Divine Brilliance

Chapter 599: Surprise attack

The 59th chapter suddenly attacked

Yes, my brother! What happened to you just now? "[.px.Quality novel, true quality, good novel!]

The stalwart big man was a singer, and then he remembered the reason for this, and his eyes were slightly different: "Is it a genius, what did you see? Is it a ghost?"

\"You only hit the ghost!"

The young scribes snorted without a good breath, but they knew what the other party was.

It’s just that I’m not using the characters given by the teacher, but where can I’m seeing, what?

It’s just a matter of genius. Or yourself, it’s time to make up your mind.

No way, although he firmly believes that people will win the day. Can be born under the door of the teacher, can be more or less concerned about this kind of thing.

\"Determined! I am staying in this dry Tianshan, doing the same with my brother, it is very good!"


The burly man was amazed and turned his head to look at his younger brother.

This is how it happened. I remember that the first two days, my younger brother did not continue to yell at the demon king. I don’t know what it is. How suddenly, so decided?

Curious in my heart, only feeling concealed about what happened. He couldn’t help but ask him.

\"How come it is suddenly decided? Don't you think that this move is too fast and sloppy? And, is it this dry Tianshan, when the storm is shaking?"

As I spoke, I looked at the other side with a different look. Only a few miles away from the wall of the city wall, I changed the defender.

The eight-tailed Shi’s people thought they were doing nothing, and dripping water did not leak. But in some people’s eyes, it’s not at all,

\""Story and stormy? Why don't I think?"

The young show laughter, even if there is illusion, it can't hide. Leading people around, it seems. Scared to the burly, it is almost unmanned. When the opportunity came, I quickly laughed and covered the voice of the young show, and fooled the past.

But it also ushered in. That is to guard the soldiers, to see the eyes of the neuropathy,

\"The Qiu Tingzhu is too calm and the people of the seven-tailed Zongshi seem to be made. But you don't think that they look at the snowy eyes, in fact, it is very weird? I never thought that this highness is in the sect. Among the clan, the prestige is so high. No one in the Yi nationality feels unbelievable. How can I lift this, the two big generals of Tianshan, who are preparing to catch up?

\"Is that?"

Ren Tianxing thickened his eyebrows and then smiled: "When you say this, I am relieved! However, this is not the reason why you suddenly chose this demon king, even if the situation here is very good, but after all, it is a wild land."

The young show is silent this time, but he doesn't know why he chooses so.

If you really want to say it, it is that you can show your talents here without worrying about others.

In fact, he always felt that his talents were too high, and that there were only ten battles in the world.

If there is no room for doing anything, most of them will be envied and hated.

Still here, peace of mind

Even a country's monarch, who lives under the king's law, is willing and willing to let people do it. Such a gentleman, presumably can also accommodate him?

\"Senior, even if I ask myself about strategy, the world [covers the sky] does not show me right. But I also worry about the rabbits go to gǒu to cook!"

Inexplicably, this sentence made Wu Tianxing confused. Then the young guards smiled again.

\"Senior, remember that you are a family, there are 10,000 private soldiers?"

\"Yes, that's right!"

That day, Tianxing heard the strange look: "But the monarch does not allow the private soldiers in Tiancheng. The uncle is ready to abolish. I heard that the rest of the families also want to do this. Now, unlike before, everyone can feel at ease. No need to wake up on the second day, it will be overwhelmed. It is not necessary to raise these private soldiers. What do you ask this?"

The young show, but a fox-like smile: "Since I plan to go down to the Highness, I have to stand up to the money. I can’t stand in front of me. I say that I am a genius. It is a gift. You don't reuse it. I, that's a big mistake. Let's do this big thing before you can see the monarch~"

Ren Tianxing once again stunned, and then laughed loudly.

I was thinking about how to borrow my uncle's private army. With your own brother, crazy?

Above the deep underground lake, it is in the Zongshoujian, and it is pressing the entire deep lake. The air machine is invisible, and the A-nose of the Emperor behind him should respond and respond. Awkwardly in front of the void, a twist.

A fist shadow, the sudden and extreme of the air. As strong as a mountain, with a pound of fists, violently crushed over.

Even Zong Shou is also one of them. This punch is awesome! It was just the six people who joined forces to attack, the most difficult time! The whole body is used to fight against these people, and there is no way to cope.

The eyes are slightly stunned. Then Zong Shou is a smile. Pity! If it is before the count, this punch may directly kill his life.

Just now, it is a slow step.

The sword in the hand is still without any embarrassment. Simply use your hand to represent the sword and point it out! [.px. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

Almost no real power, only a small gold into a film, wrapped his arm fist, all wrapped up.

