Divine Brilliance

Chapter 685: Damn old man

> "The Lingshi vein of the original grade? The original -"

Huizhou Island, a city named Huicheng Night City. Zong Shouzheng sat in the city, originally belonging to the palace of the city owner. I was quite surprised to stare at a few pieces of Lingshi in my hand.

Crystal clear, looking like a cloud of gas.

This is the dark guard of the weak water, and sent people to send them overnight. They are all spiritual stones of the mythical level, mostly the lower products, but one or two of them. Also reached the grade of the Chinese product.

Carefully distinguish between observations and the recent entry and exit of those who practiced the door.

In just a few days, I discovered this vein. Look at the situation should still be a rich mine, the weak guard under the weak water, only a hidden mining at the end of the veins, there are several Lingshi.

Zong Shou frowned, and in his memory, there is no such thing as the ninth and eighth chapter of the **** old man.

However, it is equally unpleasant to be surprised. Lingshi has reached the level of mysterious steps, and it can only be used by the repairers above the spiritual level. It must also be occupied by the various sects of the sects. The ordinary people can't get in touch with this book. Naturally, there is no record in the historical materials.

Having said that, if the cloud world does not have this sinister level of Lingshi veins, it is a strange thing.

After all, it was ancient, and it was regarded as a world of immortals by many foreigners.

It is precisely because of this world that there are many spiritual objects and abundant resources, and it will always be ravaged by many foreign forces.

The previous doubts were also solved. The Lingshi rich mine of the Xuan-class lower grade, even after the beginning of the spiritual tide, is also rare.

And if it is occupied at the beginning of the spiritual tide, it is even more ignorant of the spiritual dilemma, how many strong people to cultivate, and how many soldiers -

If you say a high-level Lingshi vein of ordinary level, you can support the sixth-order soldiers of about a thousand people.

Then the Lingshi mine of this metaphysical grade is at least for the number of people!

And if it is rich. One thousand two thousand is possible -

It’s no wonder that the spiritual dilemma is ruthless!

A mysterious stone, which can be used for his tenth-day world, for ten days.

If you have this spiritual mine, then in a short period of time, it is not the sixth and eighth chapters of the **** old man used to worry. One day can be used as dozens of days -

Immediately, he shook his head. Although it is on his site. Can this mine. He can't swallow the Tianshan family.

Especially at this time, when the Tao Ling dilemma completely turned his face, when he was not dead, he could not have a half-point flaw.

"You can tell the people that Jian Zong will be born, and let them send them to talk! Right. Buddhism can also tell you!"

With this mysterious vein, Cangsheng Road can be justified and help him in the future. As for Jianzong, it is the result of the Tao. Naturally, the swordsmanship must also pay a sufficient price.

Plus the Buddha, it is by the way. That is under the Qixia Mountain. There are also millions of soldiers who will die in the war, and they need to go beyond the martial arts practice.

In addition to purifying the grievances there, it is even more important for the Ministry of Justice.

In fact, the magic door over there, you can also borrow its power. Zong Shou is naturally disgusted. I know that these people will never have any gratitude, and all will only look at interests.

A wise person. Never make yourself a worldly enemy. As a king of a country, you can’t let your own temper come.

In the right path. Of course, there are also hypocrites and wicked people. It is not a good person to practice the magical ways of doing evil and **** and cruel.

This mysterious vein, Gan Tianshan should be able to get half of the proceeds.

It was an accidental wealth, at least it would have made him a headache, no need to worry about it.

From Lianyungang to Qixia Mountain, the millions of soldiers who died in the past, although not under his jurisdiction, were forcibly captured. Zong Shou is still still planning, and waiting to see it.

"The matter of this mysterious vein, the rites of the rites negotiated with the Cangsheng Daojian in the brothel!"

Under the throne of the city, suddenly a screaming voice was heard, interrupting Zong Shou’s thoughts.

"Chen smells the ancient lizard dragon, will never swim to the land of the shoal. The phoenix fires, not the place where the water is flowing. Since ancient times, the noble people have known the body, never go to the dangerous place, let alone Jun And now there is no child on Jun, so you need to be careful!"

When Zong Shou listened to the sound, he had a headache. The following is the stalk of the neck, it is Zhang Huai, but at this moment it is red, with anger.

I haven’t seen it before, this guy will also become a vassal?

"Chen Zhijun, there is Wanfu improper courage, the cloud world is invincible! However, the good warrior died in the soldiers, the good swimmers smashed in the water. Junshang did not know the self-alerts? If the blood cloud rides later, if it is the Promise The power of the commander is stronger. If you don’t know, you can still escape. If there is anything wrong with Jun, ask me to wait for these officials, how should I be at home?

When he spoke, Zhang Huai sneaked his eyes and looked at the shoulder of the sect, the little terrier.

At this time, the scales have disappeared, and the flames of the four hooves have disappeared. I was vomiting my tongue and pleading with Zong Shou’s face.

If it were this unicorn, he would not recognize the ‘god’’ for three months, but he was afraid that he would have lost his life.

The power of one person, the only seven thousand Zilin flame gun ride, this is not the same as looking for death.

With this in mind, the chest suddenly felt more angry.

