Divine Brilliance

Chapter 792: Legalist heritage

When he returned to Tianshan, Zong Shou still borrowed the power to transmit jade.

With his current cultivation, even if it is far from the Dagan border, there is still a fighting power comparable to the fairyland.

If you want to make a round trip between the 70,000 miles, you still can't do it.

Even if you do your best, it will take several days. The power of the sacred world can be seen.

On the top of the mountain, Zong Shou subconsciously, looked at the sky.

I saw that the silver carp, which was formed by the yin dragon, has not yet been opened at this time. However, the extraction of the spirit of the land and the qi of the Holy King in the dry Tianshan has already stopped.

At this moment, the size of the silver enamel is also huge. Countless pure white flames, burning and wrapped.

The whole cockroach is just like a heart. Every pacing caused a thousand miles around the dry Tianshan, and there was a ripple of spirituality.

"A good fire, shouldn't it be cooked?"

Zong Shou’s heart sighed in secret and then looked at the palace again.

This smoke palace is as deserted as ever, and the entire governor's office has already moved to the town of Changgan, not far from it.

Within this palace, Zong Shou has not requisitioned many palace ladies, and there are many people.

However, it is precisely because of this that it has been cleaned up here. Living here, it is very comfortable.

Zong Shou stepped, first went to the attic where Kong Yao lived.

Just after entering, I heard the sound of swords.

Zong Shou can not help but secretly shake his head, how can this Kong Yao practice the sword in the middle of the night?

However, if you think about it, he will be in charge of the army. It’s really empty in the daytime.

In the beginning of the entry, the almost innocent sword in this place is instantaneously changed by stress.

The air machine is sympathetic, and the snow is shining with a sword. From the inside of the door. Come straight.

Zong Shouben didn't care. The right hand is about to bend out and throw the sword light.

However, just after the situation, Zong Shou was another horror. I was surprised to see the past.

Lingwu is one!

Kong Yao, she has done it!

And at the beginning, it is close to the integration of 30%!

Opposite Kong Yao. At this time, I also found out that it is Zong Shou.

"Is it a husband?"

It’s like a flash of water in the autumn, and then it’s even more decisive.

In the hands of the sword is also more and more fierce, no hands, no more scruples, directly hit the eyebrows of Zong Shou.

A soldier's sword is used to the extreme. It also incorporates the power of the Heavenly Army into it.

As if it is a must, a sword will give Zong Shou!

Zong Shou sees. On the forehead suddenly there was a big cold sweat. This Kong Yao, it is not going to want to avenge the last thing, intend to murder the husband here?

Last time on the platform. This girl looks like she is willing. In fact, hate.

I don’t dare to distract myself, and my figure is slightly backward. Then the right hand finger. Draw a wonderful arc and hit the space in front of you.

Forcing the sword light that was originally stabbed, began to change the trajectory.

Kong Yao is biting the silver teeth, knowing this sword, in fact, it is already useless.

No matter what, there are a lot of swords and shadows. Differentiation of the tens of thousands of swords and shadows, the front space is divided into countless pieces.

But seeing the hand, began to manipulate the power of time and space. A little bit of aura, bringing countless graceful arcs. Unpredictable, unpredictable, and arbitrarily within the sword shadow. Constantly folding the space, and constantly twisting the cause and effect.

The fingers are almost uninterrupted, and they are continuously struck on Kong Yaojian.

Ren is how to block Kong Yao, how to make it easier to Jianshou, but also helpless.

Zong Shou does not use much force. After dozens of hits, Kong Yao’s sword can’t dance. The sword was collected and the whole person drifted back to ten feet.

Then I was quite discouraged and looked at Zong Shou: "Sure enough, even you can't force it."

Zong Shou licked his lips and lips, not a single. This sword has at least forced him two strengths!

It seems that he seems to be understatement, but it is not easy.

Then he looked through the eyes and curiously said: "When did you master the spirit and the unity? Or your original method, it seems -"

Frowning, thinking back. The look of Zong Shou was even more weird.

At the moment, Kong Yao has not only established the foundation. And it seems that with the stone, the same path is taken.

First and foremost, then deriving the outer road, from simple to complex -

"It's surgery! The surgeon, the Tao! The surgeon, the law too! The technique, the academic, the number of the technique, the strategy, the strategy, the power, the nothing. This is my fundamental avenue!"

Kong Yao smiled, Liu Mei slightly raised, and his eyes showed the color of self-confidence: "My Confucius had obtained some inheritance of the Legal family before the 10,000 years. It is a pity that there are three kinds of avenues of incompleteness, law, surgery and potential. There are two kinds of powers. Later, my Confucius ancestors combined the mathematics of the martial arts, and there was another experience. It is a pity that the last person in Xicheng, but the number of three fingers. The father knows that I lead the army, only to use this method. I. In addition to this, I have integrated the law of the military and perfected this law!"

Zong Shou is awkward, and it’s no wonder. It turned out that this Confucius had also passed on part of the Faculty.

This talent of Kong Rui is also really amazing.

