Divine Brilliance

Chapter 60: Tianhu demon

After withdrawing from the dark consciousness space, Zong Shou was groggy. After a period of time, the mind was gradually waking up.

Looking out the window, it should be in the morning. The first sunshine in the sky is piercing the darkness and penetrating the clouds.

In other words, this time he 'sleeped' for a full day and night.

Speaking of it, since coming to his time, in addition to the first few days, Zong Shou has never slept so safely and steadily. In the past few months, even if there is meditation recovery all night, the fatigue is still accumulating.

"I finally woke up, this time it was considered to be miserable by the demon girl!"

This time, all of him can enter the depths of consciousness, and most of them are the aftereffects of the song "Huang Quan Ning Qu" played by Zhao Yuran. With this opportunity, we can meet the real ‘Zong Shou’.

I also played a lot of hands and feet, feeling more than just the body is so refreshing, the spirit is also extremely strong.

However, when I think of the boy who has completely dissipated in this world, Zong Shou is not awkward.

"Dried Tianshan demon king? It really gave me a big problem. This position is not so good--"

There was a silent smile on the face, and in the scorpion of Zong Shou, it gradually became a serious color.

In the dream, he did not promise to go down, but since it is the last wish of the ‘Zong Shou’. So anyway, he will find a way to do it.

Since you occupy this body, you can continue to climb the peak of your dreams. I also always need to do something for that boy.

And I don't know if I have swallowed up the true sect of the sect, and combined his memory and feelings for nearly 13 years. When he thought of the dry Tianshan that his father had personally created, the future might fall to the Zongshi, or the hand of the Zongyang, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable. Unconsciously, the feelings are substituted into this identity.

"But it! Why not fight for it? The past life has nothing to do with it, and dare to confront the big gates of the cloud world. Can those people in Tianshan be stronger than Ling Yunzong?"

With a sneer, Zong Shou remembered the blue glow.

Listening to the words of the boy, this thing seems to have been brought from him ten thousand years later. But what is it, he has no clue at all.

A misty touch of the head, and then Zong Shou is a glimpse. I only feel a furry feeling in my palm. It's not hair, it's like a beast.

Behind his own body, it seems that there is something, dancing in the unconscious, and breeze from time to time.

Zong Shou's face, suddenly a little green, hurriedly stood in front of the bronze mirror in the car.

Then the whole person, as if it was struck by lightning, was completely settled in place.

At the moment, he is not only on the back of his head, but also two white fox ears. There are more white tails behind him, about three feet long, and they are constantly shaking.

After a long while, Zong Shoucai finally reacted. In this compartment, there was also an exclamation of ‘ah’, and the volume was almost comparable to a woman’s scream.

"Less master, what happened? What happened?"

Su Shixue and Yin Yang are the first time to rush into the compartment. The former eyes were worried and rushed in. After seeing Zong Shou, it was also a surprise, followed by a slight joy.

"The demon body? The Lord, the blood of the fox in your body, finally woke up! God bless my Lord!"

"The blood of the fox? Woke up?"

Zong Shou has gradually recovered from the shock and slowly calmed down. It is really because the image in this mirror is too amazing, even if it is his state of mind, it can not be calm.

It was reminded by the words of the first snow that this reminds me that every time the Yaozu is twelve years old, she will awaken her blood and have her own bloodlines and all kinds of abilities.

Like the first snow, it is endless, flexible, and intuitive.

The blood of the seven-tailed fox is even more above the tiger cat family.

Originally, according to his age, he should have been awakened. It has been delayed until today, it should be the original body, unable to practice.

"It is the blood of the fox!"

In the beginning of the snow, there was a starlight, and I was sure to look at Zong Shou. I only feel that the young master at the moment is so cute that it is so extreme. Resist the impulse to rush to the hand and explain: "The fox ear and the fox tail are all full, and it is pure white with star pattern. It should be the purest blood of the fox! The elders of the ancestors of the Tianshan Mountains, Always say that the blood of the Lord is not pure. Hey! Go back to Tianshan this time and see what they say!"

“It’s really gratifying!”

Yin Yang slightly decapitated, and his expression is also very gratifying: "If you know on the king, you will be pleased with the exception! Two generations of Tianhu pure blood, the king and the world, should be the Tianhu Zongshi, the real pulse!"

Zong Shou looked carefully, only to find that both the tail and the fox ear had some lines like stars, but the color was extremely light and difficult to detect.

The next moment, but full of black lines. If this life, with this look to see people, it is better to kill him.

After careful consideration, this is the heart. In fact, he can only be regarded as a half demon, the body is seven-eighths of human blood, one-eighth of the blood of the fox. And the blood of the human race is not under the former.

The time to manifest the demon body every month is only a short day, and it will pass.

It’s a big deal, every month to the manifestation of the demon body, hiding from the sight of people.

My heart is comforting myself, but only a moment, Zong Shou has begun to entangle. It’s just that time is also an unbearable anomaly.

"Zhao Yuran, Zhao Yuran, after that, I will swear with you!"

He clenched his fist and slashed his teeth. Inexplicably, I will completely hate that Zhao Zhaoran.

This day, the blood of the fox has not long awakened, and it is not awake at night~www.readwn.com~ just after he swallowed the true sect of the sect.

It is said that it is because of the relationship of this woman.

Immediately and some curiosity, the blood of the fox in his body will bring his own abilities.

In the first snow, the blood of the purest seven-tailed fox is not too bad -

Think of it, wait until Yin Yang and the first snow out of the compartment. Zong Shou silently reminded the inner interest, first of all, the body shape forward, slightly swept. For a moment, I flew directly over a few feet.

"This speed is at least 20% faster than before! I am only awakening two tails now. If it is seven, then how strong will it be? Legendary my father, when he was born, is already a nine-tailed This bloodline can be seen, and there is the possibility of strengthening!"

The figure stopped, and Zong Shou’s eyes flashed a bit of shock. No wonder this demon, before 10,000 years, is tyrannical. It is the era of the ancient era, against the monsters and the demon of the world.

If everyone has this kind of talent, it is far better than the human race. Only fertility is difficult, and it is always difficult to grow and develop in the past.

Another boxing out, tried to test his strength. I only feel a slight increase, but it is not obvious.

However, a skeletal muscle, but a lot of solid, can withstand more power.

It’s just this mind, but I don’t know why, there is a faint violent idea of ​​bloodthirsty, secretly lurking.

If it is not his mood, it is almost impossible to detect.

"Remember those history books, the demon people usually have temperament and violent temperament, extremely bloodthirsty, and cruel means. It seems that there are some truths. It combines the blood of the ancient tyrannical beast and inherits part of its nature. This should be The demon family, the main cause of rejection by the cloud world. Can not blame the human race, the negative forgiveness -"

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