Divine Brilliance

Chapter 7: Bing Zhai encounter

"Bao Bing Zhai?"

Zong Shou remembers that this big merchant of the main weapons is quite famous in later generations. Almost monopolized the cloud world, nearly 20% of the armor trade, and even extended to other worlds, and even those in the spiritual world, there is also a foothold.

Known for its high quality and high quality, all the high-ranking warriors are looking for weapons. The first choice is this Baobingzhai.

It is precisely at this moment that he also has the heart to set up some ancient self-defense devices for himself. The moment was only a little hesitant, and strode into it.

Here, the treasurer, about thirty years old. Just like the impression of Zongshou, Bao Bingzhai is like a shopkeeper in various places. He is full of faces and laughs. The image is warm and gentle, calm and honest, and with some unique characteristics of businessmen. At a glance, it has been seen that the two people's clothing is extraordinary, not ordinary wealthy people, personally welcome to the front.

Zong Shou did not care, first looked at it roughly. The weapons here are all excellent, and they are relatively high-end, and it is difficult for ordinary warriors to care.

Then he looked at the corners of the various projection devices. After a round of patrol, I shook my head in secret. Those who have the spirit of the sword, in this era, really not yet popular.

But I didn’t feel disappointed. I turned to the shopkeeper next to me and said, “Is it possible to customize weapons here?”

The middle-aged shopkeeper heard a smile: "As long as the requirements are not too high, no matter what kind of weapon, as long as it is the branch of my Baobingzhai, you can customize it! The son can have weapons drawings? Or describe it as well-"

Zong Shou did not answer, went directly to the counter. I took out two yellow papers and started drawing.

Not a moment, a willow knife, a long needle, has been painted on paper. The shape is normal and there is nothing special about it. It’s just that there are more lines of unclear meaning, which are quite beautiful.

The first snow next to it has always been curious, but I can't see what it is. So the end is: "The paintings of the Lord are really good, much stronger than before. That Linhai Academy also teaches art?"

Zong Shou heard a smile, dropped the wolf in his hand, and his expression turned into condensation: "The knife is two inches long, and it should be as thin as a flap. It is refined with stainless steel and mixed with three grams of blood copper. This knife, I want three Hundreds of mouths! This needle should also be of the same material. It is divided into two inches, one inch three points, one inch, half inch, four specifications, each requiring one hundred. How long does it take to build these?"

The forehead of the shopkeeper has been wrinkled with countless deep lines. After sinking for a long while, I laughed and laughed: "These things painted by the son are small, but they are extremely delicate. Especially these lines should be the same for the soldiers. Our branches can be built. But there are too few people. The text is not bad, at least ten days."

Zong Shou was already expected, only ten days, even far beyond his expectations. But now he can't wait so much.

"Ordinary blacksmiths, naturally can't. But as far as I know, every branch of your Baobingzhai is stationed with a spiritual forge? These things, within half an hour, I want to get it!"

The shopkeeper suddenly looked at Zong Shou, and then slightly bowed: "It is true, there are three in my shop. But please ask the spiritual forge to refine these weapons, the price is not cheap. Three hundred mouth Liu Ye Fu Knife, four hundred steel needles, material artificial, only seven thousand full silver. Can be refining by the teacher, at least 150,000 silver -"

Zong Shou stunned and turned to look at the first snow. He was penniless and could only ask for help from his maid.

Since I can sit on the cloud-carrying car and use the 16-storied cloud, I want to come to this money, it should be easy to come up with.

The latter did not disappoint him, and he took out a silk sac. More than three hundred spar stones in the interior swayed, making a pleasing sound. Then only take out two of the fire red spar and place it on the counter.

Make the treasurer, suddenly gaze: "The third-order fire tiger beast crystal, can reach 100,000 silver, the son waits. Three hundred symbol knife, four hundred symbol needle, only half a cup of tea, you can take it."

After that, he turned and left. Zong Shou is a mistake, such a spar, he himself has some, are two or three orders of the animal crystal, hidden in the pockets of the carry.

However, a third-order fire tiger beast crystal, it will reach 100,000 silver, what joke?

