In the Lingquan Lingfu, Xuanyuan Yi, who was sitting outside a temple, suddenly opened his eyes. The line of sight is half-divided from the temple door, but the mind can sense behind him, and a voice has already reached behind him.

"Idiot, why are you suffering? Mingdan brother, he has always been wise and wise. At this time, there will be a reason for retreat. With his brother's tenacity and wisdom, there will never be any leaks. Why do you have to wait here? ”

Xuanyuan Yi people pick one eye, this breath, this voice, should be her teacher Shu Dan.

"Uncle Shi, the disciple is fine -"

"What? No, you are here for a two-year period. Even if you don't want to leave for a while, how can you not worry?"

That old man asked Dan, slightly shaking his head, the helpless face of the face: "You and the cold waters of the marriage, I am indeed the master. For your sake, the defects of Xuan Yuemu Huang decided, must be solved by Han Xuan Gu Dan But if you don't want it, then the teacher will not force you. This marriage can be ruined. So, can you rest assured?"

Xuanyuan Yiren, but the words are not sad or disappointing, still shaking his head: "Tsimples thank you! Only the disciples are waiting for the Master, but not for marriage -"

"Isn't it for marriage? That's what it is? You are like this, just come back! Give me back!"

In the voice, it is already a little intolerant.

"Uncle Shi! How is this Hu Lai? The disciples are retreating here, and it seems that they don't commit the rules. Even if you are an elder, you can't do that-"

Xuanyuan Yi people are talking, just listen to the back, a sneer sounds: "But it is because you are not!"

When the words fall, a strong wind screams. Xuanyuan Yi people, suddenly stunned, there are both accidental colors and sorrows.

Although she did not respond, the silver-light shield on the side of the sleeve, spontaneously swelled into the air.

Set the time to make a Xu Fangyuan, and enshrine the whole body of Xuanyuan.

When the flash of light flashed, it made the strong wind and the wind disappeared.

"The fifth-order shield? How can you have this?"

Asked Dan a horror, staring at the shield in the air, after a while, it was a look of iron.

"It turned out to be the dark magic relic, no wonder you can use the sixth-order repair, you can call the police -"

After seeing it clearly, I wouldn’t try hard to try, and coldly said: "I thought there is such a shield. I can’t wait for it. You can’t live alone in Tianshan. Xuanshan City can’t be alone. Now, the cloud world, everyone. I can't protect you. Shangzong has once again brought cold and water, and the child is very good. I have promised it, and it will be after five days. Whether you are reluctant, this marriage is set, you are ready One or two -"

After that, I was reluctant to talk nonsense with Xuanyuan. The whole person turned into a ray of light and flew to the other side of the Danquan Lingfu.

Just after the shackles, a figure, also appeared behind Xuanyuan Yiren, but it is a young man who is nearly 30 years old, and his face is full of bitterness.

"It seems that within the division, there is something really going on. They can't help it, they have to do it. It's so eager to get rid of the teacher and the sister, most of them want to be on the teacher's body, what to calculate. Unfortunately, always contact Not the elders of my Dan Quanzong outside the domain -"

If you can get the help of a monk outside the cloud circle of Danquan Zongfei, this matter will be easily solved.

Fortunately, looking at today's situation, it is expected that there will be no support from the elders.

Otherwise, it will not be the case.

Xuanyuan Yiren is also a little look: "It’s the teacher and sister who have been tired of the original brother!"

She is a woman, she can't stay here all the time. Many times, it was originally scheduled to be a substitute.

Now that the enquiry of Dan and others has been impatient with her, then it must be, will not let go.

It was originally busy to wave his hand and signaled: "What is this saying? I was originally supposed to be an orphan. It is the master who is pulling and growing up. It is a matter of righteousness to serve the Master!"

I don’t care if I smile: "I am also a rumored disciple! If it is a big mistake, even the elders of Zongmen can't easily punish them. It is nothing but a crime. It is far from being distributed, and the eyes are not seen as net. Sister, you should be good now -"

Although there is this fifth-order Shield shield, under the spiritual environment, it can't be broken. But if it is those people, they are bent on sending Xuanyuan away from others, but there are ways.

Xuanyuan did not speak according to people, and fixedly looked at the top, this side is still spinning silver shield.

When I remembered that day, Zong Shou sent this magic weapon when it was delivered. Obviously, they are close at hand, but they can't meet each other.

Suddenly, the thoughts were like tides, and they rushed up in the chest, and they were out of control.

After a while, Xuanyuan suddenly blinked in the eyes of the man, and smiled slightly: "He has already accepted it!"

It was originally decided that suddenly, I don’t know Xuanyuan’s words, what the chill is.

At this time, the Xuanyuan Yi people, but they fell into sinking. In the mind, all is doubtful.

Can't figure out the few people, why should they?

Zongmen teaches, it sounds like a sect. In fact, it is only Dan Quanzong, the management in the cloud world.

