Divine Brilliance

Chapter 687: Way of destruction

>In addition to these instruments, the instruments sent by Guo Yunlu. 【. |我&|】Zong Shou has no plans to look at it, throw it away to the side, and then turn the right hand and take a Qiankun bag in his hand.

On the same day, he used the black sword of Yuan, and he smashed the Ming Dynasty and smashed his four arms. This Qiankun bag is hidden in this person's sleeve.

Zong Shou was able to put it away at the time, but there is no time to see what is in the bag.

When the spirit is invaded, I feel that there is a strong ban on the seal of the Qiankun bag.

However, the owner is dead, and Zong Shou is effortless to break it.

After the next must, Zong Shou was taking a breath.

This Qiankun bag is really very wide. In the last nine-stage Qiankun bag in the cloud world, there are two or three in his hand, but at most it is about a thousand feet.

The one in his hand is a giant with a wide length and a wide height. The space inside can be equivalent to a city.

If it is stuffed with food, it can be used for 100,000 elites and eat for one year.

At this time, it is already stuffed with pieces of metal ingots, neatly arranged.

Zong Shouxin read the micro-motion, took a piece in his hand, and then disappointed to shake his head.

This should be the black magic gold, the nightmare of the millions of the army of the night magic army, most of which are based on this material.

It can increase the strength of the night, but also to a certain extent, resist the sun. It should be Min Ming Luo, the spare materials for the cloud industry.

For their people, they don't know what it can do.

The spirit of the black-and-gold ingots, and the pieces of the black magic gold ingots, emerged from the Qiankun bag.

I have been crossing the palace gate and stacked on the bluestone school yard in front of the palace.

A huge amount of black magic gold ingots have been piled up into mountains. Until the bag in the handle, completely empty. Zong Shou only stopped.

At this time, the space inside the bag. It is very empty. There is only a left corner and there are still some things.

In the scorpion of Zong Shou, there is a flash of light.

It is one of the eight emperors of the night demon. This family is far stronger than a few streets.

Those remedies will not be suitable for the human body. But the Lingshi over there, the light is nine steps. There are two or three thousand!

The higher-order metaphysical stone is also more than four hundred.

If the nine-order stone is available for him to be a book, use one day.

Then this mysterious stone, even if it is the next product, can be used for about ten days.

This time, the harvest is that he can't compare all his savings in his life. [. |我&|]

There are still some books in the rest, which are the martial arts classics of the night demon.

It is different from the human monk, which is divided into two. The night demons started from the beginning. It is the spirit and Wu, regardless of the circumstances, only after the emergence of differentiation. This is also the family. Special physique.

And there is another one. Most special, completely different from other books.

Zong Shou took it out with God. I only saw the cover here, it was dark and deep, and there was no writing. But when a person's mind is swept away, he will know that there is a seven-character Xuanzang.

When Zong Shou turned it over and saw it on a page, the look was wonderful.

This is not the practice of the night demon family, but the classic of the Taoist Taoist family.

It seems that before the 10,000-year-old, the cloud monk was not only absorbed the essence of the martial arts of the night magic. The other side is also benefiting a lot in the cloud world.

There are a total of seven pages in the middle, and the content is also required to be sensed.

However, after the second page, conditions were added. It is necessary to master the power of the Thunder itself, and only after a certain degree can it be opened.

A total of seven kinds of lightning methods are recorded, and the power is quite equal. If it is seven treasures, according to the book, you can ask for the extremes of the thunder.

And Min Minglu, only one of them has been mastered since now.

It is not only because of its own roots, but also because of the practice of the night demon kings.

Zong Shou's purple thunder is far above the red sacred god. The battle with Yan Minglu was only suppressed because of the low level of cultivation. If you talk about the product, but it is far from what you can, you can always open the fourth page of this book.

Each of these pages is as heavy as a mountain, and there are countless characters in the middle.

A rough view of the book, only the level of the book, fear is at least the tenth class of spiritual law.

Even if it is as stated in the book, the combination of the seven thunders can be as good as the world, and it will be able to live in the eleventh and other magical powers.

Zong Shou itself does not major in Lei Fa. It’s just that after such a sloppy view, I feel that the Thunder mark in the soul of the Yuan has changed so much.

Stretching out more structures like runes, there are some changes in the original lines.

I didn’t increase much, but I’m more aware of mysterious and more subtle.

It can't help but be thoughtful, so it seems. In this Leifa book, the Leifa described is even recognized by the ancient gods and thunder marks.

I don't know the book. Who is it recorded? This is the magical law, and who created it.

This code is very useful to him. Even if you can't practice. Learning from its own way, it is also very good to increase the power of its own purple thunder. If you have time, you can study it carefully.

