Divine Brilliance

Chapter 77: Egg essence

Zong Shou is also a heart-warming, he is used to all kinds of spiritual treasures. In comparison, the Thunder's egg, though precious, is actually nothing.

It’s just that in the game of the Emperor, the real top-notch in reality is almost never met.

The eyes were a little hot, and I looked at the colored egg. Zong Shou’s heart secretly felt that the thunder of the ancients, when hiding his descendants, was indeed cautious and concealed.

Hidden here, even on the day of the tour, you can travel to the world of the spiritual master, if you do not pay attention, it is extremely difficult to detect.

If it weren't for the interracial strong, it happened to fall here, and the thunder in the egg should have broken out before three thousand years.

This is the day when I don’t want this bird to be born, and I deserve it!

Take another vial from the sleeve, this time, but not directly. Instead, I took off my coat and took a piece of willow knife to draw a blood mark on myself. The back that could not be reached was directly handed over to Xiaojin, and he was remotely controlled by his mind and etched behind his own. About half a centimeter deep, a trace of blood, dripping from the body.

The **** faintness corresponds to the meridians in the body, and it is plausible. The first snow was seen as bloodless, and I wanted to open my mouth, and I knew that Zong Shou was at the moment, obviously on my own body, burning a character array. It’s harassing, but it’s a harm to the family.

It took half a hour, and the blood marks were hidden. I saw the chest and abdomen of Zongshou, which is exactly the shape of four thunders. At the tip of the temple, it is just gathering in the sea of ​​Zongshou. Wrapped around the body, it can be divided into countless small charms, and branches.

The forehead also has a small pattern, as if it were a thunder, flying high in the wings, and the tail is connected to the body to form a whole.

Only the eyebrows, leaving a blank of the size of the thumb.

When all the runes are completed, they are all drawn. Zong Shou took the hot spring and cleaned all the blood on his body. Only then will the liquid be taken out and applied to the scars.

The dark purple color makes Zong Shou's body add a strange temperament and a bit of gorgeous beauty.

Without a moment, all the scars will turn purple. And the four big ones, the five heads of thunder, more and more smart, lifelike. It seems that the next moment, it is necessary to fly away from him.

The look of Zong Shou is also more like Shen Ning. This thing in memory is the day's spiritual master, and the power of the sect. It took half a year to refine the thunder's egg into a Dan and pay it to the disciple.

He is absolutely impossible at this moment, and there are such conditions. The only thing that can rely on it is that there is only one way to swallow the yuan!

"Snow gives me protection! If this is not the case, you and Yin Shu, leave the East as early as possible!"

With the passage of a sentence, it is not until the first snow reacts. Zong Shou has already walked before the giant egg. With only a little hesitation, I slammed it and pointed it on the top side of the egg shell.

Touched like steel, it is very solid. It was still hot, and there was a faint faint current that pervaded.

However, when the Zong Shou, urging the swallowing of the Dafa Dafa. The eggshell softens quickly at a rate visible to the naked eye. At the time of counting, the finger has penetrated into the egg.

In the next moment, a huge purple current spurted out. Follow the arm of Zongshou and hit it. With the sound of the "Ziz", the surface of the skin is even more fragrant.

It was time to blow his body into pieces. But when passing through his body, he sneaked into the Thunderbolt.

Zongshou's body trembled, not only the whole body numb, but also a lot of deep purple electric light wrapped around the body. At the tip of the finger, it is a group of pure and innate elements, such as the vast river, rushing into. As if there is no end, rushing into his chakra.

After a while, Zong Shou is gradually riding a tiger, and it is impossible to swallow Tian Da Yuan Dafa. It can only be allowed to flow in and rush in the body.

The scar on the body is healing quickly. Seal all the purple lightning bolts in it. Also enclosed in the body, there are those who are strongly sucked, the essence of all Thunder eggs.

The first snow was horrified, although the original purple thunder had faded. But those blood marks, but more and more embarrassing, constantly twisting the bulge. As if there is something, I am struggling in the middle.

Going forward and subconsciously shrinking back, I dare not touch it.

And Zong Shou at the moment the whole person, but it seems to be the feeling of being completely blasted by these air currents.

The violent pain has long been ignored by him. Only the whole heart is urging, those innate forces, walking around the wheel. Just ask for the body, not to be crushed into pieces.

All the acupoints of the medullary veins have been opened up under this pressure. After that, the blood wheel and the wisdom wheel did not last long. Twenty-four main points, as well as countless branch points, were forcibly opened.

Fortunately, some of them are innate and penetrate into his bones and blood. The physique of his body is gradually improving and building a foundation.

Until the dirty two rounds, I couldn't hold it, and opened up dozens of acupuncture points. The congenital essence passed from the egg finally slowed down.

The breath in the body has also changed from violent to gentle. Guided by Zong Shou, deposited in the body.

Although the body is inflated, it is hard to get the pole. However, it is still the strong luck of the convergence technique, with the five-character array of the body surface, the group is innocent and sealed in the body.

Every bit of innate truth is precious. Even if he knows himself, at the moment he is only one step away from death, and he dare not waste a little.

And a few days ago, I began to practice the convergence technique ~www.readwn.com~ also for the moment at the moment, to the greatest extent, to retain these forces in their own bodies.

The scars on the body healed in one piece. When the five purple thunders on the body are all hidden, they disappear under the skin. Within the egg shell, the instilled Thunder essence has finally come to an end.

It’s just the purpose of Zong Shou, but it’s still a hint of sin. Knowing the real most dangerous and crucial step is at this time.

Just instilled in the innate true Yuan, gradually if there is no time. Zong Shou's index finger slammed up, and a solid air mass that was as big as a pine nut was forcibly rushed into the body.

All the way through, all the veins, have been split. Follow the arm and go straight up.

This is to go down to the sea, but just to the chest and abdomen, but suddenly diverted. Part of it is still suspended within the sea. Part of it is straight into the gods, directly into his soul. Beyond his soul, a thirteenth rune is formed. Vaguely, it is a ‘雳’ character, the same size as the ‘transport’ word next to it. However, it has changed indefinitely. It suddenly appears to be an electric word, and suddenly it seems to be a ‘霆’ word.

Zong Shou also felt his own head, as if he had been hammered and stunned for a long time before he gradually returned to God.

The whole person sat down powerlessly, but immediately used a knife as a pen to write a ‘ seal’ between the eyebrows. Just the size of the thumb, the mysterious, but the five thunders around the body, flash again. The whole body is purple and dances, and the momentum is soaring.

It is like the final touch of the finishing touch, making the effect of the entire array very different. There was still a trace of purple electricity before it spilled out. Even the first innocent element, there is also some overflow.

But when this array is gradually stabilized, the shoud of the whole person's air, immediately to the silence.

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