Divine Brilliance

Chapter 675: Undead

> The battle underneath, the two in the air are fighting, and they are all clear.

Even if it is wholehearted, it is above the blade of the hand. With just a little thought, you can also know all kinds of things on the battlefield without any omission.

Yan Minglu counter-attacks, but his expression is calm. At this time, the night demon damage army has exceeded 600,000. A whole third of the army has fallen under this Qixia Mountain.

At this time, the victory or defeat between the two people is no longer the big picture.

As early as the morning, he had given up, and he hoped to kill this squad early.

It can't be done at night, and it won't be even in the daytime. At this time, Zong Shou, who has never used the sword of the river that is always a headache and horror, is still an offensive, never stopped!

Just in his eyes, this is no different from the struggle before dying.

It is not easy for him to kill Zong Shou, but this shoud, who wants to squat him under the sword before his army’s defeat, is nothing but an idiotic dream!

With a cold smile, Yan Mingluo’s heavy knife slanted and slammed the sword light from the almost inconceivable position, and slammed it aside.

Then the left hand slammed into a punch, with a group of innocent red 罡 罡 神 神, bang out. The blade of thousands of emptiness that will be attacked from the opposite side will be forcibly blasted!

Being fully guarded by God, ready to cope with the final madness of the opponent. Seeing Zong Shou, suddenly the figure flashed and he withdrew from the distance.

Although the two are fighting in close quarters, they may be in this place. At this time, Zong Shou, but it is faintly suppressing him, naturally it is easy to move forward and retreat, want to go and leave.

Yan Mingluo’s brow was picked, and then it was cold. After all, he still has to go. He thought that the monarch would really fight here with him and live with the millions of subordinates.

However, seeing Zong Shou Li is outside the thousand feet, there is no immediate escape from the meaning.

The nine dragon shadows behind him are still spinning and dancing, making them angry and roaring.

The unknown sword in the hand. It is a sword and a hundred feet, the insufficiency of the sputum, the twists and turns, like a dragon shadow.

Zong Shou itself seems to be listening to the ear and waiting for something.

"Today's victory and defeat has been fixed! As you and I expected last night, although I lost my Minglu, it can still be based on this Huizhou. It is a conspiracy. It is a monarch. Millions of elite, countless generals, must do Are buried here!"

Smile softly. I don't know if I am swearing or ridiculing myself. Yan Minglu looked faint and held a long knife: "At this time, the monarch will not go. I am afraid that there will be no chance. The king should be determined, and his heroism will be destroyed by the hand of the monarch. If there is a chance, it will not be allowed." You are born here -"

There is no ups and downs in the tone, but the killing is cold and there is no cover. There is even more faint resentment, mixed with it.

Immediately afterwards, Min Minglu also felt that it was wrong. Ling missed the remote sensing and finally knew the opposite. Why did you stop suddenly? Suddenly, he laughed and screamed at the sky.

"It turned out to be the case! It turned out that the oriole is already here! You and I are fighting here, but it is cheaper. It’s just that this fisherman can’t help the king, but most of them want to start with the king--"

When it was said, there were several figures in the air in the sky.

A total of seven people. They all wore a blue-colored dress, carrying a sword, each according to one side. Stepping on the colorful ray, stepping over here.

Another Qingdou Taoist, who is already standing behind Zongshou, is not far away. About twenty miles. His face was cold and expressionless. Going forward to Zong Shou.

"I haven't seen you in March, and I have been in a long absence! Minghui is the life of my lord, to take the life of the king!"

Zong Shou’s eyes flashed and he looked at the seven people. I only feel that these seven directions, if there is a trace of arrogance, and strong and strong sword, remote control locks his heart.

"Is this the case of the so-called Zhenwu seven?"

He knows that the Taoist soldiers of all the various factions are divided into four layers of heaven and earth.

Like the sacred dragons of the sacred sacred dragons, the sacred swords of the Tai Ling dynasty, is the Xuan order.

These seven people should be the so-called true swordsmen of the Tao Ling dilemma, the legendary ground level soldiers.

Xuanjie Daobing, only a hundred dollars, can break through tens of thousands of enemies! And the seven people in front of you, each of them can rival the three hundred sects of the mysterious dragons together.

These seven people are cultivated, although they are only the beginning of the spiritual world. If it is a joint effort to display this true martial seven, then even if it is a natural level, it can also be countered or strangled!

What is his fortune? Actually made this home, dispatched such a killer -

"Jun on the fruit really recognizes! This is the true Wu seven-cut!"

The 60xs is a slight dagger with a sword in his hand. A clear-cut sword, the same will be Zong Shou, locked in the distance.

