Divine Brilliance

Chapter 549: Rebellion before the battle:

>The fifth forty-ninth chapter of the rebellion before the battle: (seeking a monthly ticket for recommendation)

I saw it on the opposite side, and the Tianshan Mountain had a tens of thousands of people, and suddenly withdrew more than seventy feet.

It seems to be the squadron of the squadron, which is closely connected with other phalanxes. However, it is faintly exposed to one side of the wing.

"Qiu Wei is a great general, and when it comes to war, there will be such a flaw -"

The male jade only feels incredible, the first thought in the brain. Not an excitement, but a quirk of uneasiness.

In the past seven days, she has played against Qiu for many times, and has played dozens of battles.

The ability of this person is clear, but it is worthy of the choice of Zuo Tingzhu general!

Or not as good as those of the genius of art of war, but calm and cautious, with soldiers and peace, almost can not find the slightest opportunity.

But today's situation is eccentric. Is it something? Or, what is the back of this person?

"Why is the end of the good end retreat? Well? It seems to be a flaw. Is it negligence-"

"Good opportunity! If it hits its left wing at this time, it will be able to defeat it! Hey! This Qiu is indeed a good general. It has been calm for seven days. But today I only confused this one time, but I have to do it. The million-day army, all ruined here!"

"No, there is still something wrong with this!"

At this time, the owners of the cities that are sitting on both sides are mostly people who are well versed in the art of war. It is said that the time is right, the machine can't be lost.

Similarly, the male jade can see the opposite situation in a flash, and there are changes. Another 10,000-step squadron, stepping out from the opposite army.

And the majestic scorpion, but also flashed a trace of fine mans. For a moment, I was puzzled.

"This is the cracking wind of the dry Tianshan, the iron tiger big gentleman, the wind bear open the mountain. The true essence of the dry Tianshan!"

"It turns out that it is necessary to replace this elite with the elite, and it is no wonder that it is straightforward!"

"Xiongcheng Lord! The fighters are fleeting, not-"

But before the man finished, the male jade had stood up and decided to say: "The order, there are three monks on the Lingyun name, and they are interspersed from the left wing. The enemy is in the middle of the army and penetrates through the battle!"

At this time, almost everyone is getting excited, and today is a big victory. Once it is hit here, the dry Tianshan will no longer have the power to turn over.

You can drive straight into the belly of the dry Tianshan jurisdiction!

The voice of the male jade is also continuing, with a tremolo: "Let the army go forward! Give me the smashing enemy! You must be the enemy of the opposite, all here -"

When the order was made, I saw only the five thousand fine riders, and it was already starting to move. The riding beast gradually accelerated and started to run.

Just like her life, directly to the opposite side of the left wing exposed, shocked away! The rest of the military squadrons are also steadily moving forward with the arrow rain of the dry Tianshan.

Especially the more than 20 military towns in the city of Yunsheng, the most swift. Almost immediately after the five thousand soldiers. The Chinese army, which is facing the opposite Tianshan Mountain, oppressed the past, and the action was the quickest.

This time, all the people on the stage were holding their breath. Waiting for the road to the east of the Zhuzong, the soldiers will rush to the center of the Tianshan Mountains.

The male jade did not help but stood up and held his fists tightly. Above the jade surface, the color of the tidal red is faint, and the corner of the eye of the male jade is also slightly distorted, which is an abnormal embarrassment. My heart is almost stunned.

How can you not be excited? How can you not make people happy? The millions of elites built by Zong Shou have been destroyed in her hands today!

Flame Mountain City, not only can you lose ground, but also be able to open up the territory!

In just a few days, the dry Tianshan City will disappear. In the future, it will only be her male jade, and it will be a flame mountain.

These thoughts were just vacated in my mind, and the male jade heard a horror and sounded in her ear.

"Somewhat wrong!"

Turning his head and looking at it, but seeing the person who spoke, it was always on the side of the silent voice, letting her command the ancestors mad. At this moment, the brow wrinkles and seems to be worried about something.

Xiongyu suddenly lost his laughter. In today's battle, it is too easy to win. It is no wonder that this ancestor will be like this.

It is her, the same is uneasy before. However, before she was ordered, she had carefully weighed it. I really didn’t know what was wrong. Even if Qiu was really deliberate, he was confident enough to break this trap!

Just the next one, I heard that Yan Feibai suddenly opened his mouth, and the eyebrows were full of suspicious thoughts: "I don't know the art of war. I can see the horses and horses of the holy city of the cloud. The action is too fast. This array seems to be somewhat inappropriate."

This sentence is said, but immediately made the people here, all of them trembled, and shocked. It’s like a thunder, and the people who are bombing are shaking.

Looking at it in front of me, it really seems that I only feel the layout of the imaginary government, some weird.

The real elite is now on the back side. In addition, there were a full 40,000 cavalry, all of which were placed on the left wing.

More crucially, at this time, the 270,000 people were in the square, and it was too close to the 5,000 soldiers who were running at full speed.

