Divine Brilliance

Chapter 689: Causal knife

His eyes changed, and after a long while, Qiankun sighed with a sigh of relief, then asked with a faint smile.

"How do you think about this method?"

It is also strange in my heart. This kind of avenue, if there is no reason, can never be thought of.

Zong Shouwen said a soft smile, a large sleeve, and a silver light flying out.

Like a cloud, it only came to the eyes of Qiankun in a blink of an eye. That is the meaning of the fierceness, that is, Qiankun also has a brow,

"So fast!"

A pair of fingers between the millennium and the hair, in the light of a clip in front of the body. Then a flying knife was finally in his hands and there was a trace. Constant shaking, like to break free. The entire blade can be broken into dust even if he consumes the force under his suppression.

Qian Kun’s eyes can’t help but be slightly condensed.

This knife is filled with the ninety-nine true dragon swords of Zongshou, to the level of the peak of the embarrassing!

However, in his case, it is not worth mentioning. What really cares for him is the speed of this knife.

Really fast!

Nature can't hurt him, but it is far beyond the level of the spirit.

When the flying knife came, there was a strange feeling, as if the space the knife was wearing was shortened.

A little meditation, Qiankun is known for reasons.

"It's the power of time, it turns out that-"

It is not that this space has been shortened, but the time when the flying knife passed has been accelerated.

I finally realized why Zong Shou would think of such a suggestion.

"Exactly! This knife, how does it feel?"

Zong Shou is also a smile. In the 30 days, the acceleration of the book is three hundred days, nearly a year. He is not only studying the seven-story Xuan Leidian.

In fact, half of the time in Thailand, I am wondering how to improve, this six-god sword.

It is the essence of the Six Gods Knife.

Plus the day of the Fox illusion. There is also a more flexible and versatile ability than the Lingshi Yujian. This six-knife is almost every must!

The more you reach the higher level, the more martial arts in the eighth class, the more you feel powerless.

Power is enough, every time you hit the other side, you always need to consume nearly 70% of the power in the middle.

This was the case with the last battle of Ming Luo, and several swords came. But even at the time of its heavy losses. Can't kill it.

It has become a chicken rib, and it is a pity to eat it without taste.

Zong Shou has long had the mind to improve the technique of flying the knife. At this time, the breakthrough of the sky barrier is imminent. Most need to be arrogant.

And there are more than ten years in the book. It is possible to complete the accumulation and to master some of the school. All perfected to the extreme.

The first thing he chose was the six-god sword.

With the newly mastered method of accelerating time, it is the best match!

It is also because I have been pondering the law of this time, so when I ask, I will be the first time, I want to start from this aspect.

"It's very good! It's just that the knife is a little weaker and can't stand it."

After sweeping the powder in his hand, Qiankun went on, but it was a frown: "This knife. It also feels a lot of changes. The speed of the knife is fast, but it is not flexible before."

Zong Shou is a helpless smile. This evaluation of Qiankun is the key to the situation.

His grasp of the time is not enough. Acceleration time can only be above a straight line. Once you change direction, the speed will plummet.

Also. It is also because of the speed of this flying knife. His mind can't be manipulated in time, and naturally there is no previous flexibility.

There is also the material of this flying knife, which is also somewhat unsatisfactory.

His current flying knives are indeed unable to withstand the power of this time.

Remember this set of flying knives. He has only been refining for only two years, and now it is a bit outdated.

But at this time. It is still barely usable.

In the heart of the slight sigh, the dark knife in the eyes of the master, it really is not worth a while. That Qiankun has a different color and looked over.

"But in my opinion, Zong Shouqi is some of the best in the end! It is necessary to pursue the ultimate speed, but also to retain the length of the previous changes, but to fall down. In the wisdom of the sect, how can I not know the fish and the bear's paw? What's the matter? Actually, just take this knife, and then go up some more, just increase the speed by 30%. Then under the heavens, no one should be a knife!"

Zong Shou heard a word, then the lips were slightly provoked. Think about it, you are indeed too greedy.

In fact, in this heart, there are such plans. Just hesitating, looking forward to the perfect combination of the speed of the flying knife and the direction of change.

The words of Qiankun, but completely awakened him, and finally had a decision.

Together with the mind, Zong Shou slammed his hand again, and it was a little silver, slipping out of his sleeve.

In an instant, it was in front of Qiankun. It is not allowed to be sent, and it is gently pinched by the fingers of Qiankun. However, this time, it was separated by a bang, and the whole blade slammed.

That tyrannical sword, rushing out. Although it was instantly crushed by Qiankun, there was only a trace of blood between the fingers.