Then Zong Shou, just smiled and looked at the side of this Qiankun bag.

At this time, the Lingshi in his hands is not a problem for more than ten years. It is better to hit the sun instead of choosing the sun.

The harvest of the battle with Min Minglu will take some time to settle.

When I think of it, Zong Shou took the book directly and smashed the stone of a subtle product. When a trace of psionic power was drawn by this book, the flow velocity of the sect of the body was suddenly abnormal.


After the 30th, it is still within the sleeping hall of the ‘the palace’.

Zong Shou is thoughtful, looking at his own hands.

A red electric awning flashed in his palm.

This is the red sacred god, with his mind, but instead condensed into a sphere, but suddenly turned into a shape.

This thunder is a spiritual law. In fact, he is still far from being built, and it is not as good as that. but--

Above the palm of Zong Shou, it is a group of purple thunder shining.

When the two meet, this purple thunder is in an instant, they will swallow those red scorpions. Then it was the explosion of the sound, which was even more overbearing. A trace of electricity, in the air 嗤嗤 嗤嗤 。 。.

Zong Shou’s eyes are slightly condensed, and this power can be increased by 20% compared to his original purple thunder!

And if this is a red-hot god, completely cultivated, then 30% is not in the words.

Studying this "Seven-Yuan Xuan Dian Dian", this is to perfect the Thunder imprint in his god. But I never thought that there would be such a surprise.

As for what is said in the book, the seven sorrows can be combined with the narration of the thunder, but it is a bit of a letter.

Since this is a red-eyed god, it can be integrated into the purple mine. Then what about the remaining seven kinds of Leifa, if they are completed one by one?

Zong Shou shook his head. Although he was quite expecting in his heart, he also knew that the difficulty of practicing the "Seven Xuan Xuan Dian" was still aside.

After counting the time, Zhang Huai, the land of Huizhou, should have been placed properly. In the past month, there has been no news of rebellion everywhere.

Here, he is here to do his backing, sitting here. Nothing happens at this time, but it can be returned to the east.

At this time, I felt a sense of heart. Zong Shou raised an eyebrow and rose up and walked out of the hall.

Pushing open the door, I saw a teenager, facing his back, looking at the sky above.

It is Qian Kun!

This person's air machine, when the sect is in the room, there is a feeling. At this time, it is still quite unexpected.

I don't understand this guy, why is it here?

Seeing Zong Shou, Qian Kun is looking back.

"The disciple of that person is estimated to be back to the cloud world for up to one year!"

Zong Shouyi raised an eyebrow, that person? Which one is it? Seeing the complex eyes of Qiankun, only if you realize it.

In the language of Qiankun, most of them are the one who sealed him for thousands of years in the stone wall.

"This person is a Taoist door, and most of them come for you. I can cope with them, but I can't beat four hands with one punch-"

Zong Shou’s heart was so heavy, and then he was sneer in his heart. At this time, he had already expected it, and one year later, it was his time to break through the sky barrier.

This matter is not so much in the heart, if he is willing, by the power of the book, up to several months of merit, you can break the sky barrier in advance.

If you want to accumulate deeper and make sure that you are safe, then you will be able to break through the obstacles in the vast environment.

This is a sacred place, and it is not always a good fight for this.

Then there is a thought, and it is necessary to remind him that Zong Shou is never willing to believe.

This happened as early as he started riding the seven thousand Zilin flame guns.

The dignity of the door can be humiliated?

He slaps the slap in the face of the Tao, and there is no market for the Taoist palace. If nothing is said, save the face. The position of his palace is not to be used.

"What the hell?"

In the eyes of Zong Shou, all are suspicious colors. Looking at Qiankun again, I only feel that it is a gas machine. At this time, it is constantly changing. Although it is not the state of irritability, it is still not calm.

It’s no surprise that it’s on anyone. It is a sacred place, but it is already a sacred person.

"Oh, no, hey!"

Qiankun screamed ~www.readwn.com~ Self-deprecating shook his head: "After all, it is by means of the destruction of Longdan, I thought I could control it, but after all, I still had some changes. The old man of Longying could not bother at this time, as long as Help here -"

Zong Shou is once again stunned, and the sacred sacred place is a difficult matter. It is useful to ask for help outside.

Is it going to go to the Dragon Temple again? Or go find something treasure?

This time, it may not be so good,

Seeing Qiankun, I took a piece of gravel on the ground.

Zong Shou looked carefully and saw that the gravel was in the hands of Qiankun and was directly annihilated.

First, it is directly broken into dust, then turned into finer particles, and then dispersed into a spirit.

At the end of the day, even these psionic powers are broken. It’s quite similar to the original sword without a wound.

After that, it was terminated. In the eyes of Qiankun, there is also a faint color.

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