Divine Brilliance

Chapter 744: Anonymous evolution

The original update of the mighty enthusiasm, overflowing from a distance. M.ωωω.51ō.ńéτ is scattered, and the land of the hundred miles is full of powder.

Two tyrannical and powerful ideas collided, and immediately set off a storm of souls and scattered around.

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and supported it in the same place, fighting against the storms and the pounds.

Then I saw that the huge dragon claws that appeared in the air suddenly shot the body of the Yuan Mengzi completely, and the blood was flying.

When Zong Shou saw it, he did not show much joy. Knowing that Yuan Mengzi, it seems to have been physically destroyed, has fallen.

It is possible to go to this realm, and blood can be reborn. If you want to kill it, even if it is as strong as it is, you still need to waste some effort.

Sure enough, when the end of the blood was about to drift away, a huge golden flame suddenly rose from the dragon claws. Burning and expanding, trap all the blood at all.

However, at this time, a little blue light fell in the sky. From the sky not far away, shuttle to. Careful attention, but it is a sword light, the rhyme is leisurely, and it is so fierce.

Wherever it passes, the time and space are broken, the golden flame is scattered, and the power is only under the dragon claws.

And that huge dragon claw, also in the moment when Jin Yan is about to be completely split, bouncing again. A toe shot, hitting the blue sword light.

When the humming sound of ‘嗡’, the sword light shattered. On the dragon's claws, there was also a wound that dripped out a trace of golden blood.

Then there was a little fly ash, from the golden flame, scattered down.

Looking at this situation, the water Lingbo suddenly sighed.

"It’s really the soul of the soul! Your righteous brother, it’s a really good tool! From then on, the door is hard to stop.”

Zong Shou is a sigh of relief. It’s also a false sentence.

"I know why, why bother?"

He sacrificed so much, if he could not annihilate this dream. This embarrassment is really white.

As for the water wave, it is difficult to stop the words. But they are not in the heart.

He and Daomen were already deadly enemies a year ago. You die and die, there is no other possibility.

Now it’s just an extra debt, it’s not painful –

See the flying ash, the soul of Yuan Mengzi. No more in the world. Zong Shou has another thought and returns to his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Then I discovered that Xiaoji had already withdrawn from here. But the silver dragon is still there.

This yin dragon is just the beginning of the gods. The genus of the yin dynasty, this is the soul of the dragon after losing the flesh, and the power of the yin and scorpion. In addition to the hidden shape. The best thing is the art of fighting.

Therefore, after the fight with Yuan Mengzi, it was still unscathed. ()

Staying in his soul is seemingly to borrow his eyes and see the situation after the Yuan Mengzi retreats.

Seeing his body, he wants to leave. The dragon is in a swing. Just turned back.

Zong Shou’s mind only felt that it was a weirdness. He still believed in the language of Kong Rui’s Guardian of the Holy Beast.

Today, however, this ‘Yinlong’ promptly shot. It makes him feel like no danger, but it is true.

Although this guy occupies the nest, he took over the nose. It is really irritating.

If you can, then you can get a special help from God, but you still earn a lot of money.

anyway. This dragon is far away from the Tianshan Mountains. There is a distance of 100,000 miles here. How did it come about?

The thoughts flew, and the slogan was filled with ‘passion’ smirk, and he greeted the silver dragon.

"Dragon brother! The younger brother is polite here."

With the previous attitude. It is completely different. Regardless of whether or not ‘protecting the country’s sacred beast’, it is necessary to have a good first.

The silver dragon is obviously stunned. Then the extreme is not suitable for the general, the cockroaches hit a chill.

I looked at Zong Shou up and down, and I didn't care. When he shook his head, he snorted and he didn’t want to marry him. The figure was swaying, passing by Zong Shou, passing by.

The dragon body swims, making the Zongshou Yuan soul, a burst of turbulence.

Zong Shou is very embarrassed, and he did his best to stabilize the turbulent soul sea again.

My heart is secretly swearing, swearing that one day sooner or later, I must smash this stupid dragon who doesn’t know how to be good, cramping and peeling!

This guy is more arrogant than Qiankun.

But this time, his mind was finally clear.

The place where the silver-white dragon came and went was through the nose of the nose. The relationship between the mind and the heart is almost integral with the power of his king.

"What is the reason for this?"

I can't understand it, and Zong Shou can only temporarily let go. The consciousness leaves the soul sea and returns again.

The Yinlong left and only used his breath. At this moment, this piece of heaven and earth is still a dead silence.

The huge dragon claws in the distance have disappeared. And there are hundreds of souls in the vicinity, there is no movement, it seems that even the atmosphere does not dare to take a breath, quiet to terrible.

Only water waves, it is a big nerve, don't care.

"Yuan Mengzi has fallen, this door is really difficult."

Halfway through the words, I saw the face of Zong Shou, which is extremely unsightly. She didn't know Zong Shou, she just ate in front of the ‘protection of the country and the beast.’ Only when it is this guy, hard hit the Yuan Mengzi hit, but also suffered a lot.