"East to Yunlu, hundreds of millions of people, this is my way under the rule of Lingyunzong, but now it is the thief of the king. After returning to the original owner today, I am afraid that the king will not easily agree. Therefore, today, the king must be returned to the west. However, I know that Guojun is only a ninth-order, but I can use the A-nose of the Emperor, and I am a king of martial arts. Within 20,000 miles of the border, the combat power can be traced to the heavens, almost invincible. 60xs careful thinking, within the cloud world, I am afraid Only this is the real weapon, or the monarch can drink this hate-"

In a faint manner, there is a special rhythm between words. In addition to the chilly feelings in the heart, it is more depressed.

Zong Shou smiled and regained his gaze.

- In fact, I can't see anything any more. Around this body, it has already turned into a dark one before the half-interest.

It is not the sky of the Qixia Mountain that has been obscured by the darkness. But at this time, he has been dragged into another micro space with 60xs force.

Far from being perceptible, there are two figures, each holding a piece of implement to maintain this dark space. A different force, isolated inside and outside.

The two of them did not recognize it, but they were trained to follow the spirit.

"These two devices are called hollowed-out Shenxingpan, which brings no other use here. It only escapes from the squad! There is no one in the sacred prince, the monarch does not need to count, I am in a dilemma. He can't move!"

The 60xs smiled and then turned to look at Min Mingluo: "This battle is a dispute between my Taoist and the Tianshan Mountains. It has nothing to do with the Emperor Mingluo. But if Luoming Luo Wang is willing to help, he will kill this. The 60xs will also not stop. If it is not willing, then the king can leave!"

"The enemy is coming, but it is still killing each other. Is this your own human nature?"

That Ming Luo heard the words, suddenly a sigh of arrogance, full of sarcasm. Random but another self-deprecating: "Alone is a sorrowful sorrow, etc. It can be like this kind of strong enemy, but you have to personally slap it, you are willing to rest assured! You are in the cloud world, you will be willing to give this opportunity alone, lonely and Will you give up? For me, it’s better for him to land in the hands of your incompetent waste.”

60xs eyelids licked, I don't care. In my heart, I was relieved again. There is a help from Ming Mingluo. Today’s battle is that it is stable.

This sect will no longer have a semi-separator.

As for the irony in the words of the King of the Ming Dynasty, it does not care at all.

This night magic army can fall in the cloud world. It’s not the battle, it’s really unrivalled.

It is the factions of the various sects who are unwilling to break the strength before the change. They each have their own plans, and this is the case.

I really want to be serious, and the spirit of the Tao Ling can make this singer of the Ming Dynasty, the film can not enter the cloud!

However, at this time, although the winner has been won. 60xs is not anxious, the best opportunity. When it was the Red Army under the Qixia Mountain, it was completely defeated.

At that time, the royal power of Zong Shou will also be weakened to the extreme.

The seven true swordsmen, at this time, have been fixed according to the seven parties. Although the sword has not been drawn, it can be a real sword, but it is still overflowing.

Not as sharp as the sword, but the middle is peaceful, but also full of energy.

A trace of shredded swords, four downstream walks, the Zong Shou that is scattered outside, and the spiritual thoughts of the world and the earth, slowly split.

Not yet standing up, here ten people, it has been full of anger, and the idea is a collision.

It’s just Zong Shou, but at the moment it is laughing. The lips are shallow and shallow, and they are comfortable and comfortable. It’s calm and calm, and I’m looking at it from the bottom, and I’m waiting quietly.

Although it is isolated inside and outside the magic weapon. But I can't help but know the spirit. The spiritual power is still in the eyes, and it is still visible.

I saw that the day was empty, a bunch of colorful colors, facing the sea from the east, far away. The entire Qixia Mountain is covered with colorful lights.

"Ask me again, you are so embarrassed that you really have to die with you?"

This sentence asks, the 60xs is a subconscious eyebrow, and the chest is only ridiculous.

"The purpose of the palace, please also forgive me!"

This is the end of the matter. Is it possible to keep this room between the two sides?

Just because of this language, is still so confident and conceited?

In a desperate situation, the emotions in the language are half-undulating and fluctuating, and only a few minutes of Sensen's decision.

Zong Shou laughed, but it was full of meaning.

The next moment ~www.readwn.com~ shook his head again: "Ming Ming Luo, if you are alone. At this time you should escape. It is best to leave the cloud world, where you can't find it -"

That Ming Luo is also a glimpse, it is a fog. With the eyes of Zong Shou, I look far away.

Jumping into the eyes is a colorful scene. He has seen this scene several times before. Knowing is a cloud of light, reflecting a large lake refraction here.

Make this piece of heaven and earth beautiful, but the night magic is born to be bored. It is just disgusting to this, and there is no partial appreciation.

Zong Shouwang is here, but I don’t know what it means.

It is doubtful. However, I saw only a few spots in the scene.

The colorful light that was projected from it was also too dazzling. Let his eyes feel a sense of tingling.

The mind was slightly moved, and the face of the king of Ming Ming Luo was turned pale in a flash.

Zong Shou is laughing, as comfortable as before, but with a little more indulgence.

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