Divine Brilliance

Chapter 727: Blood Sword Monster

>.. Near the Lushan Mountain, in addition to the sound of entanglement with the incarnation of Wanmu Qingdi, from time to time, the moment is a dead silence. [.5&1&o.]

Qiuhua is also not allowed to take a breath. Unbelievable, looking at the scene.

At this time, I still don't know Zong Shou, what kind of magical power is exerted, and what kind of swordsmanship.

It is only faintly identifiable, with some shadows of time and space, and a hint of causality.

Just a sword, the incarnation of the real Wu Shenjun will be broken. The second sword killed the **** of Huo Mingzhen.

It coincided with the sight of Zongshou, and the eyes were clearly indifferent, obviously cold and cold. Can be seen in his eyes, but always feel that it contains a strong sense of ambiguity.

It seems as if he is telling him that I don’t know if your master respects the palace, what kind of arrangement is there?

Missing flashes, Qiuhua heart, has gradually been immersed in despair.

If you want to go, there is no card, you can flip it again.

In addition to three sets of Zhenwujian arrays, there are more than 30 people in the spiritual level, and they can barely fight one battle, and even have one or two points.

It’s just a genius, this one is in the midst of a desperate situation, and even the martial arts are fierce. The momentum has already been formed, and the two swords that no one can match and no one can solve, have already been printed in the depths of the hearts of the people, leaving a shadow of fear.

Such a sword, who is dead in this place, who can stop it?

Even if you know this shoud, you can't use this kind of swordsman without limit. Knowing the other side is a secret method that must be used to greatly enhance its own realm. It can't last for a long time, but it still feels fearful.

There is even more hesitation in the mind. Should it continue at this time, or should it escape?

There is not much victory in the battle. Instead, it is the elite pillar of these many spiritual dilemmas. The full number is broken here.

But if you discard the six disciples, the people will leave alone. This time, the Taoist dilemma must be a decline in prestige. Can't serve the public again. His master must also be subject to countless blame, and the position of the palace is difficult to protect.

With only a little thought, Qiuhua has already made a decision. Throw a tooth and throw a dozen charms from the sleeve.

"Save people! After I am broken, please let me know how to help Qiuqi!"

In this battle today, he has not asked for the annihilation of the sect, only to be able to lose less.

When the voice is spoken, I will see the two auras on the opposite side, fluttering in the left and right direction.

Looking from afar. It is a khaki puppy and a thundering dragon with wings. The two guards and the beasts fluttered, but they were two disc-shaped black implements.

It is a hollow star plate!

The heart sinks again, and Qiuhua knows this time. Never delay even half a moment.

Mindfulness. The hand prints a lead. A huge white fire phoenix, now in the air again.

That dozens of charms. They have also exploded and turned into white flames and merged into them.

In the air, there are more than twenty souls. Those who have known the machine, one of them, will be behind.

Twelve people stand on each side and form a spiritual array in the blink of an eye. More than a dozen people have been continually connected, and they have poured a huge amount of real power into the body of Qiuhua.

The white fire phoenix, also immediately rises in body, turned into a giant shadow of more than 6,000 feet, covering the world. In order to erode everything, sweep the sky and rush toward Zong Shou.

The remaining dozens of spiritual realms are one of them, and they want to return to the Lushan Mountain.

No need to specifically remind you, you know the meaning of Qiuhua. How many of the six disciples here can take away today?

Zong Shouwang is in his eyes, his brow is a slight pick.

Do you want to leave? How can it be so easy?

The lives of many spiritual monks here, he still has no use for him, and he is easy to escape?

The power of the flower has begun to fade. The realm of forced promotion is also returning.

But at this time, it is still less than the number of three interest!

The black thunder wing, 3,200 feet behind him, screamed and swelled outward. The left and right sides have stretched to more than six thousand feet, which is only a stop.

A wave of a roll, with the white phoenix, hit a place. Lei Lie Qian Hua and the flame-fighting confrontation, only a stalemate for a moment, took up a little advantage.

The two hedges, the flames of the sky, are dissipated invisible.

At this time, there were more souls and gatherings. Inhaled from the unknown sword, turned into a fire of the green, burning in the soul of the Zongshou.

There are more than 30 nine-order Lingshi, which are broken apart in the hands of Zong Shou.

Within the soul of Zong Shouyuan, the second silk flower at this moment is also slowly opening.

It is also a huge wave of souls, filled with the depths of the gods of Zongshou.


In an instant, the entire 30,000-square-meter circle was completely banned by a strong idea.

It's not just the soul, it's a sword that is so fierce and sturdy.

Those dozens of spiritual places are caught off guard. They could not successfully break the space barrier, but they were countered by the power of the air at that time.

Then in the air, another golden light hit, and even the four people were injured.

It is extremely fast and exceeds the limit of most people's eyesight. Look carefully, it is only the sect of the sect, it can change the shape of the human body, and display the spirit of the swordsmanship.

At this time, it changed into another appearance, with six wings on the back, silver armor, and two pairs of arms in front.

When the light and shadow flashed, there were four serious injuries. It does not kill it, but it breaks the sea of ​​breath, smashes the limbs, and the blade points into the eyebrows, and the soul of the dead is severely wounded, making it impossible to move.

