Divine Brilliance

Chapter 815: Ingenuity

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In the eyes of Zong Shou, he turned his head and turned his head. He did not know why. M (read the novel is coming)

Although the cloud industry has been launched, the east and the territory of Huizhou, there have been many veins recently.

It can be done but it is not as good as those big sects or big businessmen.

And for the **** cloud ride and the army, it also consumes too many resources in the dry Tianshan.

Be aware that before the spiritual tide, even the Taoist, all the disciples above the spiritual world need to go to the outer world.

It is both for seeking and for acquiring more spiritual spirits for spiritual practice.

At this time, Dagan really can't afford the three.

But this Li Fengfei, but told him nothing, really surprised him.

"Li Mou has some savings in these years!"

That Li Fengfei smiled and explained: "I don't want to be on the monarch, like I am such a person, limited by the talents, although there are still many Shouyuan. I want to go further, but it is really difficult to go to heaven. The ordinary method is useless, There is only another way to find a way. Instead of desperately degenerating, it is better to do a 'transfer', and use the monarch to carry out the national transport to practice."

Transport repair?

Zong Shou has some sly understanding, the so-called maintenance, he knows one person.

- It is the national teacher of the big business, the mysterious, this is the son of the Taoist, but I do not know why, in the big business as a national division.

It was also in the short period of a hundred years that it was the peak of the gods.

In fact, the offerings of the dry Tianshan are now almost the same.

"But it is dangerous, you have thought about it? Involved in the dispute of the national movement, there is always the danger of death. If the country is destroyed, I am afraid that it will be burned at the time!"

These words. It is not an alarmist. At the beginning, he recruited more than 20 ninth-order and spiritual enshrines. In the battle with Daomen, he had already lost nine, nearly one-third.

"I naturally thought about it!"

Li Fengfei looked solemn and solemn: "But I am Li, I don't really care about life and death. I just want to go further on the road. [] If one day can be as good as it is. Naturally better. If not In the future, when there is a chance to reinvent the world, there will be more confidence. In fact, it is not only me. These two behind me are also general thoughts."

When his voice fell, a green shirt man behind him. Also solemnly: "Han Ming has seen the monarch! Indeed, as Lao Li said, before we took the seat, it was sincere!

Another person also smiled and said: "In the next place! Not good at saying what is deceiving. The reason for the effect is optimistic about the monarch. Whether it is a disciple of the dragon shadow, or the invincible blood sword monster of the cloud world I am sure that the future is far and wide. If you don’t hear it, the blue fly will not fly, but the tail can reach a thousand miles. I am willing to be a blue fly, I want to go with the tail. Just hope to go further. Even if it is dead for this, I am willing."

Zong Shou silently, today's three people. He is somewhat sorry. At this time, he gave him a very special feeling.

Whether it is Li Fengfei or Han Ming Ge, it is a generation of fear.

What is fearful is not death itself, but before death. Can't smell, can't witness the avenue.

No matter how savvy talent is not as good as him, they are all pursuing the avenue in their own way.

You can't help but smile, Zong Shou, Zong Shou, you are blessed. Not only have you been fortunate enough to have a book, but also have decades of insights from past lives. Can you even compare these few people?

"But! Just like I'll wait!"

This is the promise, and at this time, it is really necessary to have a strong person to sit down.

These three fairyland products are very good. If you are in the big dry, you can shock a lot of small.

Before the four people, it was a non-frost and a cold woman.

Although this instant dragon temple has passed through the future, after entering, I do not know whether there is a blood heritage, or another. Two girls in this dragon temple, as if they are familiar. Lead a few people, go straight inside like a light car.

Many of the roads are banned, either easily avoided or cracked into the water.

But they all have some distractions, support their ears, and listen to the people behind.

This road, Li Fengfei, three people, will be effective for Zong Shou, because that guy is already the cause of the landlord.

But the words that follow can make them feel awkward. [] There is no such thing as a word, referring to the powerful burning of Lujia, but more optimistic about Zong Shou itself.

It seems that the small country that is in the cloud world has not only died, but has recently become a big force.

Invincible in the cloud? Blood Sword Monster? What is happening in the cloud world? What do they seem to miss?

The door was due to the identity of the sect, and it was only due to increase. Listening to a few people at the moment, I am afraid that it is not necessary.

The doubts in the abdomen of the abdomen can only be suppressed.

After a while, when passing through the corridors that are too large for the Terran. Finally a huge courtyard, now in front of a few people.

It is said that the courtyard is not suitable, it should be a vast plain. Just opposite, it is a huge mountain standing upright, with numerous caves above it.

I don’t know how many people are tall, but I can still see some dragon shadows and dance around the mountain.

The most shocking thing is that everything is as usual. Can be mindful, but can clearly sense.