What are the intentions of those people? I really thought that I had seized the power of Dan Quanzong. The predecessors of the Zongmen who were outside the country would not ignore it and let them do whatever they want.

Really puzzled -

Just half a day later, the Shangyu Lingfu, located in the north of Dongling Yunlu, is located in the Lingshan Hall at the top of the Lingshan Mountain.

Cold and water, holding a road sign in the hands, it is thoughtful,

"So, Dan Quanzong has already agreed to it?"

There are only two people in this hall. In addition to the cold against the water, there is only one old man in the mourn, sitting on the top of the first futon. At this time, the eye is half-closed and half-closed.

Those who are qualified to sit here are only those who are in charge of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Exactly! The Dandans of Dan Quanzong personally wrote back -"

"Eddan? This person is the elder of Danfazong's Danfa, and his status is only taught. Why is it not Mingdan?"

"If it is Ming Dan, it will not agree. But why is it?"

The Yuankongdao people smiled: "The Danquan sect has been born, and the chaos is coming. The few people are eager to send Xuanyuan to the people. It is about not wanting this woman and intervening in the sect."

"The disciple is actually not thinking about the Xuanyuan people -"

"I know! Just want to force the battle!"

"I don't mean, I didn't agree to the original, but instead, I will kill Ling Yunzong's Gengzizi on the spot?"

"There has been another person! Knife Jun Li has no return. In the cloud world, although there are six swords. There are also two people who use swords. They are not inferior to the original and have no desire! The military is in full swing, the famous is like a cloud. The one side of the thousand city alliances is now a loose sand. The army is still at risk, and I am still in the east. If you rush into the war, you may also provoke the magic door to intervene with other holy places. It is better to introduce him. Come, the name is justifiable, and the military strength of the Tianshan Mountain will be gathered under my mountain."

Seeing the cold against the water, still frowning, Yuankong is a smile: "Just rest assured! Nowadays, you have already known. You can feel that the sect, and the power to flip the dragon? Do not worry about the dragon shadow, this time It is the one of Ling Yunzong who has returned. My ancestor of Shangzong is also rushing back. If he is born again, it will be the life of the last few decades, and it may not be possible. It will not be repeated two years ago. , Julongshan story -"

The words 'Julong Mountain' are in the ear, and in the cold water, the unconsciously reveals a bit of grievance. At this time, he did not want to hide in front of Yuankong.

In two years, that resentment has not been smoothed. On the contrary, with the passage of time, the more and more intense, the more and more blocks are on the chest, and they are not scattered. Constantly licking, his apex of flesh.

He cares about Xuanyuan, he does not care, even resentment. Whenever I thought about two years ago, the shameful shame of the gathering of Longshan, the cold against the water can not be night.

Deeply breathed a sigh of relief, the cold turned against the water and leaned over, condensed: "The disciple must respect the teacher!"

In the eyes, full of gratitude.

The shame of two years ago, this time, he will personally return to the sect!

The grievances between the two people are caused by this marriage. In the end, the flesh is broken and the face is gone.

This time, he wants to take the Xuanyuan in front of the keeper!

Let this child also taste the taste of daily pain. wrong! That person, I can’t understand it, it’s really cheaper –

Cold and water changes this look, Yuan Kong is looking at the eyes, but with a closed eye slightly sigh: "You are crazy! Two years ago, because I am too sloppy, it is only you to be humiliated. I can always be in my heart. If this kind of grudge can make you do your best, it would be better -"


Dongling Yunlu East, that Dragon Elephant City.

Long Xiangcheng, the main yangyang, is also holding a road sign, and his expression is changing.

"Is it finally?? Well? The dragon is like the mountain city, picking the elite, and joining the ministries, going to Shangyu Mountain. The hero is the commander, the temperance of the ministries, and the army marches into the Tianshan Mountains. Oh, good - ”

Although it is in a soft voice, the Yang Fanzi is full of coldness.

This Ling Yunzong, still do not trust him.

It’s hard work to kill the Zongshou under the dry Tianshan. Most of the time, the East will be given some sweetness.

On the other hand, it is the side of the male jade, the siege is a little bit, and the benefits are numerous.

This is the force that does not want him to be like the dragon elephant, and then expands immediately after, Yang Fan will not care about this matter. This situation is also expected as early as possible.

If Ling Yunzong is really at ease, he will be suspicious.

This time, it is possible to remove the dry Tianshan, and it is possible to unite the strong enemy of Yunlu.


Clenching the fist, this full of hateful voice, almost Yang Fan from the teeth, spit out word by word.

I still remember that two years ago, my maid's maid died in the situation of the weak water sword.

Everything can be done now -

In the heart, I picked up another character. A little doubt, not knowing that the sect, in the end is a very good means, actually called these many nine-order monks.

Is this coming to death?

But about, it should be no problem -

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