Divine Brilliance

Chapter 679: 嵊山黛玉

> Speeding in the narrow Linghe River, every breath of Ming Minglu is swallowing and affecting the majestic psionic power here.

The limbs of the limbs that have been cut off have looming a few signs of healing. The pair of broken bat wings behind them also stretched out again.

This is the natural self-healing power of the night demon. If he knew this moment, it was not the time to heal the wound. Then only a few dozen breaths can be recovered.

It is not far from the boundary river, it only takes about half an hour to get there. This time he came to the cloud world, he was desperate. It can be within the river of the boundary, but there are still some people left.

A whole 100,000 troops, there are dozens of nine-order powerhouses, only to guard the fragments of the ancient wooden boat.

Just get there, even Zong Shou, take him helpless! At least safely escape -

However, in the hustle and bustle of Min Minglu, it was just a flash of time.

A silver light suddenly appeared in the air and appeared in his spiritual sense.

"Flying knife?"

Only one moment in my mind, I have recognized this.

In the Ming and Luo dynasties, suddenly it was amazement. I still remember the unpredictable flying knife when I first played.

Can't escape when the strength is full, let alone this moment?

A few consecutive changes, and sure enough, the shadow of the knife is still in the shadows.

Although it is a red thunder behind him, the layers of layers are shining one after another, but they can't stop it.

Sharp and unparalleled swordsmanship, forced the heavy red mine to force up. Then the blade slammed and increased his speed, and his chest and abdomen. Pierce again!

The blood is shining, and Ming Ming Luo screams like a sorrowful anger and a roar of incomparable fear.

The pain is not concerned, the wounds of the limbs. They all burst into a **** fog. Even some good things have burst. Turning into a strong force, he rushed through his body.

The speed of the body of the 珈明罗 is increased by nearly double!

It’s just that the feeling of crisis is still getting closer and closer to him. The faint feeling, a murderous idea, is firmly locked in him, unable to open. Can't leave.

The speed is not too slow, not anxious, but always firmly behind him.

Suddenly, Min Minglu recalled before. The words that Zong Shou spoke to him -

"If you are alone, you should flee at this time. It is best to leave the cloud world and find what you can't find -"

Just in the vicinity, where is the place that can't be found?

Think of the nearly one million people who died under the Qixia Mountain. In the chest of Min Mingluo, blood is dripping!

With two hundred more breaths, you can reach the boundary river. But at this time in his eyes, it is already out of reach.

Another silver light came across. From the later recourse. Just as Ming Luo, intended to avoid. The front is suddenly a violent air machine, the horizontal resistance is in front. A flying claw chain. I broke through the heavy space barrier and grabbed him away!

Is Zong Shou?

Immediately, Min Ming Luo felt that it was wrong. Although this person is also powerful, but he is far from the sect, the hegemony is so arrogant.

It’s just this thought, and it’s just a flash. His body has been firmly grasped by this flying claw.

A trace of the power that feels the coolness of the cold, invading his limbs, so that he can not move completely, but also struggle.

Until then, I can see the face of the person who will hold him.

Min Minglu was slightly stunned, and this one was actually a woman.

Three thousand feet of thunderwings waved, and Zong Shou stepped in the heavy space layer.

Every time the Thunderwing fanned, it threw open space with the power of innocence. It is he and the previous 珈明罗, a distance closer.

Keep the rhythm of no hurry, keep enough of the true spirit to prepare for the event, and not let the Ming Luo escape.

Just after the second Yunxiao flying knife was shot, Zong Shou was a slight glimpse.

Six gods flying knives, never have a false hair, not dead or hurt!

This time there is no exception, remote sensing should be, this knife should have been injured by Min Mingluo.

But why this person's breath suddenly stopped. Is already desperate, gave up the escape?

With this person's character, if the tenacity is not under him, most of them will not.

Unbelievable, Zong Shou shook his head. The black wing behind him appeared again, and appeared in the space where the Ming Luo’s breath was.

Then the look of Zongshou was a slight glimpse, and the eyebrows looked at the opposite side.

I saw a figure, standing in the void. Holding a chain in his hand, the flying claws at the end of the man are holding one person, it is Ming Mingluo.

This is a woman who is only 18 years old, and her figure is extremely graceful, bright-eyed, fragrant and muscular, and clear and refined. A vegetarian dress, temperament and ethereal cold, and the eyebrows are all inseparable from the frosty ice.

At this time, I was slightly curious and looked over at him.

is her?

Zong Shou’s gaze was narrow, only to feel a little breath, and there was a tremor in his heart.

The sword that danced on the top of Mount Lu, which made him unforgettable for a long time, was a shadow of his thoughts. Today it is suddenly appearing in front of his eyes.

It turned out that this era really has its own people -

It is also said that this woman in the Lushan suppression of the evil spirits from the outer domain. How can it be that the night magic army is coming to such a big event?