After a while, if you have some understanding. At this time, the psionic energy is thin, and such a beast crystal is estimated to be rare. Things are rare, more valuable than later generations, and naturally taken for granted.

The family of ‘self’ is estimated to be not only expensive but also good.

This flying knife needle has been set, and he still lacks a sword. The steel sword that carries it, although sharp, is still a little worse.

However, this sword does not have to be customized. This hundred soldiers have a number of swords, and they are regarded as treasures of the town shop. They are placed at the forefront and are carefully refined.

Standing in front of the weapon rack, Zongshou hesitated for a long time before taking a swaying pine-sworded sword in his hand.

In a few mouthfuls of swords, this sword is not outstanding. However, the wind can increase speed and be more self-defense. The weight is extremely light, so you don't need to consume too much physical energy, just what he needs.

I danced again and danced, and it was barely handy.

Su Shichu was already a little bit aside, and hesitated: "There are few masters, these swords, there is no infuriating spirit, it is difficult to use. It is better to use ordinary weapons -"

Zong Shou did not answer, only silently introduced the airflow in the sea of ​​air into the blade of the pine-sworded sword. It’s in the rune, it’s going to be inspiring. Su Shichu was turned back and turned back, his upper body was slightly lowered, his eyes were murderous, and he looked at the door with vigilance.

At the same time, Zong Shou’s ear also heard a laughter: "Whenever life is not in the same place, I don’t know the remoteness of the ancient spirits. I can also meet my cousin. The defender is not at the Linhai Academy. Lingfa? How come here?"

In the door of the shop, a young boy was smirking and squatting inside. It is also beautiful and eloquent, and it is all like a spring breeze.

Zong Shou body, subconsciously shrinking backwards. The subconscious actually felt afraid of this man, and there was a faint hatred. The next moment his eyes were slightly condensed, knowing that this body was instinct.

In this era, apart from the few characters who are based on the sentient beings, even those who are not born, he is confident that he can cope with it. What kind of qualifications does this person have, and what qualifications make him afraid?

Pass it directly and throw it behind him. Behind this person, there are two fine men who follow suit. The expression is silent, the breath is dead, like the shadow of a teenager.

In his view, these two people are like swords hidden in the cloth, it is difficult to cover their front, and the danger is extremely high.

Both the boy and the two servants in the back have a force. Compared with the first snow, there is no difference~www.readwn.com~ Only these three people, he does not know. The one who called his cousin had only a few fragments in his mind. It can only be turned around and made a stunned look.

The boy also cooperated very much. After seeing Zong Shou, he smiled and said: "I haven't known me for three years in the academy. When I was young, you often called me a yoga brother, but I remember?"

Zong Shou is only doing this, but the first snow is a cold, killing is even more blazing: "Fake, less than a dozen brothers, count your Zong Yu like hypocrisy! These days I and Yin Shu killed people, not It’s all sent by you? Seek to slay the world, and sin is a sin! One day, sooner or later, you will be ruined by all of you!

Zong Yu didn't care, but laughed loudly: "A good one is absolutely smashed! For a long time no see, Xue, you are still so cute, Zong Yu is really reluctant to kill you. Oh, change a few months ago, where is my Zongyu? Dare to have a little bit of dissatisfaction? But now my uncle has been determined to be a body, even if I have taken the life of a younger brother, what can others do?"

The first snowy face was white for a moment, and the figure was swaying. "What do you say nonsense? A fool believes--"

Zong Yu stunned, seemingly too lazy to argue with the first snow, still self-concerned: "Now the position of the demon king is empty, there is a speculative inside, there are strong enemies outside. It is difficult, really want to let this waste, sit on The throne is not successful?"

Looking at Zong Shou, Zong Yu sneered again: "I am here, just to inform the defender. You and I are brothers after all. If you are willing to let the world go, my Zong Yu can leave you a life. If not, It’s okay to blame you, oh, ruthless. This is not a child, as long as you beg for mercy, I will let you go -"

After the words, I will go away. In the Bai Bingzhai, the first snow is blue and white, and the ruling is thoughtful.

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