Divine Brilliance

Chapter 766: Forget it

The original update, along with the heavy light, is also penetrated into the bursting and slashing sword. m//.//(5) (1)

The stream of the years has also expanded tenfold. In the middle of the river, it turned into a mighty tide, and where the dragon shadow stood, it hit the stream.

In the light of the light, the Xuanzizi is a small bell that has been taken out by the letter, flying in the air, and under the hood, the time around it is locked.

"The law of the years, withering, Dingyu Zhong, it is so!"

Looking at this scene, the autumn scene is a slight pick of the lips, revealing a bit of meaning.

Since this is the second thing, then this Long Ying old man, the former Juggernaut, really has no semi-separation machine.

Opposite him, Dao Lingzong’s Feng Yunzi was a scornful look.

Since I know that the Dragon Shadow Club will be in this place, can you not cope with this law?

Years, withering, it’s really painstaking, I’m really willing to pay the money –

A slashed sword, plus heavy Xuan under the serious injury, bursting out all the potential of the momentum, will be the rush to drive the years. But I don't know how this dragon shadow will respond?

This man is the master of the sect, and the sword is also strong. It is possible to create a peerless sword of the 10th level of the Holy Spirit, such as the Kowloon Shadow Sword.

It’s just a pity that this person has been in the sacred world for a long time. Only thirty years of Shouyuan, under the attack of the law of this age, even if the swordsmanship is through the sky, the magical world is also helpless.

This time, I am afraid that most of them will be here.

More minds are already paying attention to the cloud world.

It is only this dragon to die, then it is this shoud, when the life of the old man is paid.

The enchanting demon of the Yuanzong Mozong is a satisfying smile and full of interest.

The destruction of the Holy Land, this is a rare scene.

And next to the blood coat, it is once again rubbing the lips and lips, the eyes reveal the meaning of bloodthirsty.

Looking at the shadow of Dragon Shadow, it is like watching food.

Among the people, they only ask for a false look. It is complicated. Looking at the light of the gaze, it is faintly concealed.

And that Qiankun is laughing, and the laughter is very different.

The people don't know what they are, they just feel inexplicable. However, after only the moment, everyone's attention, then returned to the dragon shadow.

Even the river of the years has come to the front. Dragon shadow. There is not much change.

Only a dumb smile. Then stretch out your right hand.

Then between the fingers, I heard a burst of psionic shock. The river of the years was actually a force. The hard-boiled all ended in one place. Returning to the source, most of them are turned into psionic powers.

And those metal fragments are also agglomerated. Reconstruct. Just a kung fu, it is a long sword, now in the hands of Dragon Shadow.

It was the previous painting of the long white sword that had no abnormalities and no change at all. The blade is smooth and shiny. I can’t see it at all. This sword has been blasted before –

"A good bit of a sword!"

Dragon Shadow holds the sword in his hand and watches it carefully. He sighed and curiously asked: "Is this for the absence of the market? Most of it is the Qingxuan Daojun, can you make it right?"

Only this sentence was asked, but no one answered. Within this whole river, it is silent.

Everyone here, including the heavy light that took out this sword, is a look. I watched this scene with a stunned look.

Almost all the same thoughts in my mind.

How can this be?

The sword of this age, the full power of the Holy Land after the explosion. This dragon shadow old man, how can you easily take it?

The dying sword that had been shattered and scattered was re-aggregated in a blink of an eye, and it still looks as good as ever. It’s no harm, is this a joke?

Silence for a long while. The light is suddenly realized, and the intuition is pain in the mouth. The voice is dry and asks: "Is it true that the Holy Spirit is the end?"

"You said?"

The dragon shadow old man laughed, and a wave of psionic spirits rushed back again, pouring into the withered sword, and the face was a touch of faintness: "I and Qing Xuan Daojun, originally had some incense, and it is said that it should be For that. Just that person, since I must be against my disciples, shouting and killing every day, so that all means are done. If my dragon shadow does not respond, others are afraid to laugh at me dragon shadow incompetence! , huh! Er, etc. Is this the desire to take the old man? Is it too much to deceive the old life? This thing can not be ignored -"

Only meditation for a moment, there is a decision: "This way! You smash me this sword today, I will return to you as it is. If you can pick it up, you can spare. Lest anyone else say that I am a dragon, to bully, Not reasonable!"

The sound is mild, but here a few people listen, but it is a cold sweat full of faces.

The power of the revival, which is almost at the source of the world, is gradually filling the atmosphere.

Everyone here is not breathing well.

And the heavy light is even more bloody.

Take the next sword? He has a heavy light, but there is no such thing as a dragon shadow.

Hua Yun is also pale and his heart falls to the bottom of the valley.

Zhang mouth to speak, but after all, failed to give a word. Knowing this moment, even if he asks for love, it is useless.

A few of them, deliberately, want to fall this old man.

Is it ridiculous to want this person to be merciful to them? It is tantamount to idiots who say dreams -

To the majesty of the world, to be light and guilty?