I didn’t feel the same before. I thought that the imaginary government would not dare, and there was rebellion at this time.

But if it is -

After this, the male jade and the original would not dare to think about it. When I was about to speak and order, I saw that among the 270,000-strong army of the Cloud City, it was suddenly a wave of arrows that raised the space.

But the arrow only fell in the direction, but it was not the opposite of the Tianshan army, but it was the five thousand soldiers riding!

"This is a broken arrow!"

“How can there be such a thing in the Cloud City?”

The jade's face is pale, and this third-order spiritual arrow can only be produced by the scorpion sect.

Cloud Holy City, how can there be this thing?

- These more than 20 million spiritual arrows have fallen, even if the five thousand soldiers are all above the heavens, I am afraid that they will suffer a lot!

Then it was the pupil shrinking, which was 40,000 cavalry. At this time, it also accelerated to the extreme and hit the front. That direction is also the back side of the Taoist fine ride! Murderous!

At the end of the battle, it is almost the flood of the five thousand fine rides, and it’s gone!

For a time, Xiongyu felt that his hands and feet were cold, and his heart sank into the depths of the valley.

It turns out that the sharp cloth is behind, not for saving strength. It is to guard against the rear, and the cavalry is placed on the left wing, it is to fight the soldiers to ride!

Just how can this vain rebellion? Why are you betrayed? The East is close to the Zhuzong, and the victory will soon be there. How can this imaginary government be so risky?

A series of questions have come to my mind. At this time, she was on both sides, and everyone was bloody,

The ancestors' madness is also the expression of iron and blue, and the seventh-order spiritual repair of Ling Yunzong, who is talking behind the male jade, is even more savvy.

At this time, almost everyone did not mention the recall of the Taoist soldiers.

Everything is too late! Can only wait for the results. If it can penetrate the big array of the opposite Tianshan, or there is still a line of life -

Returning at this time, then even if this line is alive, there is no.


After a series of deaths of the beast, and the sound of the armor, they rang loudly on the battlefield.

First, there were 200,000 spiritual arrows, which were densely popped, and fell from the weakest parts behind them.

Between a few breaths, there were nearly a thousand people who had fallen from the saddle.

Then there was the 40,000 iron horses coming to the end, just in the fine ride of only three thousand people, and the tens of thousands of people in the Tianshan Mountains were slightly blocked, and they chased them up.

Immediately, there are countless fine horses. These people are innate, and they can often change one for three.

However, there is still no suspense, and it is completely submerged in the steps of the dry Tianshan, as well as the cavalry of the Cloud City. One by one!

The four thousand cracked winds, the four thousand iron tigers and the gentlemen, the three thousand wind bears open the mountain, this time is even more compact. The wave of the knife and the big axe are evenly uniform. No one is in front of him and supports for a moment.

Just half a moment, the five thousand fine rides have been completely slaughtered, and no waves have ever been picked up. No one can escape, even if it is the two seventh-order of the team, it also disappeared.

In a short period of time, the opposite of the Tianshan army, has been in the formation. From the defensive to the attack, to the direction of the Qiancheng League, walk neatly on foot. The Zhucheng coalition forces, which are deployed in the left and right sides of the Cloud Holy City, are also smashing and mad.

At this time, on the battlefield, except for the trembling of the sudden death, it was a dead silence.

The male jade only felt that the limbs were completely numb, and the mind was in utter disappointment. At this moment, I dare not believe this scene.

Five thousand elite soldiers, so gone? Without this fine riding deterrence, how should I deal with this army that is in front of Tianshan?

Don't say it's an attack, even if it's a guard, don't dare to say that you can hold it. Is it true that today, it will be a big defeat?

The five thousand fine horses were completely annihilated, and how should they explain to the east?

This imaginary government is out of heart? Made such a stupid thing?

The ancestors' mad face ~www.readwn.com~ is also turned from green to purple, binocular red, a screaming roar: "Zheng Zhengyuan! I Lingyunzong, I will let you pay for it! A thousand disciples, must blood blood Reimbursement?"

On the other side, it was a mad laugh from the imaginary government: "The blood debt is paid? Well, the imaginary government is waiting to see!"

The male jade is also full of trepidation, this is the victory, but at this time it is a sign of great defeat!

"Zheng Zhengyuan! I think you are really crazy! Zong Shou must be slain on the mountain, and the Tianshan Mountain is also dead. You are not afraid. I am going to the east, and destroying your imaginary family." Dead, do you think that I am Lingyun, can not destroy you a small cloud holy city master?"

The person who spoke is just behind the male jade, the seventh-order spiritual repair. The sound is amplified by the magic method, and the hundred miles can be heard.

"Insane? Or it's crazy! Erling Yunzong abolished me, and it made my imaginary Yuan family ruined. Those days are really crazy and memorable!"

That imaginary government said this, and then another chuckle: "To destroy my whole family of the sinister family, it is up to you! Just after you wait for today, can you still have such a skill? I really thought that I won." I’m a big man, I’ve got a lot of trouble, and I’m so you can imagine?”

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