Divine Brilliance

Chapter 810: Apologize useful?

"This is the master of the world? It is really disappointing!"

Zong Shou thought a trick and took out the nameless sword. M [Watch the novel to ~], you will take a look at it, you will be the sorrow of the Jianguang, with all kinds of magical methods, all scattered.

Then I looked cold and cold, watching the sun and the sword.

"Do you call Jade Remnant? A fairyland, and dare to call Juggernaut? Shame is not ashamed?"

Watched by Zong Shou, the Jade Remnant was only his own heart, and it was about to explode and violently beat.

I only felt that the idea was crushed, and his sorrowful sword was smashed.

Between the minds, it is a madness. What kind of person is this?

Just the pressure of this idea makes him feel unbearable?

Put him in the corner of the sword, and suppress it completely!

Is this just a spiritual environment? What kind of joke?

Blood Sword Monster, the cloud is invincible? This person will be so strong?

No wonder, then Li Fengfei will retreat. Although there are many people in the crowd here, there is really no chance in front of these people.

It’s almost like thinking, and Yu Shuyang didn’t hesitate to turn around and fled.

The magic weapon behind him, the light of the waves, then yù will break this space.

It was only the next moment, but I heard the song sang coldly.

"In front of the lonely, but when you want to come, you want to go and leave?"

Yu Zhanyang was cold and still moving forward, stepping out of this dragon hall space. There are still a few others, and the same is true. The retreat is decisive and crisp.

After a while, these people stepped back from their original place and returned to their previous place.

I looked at each other and my face was ugly.

And Yu Zhanyang is sinking in his heart. Within the mind, it also passed four words - space folding.

Not forcibly blocked. Instead, after the time and space are distorted. Let them a few people, can only return to the original place.

This person has such magical powers, and the mastery of the law of time and space is already close to being superb.

It is also at this time. [] [] A sword in the sky is like a dragon, like a thunder, swaying down!

Yu Zhanyang also subconsciously waved his sword. Under the rush, the round of the wheel was full of rì. Meet up.

Just in front of the Jianguang, it is extremely fragile. The violent sun, which seems to be awesome, is broken at first touch.

With the sound of ‘铿’, it’s ringing in the void!

The jade sword in the hands of Yu Zhanyang is still in front of him. It’s a ridiculous thing!

Then the treasure behind him was a shock. There are dozens of spiritual environments inside. They have all fallen out.

Fortunately, not dead, but they are all seven bloody, sè.

Zong Shou has no intention of keeping a hand, and then it is a sword, the head of this jade. A sword swayed.

"Unfortunately, this man's swordsmanship is actually quite good. Seriously resisting, this is the only three swords -"

I can't escape, and I can't take it first. After that, the mind fell and the thoughts collapsed.

Therefore, it is only a sword, and it makes its soul soul. It is a heavy death!

Ye Feishuang’s sisters are worried, this makes them fearful of jealousy, and they have been hiding in the heavenly world for a few months. So dead?

Such a character, a person who dominates the world, is only a good one in the eyes of Zong Shou?

However, this person, only really can only be a sword -

The second sword is awkward!

If you say a few dozens of interest, then the face of Zhu Xie Hongji. It’s just a bit ugly and it’s not lost.

Then this time. It’s all fear and horror. It is completely unbearable for the immediate scene.

The bitter demon is dead, and the sorcerer is also killed by the second sword.

For this non-frost sister, he doesn't care, he can come when he arrives. More people who guarded this unlucky one did not put it in their minds, thinking that they could be erased by hand.

But at this moment, the strength of the weak, but has suddenly reversed.

It turns out that these people are the ants. In the eyes of this sect, he is Zhu Jinhong, I am afraid that if he is a clown!

However, in the end, it was a man of perfection, but it was only a moment, and it has already reacted. []

"You are friends! I am afraid that I can't escape, I will join hands, or there is a chance!"

In the mouth, Zhu Jinhong also did this.

Separated and smashed out, exhausted all efforts, with a decisive return, the volley fell!

The evil spirits are separated, and now he will smash the sect of this sinister!

If you don’t believe that more than a dozen of the world’s strong players have joined forces, they will not be able to make a living.

The skill of the flying knife is stronger, and it can only be one person!

The rest of the monarchs, who did not use Zhu Xinghong’s command, were already motivated by the spirit or directly attacked.

This space, in a blink of an eye, is another psionic storm. Numerous emptiness cracks spread, and the thirteen fairy tales joined forces, and the rest of the spirits did not sit on.

For a time, it seems that there are heavens and laws that come here.

Ye Feishuang and Ye Feihan are also a violent jump in the heart.

But this time, there is no fear. Subconscious feeling, as long as this man is here, it must be no problem.

Zong Shou was a headache. Looking at the horrible sounds in front of him, even he was slightly chilling.