Unremarkable, the one with a lack of momentum, but it seems to be extremely powerful!

Hey! wave!

First, the punch is broken, and then a series of bursting sounds.

As the mountains and the sea are generally crushed, the time is broken in front of him, and the four are scattered.

The sword pointed to the end, and it was finally with the huge fist, jī hit a place,

Another screaming ‘噗嗤, 爆, but it’s the blood of the sky, broken up.

Zong Shou’s hand was unharmed, and his body was withdrawn from a dozen feet. The fist was pointed by him and he was crushed. The whole arm was turned into blood powder, and it was scattered all over!

Then there was a scream of sorrow, which suddenly sounded in the void of the distance.

Within the lungs, although it is a dull pain. Zong Shou is laughing and smirking.

Thousands of swords in the life, are far from the point of today!

The extreme of the world, he finally caught the inspiration!

I really want to feel this person, born for a moment. Let his swordsmanship have another breakthrough!

But who is this? The traces of the traces made them undetectable by six people. And it was this fatal blow when he was the most innocent.

The power of this boxing is only a matter of inferiority and desperation.

There were six people around, but it was fury. The thunder and the eyes are red, first of all. With a knife and a sword in his hand, he followed the air machine and went to the empty space.

Desire and Li Wuhui are both gloomy and are the first time. Let the sword of extinction, the knife of the time chase.

The original no harm and low voice ‘shameless, gǒu day’ took the sword and directly tore the void. To the sound, the place was broken.

The water wave is a time to return to the blow, the same punch. The emptiness outside the thousand feet has been smashed into pieces!

As the explosion blew, I saw a figure and fell out. It is blood, but it only stagnate for a moment, just like a shadow, flying at a distance that is invisible to the naked eye.

Even the water wave, it is slightly amazed. The air compressor is locked, but it is extremely hard. Even with her keen sense of sensation, she was almost escaped by this person several times.

But listening to the original without injury, is a crazy laugh: \" In front of my original injury, you can escape? Give me a burst!"

That piece of air, bursting immediately, countless heaven and earth spirits, suddenly burst!

In the glory of the light, the black illusion, this is the shape. First, the sword of the thunder is combined, and the person is stunned.

Then when the razor knife and the extinct sword passed, the figure of this person will immediately disappear.

The flesh and the gods are gone!

Desire to frown slightly, only then he deliberately took the man's god. I want to give Zong Shou an account and deliberately left some strength. This extinct sword, in fact, is not true.

Unexpectedly, this person is absolutely incomparable, directly breaking the three souls and seven scorpions!

Who is it? This battle, this is going to be wonderful. It was really frustrating to be interrupted by life.

It is this Yu Yushou, in the desperate situation, actually on the kendo, and then another layer!

When Lee did not return, he was striding to the side. A spiritual method is exhibited, and the flesh and blood and the fragments of the soul are suddenly gathered.

It can be gradually new, but it is a deep brow, and the eyes are all doubtful.

\"It doesn't take much effort! Unless you have no return, one person can reverse the time."

The water Lingbo explorer took a move and called the red sword back. On the surface, there is a sneer: "It is the second god, the body of the scorpion. The person who shot this, afraid that it is already in the spirit!"

Everyone here is a little eyebrow, but not very concerned. They are all Yingjie, even if they are in the Holy Land, they ask themselves to go to the top in their lifetime.

Spiritual characters, in the eyes of others, are unattainable. In their opinion, it is just that. ~www.readwn.com~ Sooner or later. To surpass!

On the contrary, this person’s behavior is really irritating.

That was not a little meditation, and then it was a cold smile: \"This world, no one has ever dared to come to this hand in front of my original injury! The next time I meet, it must be smashed!"

After that, it was already tearing open the space, but it was directly away from it.

Desire is also a slight jaw: "There will be a detailed investigation of this matter, it will definitely give you an account!"

Also do not want to stay more, toward the first few people's jaws.

Li did not return but laughed, but the sound seemed to come from the bottom of the earth.

\"This person's identity, I have a few points. It may be related to the Yang family, this person really does not want to live!"

After the words, I smiled at Zong Shou: "I am not going back today without a face, let me say!"

Watching this person leave, Zong Shou once again slammed the mouth and the three left, all mentioning that this is not a mention of this world-famous record.

In this way, this so-called "Yushu" belongs to oneself? [.px.Quality novel, true quality, good novel!]

That Ruo Tao also received the sword into the sheath, and smiled: ""Jun Shang today with the enemy six, let me take it orally! This book, this should be the thing on the king! Only then, just see the hunter, hi Can't live, I want to try the sword in my hand."

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