Divine Brilliance

Chapter 702: Broken down

>.. The blue-and-white long sword penetrates the chest and directly penetrates the heart. o.

Gong Xinran did not die, but felt his left chest, it was very painful.

At this time, behind her, it was just an ordinary mountain wall. In the past, it was easy to crush.

The bandits were very popular, as early as when she was alive. You don't even need to print a spell, an idea can be used.

However, it was a move that could not be moved. Zong Shou inserted this sword on her chest and sealed all the veins in the body. Even the soul force is also banned.

Don't say that it is a spiritual law, so you don't even want to move the half.

It is even more difficult to fix the gods. It is less than half an hour after the resurrection. This is a body without any pain, and it feels pain!

Heart-breaking and unforgettable!

Looking at the front of my eyes, I can only see Zong Shou’s indifference to the freezing point, only killing the plane.

Then the heart can not help but shrink, the heart muscle and the blade rub, but also a sharp pain.

How can this be?

Gong Xinran faintly felt that he seemed to think of something, but he could remember it carefully, but he could not remember it.

Zong Shou picked up his eyebrows and was slightly strange. This moment, as if from the eyes of this meditation, I saw some emotions, as if the whole person had already been 'live'.

Immediately, I shook my head slightly, and I knew that most of them were illusions. Just because he still holds one in ten thousand hopes, there is still no way to bear it.

With a wave of his hand, the black inflammation of the sky has swept away.

It is the combination of the three kinds of Leifa, the thunder of thousands of fires.

The power of this technique, the rareness of the world, is also a good way to purify the corpse!

But when this black inflammation came, Zong Shou was slightly embarrassed. Gong Xinran’s mana was locked up by him. However, it can spontaneously fight against the burning of Lei Li Qian Hua.

At this time, it seems to be the unscrupulous body of Buddhism. The whole body can be compared with the mysterious middleware and even the top gold. After the interest rate. It just burns most of her body.

At this time, Gong Xinran's body, but suddenly there is a different force rebound.

Not to fight against the black inflammation. Instead, the body is restored at a near-crazy speed.

How much can Lei Li Qianhua burn, how much Gong Liran can recover. They are deadlocked and burned.

Zong Shouzheng hesitated, whether to use the white hole method to completely solve this meditation. Just listening to the air, came the voice of Bai Ruo.

"On the king, this woman is a goddess of the underworld! Unlike the ordinary nine secluded women, there is a darkness that does not ruin. If she is willing to resist. Even if it is ten days and a half, it is difficult to annihilate. You can use this thing to try!"

A few Jin Mang flies, Zong Shou has a hand. Take it in your hand.

It is six red dowels. It is about half a foot long. The thickness of the thumb is engraved with countless words.

This thing. Zong Shou just happened to recognize it.

"Fighting the evil heart?"

It is a little different from the one he saw at the time of his later generations.

This is a millennium peach wood, it seems to have experienced lightning strikes, some of the peach wood is black.

The reason is that the whole body is red and brown, it should be soaked in the blood of the beast.

The burning on the nail body is not a Taoist style. It is a Confucian classic of the size of a flying head, a trace of arrogance, hidden in the meantime.

Careful perception, only to feel that it is vast and upright, and even beyond the six Haoran Qingxu, the only scriptures used.

It is not a bright light, it is a good thing.

He knows the usage of this thing. How to hesitate, he nailed a long nail into Gong Xinran’s palm.

Gong Xinran stunned his eyebrows and couldn’t help but scorn. Only the heart, but also a burst of pain.

The long-lost memory has once again come to my heart. I remember that on the corpse of the corpse, she seems to be dead like this -

Was deceived, nailed to the tree by the blade, and suffered.

Then there is the person in front of me, helping her to liberate and revenge for her.

When I was thinking about it, it was another pain that interrupted her thoughts. The palm of the right hand was also pierced by a spike and nailed to the wall.

In the medical field, the palm of your heart is the heart of the human heart. In the case of the repairer, the soul of the two eyebrows is even more important. It is the first of six hearts!

And the six-hearted town lock, you can destroy the dead body.

Zong Shou asked himself that there were countless black flames, and there was an unknown sword that could absorb the soul. The effect would not be worse than these locks.

When the two feet are also pinned, only the eyebrows remain.

Holding the fifth evil and destroying the nail, Zong Shou is slightly embarrassed.

Just under this nail, it is dust and dust, and the soil is returned to earth.

In this world, there will be no trace of Gong Xinran.

"Jun Shang -"

After the sound came out of itself, it was Gong Yue, and the words were full of urgency. It seems to be discouraged, but it is strongly suppressed.

Zong Shou has instead made up his mind. The mind has been decided, and the look is indifferent, and the long nails in the handle are worn down!

When Gong Gong’s pupils shrank, they were calm. She can stay safely after her death, and she will not be afraid after her return.

The bone relic, but spontaneous again, emerged in her eyebrows, a layer of gray power blocking.

The qi 啵啵 啵啵 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆 爆

But when it was straight to Gong Xinran's eyebrows, Zong Shou frowned.