Suddenly in the eyes of the eyes, Shui Lingbo carefully sensed with the sense of spirit. When he noticed that Zong Shouyuan was indeed not a big man, he let go of his heart.

"After this war, you are doing Tianshan, afraid that it will be better for decades?"

Zong Shou thought about it, and then smiled: "There should be thirty years of time! Not only the lonely Tianshan, but also the same thing in my life?"

After a series of confrontations, the prestige of Dao Ling’s dilemma has been reduced to the extreme, and it can be said that it has fallen to the bottom of the valley.

Yuan Mengzi’s body is also the last layer of his face, but also peeled off.

In the next few decades, the Tao Ling dilemma must first deal with the Middle-earth Magic Road, and the voyages of many mineral veins under its control.

It is also necessary to cope with the suppression of big businessmen, and Tai Ling and Dao Lingzong are pressing harder.

Need to rebuild the sound of the three thousand doors, but also need to deal with the Middle-earth family, and the dispute with the big business royal family -

It is no longer possible. What is the big move to the dry Tianshan. Even if there is, it is only limited to him, and between the characters of this level.

At this time, there is not much effort, and then oppress other sects.

Therefore, Zong Shou will say that there are also people who benefit.

In fact, Jianzong Buddhism. It is also true. The Tao Ling is indifferent to his care, and will be a lot easier in the next few decades.

At this time, the sect of the sect is also a loose.

Those Lingshi compensation, Zong Shou does not care. Those who participated in many tragedies in the east of Yunlu. It is also impossible for the gate to surrender.

The only thing that is in my heart is that I don’t want to be implicated again, leaving those innocent people.

Does Yuan Mengzi refuse to give him? Then he will keep it, and he will come and pick it up!

Shui Lingbo heard a smile and squinted.

The most satisfying thing is Zong Shou, who said the phrase 'I am alive,' obviously not going to be alive. Be an outsider.

"But you still need to be careful. In this battle, you are only hurting the authority of the Taoist world in the cloud. The accumulation of the Tao Ling dilemma is not the same. There are dozens of doors, nearly one hundred spiritual environments, one yuan dream. Insignificant At this time, the spiritual tide will rise, and for up to ten years, it will be restored as before. There are many strong people, and outside the realm, they have not returned. In my opinion, the sect keeps you in this battle. It is still a little reckless. It’s ridiculous to challenge these giants with the ants’ body. It’s better to lurk the minions.

Zong Shou heard the words but laughed dumbly, and fixed the attention of the water wave.

"The last few words, but the Korean brother told you to say?"

The water slammed into the air, and his face was slightly stunned, and then he looked calm.

"The same is true in the eyes of the family."

The code is laughing and not saying. Neither agree nor refute.

Daomen are huge. Fighting with it is definitely not overnight.

But even if you want to be forbearing, you need a safe environment.

If you can fight, you must force the door to ignore yourself. Only the claws that have been explored are cut off!

Besides, although the seizure of this war is small, compared with the entire road, it is indeed nothing, but it can be small.

Cut off their minions and cut their branches.

Step by step, slowly and soon, the roots of the giant mountain of Daomen will be dug up and pushed.

When Ling Lingbo sees Zongshou’s expression, he knows that this is actually not in his heart. At the moment, I shook my head slightly: "Yuan Mengzi has died, Zong Shou is next, what are you going to do? Continue to seal the door?"

Zong Shou was a glimpse of ‘嘿’, and he explored a trick and grabbed the nameless sword that was inserted in the ground.

As soon as I started, I felt a little deep. The quality of this sword seems to have improved a lot.

After a little thought, Zong Shou remembered the talent. The Yuan Soul’s Yuan Soul is broken, and the soul is scattered.

At that time, he was conscious of the sea and tried to communicate with the ‘protective country beast’ that was hard to eat.

However, there are still feelings in the mind, and it seems that at that time, most of the lost souls of Yuan Mengzi were absorbed into this nameless sword.

But did not give back to him, it should be used to quench the blade.

This sword, he still does not know what is refining. When he first entered his hand, it was just the equivalent of a Chinese product.

In the short period of this year, the blade of the sharp and sharp, has already rushed to the highest level ~ www.readwn.com ~ especially this dozens of days, slaughtered dozens of sects, killing nearly 100 spirits. Almost every day, the quality of this sword will increase a lot.

"What a weird thing -"

The mouth whispered softly, and Zong Shou took the sword. Then there was a smile of sunshine.

"Nature is running! Never go, people in the area, most of them have to fight with loneliness."

Even if it is like a mourning soldier, it may not be able to win. But today, the people around us will not sit back and watch.

Go on, it’s a wise man!

Besides, at this time, his day's obstacles are already broken, and the robbery is near, so it is not appropriate to stay.

Zong Shouzheng wants to pick up a big sleeve that he thinks is chic. Just listen to the water Lingbo said in the back: "You have a nosebleed, how can you not wipe it? It is ugly to die."

Zong Shou figure, suddenly shaking, almost fell from the air. To be continued

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