Divine Brilliance

Chapter 783: Set the way

The first thing to change is the Thunder Pterosaur. M (seeing the novel is coming), a scream, shaking the sky.

A dragon shadow, slammed from the roof. Traveling in the sky.

It’s awesome to bring thousands of lightnings.

Zong Shou looked at the top and smiled.

This Thunder Dragon also reached the time of condensing the real name. He had already taken the name of ‘Lei Wing’.

Unlike the ordinary Thunder Dragon, there are six pairs of transparent red fire wings on the ribs, which can be said to be mutant dragon species.

Therefore, the thunder is weaker, but it is the power of the sun. The ultimate idling speed is far beyond the ordinary Thunder Dragon, almost comparable to 晗曦.

Look at the bottom, the smashing thunder of the blue fire turtle, but also to the end.

The turtle shell of the basaltic beast has now shrunk to a radius of five hundred feet.

The body of the blue fire turtle is inflated a lot. The limbs and wings have been stretched out of the carapace, just fitting.

The huge ghost head is with a provocative meaning and looks to Zong Shou. There is a dangerous luster in the sputum, which seems to be eager to try.

Zong Shou ‘嗤’’s smile, the soul sings and shows the law of the soul.

The blue fire mysterious turtle immediately screamed, holding his head with his claws and kneeling on the ground. From time to time, the amount hits the ground, and the look seems to be painful.

In the end, I couldn’t stand it, and I pleaded with Zong Shou, and this hurts a little.

After that, he was honest and tamed to stay with Zong Shou.

In the eyes of the eyes, there are strange colors, do not understand the Zong Shou, to repair in the late Ling Dynasty. The soul is strong, but still can lead the soul of the soul.

Make him not only free from breaking. Also gave him such pain -

But for this blessing, I have understood a truth. For the time being, don't try it, it's better to leave this guy's control.

At this time, Zong Shou was a flash and returned to the platform.

Bihuo Xuan turtles thundered and robbed, and he also benefited a lot. (Look at the novel)

Can not enter the state of harmony between man and nature, can be his realm at this time. But still can see the fur. Even through the avenues of some of the core avenues.

There are secrets about the flesh, and all the robbery is directed at the body. Those fragile links destroy the flesh.

The blue-fired tortoise was carrying a thick turtle shell. He stayed in the future, but he did not have such conditions.

"Don't look at this robbery, I don't know my own body. There are so many deficiencies. There are so many things that need improvement."

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Zong Shou is shocked. These hijacks, if any one can’t hold it, must be the body of the body.

"No wonder, many of the repairers are preparing for the secrets before the robbery. In order to deal with the number of robbers -"

This is the same reason as the Bihuo Xuan turtle, borrowing the power of Xuanwu's shell.

If you are unable to improve these weaknesses, you can only rely on the power of foreign objects.

This robbery is actually for the repairer. It is both a disaster in life and a perfection of the essence of life.

Zong Shou’s thoughts flowed and covered the soul of the whole body. Then he went into meditation and watched the vast sea of ​​souls. As well as the soul of the sea, the eighteen bans and the black and white two-hole method.

I remembered the ‘law’ word of Shi Yue, the heavens and the earth. All in it.

Also remembered one of the dragon shadows, nine kinds of real dragons, all belong to one of the early days.

Do not experience that battle, do not look at the root of the stone, I do not know the cumbersomeness of their own soul.

"Shi Yue is the word "law" is fundamental, and it is inevitable to avoid the problem of melting the road. So what should I do?"

"After the ban, it is simple and simple! In theory, you should choose one of them in your own way, as your own foundation."

"This black and white hole, if it continues to develop, most of it can have the final characteristics. It is the end of the universe, the beginning of the universe. Can explain everything, derivative countless. [Read the novel to ~] too early too, this is my origin Law. It is not difficult to get to the future in the future. You can even try to win the truth! But this universe, yin and yang, fate, cause and effect, and the meaning of throughput, but not willing to give up easily -"

Zongshou’s brows are wrinkled, and it’s just that it’s difficult.

These bans, no matter which one is given up, are unwilling, and some are reluctant.

"The masters started with nine real dragons, step by step to trace the true meaning of the dragons of ancient times. It seems that they want to go this way and win the true world. Although in this domain, the legendary true road has never Someone has reached it. But I have heard rumors, this is the extreme, there can only be one. If it is occupied by people, then it can no longer be true. I want to go to the beginning of the law. But there is some conflict with the Master."

"This statement can't be confirmed, but it can't be prevented. That Shi Yue uses a word of 'law' to explain the world's avenues. Then what should I do? I will ban the body's eighteen lines. Black and white law, merge into one?"

Thinking hard, but always can't enter. Zong Shou’s fingers, unconsciously imagining in front of himself.

After another hour, Kong Yao finally waited for the sentiments, and all of them were remembered in his heart, and then opened his eyes. Seeing Zong Shou, she was staying beside her.

