Divine Brilliance

Chapter 592: Underground grave

Chapter 552 The Underground Tomb

Good words are against the ears. If this person does not listen, then it can't be. This Tao must be stunned to everyone. [.pxs.Quality novel, true quality, good novel! 】

However, it is not a matter of interest. :\"This purple dandan, it should be just the second time of the Qin Emperor's sergeant, refining the defective! I heard that the real purple dan, often has a companion Dan, the name is called Zizhen Linghua. Can be used to cure the wonderland Next, all the undead, it is said to be a monk monk, but also quite effective -"

When Zong Shou Li was in the heart, all the medicine doctors were not dead.

This sentence sounds like there is no exaggeration of the bones of life and death, but it is truly extraordinary.

Under the wonderland, as long as it is not dead, no matter what kind of injury, poison, or illness, it can be cured. In this world, how many medicinal herbs can be done?

Is this Tao Tao, is it a retribution? interesting!

Originally, I was very interested in this purple dan. At this time, he must be able to get it.

There are people, weak water should not be fragrant. But one more insurance, that's not bad.

This thought began, Zong Shou felt inside the cave, suddenly it was a rumbling sound, the mountain shakes like the movement.

At first, I thought that someone was fighting in this underground cave. After a while, I don’t feel right.

The sound of the sound, continuous, continued for a full dozen, not stopped.

Everyone looked at each other and they were tacit. Even here, there are still many things to be buried, but they are completely ignored. They have slipped out. Flying in the ramp, in the direction of the sound of the vibration, flew away.

And almost everyone, the line of sight is intentional or unintentional, looking at the Zong Shou, who is not too slow, just at the end of the team.

Both Xiang Xiangzi and Wu Xuan have been won by Zong Shou. There is this person, plus an absolute desire, one is not hurt,

Naa's nose and purple dan, and so on, have no need to think about it. If Yushu is born, he will not be able to grab it.

I only hope that the king will be buried, not just these things. Or if this person fights, these talents have a chance.

After the hundred and forty interest, the sound of the vibrations subsided, and everyone found the source of the sound of the shock.

I saw the bottom of the labyrinth of the underground, which was originally a very solid ground, and it was completely collapsed.

It reveals a very large underground space, but it is a dark lake under the ground. Huge and incomparable, I can’t see the margins at a glance.

And everyone's sight. They are concentrated in the center of the lake, a stone island with a radius of about 20,000 square feet.

Above the island, there is a stone platform standing, simple and grand,

A few shots of the banner, a figure, just sit on the high platform.

And under that. It is neat and tidy, with 18,000 sets of armor. Some are fairly complete, while others are incomplete.

They are all squatting forward, as if they are human figures. [.pxs.Quality novel, true quality, good novel! 】

When Li did not see Zong Shou, he was puzzled and explained with a smile: "The past year, when Chu Bawang was self-defeating, his subordinates were buried. All the armored instruments of all the subordinates were collected for burial. Sure enough -"

Zong Shou looked at it again, and it was a pity in his heart. This is the Xiangshi iron ride under the tyrant's majesty, but the Wei Ming is not inferior to the blood cloud ride.

It was only when he was inspected with spiritual consciousness that he only felt that these instruments were either completely decayed or broken and incomprehensible.

Even if you take it back, it is useless. No wonder that the one who is self-proclaimed by the overlord is so generous.

This is to know that these things have been collected, and that the iron ride can not be built.

Shaking his head, Zong Shou then listened to one side, and the monks were talking.

\"The original tomb is here, no wonder I am waiting, it is impossible to find--"

\"If you can find this place earlier, I am afraid that it will not happen."

\"I don't know who opened it here? Except for the one who is able to force it to collapse here, it seems that manpower can do it!"

Zong Shou is also strange, who is here to make it collapse? Then I only heard an exclamation: "How can I not see the king's body?"

\"It's weird! Is it still a cloak here?"

\"The purple polar dan and the a throne, where is it?"

Zong Shouwen looked forward to seeing the top of the high platform. Then the look was a glimpse, only to see the seat sitting on it. It is not a person or a corpse, but a puppet.

As for the purple polar dan and the a throne. It is not seen.

Unable to pick a brow, and then the next one. I saw three figures, from the bottom of the lake, rushing.

The one headed. It is the water wave. The latter two, but the thunder and gold do not regret.

When Zong Shouzheng was surprised, the two of them saw him, and they were slightly happy. They came over.

The former is a bitter smile and explains the reason: \"The bad luck, caught by this water Lingbo, became a strong--"

Between words, I am very angry.

Kim does not regret but smiles: "But the Taiyuan fairy, it is as rumored, it is generous!"

Obviously, when I followed the water wave, I got a lot of benefits.

