Divine Brilliance

Chapter 579: Yushu Kirin

The fifty-seventh chapter Yushu Kirin

\"Dan medicine and the throne?" [.. quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

Zong Shou is curious. Looking at the water wave, waiting for a more detailed explanation.

\"Dan medicine is Zijidan! On the same day, Daqin Chulong, collected the medicine of the world [the sky] alchemist. It is said that it can add 50 years of life, but unfortunately it has been killed before it has been taken -"

Zongshou’s brow picks up and knows that the dragon is strong in force. It is said that when the ancient cloud was deserted, even the sacred strong man needs to bow in front of him.

However, Wang Dao Wu Xue, natural can not be longevity, he is only because of the nine-story tower in this soul sea suppression, not to be immersed in the ‘throne. Therefore, in the early years of the beginning of the dragon, began to collect the longevity of Bhutan. This purple dan, should be one of them.

Fifty years of life, for the top monks with a lifetime of 10,000 yuan, or not worth mentioning. But in this world, there are only a few kinds of medicinal herbs that can prolong life.

Even in the afterlife, Zong Shou has not heard of it. Those who are dig, even if they are rich in the world, it is difficult to extend their lives.

The first time that Zongshou thought of it was the dragon shadow of Shouyuan, and I didn’t know if it was useful.

However, it is strange to say that his singer's ‘throne, the recent influence on his soul. It is getting lower and lower, and I don’t know why.

\"So what is the throne?"

\"is a nose of the throne!"

Shui Lingbo shook his head: "It is said that in the past, the Great Qin Dynasty began to slash the countries, and the world [the sky] was made of fine copper, which was cast into eighteen bronzes. It was also made into the throne by the fine iron in the world. The blood sacrifice of the king's room, the achievement of the nose of the throne. For me or other monks or no effect, but for the practice of the king of the secrets of the military, but it is the treasure. Because of the ancestral spirit, therefore all the ancestors are willing to -"

Zong Shou’s heart is in vain, this should be related to the ‘the struggle of the Emperor. Who can unite the five-party cloud land, is the next million years, the people of this world.

It is no wonder that the people of the Zhuzong will gather here, and only lack the Confucianism.

However, it is not surprising to think about it. This is the hegemony of the beginning of the dragon. When it was in place, it was said that it was a confession of Confucianism.

This Shilong thing, it is estimated that you don't want to touch it. If it is possible, I am afraid it will be destroyed.

Immediately, Zong Shou, and dumbfounded: "There is no Tomb of the First Emperor here, how can there be these two things?"

He knows best, but what is the true Tomb of the First Emperor.

The water Lingbo has a slamming voice, scornfully: "There is no Tomb of the First Emperor, but there is a tomb of the king, it is said to sink here! You can know that the evil spirit ditch is said to be the old year, Daqin 600,000 The war was killed and the land was killed!"

\"Item王? The one who claims to be invincible?"

Zong Shou smashed, and my heart must be. In the past, the clouds and land were broken and divided into dozens of pieces. Some of them sank into the clouds, and some were still floating on the clouds.

If the evil spirits ditch, it is really the one that killed 600,000 wars, I am afraid that it is really possible.

But in his memory, is this ditch not being pulled out? [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

If it is really the tomb of the king, then his big shot, is it estimated?

Strange, when the king’s defeat was defeated, weren’t these things scraped by his opponent?

No doubt, Zong Shou is too lazy to think. Whether it is the aunt's nose, or the king's legacy, he doesn't care much.

Only Zi Li Dan, he is slightly interested.

"This is the case, but it should be more than just these two things! Cangsheng can not care about these -"

\"Is it you guessed? The confused brain has burnt, can you still think of it?"

Shui Lingbo shook his head incredulously, and then looked different: "It is the Yushu record of the universe, the book of the second book of the universe. This place may not have the book of the world, and it is possible that Yushu is here. They have been sent over, and apart from the Nassaurus, they are also investigating this matter-"

Zong Shou once again raised an eyebrow and said what it is like here. In addition to the book of the universe, is there a relationship with Yushu? Suddenly, my heart is moving: \"Here is Yunmengze?"

No wonder here, there will be a water beast -

\"Exactly! But it is just one piece of debris! Legend has it, there are countless rare treasures, countless spirit beasts, countless legends of Yunmeng Daze. It is said that the clouds and land are broken, and when the earth's crust is broken, part of it sinks into the ground and disappears. ""

Shui Lingbo is talking infinitely, and then smiles: \"Speaking these is only for you to know. This opportunity has been missed, and there will be no more in the future. You may regret it later. At this time, look for the beast, only I am afraid that not only will not win, but will fall into the realm of danger!"

Zong Shou sneered, he can't keep his life now, and how can he care about these treasures?