"Chen Yuan thought that the original Yin Yang, should be beheaded! Knowing that the king is so, is to die, but do not know how to discourage. It is not the way of the minister -"

Zongyuan stood on the sidelines, silently and without expression, and did not want to be born to defend.

This time it was not dissuaded, it was indeed his passing.

It is also very ‘resentment’, and I saw Zong Shou at the top.

I am grateful to Zhang Huai for not complaining. If it is to be able to act on the court and be more cautious and careful in the future, it would be better.

There was no silence in the temple, and no one gave a voice to defend Zong Shou. Kong Yao is also a look of iron, but also some fear. Revenge on the door, she is happy to see second. But I didn't mean that Zong Shou would be so risky.

The code is a dull, asking for help around the temple. When the eyes touched, everyone was slightly avoided.

I thought that these people can be sincere, but this is a rebellion. Not willing to give a step -

Uncontrollable enemy, although I did not expect that this guy, Xiaori, has such a strong deterrent to those Xuanyan Jinlin beasts. But at the time, it was really a 50-60% grasp, and I also had confidence in Zongyuan, and I was able to arrive in time.

Actually, however, the escape is that the battle is seven thousand. The ancient king of the king is just like this, and not shameful -

But at this time, these words can not be said with confidence.

At this time his entire body seemed to be scattered. The skeleton was broken, and dozens of places were broken. The meridians in the body also became a mess.

When riding with the seven thousand Zilin flame guns, it is certainly amazing, and the momentum is half-hearted.

But if it is not the sudden whistle of the whistling day, Zongyuan will arrive later, and at most resist one or two waves of offensive, we must consider fleeing.

Zhang Huai is still an aggressive contempt for this, and Zong Shouyi’s smile.

"According to the words of Qing, the next is not an example! Lonely will be careful -"

He is the king of a country and even a swordsman. If it is necessary to fight, it will never retreat. This commitment is already the limit.

The people in the temple seem to know that they can't be too aggressive, and the tight look is a loose.

The look of that arms is also slightly relieved. Then he will take a play.

"There is another thing. The annihilation of the priests on the princes has been sealed by the sects of the sects and the cabinets. In addition, Zhang Huai’s confession is on the throne, and he does not dare to swear. Even if the tyrant is forced to implement, the prime minister will also be on the agenda. Temple, sniper stop."

This statement said that Zong Shou’s hands and fingers were squeaky.

Zhang Huai does not change his face: "Ren Yuxiang has words, and he is a man. You must not raise your troops because of an anger. You must not rule because of a joy. If you break with the door, you can't stop the channel, and you can't When you talk about Taoist classics, you will add to your sin. This is the monarch's chaos. Please ask the gentleman to think twice!"

Zong Shou's face is red, and the gold chair in his hand has gradually become a twist.

This old man, actually came to refute his intentions, what kind of trouble?

It’s quite reasonable to say that, let him keep his face?

Forbearing this guy, it has been a long time!

"So what else did you say?"

Ren Tianxing was shocked and felt the heart-wrenching pressure in the temple.

I miss my uncle, my uncle, what do you think? If the monarch is angry, what should I do if I cut my head?

This bans the door, but it also has a cause. Those who practiced the Taoists also have the way to death. There is no need for this little thing, angered the king.

Zhang Huai’s eyes seemed to be awkward, and he thought about it carefully. He still said frankly: “It’s nothing more than an opportunity to take the opportunity to go to the door. If you want to break the secular power, take back the Taoist products and increase me. The manpower is good, but this politics is good, but there is no need to impede innocence. If I have a sinner, if I have a crime, I will go to the day of capital punishment. I am afraid that the society will not be far behind. If you worry about the Taoist temples, It is only necessary to use the means to voluntarily break away from the control of the Taoist dilemma. Divorce, heavy taxes, and even the name of the vote are good laws -"

Kong Yao frowns, the power of the king, can not stretch, this is the real sign of the country?

Not to be schadenfreaked, looked at Zong Shou. Today's scene is the reason for the sect of the sect! Resentment can not be someone else -

I don't know how to deal with the sect. Cut Ren Bo a knife? impossible. Look at the face of Ren Tianxing, it will certainly leave its life.

However, it should not be better than ~www.readwn.com~ Ren Bo this move, any monarch can not stand it.

Seeing Zong Shou, I was deeply pondered. After a while, I grind my teeth: "Then it is divided into two, which is considered by the Senate."

My heart is really unwilling, biting my teeth. If you come back to this one next time, it will be unbearable.

There are a dozen people here, and the words are first and foremost. Immediately, I woke up, and the meaning of Zong Shou was actually a concession.

For that, Bo, actually did not deal with it.

Zhang Huai’s eyes flashed slightly, and then together with Ren Tianxing, a deep one, sincere and sincere, respectful.

The code was somewhat inexplicable and looked at his chest. The ruby, then actually floated from his chest, red light flashing.

This time, it is somewhat irritating.

At the same time, Kong Yao was speechless, but he was inexplicably aware of his heart. I thought it was necessary to ask my father to take the shot. This kind of alien treasure is afraid that it will not suppress the king's arrogance. (To be continued) RQ

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