It is undetectable and it has healed in an instant. Qian Kun looked in his eyes, but he was slightly lost.

Even before the words were pointed out, the prospects of this flying knife have been predicted.

However, at this time, it is still somewhat surprised.

This knife can actually hurt him?

Although it is because of the inability to prevent it, there is a strong body in his body, and the air is unstable.

Zong Shou got the knife, but also clearly borrowed the power of Wang Dao, and the strength reached the level of the monk in the fairyland.

But the person who made this knife, but after all, is not yet in heaven -

Fast knife speed! Compared with the previous one, it has surged by at least 50%!

This knife, Zong Shou has obviously given up all the changes, and the power contained in the blade is more than doubled before!

The combination of spirit and spirit, power and speed, almost perfect combination!

It seems that there is a bit of a destiny -

After a moment of indulging, Qiankun asked strangely.

"How many knives can you make?"

Zong Shou also stunned, and after a long while, he returned to Shinto: "In one day, only three knives can be produced. Within three months, only five can be cultivated-"

The key is to control the time, it is too mana. The burden on the mind is also extremely heavy. Fine and qi, gas and God, as long as his state is the best, heaven and man sympathy, the most peak can be done, and can only be maintained for less than a moment.

There is the power of destiny, even if he is now, there is no way to control it accurately.

And every sword of the six gods needs him to spend a lot of time to cultivate the cultivation.

"Only three knives?"

Qiankun whispered and looked complicated, both disappointing and sigh of relief.

Ok! If it is this knife, it is really free to send, then no one else needs to live.

I thought secretly, and it really is the book of the world. Zong Shou only studied a little bit, and the combat power can be increased to this point.

This time is indeed one of the most sturdy avenues of the road.

"I was worried that I couldn’t cope with it, but now I am relieved!"

Qiankun naturally does not think that Zong Shou can't break the barrier film.

It is said that ‘robbery’ is actually the most worrying thing, or.

The character of the sacred place in the fairyland is naturally he and the dragon shadow to cope with. However, under this circumstance, it is still necessary to rely on the sect.

Among the gates, there are many strong people. Whether the magic door will stop, it is still between the two.

That day, the devil's situation, although there is a good intention. Can the magical gates be more chaotic than the gates, will you obey their lives?

But nowadays, whenever I think of the sword that the sect is only a slash, Qian Kun is pitiful for these people.

I don't know who is so unlucky, first fell under this flying knife?

Looking at the Zong Shouyuan soul again, it is almost complete. The force has been saved, only waiting for the completion of 18 bans, is the time of breakthrough.

And today, he is actually coming for this. This is the desire to pay tribute to the sect, but unexpectedly, but more owe.

"Oh, now 18 is forbidden, but there are still two missing?"

Zong Shou Wen Yan is a doubtful look at Qian Kun, his realm of today, naturally it is not this.

What is incomprehensible is Qiankun. Why do you mention this thing?

He said that this is a ban, and he is also worried about it recently.

Nowadays, in his soul, there are already Yu, Zhou, Yin, Yang, Yi, Lei, Yi, Yun, Duan, Swallow, Spit, Net, Magic, Life, Death, Spirit, and 16 true signs.

But the last two words have been delayed and have not been condensed.

There are a few alternatives in my heart, but I can’t always choose it.

After all, it is after the day, his ultimate achievement in spiritual law can not be careless.

The next moment, but listening to Qiankun is a soft smile: "If there is no better choice, how about the two factors of the cause and effect? ​​伱 门 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六 六The cause and effect approach -"


Zong Shou was moved for a while, but then there was a feeling of being dumbfounded.

Naturally, the weight of this cause and effect, which is one of the most avenues of the world, is not under the word of the universe.

The word destiny and ~www.readwn.com~ are the most unpredictable and unpredictable rules in this world.

Time, destiny, plus cause and effect -

Zong Shou also wants, but never dares to expect.

It is already fortunate that I can master the word 'universe', black and white, and the sacred methods of ‘life and death’ and ‘transportation’.

As for this cause and effect, it is far from being accessible to him at this time. Even if he wants to realize it, he cannot understand it.

Besides, their monks are worth a word of 'fine'. These bans in the Yuan Soul are enough for him to delve into it. There is really nothing to do, plus these two avenues.

Qiankun did not talk again. After smiling, he turned directly and stepped into the void.

Suddenly, when you left, it was also sudden.

Zong Shouzheng is thinking about how to go so urgently? You don't need to borrow his book to watch it. But before seeing, there is a reel.

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