Divine Brilliance

Chapter 805: Remnant Sun Jiansheng

"This situation seems to be forced out?"

Zong Shou's eyes flashed in the eyes of God, carefully examining the movements over there. [WWw.YZUU point m]

When the cold is not frost, it is very rushed. It seems to have been forcibly expelled by the guard of the VIP Pavilion.

In this case, either it is shy in the bag, and Lingshi can no longer afford it. Either the side of the heavens will not be able to withstand the pressure and can only force people.

Considering that two days ago, the two sisters were still searching for medicinal herbs on the streets, and the possibility of the former was extremely low.

"So, in the early days of those fairy tales, there is still a background behind them?"

Zong Shou sighed coldly, and this day will be just a move today, which will make him feel disheartened and feel bad.

As for a few fairy tales, it is not in my heart.

Cangsheng Road is among the few sects in the cloud world, and its strength is the second to last. It can be placed outside the domain, but it is a huge force that is uncompromising.

Needless to say, Ming Yu is nearby.

A star-shaped star will be played, and you will be able to arrive.

Driving the magical gods, just two moments, it is outside the cloud.

Then I will hide in the side and stand on the sidelines.

After the shackles, you can feel the three dawns, flying from the heavens before and after.

The spirit is in the eye, the hole is empty, and it looks far away. I saw the faces of the two girls, all of them were full of sadness.

Just after the second woman left, there were several air-powered machines in the heavenly realm, which hanged far behind the three people.

Far-inductive, it’s just the few people who talked

Zong Shou smiled lightly, and this only spurred the shuttle. It only took a moment. Just rushed to the front.

However, it is not cold and non-cold. Then pretend to be the appearance of the encounter, outside the shuttle, there is a figure.

"Hey? Isn't this a non-frost and cold? It's a coincidence, why are you here?"

Full of doubts and acting skills.

The leaf non-frost sister, originally seen a shuttle. (When you read the novel, you will go to the leaves, you can go to the M) and go straight in the boundary river. It is the tension.

Desperate in desperation, when you see it is Zong Shou. Only a slight look is loose.

"It turned out to be a brother!"

Ye Feihan had a surprise: "You really have nothing! I have been worried about death in the past two years. Non-frost sister, she always said that you are in a situation of sorrow, sooner or later you will be killed by the road. Now I don't know how. It's okay to keep my brother okay - ”

Ye Feishuang heard it as a scorn, disdain: "How could it be okay? The cloud world has already started the miracle, it is a perfect opportunity to practice, who will easily leave? This guy is biased to the outside world, mostly dry The kingdom of heaven was destroyed and was driven out by the gates-"

Zong Shou heard a slight glimpse, these two sisters, have not heard of the cloud industry in recent years?

In the practice circle, if you are a well-informed person, you should know the current situation of the door. For his sake, it is extremely bleak.

However, it is said that the door was forcibly expelled from the cloud world.

It seems that in this cloud world, there is no difference in sound. Invincible in the world.

Can be outside this domain, but still no one knows.

That leaf is not frost, and his face is gradually turning cold: "My sister and you are in the cloud world, but I have only seen a few faces. In fact, there is not much friendship. If there is nothing, can you let it go?"

Ye Feihan's eyebrows are full of mistakes. Immediately, I realized it again and again, and I was happy in my eyes. Slightly decapitated: "Exactly! Zong Shou brother, you are still going! Our sisters have something to do, talk later!"

Zong Shou heard a word of joy and looked at a serious cold. When did this little girl become so aware?

There is also this leaf non-frost, how do you not give him a good face every time he meets?

But if you don't answer, you look at the distance and look at the curiosity: "The few people, are you familiar with it? Or are you provoked? How are these people murderous?"

Ye Feishuang’s look changed a lot and suddenly looked back. In the middle of the river, the country is catching up with the light. I don’t hesitate any more, rushing forward and pulling Zong Shou’s hand. (When you read the novel, you will go to the leaves, you can't go to the M.) You are angry and ruined: "It's all you! If you want to go, you want to go now!"

At the same time, a fairy charm was sacrificed in the hand, but the aftermath flashed. With four people who are not cold in the hail, go ahead.

With this immortal blessing, the four people idling, not even in Zong Shou, that repaired the magical gods on the shuttle.

Zong Shou is silent for a while, what do you want to go? Here, if the five people are solved together, it is -

After earning a profit, it made the shackle loose, but the sect of the mind stopped and stopped.

These monks of the fairyland should be far more than this means.

But there is nothing to do, he can only let this light take him to his body and go to the distance.

Throughout the heavy barriers, but also in the non-frost is not cold, look relaxed, thought that the few fairyland behind them have been rid of.

Just listening to the neighborhood, suddenly a loud bang. The dawn of the fairy symbol was suddenly forcibly broken.

Zong Shou’s body is like a pillar, standing in the void, it is not moving. But the frost is not cold, there is the hail, but the top is unbearable.

