot be disrespectful.

I have seen the ceremony with each of them. Zong Shou is not willing to continue to talk about defeating the original and not hurting. If it was not for Xueyun to preempt, he would not answer this question at all. At this point, he smiled and turned the topic, and the curious one was able to look at the mountain.

"In a few places, I can do it in the mountains, but also to a few dragons?"

That Zong cold is really frowning: "At most, you can gather four! This is because of the king, the National Games Changlong. Here is the capital city, is the rule of the king, the place where the gas is collected, so it is more ——"

He is a nine-level spiritual master, almost peaked, with a **** fox, and the road is also very good. Among the same spirits, it is also a leader, and this aspect is naturally an authority.

"But here, if you are able to accommodate six nine-level repairers, but here -"

The sound suddenly stopped, but the insufficiency in this statement, the public is clear.

Cognac Mountain can gather twelve dragon veins, can accommodate six nine-step, and practice here.

But here is a nine-in, it seems a little inadequate.

Zong Shou is also frowning. Before the spiritual tide, every two dragon veins can support a nine-order monk, keeping the original realm, and practicing can be small and beneficial.

His original plan is only five or six, nine, and it is enough. I never thought about it. In the end, it was Ren Bo. In this dry mountain, the nine-order powerhouse gathered is actually as many as six!

He knew that his fox family and the other major tribes in the Cognac Mountain had many ninth-order powerhouses. This is the Yaozu, can always be in the east of Yunlu, according to a place.

However, I have never thought that several major tribes can recall this and become a cognac.

Unfortunately, Julong Mountain has collapsed. Otherwise, you can also place some.

"I will find another way to do this. It will be solved in two months!"

Subconsciously, Zong Shou remembered the small dilemma within the Dragon Temple. If you can ask Long Ying to enter, or Qian Kun shot, move it over. Even if it is a spiritual environment, the repairers of Wonderland can afford it.

Even if it couldn't, it was the state of the mountain that dried up at that time. Almost enough, there are more than sixty dragons.

This statement said that there were a few smiles in the surrounding, and there was no doubt about it.

Only if the snow cloud is a glimpse, after two months, I am afraid that it is the Ganyu Mountain and the Qiancheng League. When the war begins, these are not worried.

There is a bright road to the other side, and I once again said: "Jun Shang, Ming are all ordered, and I have brought over the ten smashing squad of my ancestral spirit. I don't know if I am here, can I want to do this under the mountain?"

Zong Shou heard the words, suddenly the brow was slightly picked, the eyes contained a happy color, followed by a unpredictable smile, revealing a bit of evil.

In the middle of the game of "The Emperor", this game has been fought by countless forces and countless gangs. It is regarded as the first hollow of the first protection of the mountain gates. He is not willing to use it here.

Over there, Mingdu Lie River, only look at its expression. I know that the meaning of the sect is not only unexpected, but the body trembles, the mood is restless, and the atmosphere of the whole body begins to move, almost dysfunctional. Leading a few rounds of the surrounding, they all look at the line of sight.

But in this chest ~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, it is like the mood of boiling magma, how can it be suppressed?

After all, it is retribution, and this ten is absolutely empty. This is their Fu Lingzong, refining for the construction of their own mountain gate.

However, it did not mean that in the end, Fu Lingzong was still ruined, leaving only these ‘Yu Yu’.

And this set of guardian mountains that were too late to use, and finally used in their enemies - the original Ling Yunzong, manipulating the east to the patriarchs, destroying the spirits, I do not know the layer can think of today?

Ten must-have short-selling arrays, you can sleep in ten places, within a hundred miles, can be shrouded. If you have enough psionics, it will be extremely difficult to break.

Look at the situation, this gentleman, although there are thousands of **** iron rides, but still one day is forbearance. The competition is to prepare for the East, and the net is exhausted and killed!

It’s really a good way!

However, they are really happy - the more vicious, the more exciting. Obviously know, at least one and a half months, but within this mind, but still impatient.

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