Can you see that you are focused on death? Desperate to stop, but only to see the opposite, the sight of the cold and cold, is paying attention. Suddenly the chest was cool, and the dragon's small hand like ice jade was held in the palm of his hand. In the past, people can feel warm, but at this time they only feel uneasy, frightened and want to let go.

And in the next blink of an eye, Dragon Shadow has been the one who took the slashing sword out, and the silver awning waved, invisible and inferior to penetrate the void. Light and shadow, rushing toward the heavy light.

The heavy light squinted and shouted. The whole person is like a slingshot and flies backwards. The front of the void is twisted, and ten ten charms are arranged in front of them.

On the spirit of the pattern, it is actually faint and similar to the dragon shadow, close to the source of the avenue, the universe is fundamental.

Explode violently, so that the white sword, a slight glimpse. Then a piece of fairyware was clothed in front of him.

But they are all worn by the silver sword, and they are like a hole in the bamboo.

Finally, there was a soft bang, and the dying sword was stopped.

I saw the blade, and the heavy shield that blocked the sword at the end of the light, all burst together.

But everyone here is too late to take a break. Then I saw the sword of withering, and also turned into a river of years, and continued to rush forward.

However, compared with the previous ones, the power of the glory of the imperial concubine is not many times stronger.

The heavy light is like a dead gray, and it is desperate to resist, but it is still only less than 10% of the gray gas.

Then the figure was once again fixed in the void, eyes pale and desperate, watching the dragon shadow.

The blue-colored singer was smashed.

Asked empty eyes, and then whispered softly, shaking his head slightly.

Knowing this heavy light, it seems that it is unscathed at the moment, but it is the destruction of Shouyuan.

At this time, the clothes are broken, and it is clear that it has entered the process of the five failures of the heavens and the humans.

The so-called five-failure sign, the clothes are sloppy, the head is wilting, sweating under the armpits, body skunk, unhappy.

When the repairer arrived at the holy place, the body could be spotless and the feathers would not fall. The scale of the clothes is due to the strength of the body, and can not protect the body.

Here is the boundary of the river, no dirt and dirt. However, because of the sword, the force of the void is turbulent, causing heavy light and damage to clothing.

This person is now afraid that only half an hour can live -

Nearly two thousand years of life, was captured by Long Yingxin.

The power of the world is as good as it is!

Huayun Longxuan and Xuanweizi three people, obviously also known heavy light situation, the surface is suddenly uncertain, gloomy as water.

In the boundary river, it is still silent.

However, it is only a matter of interest. That is too Lingzong Qiuhua, and then smiled and said: "Qiuhua congratulates the Dragon Shadow Holy Respect, and since then has enjoyed the longevity, never eternal! I am too spiritual, and the disciple of the Holy Spirit, In fact, there is nothing deep hatred. Today, Qiuhua carefully thought about it, and it is indeed something wrong. Why is it like this? When Qiuhua returns, I am too spiritual, and there will be a big gift, to congratulate the saints! ”

This sentence says that a few people around, it seems that the eyes are different.

In particular, Huayun Longxuan, the eyes are even more angry, staring at death.

This person is really shameless!

Qiu Yun did not care, after reading it, he looked at the face of the dragon. Seeing Dragon Shadow is not unpleasant, and there is no word, this is a loose heart.

Once again, Qiu Yun directly tore the void barrier and stepped into it.

This place, he is not willing to stay for a while.

When this person left, the glamorous demon was also a gaze, and he did not dare to be in front of the dragon shadow. Also looked calm and said: "The envy of the demon has seen the saints! Before the words are not appropriate, there is offending, but also please the Holy Lord to be strange! I am the beginning of the Emperor and the saints gangsters ~ www.readwn.com ~ indeed some grudges. I can think about it carefully, and it is not impossible to make up for it. Luo Ming and Miranda are both provocative, and it is my fault. If today, if you can survive, I will be able to do my best. Compensation for the loss of the dry Tianshan should also be a loss. There is also a gift, He Shengzun to the world of joy!"

The dragon shadow listened to a smile and waved at random. He was too lazy to care about this person.

The enviable demon suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, without hesitation, and he flew into a spiritual river. The light and shadow flicker, and the speed is faster than the time when Qiuyun left.

In the three divine scenes, only one person in the blink of an eye, Yu Fengyunzi, this person is also decisive, the same as the first ceremony: "Congratulations to the Holy Spirit, you have to enjoy the longevity! Today's business, because I see things unknown, blinded. If Saint I am willing to raise my hand so that I can get it safely. Then I will tell you Lingzong!"

This time, Long Ying has a slight look at his eyes, and his eyes are slightly flashing.

"According to your intention, is this the case? The old man who died in the sky, but died in my hands -"

That Feng Yunzi’s heart suddenly cooled, and he sighed secretly. At this time, where can he care about this? Looking for death? To be continued

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