Divine Brilliance

Chapter 756: Break the sky barrier

The original update was shocked, and the monks gathered around it were mostly far away. M//.// (5) (1) seems to be a fear of the sect, a sword and a boxing, innocent disaster.

In the eyes of Zong Shou, it is also the same anger.

These people, really, are you already dead? Acting so arrogantly, even half of the scruples are not!

Even if he had just annihilated dozens of doors before January, he would not be shocked if he killed no market.

The murderous glance looked at the front, and Zong Shou snorted. Put away the nameless sword and continue to the southeast and go hollow.

After a while, I saw the 900-foot high platform.

Standing tall, almost inserted into the sky. The square is a huge number, and at the top is a huge hall.

This is only the main body of the platform. There are other deputy stations nearby. Some are eight hundred feet high, and some are only four hundred feet. The total number is 364, which is uneven and varies in size. If you look closely, there are certain rules.

On each stage, there is an altar. There are spirits sitting in the town, eight hundred feet on the stage, is a few spiritual realms. And seven hundred feet, it is the ninth order, and then it is decremented. They are all dry mountains, the most reliable people.

This is all sitting in meditation, but when the sect of the sect is reached, they will wake up.

Throughout the spiritual array, the whole 50 dragons are trapped, and the spirit is abundant.

Below, there is a whole 600,000 troops stationed. Blood cloud ride is not included yet.

Zong Shou’s eyes were slightly stunned, which was 200,000 more elite than his original arrangement.

Almost no need to think about it, Zong Shou knows that this is the hand of Hu Qianqiu Qiu. Looking at him, he transferred 200,000 troops.

The heart can not help but secretly shake his head, knowing these few heavenly ministers, but still in his heart of his safety.

However, although this is a loyalty from these people, there is no malice. However, this private regulation of military power, but still need to be disciplined, this case must not be opened.

At this time, I was too lazy to pay attention to it and directly put down the light. It fell to the center of the platform.

Walking through the air, stepping in the center of the temple, Zong Shou was slightly stunned, looking to the side, the woman holding the silver gun. A silver armor, heroic and cool, is Kong Yao.

"You are not commanding the army below. What are you doing here? Don't quit -"

Once the day is coming. The war began. To Kong Yao is only the eighth-order peak. It can't be resisted with this, those who are strong in the cloud world hundreds of years ago.

The first time, it will be crushed.

Look at it this way. It was discovered that Kong Yao’s air machine actually improved. Steady stepping into the ninth order.

But what about the ninth order? At most, it can support for a long time.

Kong Yao heard the words, but his face was white. I bite my lip and feel aggrieved. Silently standing, not talking.

However, behind him, Kong Rui’s laughter came: “I don’t want to be annoyed, but Kong Rui let Yao children come up. It’s just to solve the robbing of the monarch—”


Looking back at Zong Shou’s mistakes, it’s not surprising that Kong Rui is here. This big battle, this is the need to be presided over by this inscrutable Si Tianjian.

"Exactly! I have never forgotten, I have a gamble with Zhong Xuan? My daughter. I have a catastrophe. A year ago, I was troubled by the monarch."

Zong Shou is naturally aware that at the beginning he used all means to recruit, only for the talent of Kong Yao. No one is available in the hands, and I don’t want this generation of military gods to die.

Later, I learned that Kong Yao was originally a star.

But it is still frowning: "But this is dying. Is it already solved?"

"After Yao's demise, the murder of Jun is still there."

Kong Rui is well explained by the embarrassment, and he smiles: "The bell must still be a bell, and the king must solve the murder, or you need to be Yao."

Zong Shou listened. Suddenly there is a sense of ignorance.

No wonder recently, it’s killing. It turned out to be the cause of this evil!

In my heart, he was dubious, and he always felt that Kong Rui was opposite himself.

Also worried about the safety of Kong Yao: "But she is only a nine-order! The supervisor is not worried about her safety? Those people come over, a finger, you can kill her. When you are alone, you may not be able to protect live--"

Above this stone platform, it is not among the army.

Kong Yao is the scent of the lips, and this time, if it was not the life of her father, she would not go to the platform.

The result was a good heart, but it was reviled by Zong Shou.

Until the last sentence of Zong Shou, this face is a little embarrassing.

It’s sincere and sincere to hear the concerns in this guy’s language.

However, it was still a cold scream, and a sudden shot was made between the sudden attacks on the throat of Zong Shou.

The guns are not very fast, but they have a kind of imposing manner.

Zong Shou’s heart is also a slight jump. In the expression, a few dignified colors emerged.

I feel that this Kong Yao, this moment, and the 600,000 troops under him, are one.

Even the entire dry Tianshan, east of Huizhou, millions of troops, are backed up.

Only for a moment, Zong Shou has a slight insight into the fundamentals of his shooting.

This is - a thousand troops broke!

After dozens of years, Kong Yao’s vertical and horizontal battlefield. He will kill the enemy and resist the peerless shootings of those who are powerful in the wonderland.

