Divine Brilliance

Chapter 754: The coming of the war

The original update touched his own pocket, and in the eyes of Shi Er, it was both embarrassing and distressing. m()[.5&1&Original]

From the Imperial City to the nearest port city, there are also nearly 10,000 miles. When you get there, you may not be able to meet the cloud ship coming from the east to the cloud.

It’s not just shyness in the bag, it’s also very dangerous to travel long distances.

It is said that today's big business is not quite flat. There seems to be some family, ready to rebel -

Shaking his head violently, Shi Er’s thoughts were all thrown out of his mind.

Continue to go home, a little hesitant on the road, and bought two white-faced meat packs.

I still don't know what to do in the future, and where to make a living. But she has been kissing her for several months and has not eaten meat. People in the disease, but only some light porridge food every day, how can they support?

However, it is estimated that it has to be reprimanded by the mother.

Shi Er shook his head and smiled. After a while, he walked into a messy, stinking alley.

He is very embarrassed, and he is almost in the memory of his body and goes to his own home.

But when Shi Er went to the door, he suddenly caught it.

I saw it in front of me, a young man dressed in luxury, standing in front of the house.

I am seven or eight years older than him. I don’t know what cloth is on my clothes. It seems that the young masters of the bachelor's house that hired him are more expensive than before.

The face is also square and square, with a smile on the face, bright sunshine, but with a bit of evil.

I looked at the stone one by one, and then the young man’s eyes passed a hint of surprise.

"You are the name of the stone two? Live here!"

"This is my home!"

There are some people who don’t know why, but there is a fog: "The villain is also a surname stone, dare to ask the nobles, but there is something to find me?"

The eyes crossed the person and looked into the house. The pupil of Shi Er suddenly condensed, and the white-faced meat bag in his hand fell to the ground.

I saw the bed. A woman’s body is lying on her back, quiet and incomparable. Quiet to no half-sound!

That is his mother-in-law

The only relative in the world, who gave birth to him, lived together!

The brain is like a thunder, and I don’t know what to do. Clear morning is still good, but for only half a day, it has been forever.

Above the cheeks, I felt two warmth. Shi Er wiped it with his hand before he felt that he was feeling sad. It is already bursting into tears.

In fact, I have long thought of it. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.) The mother may not be able to marry this winter, but did not expect it to be so early.

I shouldn’t go to the bachelor’s house today! Or come back early, you can also see the mother side.

No more thoughts. I will pay attention to the noble son. Shi Er’s look is sloppy, and he walks down to the bed. Then I looked at my mother's face and said nothing. Silent tears.

The man has tears, just because he is not sad.

The young Chinese costume saw a sigh and walked behind the stone. Silent for a long time, waiting for a quarter of an hour. After the reconciliation of Shi Er’s thoughts, this was again said.

"My famous stone, you can call my uncle!"

"Shi Yue? Uncle?"

Shi Eryi raised his eyebrows and turned to God. Then if you realize: "You are the person of the Imperial Beijing Stone House?"

Although it is a questioning tone, it can be determined. There is also a bit of alienation between words.

"Good smart boy!"

Shi Yue chuckled: "It is Shijia. Your father named Shi Tao, my brother!"

Reach out and touch the head of Shi Er. But see this boy, subconsciously avoiding. The stone is a glimpse, and then laughs: "Don't blame your father, your mother and child, it is a matter of cause! Today is also your mother's initiative to contact. You three uncles know that you are here."

Shi Er is still silent and does not speak.

Shi Yue brow slightly wrinkled, and then faintly explained: "The older brother to your mother in the past, its practical feelings deep. Unfortunately, your mother was born in the net sound door. It is one of the three six gates of Cangsheng Road. Know for others. Your mother doesn't want to be tired of her brother. This is going to go away. Forget it, I will tell you this, but I don't understand it!"

Shaking his head and shaking his head, Shi Yue once again stroked the head of Shi Er, this time the boy did not escape.

"In short, you only need to know that your father did not live up to it. There is no reason for it! You are now helpless, you can't be alone. Your mother has entrusted me, then whether you want it or not. I will not sit on my stone family's blood and live outside! Since then, you are the person of my stone family, my stone is the child."

The voice is categorical and cannot be refused.

Shi Er meditation for a moment, but did not reply, but turned his head and looked at the body of the mother on the bed.

"Stone II must first bury the mother and say it again!"

There is a sadness in my heart, if no one is behind me. He can't afford the money that his mother buried.

Shi Yue looked at it, but it was a smile. This child’s heart is purely filial, and people like it.

But I don't know how martial arts qualifications? Shijia is the gatekeeper, leading the generations, and there is no martial arts.

Stone two enters this door, and nature is no exception.

A glimpse of the air, since the spirit of the day. Flowing through the limbs, just a moment later, the face of Shi Yue is full of color.