If you can't be hard, you have to take the lead. Zheng yù with two women behind, and retired together. But suddenly the heart moved, remembered the turtle.

Then the corner of the lips will be bent again.

"The two shields, I am almost bankrupt to your master. At this time, it is time for the power!"

Together with the idea, Zong Shou took the turtle out of his sleeve.

The Bihuo Xuan turtle was sleeping in the spirit beast bag, and when it appeared, it felt extremely dangerous.

Immediately, look at the front. Then he did not hesitate to put the two giant shields in front of him. Unfolding six hundred feet and protecting the whole body. Then there are countless mysterious ice condensed outside the shield.

Then there was a ping-pong bang, and the ice was flying. Especially when the evil spirits are broken, when they are on the shield, the sound is the most crisp and high.

And after a while, these sounds suddenly stopped.

"Bihuo Xuan turtle, is a fairy **** beast, it is actually Xuanwu Yuan suffocating!"

I don't know who said this sentence, so that all sides are dead.

Zhu Xie Hong Ji’s handsome face is even more bloodless.

His sinister detachment, which claims to be detachable, only smashed the ice.

Full force shot, on the two shields, but even a trace, did not stay.

But the war can be, when the people join hands, it is actually not moving -

This sect, can actually surrender these fairy beasts? And that shield, what is the origin?

Xuangui saw no movement in front of him, only to stretch out the huge.

After looking around and discovering that I was unscathed, I immediately danced the giant shield.

Naturally, the three people above it are exposed again. Sure enough, the points are not damaged, and the body shape is moving.

"It's over?"

In the sleeve of Zong Shou, the little golden dragonfly flew out.

The former is directly transformed into the shape of Zongshou, and the shape and spirit are ready, just a small one.

The embarrassment is with the 18 guards of silver ants, dancing in the air.

In those spiritual worlds, he is too lazy to get his hands. I had to let these escorts and savage behave, and they could just hone them, and these little guys could fight.

Just yù shot, but see that stunned, toward this side of a ceremony: "Tian Fang will be stunned, I have seen the patriarch! I am also like Li Daoyou, is tempted by this evil spirit. Wrong, I also asked the king of the country to look at the surface of the Tianfang retreat and raise your hands. Before the offense of the two young ladies, I will definitely compensate from the thick, and thank you!"

Zong Shou listened to his eyes, and this man’s words were so mean.

Between the talks, almost the sentence will not leave the heavens. Obviously, it is still self-deprecating, and it is also implicitly threatening.

Dumbfounded: "Tian Fang will? And what is it? Now that you know what is wrong, then what have you done?"

A little silver light flies out, and the method of blessing time and space is just a flash. Just penetrate into this timid eyebrow.

It’s a joke to the threat of the heavens!

Not to mention the party’s retreat that day, will it be a sneak peek for the district.

Even if there is such a meaning, at this time, the self-concern is still not awkward, where is there any thought to take care of other?

It’s not afraid to come!

After marrying this person, Zong Shou also looked at another person who was said to be the head of the world.

"You call Wu Tian Shen? This name is really weird!"

The next leaf is not cold, I feel that my mood is better than ever. Looking at the people who once threatened the persecution and made their sisters have nowhere to go, they died in the hands of Zong Shou, and they felt particularly refreshed.

Without the danger of life and death, the smile returned to his face and sneered: "It is not. He is in the meteor world. He once claimed to be a **** of war. Then he wants the people of that world to respect him and worship him alone." So there is the name of this martial god."

Zong Shou listened to the dumbfounded, Wu Shen? Among the cloud world, no one dared to call this name until ancient times.

Not to be slightly embarrassed, he went to the foreign domain, was originally holding the heart of the town to enter the city.

But why do you feel that these people are sitting in the sky and arrogant?

The moment is slightly dagger: "I only hope that you are a god, you can really be like your own name. Wu Ru Tian Shen, take the three swords!"

That Wu Tianshen suddenly thrilled and jumped ~www.readwn.com~ eyes focused on jǐng惕, watching the unknown sword in the hands of Zong Shou.

However, Zong Shou, then he still has a shot in the future. Zhu Hui Hongji over there, suddenly appeared a few points.

"It is actually the cold moon and the main driver, the dragon dragon fairyland Zhu evil Hongji, welcome the young master!"

At this time, Wu Tian Shen heard the words, it was a surprise, inexplicable, and fortunately, fortunately. I almost couldn’t help but laughed loudly.

He Wu Tian Shen, there is a gas transport. Since this is the place, there must be a strong god, and the protection is around.

Even if this blood sword monster, how enchanting, this rì can not turn the day!

The rest of the people are mostly inexplicable. Only in the past, several monk monks who had followed Jade Remnant were all ecstasy. Qi Qiyi: "We welcome the brothers!"

This sentence was just said, and the void was forcibly torn again.

A total of eighteen giant dragons, dragging a huge bronze car, rushed into the space of the dragon hall.

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