At this time, there is only one prototype, but there is already a trend!

The ordinary spirit, this gun may not be able to withstand it!

With a finger, the knuckles just knocked on the tip of the gun. A force, between the two.

Kong Yao’s body was out of control, thrown in the air, and retired from the Baizhang. Look at the opposite side, I saw that Zong Shou was in the same place, and he did not move.

After a sigh of relief, Kong Yao’s shackles suddenly revealed the color of frustration.

At this time, she was equally unscathed, and it was obvious that Zong Shou was a mercy. While repelling himself, there is still room to protect her body.

The gap between the two is a world apart.

The next moment, I listened to the curiosity and asked: "You are now, but the army has been added, and the trend is two? Is it the fundamental method?"

Kong Yao's daggers whispered and replied: "In this year, the generals of the army were in the hands of the army. They also experienced the battle with the night demon. The spirits were opened, and the army and the army were quite comprehensible."

The expression is slightly sorrowful. I ask myself not to enter the country, but I can't compare it with this metamorphosis.

I also feel that I have no face to stay on this platform. But just as she left, she listened to Zong Shou and chuckled again.

"But it, it's okay to have one more! This can break the guns of the thousand army, and cope with those who are small enough!"

Then there was a slight loss of consciousness: "The military road is actually similar to the martial art of that person. But it is no wonder that you will lose to him in the end -"

Kong Yao was a happy first, then he only felt wrong. Who is that person? similar? Is it also the military power of Xi? Remember yourself, and who haven't lost to them?

Just thinking like this, the face is red and red. Just being boasted, can stay on this broken platform, you Kong Yao, you are happy?

Zong Shou thought, only a slight glimpse, he returned to God.

A glimpse of the hand, I saw the silver light shining, a burst of sound.

A total of fifty-four clouds and flying knives fell to the ground. They are all trained by his soul, and they can read the remote sensing.

Responding to each other, it was arousing a wave of souls and disturbing the surrounding psionic power.

Finally, the nameless sword was inserted in front of him.

Zong Shou’s hand behind him, with a scornful look, looked into the distance.

The wind and the clouds are raging, and the clouds gather to cover the moonlight. The land that makes this hundred miles is dark.

Fortunately, the entire spirit of the array, also began to work. Give a faint glow, so that people don't reach out.

The altar of the altar is motivated, and the mighty spirit can oscillate.

And under the roof, 600,000 elite, but also formed a huge square, listed in the periphery guardian.

Seven thousand blood clouds ride, then swim outside.

Kong Rui did not know when to retreat to another 1400 feet, only on the main stone platform.

After the interest rate, the voice condensed to: "Jun Shang! I am ready, can start!"

Zongshou’s brows are light and his mind is moving. That vast trend, from the body.

The layer of heaven, which was sensed in the mind, seems to have been hit by a huge force!

It slammed, and the crack was enlarged, almost tearing the whole piece.

Zong Shou only realized that the layer of 'membrane' between himself and the heavens and the earth has been broken. That idea is already accessible, the real world of ‘outside’. Nothing is the same as before, it is the power of relying on the essence of Linghua.

In an instant, the internal friction of the body increased, and it poured out from the sea of ​​gas. In the meantime, it filled his nine major veins. Then continue to go up -

Unfortunately, this body has long been exercised to the extreme. The veins are also strengthened, tough and firm.

Anything is so huge, how the tide surges. Can not make the pulse, there is a half-shake.

Within the soul sea, it is also expanding.

The layer of the sky broke open, and there were countless innate qi around it, pouring into the body.

Part of it is transformed into Zenith, and part of it is to expand the soul sea and strengthen the soul.

There is still a part that is to strengthen the body.

Gradually, the body of Zong Shou is like a black hole, engulfing the ‘source spirit’ around this.

Fortunately, this time, 50 dragons were forcibly gathered, which is sufficient for the needs.

Also attracted Kong Yao, I looked back. This is just the beginning, there is such a big movement.

At the moment, there are countless thunder snakes flashing in the sky, and across the sky. The momentum is horrible, and it also makes the bright and bright like this.

The idea of ​​Zong Shou~www.readwn.com~ is like a knife, and the layer of 'barriers' is once again smashed.

The sword that was close to the soul level was hit by the sword. It was the hurdle that plagued him for more than a decade.

At this moment, I only felt that my heart was slightly loose, and there was another block in my mind. A heartache was broken and opened.

God is fascinated by the sea of ​​souls.

At this time, he only had time to look at the sky and identify the property of the robbery.

"Nine-year-old Xuankong Rotating!"

When Zong Shou’s thoughts began, he ignited his body and ignited a red flame.

"Sure enough, the more innate gas absorbed during the robbery, the more thunderous! The more people kill, the more strange the devil. Naturally, except for the cockroach -"

Zong Shou did not care, but the lips provoked.

Has begun, Hugh let him down! To be continued

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