In this void, it rolled down, dizzy, and the danger was not torn by the cracks in the surrounding space.

Then there was only a loud laugh: "Two little squeaky little gimmicks. With a few emptiness in the hand, I really thought of others, why not?"

With this voice, I saw a strong brilliance, and suddenly slipped here.

I saw a person wearing a green robe, standing proudly ahead. Behind him is the aura of light, which is a magic weapon that looks like a special one.

However, it is not so much a treasure, it is better to say that it is a battle.

A total of thirty-six spiritual monks sat in closed eyes. Each of them holds a hand-held spirit and pushes this treasure to the extreme.

It also makes this person's air machine far beyond the strength of the ability.

Put this piece of void, completely locked and sealed!

Look at this person, about the face is purple gold color, the brow bone is prominent. I don't know which people are in the world. I don't see the specific age. Holding a sword, his eyes were cold and he looked over.

Ye Feihan is recognized, and above the pretty face, it is a piece of iron and blue: "There is a sun-sword and a jade!"

"Recognize the old man?"

The jade sun is now different, and then smiles. "Since I recognize it, I have to ask the laborer to take the shot. Tell me the position of the first dragon temple, and I can spare you a life!"

Zong Shou listened, and the heart was really the first dragon temple, the place where the dragons lived.

After looking at the back of the scene, the monks of the fairyland were also approaching quickly and faintly. Obviously, there are also a few people who have a good practice of making a void.

The leaves were not cold, but this moment was shocked. After stabilizing the figure, I frowned slightly: "I recognize the predecessors, but I don't know what the predecessors are blocking here. What is the intention? The first dragon hall, I know, can Is this the place where the dragons are passed down, not in the cloud? What are you doing with my sister?"

"Is not related? Since it is irrelevant, then why do you want to escape? At this time, I only made this statement. Is it because I want to cover it?"

That jade stagnation is cold and full of disdain. After I finished speaking, I shook my head again: "But it! I am too lazy to talk nonsense, and you will be able to see you apart."

Grab a hand, it is a huge force, squeezed from all sides.

Although the leaves are not desperate, they are prepared. As soon as you throw it, it is a ring of magic weapons that are sacrificed, across the sky.

It is precisely the four people who are all protected in it. The dragon was also a roar, turned into a hail dragon, and vacated. I did my best to support this treasure.

Zongshou’s brows are picking up, and these two gimmicks are really invisible.

This level of treasure, no longer under the two sides of the blue fire Xuan turtle basaltic shield.

It is a pity that the strength of this treasure is far from inferior.

Sure enough, the hail, it is already the mouth of the mouth, the blood is spit out.

That remnant Yang Jiansheng jade yang, even just did not start, only a simple gas suppression, it has already made the hail hit hard.

Looking at the situation of the dragon, it is clear that it is already experiencing the whole body potential and supporting the dead.

It is only because there is no intelligence, and it is controlled by people that we can have such a decisive intention.

Non-frost is not cold, it is all bleak. With the realm of hail, burning the potential of life, why not let this jade yang, the two are naturally unbearable, and no such qualification.

Ye Feishuang said with a bitter smile: "This time I am afraid that I really want to die here. I can’t help it, our sisters are tired of you again! This sorcerer’s sword, to hold our sisters to ask, is not expected to be in the body for a while. Can keep you -"

"Can't talk about it!"

Zong Shou shook his head and interrupted Ye Feishuang’s words. Look at the jade in front of the body. Cold in my heart, like these characters, also known as the name of the Juggernaut? Where is the master of the statue?

Even if there is that piece of treasure to rely on, he still has confidence, but three swords!

If it is a six-god sword, then just a knife.

Looking at the rear again: "Is the enemy of your two sisters, is it these people? What is the connection with the Dragon City?"

Ye Feishuang is puzzled, but he shook his head: "No! These people, just the Dragon City to do some business in the foreign domain, selling dragon skin dragons and the like. That the sun is not a sword, the master is a The sacred sage, who is in charge of the world. Occasionally, I am not cold, looking for the direction of the first dragon temple, this is the end of the fight. It is our intention ~www.readwn.com~ vented whereabouts -"

Zong Shou suddenly became awkward. It turned out that this dragon city is a hunter, and these people are responsible for sales.

Ye Feishuang bit his teeth and pulled the sleeves of Zong Shou. It seems that I am tired of being tired of the Zong Shou.

"What about the gods? If so, it is simple!"

In a word, the other two women are at a glance. Zong Shou is already holding the sword in his hand, and that is boiling and killing, and it has become a line. Far away, the Jianyang Juggernaut was held.

There are seven turns in his body that enter the micro- ban. At this time, even if the killing is condensed, it is still in the air. It only makes the jade yang, and he looks at him a little and does not care.

Seeing that the hail is already unsupportable, and the flesh and blood are cracking.

Zong Shou couldn’t bear it, and he waved it out. Pull the hail and force it from the ring.

Then the air is booming and you want to start. (This site: your support is my biggest motivation.)

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