Shui Lingbo said this, I am afraid that it is also to inform myself that there is no help at this time -

He also knows that he may not be the opponent of the unknown beast, but he always needs to give it a try.

Then, after the water Lingbo, it was a slight nod, a sigh: "" Then you and I will be separated here! I will find you by the way, rest assured, I will find a way anyway -"

When the voice falls, the water wave has left in the other direction and stepped into the void.

Zong Shou also has no intention of blaming, like water Lingbo, is the most sensible approach.

If the beast is under the spiritual environment, or even beyond the early days of the spiritual world, then he can cope with it.

But if it is above this, then even if they combine the power of both. It is also useless.

Set the gods, Zong Shou continued to go in the direction of the water system, and went empty.

When I first heard about remote sensing, I felt very close. But at this time, I found the distance, but it was extremely far.

The reason why it can sense its existence is that it is too pure and too large because of the power of this beast.

The more you go forward, the more Zong Shou feels that the chest is cold, and there is even the impulse to turn around and run.

This is the front of things. It is estimated that he is not what he can handle.

I don't know how many thousands of miles have been spent in this fog. In front of Zong Shou, there was finally a blue light. In this darkness, it looked unusually dazzling.

At this time, he was faint, and he was already in the middle of the sea. He could only barely maintain a clearer mind.

After a little hesitation for a moment, Zong Shou continued to walk forward. The blue brilliance in the field of vision is getting more and more prosperous.

Until Zongshou stepped into a strange place, it was surrounded by fog.

It is just like this, but the sun is shining, and the colorful aura is floating like a fairyland.

At first glance, the bottom is still a swamp, but there is not much decay. At the center, it is a lake about 400 miles in size.

There are still a lot of sperm in the inside, living in it [eternal life].

Numerous evil spirits have gathered here, and the intention is to rush into it, but it is blocked by a thin layer of water curtain inside.

These evil spirits are often only touched a little, and they will be poured into the body with a positive force. In just an instant, it will turn into fly ash.

When the sects arrived, these sinister enchantments were another sway. Greedy flutters, but it is still close in the future. The Thunder pterosaur on the right arm of Zong Shou has already taken the initiative. In the circle of Zongshou body, tens of thousands of thunder, sweeping around.

Although it is always moments, I want to fight back. At this moment, Zong Shouyi reminded him, but he also had to appear. The contract of six silver ants, at the same time ignited the flame of the Holy White, cleaning the fish that escaped through the net of the net.

Only Xiaojin did not appear, but it mimicked the magical power of the dragonfly. The same layer worshipped the flame and protected Zong Shouzhou.

The code did not care at all, and went to the water curtain. First reach out and try to touch.

Then there was a slight surprise in the shackles, which turned out to be a ban, but a supernatural power! It is only for the evil spirits, but it is no harm to the living creatures.

I don’t know what kind of vast mana can be, in this evil place, to fight against resentment and anger, to maintain the tranquility of this small area.

Zong Shou’s heart is more and more bitter, but he still has hesitated and continues to go in.

The beast here may have never seen a stranger. In the arrival of Zongshou, they all fled.

He did not pay attention to it, directly to the sword, and slowly approached the heart of the lake.

The mind was tense, and a nine-step sword was held in the hand.

I am preparing to cope with a fierce battle, but when he is at the heart of the lake, he will fix his figure. Zong Shou was ‘sounding, and some looked incredulously.

I saw that there was a reef on the center. "Talking Qiu Zheng is standing there, looking calm and serene. The hand is sticking forward, and the beast of a blue scale is holding her palm. Giving a giggling smile.

Zong Shou suddenly paused for a while, but it was indeed a smile, sound like a silver bell, crisp and incomparable, but also a sway.

If it is another girl, it will not matter if it looks ugly~www.readwn.com~ It’s such a man, but it’s a man, and it’s the image of his past life –

How to see how awkward!

Fortunately, there are no other people here, otherwise I am afraid that I will not see anyone in the future.

No! The important thing is not this, but the first half of the body. The beasts hidden under the lake.

Look at the breath, like the sea, clearly has reached the peak of the gods. At this time, like a pet, it looks like a pet, and seems to be wooing the people in front of you.

Zong Shou looked at it, and then the color was thicker: "Is it a water unicorn?"

The creature in front of it is clearly the appearance of Kirin, and it is similar to the one he saw in the tomb of Qinhuang.

- faucet, antler, lion's eye, tiger's back, bear's waist, snake scales. Only four feet above, there are some differences, with a duck-like slap

\"Should be it! One of the variants of Kirin--"

When I talked about autumn, I lost my spirit, went to the mouth of the Kirin, and then patted it, then smiled and turned back: "You, this man, is finally here!"

The water unicorn, also eye-catching to this side, first fierce flash.

Then I looked at it and I liked it. Directly let ‘Talking Autumn leave, and ran to the side of Zong Shou. [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

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