This world is not as calm as its surface. Numerous time and space turbulences occur, or collapse, or distort, or collapse, or be born.

Every interest and every change has a different change.

“This is the place where the Dragons of the Year were inherited!”

Ye Feishuang’s sharp chin is slightly arrogant, and the language is proud. It also contains a few points of remembrance: “The so-called instant dragons, after the spiritual environment, must enter the practice of the first dragon temple. It is said that the mastery of time and space is the more Esoteric, within this dragon temple, the more benefits you get. If you can walk to the foothills, you can practice ten years in the temple of the temple."

Again: "But that was before the 10,000-year-old, when there was a sacred dragon. When the first dragon hall disappeared, the temple was not completed. I don't know how it is now."

The sadness of the voice, I do not know is the feeling of the short-lived dragon's weakness, or the heartbreak that Zhu Hui Hongji's abandonment.

Zong Shouqi looked at it and then smiled: "You have to guard you two people in. If you come back, you are here, what are you looking for?"

Ye Feishuang snorted and did not take care of it. He said: "I don't know the details here. Fortunately, there is no danger to life. If you can't move forward, you can be removed from the Dragon Hall. You wait for the body. There is no dragon blood, and the battle is limited. It is far beyond our sisters. Be careful -"

After that, he pulled the leaf that was trying to talk to Zong Shou and went straight ahead.

A few steps out, suddenly disappeared.

Zong Shou shook his head and knew that these two girls had been removed from the battle here. I didn’t know where to go.

In the same way as watching the mountain, Zong Shoumu is a slight flash.

What about the Temple of the Sun? The subconscious feeling, this unfinished Xianbao, must be helpful to him.

Did not hesitate, Zong Shou stepped out. Then he felt the power of time and space, wrapped him and sent him to a distant place.

Zong Shou did not resist, and the mana was closed, allowing this large array to move. Interested, looking at all the changes around.

When the last thing stopped, Zong Shou found himself standing under the giant mountain.

"Wonderful! This is the instant dragon family, master the time and space method?"

Zong Shouwei’s fingertips made the time and space within a radius of half a circle, creating a slight invisible embarrassment.

"It’s already a quarter of an hour--"

The body was moved, and in his feelings, it was only a moment.

Can be compared at this time, but can be found, in fact, the world before, has passed a full moment!

The fault is not his own, he is good at this, I am afraid that it may not be noticeable.

Zong Shou is to see the hunter heart, and the loss is to read the fourth page of the book, otherwise he will see this big change and change, it must be confused, inexplicable.

At this time, it is a glimpse of the mystery, and the cross-examination. There are many doubts and no doubts, no doubt, just because he has seen the evidence.

This feeling is really wonderful.

I looked at the giant mountain in front of my eyes. Zong Shouxin said good luck and continued to step up.

This time, it is no longer allowed to move, but to suppress!

Change all the circumstance of the body to change, or crack or suppress, do not move.

Also immersed in understanding, this kind of time and space rule. The whole person, like a sponge, absorbs all the things that can be touched into the body.

However, for a moment, Zong Shou suddenly moved. Take out the handle and look out in front of you. After you have to squat, take out something from the seemingly empty space.

It is a parcel with dozens of crisp fruits.

Zong Shou does not recognize it. In memory, it is also impossible to find a record of this object.

But the thunder pterosaur was drilled out at the moment. Two longan eyes, a little sly look at these fruits,

Then swallowed one bit and smashed it. Immediately sweet and fragrant, the smell is tempting.

Then Xiao Xiaoxiao’s several were taken out, all of them were mouths, each of which swallowed one.

Zong Shou curious, but also try to pick up one. Take a bite, it is sweet and delicious, delicious. It is a pity that the entrance is instant, and no taste is felt.

The next moment, I frowned again. Feeling that the body was deliberately suppressed by the real power of the soul, suddenly there was some movement.

In particular, the essence of the body ~www.readwn.com~ has a lot of benefits. The whole body was accompanied by the Yuan Soul, and it was infiltrated by a clear air. If the mercury leaks, see the needle and punch it down. Cooling his body, his thoughts become more sensitive and clear.

"Where is it to cultivate the roots? Is it the root of the Yuanshengqing in the era of cloud--"

For this kind of spiritual thing, Zong Shou only knows its name and does not know its shape.

I only know that this thing, regardless of the human body, is of great benefit. It can be used as a foundation, and the more it is repaired, the more profitable it will be.

Only because of the perfection of the Taoist base, the qi that is contained in this object is completely infiltrated.

All of them are one person and five beasts, only he gets the least benefit.

However, with this turmoil, some of the shortcomings in the Doji are also manifested.

At the moment, regardless of the grievances of Xiao Jin and Xiao Xiao, and roaring a roll, they will be involved in the sleeve.

"This is a short-lived dragon, it is really ingenuity!" (To be continued) RQ

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