Divine Brilliance

Chapter 547: Tile does not stay

The fifth and fourth chapters of the tile do not stay

As the sky gradually dims, the drums are still buzzing and murderous. Tens of thousands of soldiers wearing iron armor are splitting into two sides in this plain close to the river, killing along a line. Countless corpses, scattered around.

One of them is the dry Tianshan City. The number is only 1.8 million, divided into more than a hundred square arrays. [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

With more than 200 cloud ships in the big river as the flank, such as a dam, it resists the offensive once again.

The strength of the troops is much less than that of the Qiancheng League. Only about a quarter of the troops are obviously more elite. The armor worn on the body, as well as the soldier's arm in his hands, are all shining with a little light. They are all spiritual grades. Most of the time, even if they are cut by the soldiers, they are unharmed.

Therefore, although the strength is small, the momentum is even stronger. The entire broad line of sixty-seven miles wide, in most places, is the opposite, oppressing the thousands of troops of the Millennium City. Neat and efficient, constantly harvesting life.

However, whenever the attack is made, it will be defeated on the opposite side. It will always be returned immediately, returning to the rear of the camp, relying on the repairs of the work, and not pursue.

The same is true of the Thousand City League, which has been defeated again and again. Before the meat grinder-like camp, the pieces fell.

At this time, the male jade was iron-faced and sat in the tent for 17 years after the battle.

Although not in the battlefield, the spiritual master next to him can use the law of cloud light illusion. The situation in every corner of the battlefield is presented to her.

On the sides of her side, not the owner of the cities that followed, is the prestigious eastern general.

At the moment, there was a lot of talk, and the noise in the camp was noisy.

\"From the day of the war, it is now the seventh day! On the seventh day, I am waiting for the soldiers. There are nearly a million deaths and injuries, but they are not allowed to enter! Now, I am afraid that all of this one million people will die. And can't break through this place -"

\"This war our army fell into such an embarrassing situation, all because of the ship's lost time! By relying on the fleet in the river, the dry Tianshan can save at least 30% of the troops. I heard that as early as a month ago, it was assembled in the city of Ridong. Departure, why is it not yet? Is it waste?"

\"But it is no wonder that they have been after the Tianshan City since the fall of the Taoyun Fleet. The shipyard has been prosperous. In the past two years, more than 30 seven-toothed ships have been built. The other five ships have nearly 100 ships. At the exit of this generation of the river, there are four fortresses, each with more than 50 yuan to destroy the gods. In a short time, I am afraid that it is difficult to win!"

\"So, the demon king is also prepared. It is expected that the battlefield is here. It is no wonder that in the past two years, the dry Tianshan almost cleaned all the big ships in the river."

\"It is indeed prepared, I have been riding the four-day elite in these days, attacking the back side. But there is no one to send the grain and grass weapons, and there is no shadow in the three hundred miles. It should be sufficient here, no Fearing the siege of our army -"

\"I have been wondering, where is the money from the Tianshan Mountain. Although it is the tomb of the beast, it is impossible to be rich. It seems like a big ship of seven teeth, even if it is the power of the province, one year. Not necessarily a ship -"

\"Can't you go around here?"

\"Hey! Where is this ignorant scorpion? Like you, don't be at home, actually dare to gesticulate here. I don't know the way in the art of war, the soldiers go along the water? From this Daishui River, you call Where are we, the great army of the city, where to get water? By relying on the sects of those sects, can they hold up for one day?"

The voice fell, and the sound of laughter sounded through the entire military account. The person who asked the person to ask, the face of shame and anger.

But after the people laughed, their faces were still mostly worried.

It’s not that anxiety can’t win. Ling Yunzong presided over the scenes and integrated Zhucheng. Set a trap again, let the demon king willingly jumped in.

The victory and defeat of this war has already been undoubtedly read.

At this time, I was only worried about this war. The strength and the casualties in their hands were too great.

The male jade meditation alone, did not pay attention. These people are not her subordinates, and naturally they don't expect to be like an arm.

If she can do it, then she should be in the east, and she is not at ease.

\"My department suffered casualties on the 7th, there are 40,000 people, and they have broken down four times! But now they have not even broken the wall of the first floor of the other side. I don’t want to kill the soldiers of Tianshan, it is so fine! No wonder If you want to abolish the army, don't attach a vassal or attach it."

\"You are still good for 40,000 people. I have been running a fine horse for many years. Not long ago, all of them were folded in the army. The ten most elite military towns in Tianshan, the innate powers have more than three hundred. If you don’t show it, it will be a big victory when you appear, and you can’t count it!”

\"There is no way to fight this battle! I don't know the rest of the way, what is the situation now?"

\"I heard that it is not good, and the Tianshan Mountain is in danger. It is extremely heavy and dead, but it cannot be attacked-"

The sneer sneered, knowing that these people are seemingly self-concerned. In fact, these words are all meant to be heard by myself.