I feel that I am arrogant and even more powerful, and I am struck by the ‘the door’!

Even if it is through the two worlds of life and death, even if it is the suppression of the power of the cloud, it is still difficult.

It was a gunshot, piercing through time and space, with a dead end of the sky, and a gouge.

It should be the stab of the gun, but the gun is too big, and it is like a cone-shaped mountain.

It is better to say ‘砸’ than to say ‘thorn’.

Zong Shou Emei, the subconscious mind took out the sword and stopped in front of him.

The shock of ‘When’’ was immediately disgusting in the chest and the five internal organs. The whole person was forced by the giant force to fly back. Everything behind him, the stone walls, the mountains, and the dust in the air, were shattered.

When set up, the body is covered with dark fog. The eyes can't be seen, and the sense of spirit can't be spread too far.

This time it is not the secret technique of banned six senses, but the suffocation of the body, it is too strong!

Thick enough to make the land below, all corrosive!

Zong Shou raised an eyebrow. The mind is condensed. Moving towards the previous impression. The position of Gong Gongran and the low-cost bones disappeared.

But suddenly the heart moved, feeling a warning.


A sharp and sharp idea. Just ten feet behind him broke out.

Extremely abrupt, a shadow, straight through his head.

The air machine is strong. It is several times stronger than the ordinary spiritual environment. The real soul can break out in an instant, even chasing the soul, and more magical!

In this dark mist, it is even more like a duck!

"Thorn sect? Tu Lingjian?"

Take 100,000 young children's efforts to refine the secret law, and then kill all kinds of creatures and perfect this sword.

When the law is completed, the speed of the sword is only inferior to the magic sword, and it is hard to find it.

One hit. It will be a long way to go!

When the blade arrived, it was the moment when Zong Shou's internal organs were broken and the power was raging.

After the sword shadow. The black figure is in the middle of it. It is also full of coldness.

It seems to be ridiculing, even if you are invincible. I can't escape the sword of this ‘Tuling’.

Zong Shou's mang flashes, and the back lip is also a ridicule. Really in his hands, there are no other cards?

It is just here that the spirit is hard to come by. Some secret laws are also useless.

The idea unfolds, and this small space suddenly freezes. Only three feet away, only paused for only one thousandth of an instant, but it is enough!

The nameless sword is worn out and back to the back. It is a first-come-first-served, like a practice, no trace can be found. In an instant, it has already preceded the shadow of the rear. Thoroughly penetrate the master's eyebrows!

When the nameless sword was drawn back, this black man’s face was all unbelievable.

It’s just that the soul of the soul has long been taken away by the nameless sword, and the rest is just the body without a soul, planted down.

Zong Shou is completely too lazy to pay attention to it. Going alone, step toward the direction of Gong Gongran.

With the help of this soul, in the soul of the sea, once again ignited the fire of the green.

Although the internal injuries have not recovered, the soul is full. In the blade, there is a spiritual refinement, all blood.

The three thousand feet of pure black thunder wings are scattered, and the spirits are quoted, and they gather a huge wind and drive away the surrounding power.

In the inner interest, but also not afraid of consumption, boiling and swaying, and the level of swords and swords, and straight into the sky!

Still arrogant, not a lifetime!

When the ten steps are taken out, the black fog in front of them is almost exhausted.

The soul power can be stretched again, but it can be seen in the eyes and the opposite.

Lianzheng has recovered half of his body, and he is desperately trying to pull out the evil spirits of Gong Xinran’s right hand.

Four long nails have gone to the second.

When I saw Zong Shou coming, it was a strange scream. The subconsciously threw away the mahogany nails in his hand, and then a gust of wind swelled, pulling the bones still unable to move next to them, and fled quickly.

The body of that Gong Gongran, at this time, the billions of black and white, and scattered between the heavens and the earth.

Only one breath, I will not see the total.

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and looked at the clouds in the distance. Vaguely can still feel that this Gong is pleased with the air.

Nine Nether Women are in the world, all of them are full of thousands of miles, killing thousands.

This scourge, he still has to solve it completely, can be assured.

This female seriously injured body, although it is successful to escape ~ www.readwn.com ~ but must not go far.

It’s just that, but it takes a little more work.

Looking back, the ‘the door’ is there.

Legend has it that all nine Nethered Women are children of the Emperor. At the time of the birth, the Emperor of the United States took care of it, and it was justified.

But this Gong Xinran is already in the world, and still intervenes. This can be justified, but it is ‘foul’.

Even if the guards of the guards took the shot and completely destroyed it, it was taken for granted.

But think about it again, the relationship between Cangsheng and those of the Supreme, the arrogant relationship.

Zong Shou laughed at himself and never expected that these people could protect themselves at a critical time.

Fortunately, the blow was made, and the door was broken. Gong Xinran left, and the Yinmai, which was forced to gather here, also naturally dispersed.

The hidden dangers here have been completely eliminated. It’s hard to stop him, and it’s hard to stop him.

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