Speaking of it, even if he has entered the spiritual world today, he still cannot see the true strength of Kong Rui.

I only know that this person should be the peak of the spiritual world. However, it is hidden in the depths, only known as the number of Xuanmen. Its martial arts spiritual law, but no one knows.

Since it can point to Kong Yao, its strength must be extraordinary.

And this legalist, before the 10,000 years, almost slashed everything. Supporting the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, almost the Taoist Confucianism, are completely extinct.

The core method is the three avenues of magical power. The ancestors of this legal family are said to be on the same page with the scorpion.

Only because of the anger and premature death, this did not reach the level of half-step truth.

However, this is not like a scorpion. Whether it is a body or not is still undetermined.

Nakongyao said, and looked at Zong Shou slightly: "How can you find me late at night? But what about the preparation for the expedition? It is now appropriate. Seven empty ships are ready. The people are all good hands selected by Ruolan. The 300,000 elite soldiers, the three thousand Xuanhu iron riders, together with the swordsman's 3,000-step swordsman, can be with the husband at any time-"

Suddenly thought of something, Kong Yao’s face suddenly and blushing, and turned his gaze away: “If the husband wants to sleep, can he spend some time again? On that day, you will not be able to realize it. 30%, there is really no time,"

It is on the platform of the sky, that ridiculous, with the mind to follow the sect, everything goes into the state of harmony between man and nature. In this short period of one month, she mastered the combination of spirit and Wu and established the fundamental way.

Zong Shou Wen Yan, it is a dumbfounding. He came over this time, just want to ask Kong Yao, in the end, you do not need this jade Xuan Ziqing Dan.

Shaking his head slightly, Zong Shou and his look. Quietly, the mouth pointed out the swordsmanship of Kong Yao.

His kendo was the first in the world, and he was also in touch with the class. He was also studying the true method of ‘dao’. At this time, only a few words, so that Kong Yao stunned, happy and inexplicable.

Then the whole person was immersed in the sword, and no time to pay attention to him.

Only half an hour, Zong Shou can only help but leave.

The second thing to look for after returning is weak water.

However, when Zong Shou went into the home of the weak water, he did not see the figure.

Almost without thinking, Zong Shou knows that at the moment, the weak water is mostly in Xuanyuan Yiren.

Walking back to the Zhonggong, Zong Shou really sensed two familiar air machines and stayed in the partial hall that had been transformed into Dan Room.

Xuanyuan Yiren is estimated to be in alchemy. If he is not close, he will only feel a hot air. The spirit of blazing fire, blazing and rich.

Walking into the temple, I saw Xuanyuan Yiren, it was the expression of concentration, looking at the Dan furnace in front of me.

The spirit is tempted to manipulate the ground flame under the furnace. The weak water did not sleep, but took a pupa, and fixedly looked at the Dan furnace.

When I found out that Zong Shou was coming, Xuanyuan suddenly trembled with the body, and even the flame under the furnace was constantly shaking. Weak water is also a surprise, a little bit flustered, eyes stunned, hesitating about himself, is it right to escape. But then I thought again, in front of Zong Shou, it is estimated that I can't escape. I was so distressed that I sighed and looked like a deceased.

Zong Shou seems to be speechless for a while, is it true? Worried about it?

But imagine carefully, after the day of the robbery. Under his excitement, he did not get enough of the water, and he couldn’t get out of bed for a few days.

When he strode down to the Ding furnace, Xuanyuan Yimeng had already regained his calmness: "Fei Jun, depending on the man, it is exactly when it is urgent, can you come back later?"

The weak water also looked awkward, and a serious one was using a fan fan to catch fire.

This fan is also a spiritual device, and the fan shadow falls. It is not the wind that flies, but the spirit of the Five Elements. The voice said: "Weak water should help the younger sister to control the fire."

Zong Shou ‘嘿’ smiled, not okay. Then the look was calm, and the three jade purple qingdan were taken out of the sleeve.

Xuanyuan did not care about people, but when the glory of Baoguang Ruixia was released, but it was only when there was no medicine, it was finally moved.

Then he took the three medicinal herbs and grabbed them.

"This Dan can actually do a big mixed element ~www.readwn.com~ This world, actually there is such a good Dan?"

Take a look at the hand, Xuanyuan is in the eyes of the people, full of surprise colors. Then he looked at Zong Shou with the eyes of the inquiry.

"What is the name of this Dan, what is the use?"

"This is Yu Xuan Zi Qing Dan, as for the function -"

I haven't said it yet, and I was interrupted by Xuanyuan Yiren again.

"Can you make people get together before the gods?"

Think carefully, Xuanyuan Yi Shen said: "It is said that the Daomen Qing Xuanzu masters are refined, is the fairy spirit. After taking it, even the ordinary people, there is a line of direct access to the holy world. Unfortunately, this Dan rank It is too high, there is a ban in the middle, it is impossible to distinguish this Dan, how is it refining, it is not good for my Dan Dao. Fu Jun brought these three Yu Xuan Zi Qing Dan back, is it wants me and weak water? Take?"

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