This is the body of warfare? Xuan Ling Bao body?

After a full moment, Shi Yue’s mind just woke up and took it back.

"Stone II, you are ranked second in the third generation of my stone family. But you can't take this name. The uncle will be more and more sorrowful today. From now on, you can call for stone-free"-"

The stone body was a meal, and then nodded indifferently.

In fact, Shi Yue does not say that he does not intend to use the name of this stone two. No name, he likes it!


Just seven days later, there are seven hundred miles outside the Imperial City.

A lush mountain between the hills, a lonely grave with a good marble.

Inspiring, cigarettes,

Shi Wuji looked solemn and quietly squatting in front of the grave. Shi Yue is a negative hand and stands aside.

"Now the first seven have passed! The rules of the famous family must still be filial piety for at least one year. But the uncle now has a big event, but no time to wait for you. It is your mother, I am afraid that you are not in front of his tomb, It’s time consuming. I don’t know why you are going to do anything? May you go with your uncle?”

Shi Wuji wrinkled his eyes and looked strange. He looked at his side and did not answer.

Do you have a choice?

Shi Yue is also laughing: "The same is true, no matter if you don't agree with it, your uncle will take you away."

This sentence has fallen into the air. A force, will force the stone into the air, go to the east.

So flying, the must-have is a hundred miles. Shi Wuji is a foggy water, can not help but ask: "Is it not back to Shijia?"

The stone home of Huangjingcheng should be right in the west!

"You can't go back now! Let's talk later!"

Shi Yue shook his head, and then his eyes relaxed, watching the land of the East: "No joke, have you heard of Zong Shou this person?"

Shi Wuji didn't want to think about it, he nodded lightly: "Know! I heard that it is the first in the world of Kendo, the Lord of the East, the Blood Sword Monster!"

The name of the Blood Sword Monster is now in the Imperial City. Whoever has any interest in the martial arts law, who has never heard of it?

This person is the head of a country. It is said that the kendo is strong and the enemy is unbeatable.

Just before January, there were dozens of sects in the east who were famous for the earthquake. I don’t know how to annoy the country. Just one person with only a sword, it will be extinct in its entirety.

It is said that in those days, the blood flowed into the river and killed millions. It was a more ferocious figure than the devil.

The old gentleman of Xueshifu said that this person is mad and deviant.

However, there are also people who praised the person who is rare in the world.

Speaking of it, if it wasn’t for Shi Yue, he would take him away. Then he Shi Er, most of them will also go to Tianshan to see if he can really get the practice. Play for the demon king -

If he can learn martial arts and be able to make a difference, he will not be in charge of the sect.

It’s just this heart, but it’s sinking. Can't go back to Shijia, what is this?

"This person is not the best in the world, but invincible this world!"

Shi Yue seems to have no idea, shaking his head to correct. Among the eyes, there is a hot color.

"So you can know that you can see the Xiangchu King and the Emperor Wu Tianwang before the 10,000-year-old? This blood-sword monster is the only person who can compete with these fighters for thousands of years!"

Shi Wuji also heard several old masters telling history, and naturally they would not know the name of the two kings. They are all heroes, and they have been invincible.

But still still puzzled, this invincible word, what is the difference with the world first?

With a lot of thoughts, he temporarily suppressed those doubts in his chest.

"Why do you mention this person? But you have a relationship with this **** sword monster? Going to visit?"

The mouth is still not willing to call the uncle, it is both shy and unwilling.

"I don't have a relationship! I stoned it and owed him once! The demon king's acting is indeed a distraction! Unfortunately, this Tianshan may be destined to be the enemy of my stone family!"

Shi Yue sighed and smiled: "Your uncle is going east, this time, I want to use this pair of fists, and then he will be there for a while! Also by the way, he will return his personal feelings. It is said that this person has been robbed soon, and a few days ago, millions of people were levied. In just one month, a 900-foot platform was built. If you want to come to the robbery, it will be in the near future! That Tianshan, at this time, most of them are gathering in the crowd~www.readwn.com~The devil is dancing. This kind of excitement, Never miss it -"


Shi Wuji’s heart fretting, he heard that the martial arts spiritual law, after the ninth order, there are robberies.

If you successfully rob, you can go to the fairy, and you must leave the cloud.

That dry demon king, is this ready to fly? What about the Tianshan?

Then I listened to Shi Yuexiao and asked: "The day when this person is robbed, it must be the time of the war. If you are willing to follow me, let's go and take a look at this **** sword demon?"

Shi Wuji only meditation a little, and suddenly nodded,

He is now involuntarily, and he really wants to see, the first person in the world -

At this time, the two did not know, just in Shishi, with a stone, and left for a moment.

Before the lonely grave, there was another figure flashing. It was a ten-day Taoist who looked at the two people leaving, and the smile was implicit. To be continued

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