At this time, the thunder finally found out that the situation was different. The face of the wind Taiji was ugly.

Then there are Wu Xuan and Xiao Xiangzi, both of whom are gone.

Only the nine-order monks of the Tao Ling Divine and the Devil's Dilemma are here, but the look is slightly different.

\"How is this going?

Thunder slightly frowning, curiously asked: \"Na Wu Xuan Xiang Xiangzi, where is this time?"

He has no refusal to say this, and there is no sound. The Promise and others are suddenly in a state of gloom.

Only the original is harmless, and a scream of cold laughs: "Nature is dead! The guy who got angry with him was stunned. Their heads are still hidden in this guy's bag."

Lei was shocked in the heart, looking at the sight, looking at Zong Shou. But only seeing the latter nodded slightly, this is the meaning of recognition.

It is a chill in the end. I also guessed the wind Taiji, what is going on.

Nothing can't stand it, this strong gap -

The characters who looked down on them were far beyond themselves and strong enough to crush themselves. Change to him, I am afraid that it will be the same, can not afford.

Then it was really heard that the original was harmless, and a cold smile: "As for your younger brother, you can't stop me from hurting a sword. It's really disappointing."

Thunder and thick eyebrows pick one, some are dissatisfied. But after that, it was forced to go down again.

At this time, if you respond to this original and innocent provocation, you will probably not suffer, but you must borrow the slogan, which is why he is not willing.

Even if they want to save their swordsman's reputation, it needs to be upright.

Then he sighed secretly. Within the Jianzong, there is more than one person who knows the identity of this guardian and the autumn.

Many elders are the ones that the Lord of the Swords and the Crowd of the Crowd, a few years ago.

Almost foreseeable. Once the matter of today is spread, within the sectarians, I am afraid that the moment will be a slap in the face.

It’s really not worthwhile to trade Zong Shou to change the wind and Tai Chi.

Sword master this business. It’s really a big loss –

It is also secretly pitiful for the wind, this is the pride of the sky, and now compared with Zong Shou, but it is just a fake.

After returning to Wanjian, I am afraid that the weather will be too good.

Many dissatisfied people will take the opportunity to make trouble.

Zong Shou did not want to say anything in this matter. He asked directly: "Where did you come from? What did you find in the lake?"

\"It is a ground underground river! The ground floor here. It is also Taiyuan fairy son, she broke some of the forbidden sake of this place! As for this lake, I have seen it everywhere, there is no clue."

Lei Yi said, and then he looked at the water wave that was sinking into depression and thinking about something. With a smile, \"or the water fairy, another income-"

The water Lingbo turned back and slammed the thunder. I saw Zong Shou, a slight accident. I nodded lightly. It was a ritual, and I turned my head again. It seems that things are not solved.

At this time, almost everyone is confused, or meditation, or talking.

Zong Shou is also looking around, trying to find clues here.

Since there are many former ancient armor here, it is arranged here, and most of them are true tombs.

But where is the purple polar and the royal throne, where is it?

And there are all kinds of treasures, as well as Yushu -

There is no clue, but it is above. Two more people came, an old monk, a short hair girl.

The former is the fraternity of Wanfo, and the latter is the pure tone.

It is very strange that this net voice has always been kind to him. Not too close, not too repulsive, just intentionally or unintentionally, keep a distance.

At this time, I don’t know why, but it’s a pair of black and white eyes, and I’m screaming at myself, as if I was an enemies~www.readwn.com~ So that Zong Shou is a fog, I don’t seem to have offended this vulgar little. nun. Recently, it seems that there is nothing to do with the harms of the world. Why is this net sound so?

The two looked at each other, and the net sound seemed to raise their own.

Moved ignorant anger. He bowed his head and whispered the scriptures.

\"Since there is a world record, you will not be the tomb of the king, hidden in the space of the creation!

\"Impossible! In the thousands of years after the death of this king, the creation of the world has appeared several times, it is not the same era. How could it be possible to accommodate its tomb with the creation of the world? It is ridiculous! ”

\" Is it really taken by the former Tianshan demon king?

\"Nonsect! Hey!"

When everyone was talking about it, Zhao Ruran was whispering in a low voice.

\"Weird! It is said that this Middle Kingdom dynasty, all things that belong to Wang Jia, have their own rules and regulations. For example, this watch station, there should be a total of nine hundred and eighty-one. But I just counted, but there are a total of eighty Level 2?"

When this statement came out, everyone immediately woke up. Shui Lingbo first shot, one palm shot, and the cockroaches immediately fell straight. Put the high platform, even the wooden man above, completely smashed!

At that moment, the entire underground lake is full of colorful lights. [.pxs.Quality novel, true quality, good novel! 】

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