There are two beasts accompanying him, one is already robbed, and he is using the psionic power of this place to strengthen the thunder pterosaurs of the flesh.

The other, but the tortoise that has never been seen, shrinks into a palm-sized size, and quietly squats beside Zongshou.

Kong Yao did not want to disturb, but saw the face of Zong Shou twisted. Suddenly angry, suddenly and awkward, suddenly excited, suddenly helpless, seems to be caught in the konjac. After all, there are still some uneasy openings to ask: "Just, I don’t know why it’s so good?"

In the speech, she contains the clear mystery of her heart, and her voice is clean and clear. Trying to calm Zong Shou’s heart.

I can only hate that Xuan Yunlan is not here at this time, otherwise it is estimated that it can be done with only one song, and Zong Shou has no danger of entering the magic.

After a few counts, Zong Shoucai returned to God: "Xiaoyao, you call me? What is it to this?"

After that, I already understood it. Immediately, I turned to Kong Yao again and smiled gratefully.

Sure enough, in one fell swoop, even after the third-order, his mind and heart, still have a little shake, no longer stable.

If it is not that Kong Yao wakes him up in time, maybe today, he will really lose his mind.

"The speed of the monarchic practice is rare in the world. The foundation is strong, and few people can compare it. Its practicality is not so urgent -"

Kong Yao shook his head and exhorted him. Then curious, looking at Zong Shou's body.

"Just on what you just drew on the ground, I don't know what it is. Kong Yao feels good and mysterious, and feels fit with the heavens and the earth. Oh, no! It should be the whole world, it should be incomprehensible. I don't know how." Say it. Is this the secret of the speech? Can't you tell it?"

"Call me a husband! On the king's Taisheng points -"

Zong Shou said, looking at him and then squatting again: "This is the road, the way to the road!"

This sentence says that Kong Yao’s mind is a shock. Look closely, it really is a word 'dao'.

I couldn't understand it before. At this time, listening to the words of Zong Shou, it has broken this layer of speech.

Zong Shou went on, but it was a long laugh: "I have been thinking for a long time, but the original solution has been written by me!"

Shi Yue uses the word 'law' to embrace the heavens and the earth. Then he shoud, and used this ‘dao’ word to merge three thousand avenues!

At the end of the day, the universe, yin and yang, fate, cause and effect, life and death, and throughput, are these avenues incomplete?

This idea only started, and the soul of the sea was changed again. In the sound of the crash, the shock is reorganized.

Continued the number of interest, when the end. Zong Shou is within the Yuanshen. Apart from a slight increase in soul power, he does not see any change.

However, it can be felt that after he realized the way, the structure of the soul sea has seemed to be more stable. It is also more harmonious with the source of the day.

If there is an intentional confrontation in the future, his sword will surely be strong enough.

This surprise was really uncontrollable. Zong Shou simply picked up Kong Yao and kissed her face with a sigh of relief.

At this time, the mind was slightly moved. I only felt a few familiar atmospheres, and I was flying on the roof.

"It's because people are weak!"

Zong Shou almost does not have to distinguish, the mind is self-inductive. "There are two others, Ren Bokong Rui. No, it is said that Kong Guozhang. The tigers have also come to the original -"

Kong Yao was shocked and violently broke free from Zong Shouhuai. And the back is red and some are overwhelmed. I really don't know how to face these talents.

Xuanyuan Yiren is the queen's wife, Kong Rui is her father, and the tiger Zhongyuan is a few of her men.

Thinking of the various things in this day, the shameful things that have been done here, Kong Yao only feels shameful and really has no face to see people. I can't wait to dig a pit. Embed yourself in.

Looking around, Kong Yao is looking for a place to hide temporarily. As you can see at a glance, it is all empty.

I am hesitating, whether to hide in the sleeves of Zong Shou.

Outside the temple door, several figures have entered. Xuanyuan’s voice has been ringing. I ignored the sect, but asked Kong Yao directly: "Is Yao sister okay now?"

Kong Yao can't help but sigh ~www.readwn.com~ These things, she is the ultimate need to face.

Immediately stood up and bowed out to the door: "Kong Yao has seen her sister."

When the words fell, I saw two figures, and stepped in from the door.

The eyes that came over were with a bit of compassion and compassion.

Kong Yao was puzzled first, and then he woke up. The eyes of the three men looked at each other with great sympathy.

Almost at the same time, the world is in a dilemma. In the B-word collection, he was closing his eyes, and the Korean side sitting in the chair suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes were all wrong.

Immediately turned into a purple light, rushed into the ancestral temple. Looking at the mysterious gold book, it was a stunned look.

"What happened? That kid, actually moved forward one page? What did it do?"

Originally, the golden page of Zong Shou was in the fifteenth place. At this moment, it was turned over again and squeezed another person in front. (This site: your support is my biggest motivation.)

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