Confused with the eyebrows, the male jade looks at the illusion of clouds and light in front of him, and the eyes are full of chills.

After the shackles, there will be a decision. The gaze like a sharp sword glanced at the inside of the temple, and only the breath was oppressed, so that the temple was quiet again.

\"I know that since the 7th, the army has suffered heavy casualties! Xiongyu is also very sad. It is not beneficial to be so entangled."

This sentence says that the people in the account have been beheaded, and the male jade has changed its voice: "I just thought about it. The situation on the side of the Tianshan Mountains is even more uncomfortable today. Today, I am in the city. Although the alliance has killed and injured 124,000 people, I can see the Tianshan Mountains, but there are also 3,000 people killed!"

Some people in the temple who understand each other are sneer, and have already guessed that the Lord of the Flame Mountain City wants to say something. [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

Sure enough, I listened to the male jade, and then said: "When yesterday, the dry Tianshan was only a thousand people killed and injured. The dry Tianshan has been exposed to fatigue. Now it is time to make a bang, not halfway! On the night of the night, the king is ready to pick up the night battle. I intend to use the flames, the clouds, the dragon elephant, the Yunsheng four-city army, and try to attack again. From the right, the terrain is wide and unfavorable. Today, this is the weakest point on the opposite side. Breakthrough is not difficult -"

Her voice did not fall, and there was another sneer in the tent: "Why should it be so troublesome? The dust on the mountain will be fixed, and wait until the one is dead. The military towns in the Tianshan Mountains will not break." The storm is now only a waste of life."

In this statement, the people in the account have shown their approval.

\"Exactly! Lingyunzong has long been arranged, only the body is dead. The big picture can be fixed! Why is it in vain?"

\"I am waiting for this deputy ally, but it is not a small ambition. I can be a soldier in the city, I want a private interest, but I don't think about it-"

\"The Princess Xuan Yu does not look at human life, but I need to be a subordinate heart-"

The male jade was not angry and laughed. He looked up and took a few murders. He looked at the person who first refuted.

This person is not a person of Longxiang City. Before the construction of Qiancheng League, it was one of the vassals of Longxiang City.

Looking at the rest, more than a dozen big cities, including the cloud sacred city main imaginary yuan, Yunxiaoshan wind anger, are silent and do not speak.

This is a smile: "It’s not impossible to stop and attack. But if it is, wait until I have done it properly, and then enjoy it. Doesn’t it seem that I am incompetent?"

In a word, the camp will be restored to calm again. And the male jade also looked to the side, where there were two young men.

One is a ancestors mad, the other is younger, and the name is called Yan Feibai. They are Ling Yunzong, the most core disciple.

Her male jade, although the owner of a city, is nothing but an inner disciple.

The moment is a smile: \"Please ask two people later, and send the soldiers to help!"

The ancestors mad about this woman, but it is somewhat appreciated. It’s just that, but it’s still a bit hesitant.

In Lingyun Zong, the sixth-order Taoist soldiers are the backbone. Underneath, there are only four or five orders of Taoist soldiers. This time, he was brought over by thousands of people, plus the east of the Zhuzong, there are also five thousand.

Although it is not a true Zongmen pillar, it is also the essence of the gathering.

He is squatting, and he listens to the male jade and continues to say: "In these few days, the male jade wants to lead the Tianshan pursuit, but the Qiu is not the material of the generals, they are all returned in time, never advancing. I have prepared for the soldiers of the sects of the patriarchs. If they are not tempted, they will only be able to attack. Please rest assured that the singer will act with care and try not to make the ancestral door elite, and there are too many deaths and injuries. Today, the male jade does not seek to break through. Just ask for it to be hit hard, there is a confession. Otherwise, it will not be good to see the face of you and me.

The ancestors madly nodded and smiled: "The teacher is good at using soldiers, I believe it!"

That is not a white but it is indispensable, this time, this is the ancestors mad master ~ www.readwn.com ~ he followed, just long experience, watching the war.

I only think about the sect in my heart, and the man who is blasphemy, is it so degraded?

It’s a pity that I can’t fight one more!

In two years, he has already logged into the seventh order! I don’t know what the sect is, now what is the realm?

The male jade has a slight corner of his lips, and his hands unconsciously caress his broken arm, and then slammed tightly at the break.

Severe pain, suddenly straight into the heart,

Among the cloud world, there are countless secret recipes passed down from the cloud era. There are countless techniques for the regeneration of broken limbs. Even if it is like Long Ruo, it has to be valued by the teacher, and even a real spirit can reshape the body.

As a master of a city, the male jade is a simple one.

But it has been kept, just because I have to remember that time, the shameful shame in Julong Mountain, for today.

It should be not far away! Only a few days away, you will hear the news of death -

Zong Shou, Zong Shou, I am going to ruin your dry Tianshan!

Tiles don't stay! [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

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