Or long ago, it was already watching and waiting for the opportunity.

The heart beats, but the ancestors immediately think of Xuanyuan Yiren. Then the mood of the tumultuous, and then gradually cooled down.

Since I have loved this world, I don’t need to expect anything else.

This is his former generation, but even if he can come again, he will never regret it.

I remembered the person, and the inside of the chest was a warmth, and the feeling of loss and loss was also reduced.

Immediately, the eyes fell on the woman's feet. Above the bare feet, a silver chain full of barbed bones was seen, piercing the flesh and blood, and firmly locked her pair of jade feet.

Even more aware of this woman, there are countless bans at this time, so that every moment, suffer endless pain, endless torture.

That kind of pain is not enough to make people crazy after a few years ago, suffering from the twists and turns of the double pulse!

In the middle of the pass, a trace of pity, Zong Shou breathed a deep breath, and his look returned to normal.

Even if there is no fate between them, just thinking about the past life, he still needs to do something for her. I don’t want this girl to be trapped in that mountain.

Just at the moment, but not yet.

His eyes faintly glanced at the Ming Luo, who had been unable to move. Although this person had lost the power of resistance, he was still dying and never died.

When Zong Shou’s dawn flashed, he again noticed the girl.

"Fairy is from Lushan? Cold jade cold fairy?"

The Suyi girl is obviously a glimpse. It seems to be an accidental sect and know her name.

First, a slight dagger, then immediately shake his head. She is a good name for cold and jade, but it is not a cold fairy.

Zong Shou smiled, and a pair of black thunder wings behind him continued to stretch.

3,200 feet in the air, arrogant!

"This Ming Luo, is the enemy of the lonely, can not only let it be allowed? If so, lonely must be grateful!"

The cold jade jade slightly frowned, carrying the chain to carry out the Ming Luo, and stepped back, the face of the police to prevent the meaning.

I feel that something is wrong. After all, this time, she is eating. Then he explained another sentence: "Useful!"

There are only two words in the words, but Zong Shou knows what it is. It’s this Ming Luo, and it’s mostly useful to that person –

It’s just the night prince, I know too much. He will keep it alive and will never let him live away from the cloud.

Knowing this woman's character is even more involuntary. Even if it is a good deal to negotiate with, it is useless.

Then there is only war, under her protection, forcibly killing this Ming Luo!

Self-deprecating in my heart, and this makes him dream, and people who have lost their souls for the first time meet for the first time, but they want to meet each other.

Only at this time, there is no room for mutual change.

The hand pressed the nameless sword, and Zong stayed in the body, and the sword that had already faded away rushed again.

The voice also turned calm and waveless, faintly said: "This person is useful to the fairy, but in isolation, it is mortal! If you can’t talk, then you can only see the true chapter under the sword-"

That Ming Luo has long been desperate, knowing that even if it falls in the hands of this woman, it is estimated that there will be no good ending.

At this time, I heard a word, suddenly a sneer: "This is to kill people to destroy the mouth? That is what Yuan Yizhi, Yuan Yizhibai, really good swordsmanship! Good magical power! If you are kept into a climate, it must be my night enemy It’s just that I have to look at you, how long can I win?"

When I said this, I suddenly felt a move and remembered something.

Infinite light, endless darkness. I remember a few years ago, when the Buddha’s great day came, I changed the word ‘no amount of light’ in my doctrinal verse to ‘the vast light’.

Therefore, people are the enemy of the night magic, so this is of particular concern. I also know that there is a Buddha in the Buddha family, and there is no limit to the Buddha. Some of the world's Buddhist temples already have this Buddha statue, but the face is still unknown. While waiting for its right position -

Infinite, the beginning, is he?

Speaking of the two swords, it is indeed the end of the universe, the meaning of the beginning of the world -

珈明罗's heart is slightly trembled~www.readwn.com~ The face is also a look.

Just want to make a sound, Zong Shou has already got a sword. Behind the dragon shadow roaring, the sword in his hand, also turned into a white dragon shape, facing the girl's body, traversing.

Platinum Dragon Sword, hey!

Leng Yuyu smashed his eyebrows, and a green bamboo sword was also flying up behind him.

However, it is also the law control of the sword repair, laying thousands of swords in front of the body, densely blocked. At the same time, a small silver shield was taken out of the hand.

Sure enough, I saw the sword of Zong Shou, and I went to the front of the body, and then turned from the real to the virtual, turned into a Xuan Yin Dragon Sword, and hit Ming Ming Luo.

The small shield of Leng Yuyu is just before the Xuan Yin Dragon Sword.

There was a loud bang, and the sword was turbulent, and there was a little silver in the weather. A turning point, the silver shield was circumvented, and the hole pierced the brain of Yan Mingluo. (To be continued.)


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