Qiuhua’s heart was shocked again, and he couldn’t take it anymore to save the six disciples on the mountain.

In the mouth, a word of 'escape' was spoken, and the instrument was arbitrarily and arrogantly escaped from the distance.

In the sleeves, a dozen of symbols were continuously flew out, and they were again turned into the shape of Bai Feng, blocking behind them.

Suddenly in my heart, why can't this secret law of maintaining the realm be maintained for so long? How can I not see this person, there are signs of a little bit of damage?

And the rest of the spiritual practitioners, at the moment, are all capable,

They spread out all over the place and flew away from the distance.

Zong Shou did not pay attention to it, and his heart was silent, and all his thoughts were immersed in the sword in his hands.

Nine Kowloon Shadows!

The sword of instant air, but the internal cause and effect secret, the technique of fate.

The red mans are blazing. This is killing kendo!

Zong Shou the whole person. Turn into a blood shadow, with the sword as the guide, swimming in this long air.

One flashes. It’s a burst of blood. In the early days of a spiritual environment outside the three hundred feet, it was directly on the spot.

All the souls of the qi and blood are all guarded by the sword. Forcibly extracted.

Second person! Third person! Fourth person!

The blood is passing, no one can escape his life.

As the Zongshou body, gradually filled with blood. A blue bronze mirror, at this time also raised the sky, as if a round of bright moon, floating the sky.

As soon as the water is shining, it covers the tens of thousands of squares.

The more than twenty spiritual practitioners who are fleeing are all slightly guilty. The dawn was scattered and stopped for a moment.

When you wake up again. I saw this sky and was covered by a black sky.

It’s a ‘empty sun-spot’!

Qiuhua couldn't help but scream and roar. Vent the despair in this chest.

Only one step away. Just one step! Just a few ten feet away, one thousandth of a breath. He can escape and leave.

At this time, it was blocked by this hollowed-out Shenxing disk and had to stop temporarily.

Breaking through this black screen, in fact, it only takes a moment, but at this time, where does he still have time?

The sword of Zong Shou has arrived! At the moment of the arrival of the rush, the eclipse was destroyed. It was like a broken bamboo, breaking the suffocation of his body, but he did not annihilate him immediately.

Instead, it broke the pulse of the sea and broke the limbs. A little sword front, click into the Yuanshen, a little power, violently exploding in the depths of his soul.

When Qiuhua was established, he only felt his own soul. He was so dizzy and stunned. He fell into a coma, and he did not know it. He fell to the ground.

Zong Shou's sword is still sharp and sharp. The sword is in harmony with the people and continues to flash in the air.

In cooperation with Xiaojin not far away, only a moment later, more than ten spiritual practitioners were severely wounded, like the Qiuhua general.

But there are also seven or eight figures, breaking through the black sky, the figure is squatting, fleeing to the distance. Light and shadow are extremely fast, and only a blink of an eye, they disappeared.

Zong Shou is cold and not chasing. A flash, it’s the mountain,

Here, the head of Ping An Road, with those eight-order nine-order, has disappeared.

The few spiritual precedents that had been rushed back to the past were already early to escape.

Only a dozen of the true swordsmen who were seriously injured and stunned because of the broken statues.

It’s not that the Linghai is not saved, but there are cockroaches and their six flying ants looking around and saving.

These people are smart, knowing that even if they are delayed for a while, they are not likely to be guaranteed today.

In addition to this, there is also a set of Zhenwujian array, still hanging in the air.

The seven people were all pale and cold-blooded. Although it is still a memorial to the statue of the Qing Emperor, but that look, but full of despair.

Zong Shou has a bundle of swords and rushes toward the incarnation of the Wanmu Qingdi. Make the huge **** body, the body shape is a stagnation, the green sword is condensed, and the vigilant look comes over.

But I ignored the shackles, and when the silver light plunged, I rushed to the vicinity of the Taomu statue.

A few knives flashed, and the statue was cut into pieces! A figure of rotation, the magical power that blasted out absorbed ~www.readwn.com~ and then returned to the hands of a knife, it will annihilate the robbery that followed, easy, completely effortless.

The incarnation of the **** of Wanmu Qingdi is also collapsing.

Zong Shou did not go to see, let the swallowing of Yuan Yuanhua, and swallow those powers.

Jinli showed up and dragged nearly 20 seriously injured spiritual monks to the side. Re-inspired by the mind, forcibly involved in the Taixuan Xuan Kun, which is gradually stopping operation.

"Please ask the master of the market, pick up a sword!"

Through the law, the sound spreads tens of thousands of miles until the Tao Ling dilemma. He knows that there is no market, he will certainly hear it!

At this time, Qiuhua also recovered. When I looked up, I found myself going back to the mountains. It is the nightmare thin figure in front of me.

The long sword is dark red, as if it is a layer of blood. People stand in the air, the gods are wise, and the majesty is like a prison. Nine tails appeared, rushing to the sky, making this time the Zong Shou, also beautiful to the demon.

Blood Sword, Monster - Unfinished..

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