Divine Brilliance

Chapter 831: Yuan Lian

Including a few people, including the Tianfang Tan mirror, the words are awkward and silent. M

The two who took the lead in the first shot, are undoubtedly above the fairy level.

The code is sneer, and the line of sight is thorough: "But it! There is no need to explain it. This kind of thing, I know about it. It is normal in both the inside and outside of the cloud, and only when the fist is useless will it tell you the truth."

If it is not a dragon shadow, step into the border, Taoist will compromise with him?

In today's battle, if he did not take these monks and monks to stand up, these people will not appear.

That Tan Jing heard the words, but also a slight dagger: "I will wait until this time. I will ask the eagle, I will talk to the ants, and say fairness and morality? You can’t laugh? Do you today, show me that I am strong, naturally this rule is used. It’s up.”

The rest of the people did not speak, and it was the default of Tan Jing's words.

The code was meditation, and after a short moment, he nodded: "These rules are not bad! It’s just a lone, but it’s not a fairyland. In addition, in the eyes of the blind, there are no people who are dying with each other. What is the difference? The eagle will not tell the truth to the ants, how is Kerr and so on?

This sentence says that here, almost all the monks have changed their minds and can't speak.

After a long while, it was still Tan Jing’s opening: "Tan Jing is not a friend of the Tao, but I will meet in the sky. I want to have this qualification to talk with my friends. This kind of joke is still less good. Friends are repaired, it is really only a spiritual environment. But here and here, no one dares to use the spiritual environment to see the Taoist friends!"

"You are fangs!"

Zong Shou snorted and screamed a joke? This may not be!

It’s not okay, just a faint question: “Where is the nine quiet residences? In this Yuanlian world, how many geographies do you have?”

It was at a glance that it was the unfortunate sacred repair that died under his flying knife. Regardless of his identity, he could stand on the same level as these people.

In the Yuanlian world, it must also be the hero of one side.

This person is the master of the world, and it governs the original world. Zong Shou does not have to think about it.

When this nine quiet and one death, there must be someone who will follow him, and must be immediately dependent on a large force.

However, in this Yuanlian world, where the person is in the palm of his hand, his sect is sure to be like a palm.

A few people on the opposite side are all face to face, one of them has no choice but to open: "In the southwest of Yuanlianjie, this person is based here. The next sacred dynasty. The subordinates are three immortals, 20 spiritual practitioners, and the rest of the monks are about 10,000. Jurisdiction over seven countries, 10,000 miles. Occupy a Xianfu, the name calls Yuanjing Palace -"

That Tan Qiu also said: "The nine quiet people come from an extraordinary place. It is one of the deacons of the Seven Holy League. The Taoist friends are also indispensable according to their place. Only in the future, they need to be very careful. The Seven Holy League is this. One of the great forces in the field, the Holy Land has never been less than seven. It is not here at all. But it is also extraordinary!"

These words are both reminders and warnings.

Show good selling personal feelings. But it does not cost. I also told Zong Shou that you have caused a lot of trouble, or you have to find something to do.

The rule of the sect is thoughtful. The so-called sacred dynasty is also a kind of cultivator.

It has the same and different characteristics from the secular dynasty.

All official systems and jurisdictional laws are similar. Just under the fairy dynasty, there is no ordinary people. Only the strong and strong repairers.

Among the cloud world, similar to the existence, the most famous is the Lu family.

To burn the celestial dynasty, to control the eight hundred worlds. In the secular, support various forms of the kingdom. Acting on behalf of the people.

In this way, with the secular state as a buffer, it can minimize the invasion of the power of the king.

But even how, it is not enough. Then they were divided again, and the eight hundred worlds were divided into dozens and dozens of heads of state. So it also led to Lujia, the source of infighting.

Even the future emperors are like this. After unifying the cloud world, he personally dismantled the cloud world and established the Xian Dynasty court. All the original jurisdictions are divided into countries and are fragmented.

He will fight against the Lu family in the future, and he wants to ask the martial arts, I am afraid that he also needs to follow this path.

Only at this time, the so-called "king" has not polluted his roots.

I haven’t thought about it before, and I’ve never thought about it.

At this time, it was mentioned by this Tan Jing, and I remembered myself. It is also a matter of the next step. How to go on.

As for the Seven Saints, he has never heard of it.

There are at least seven holy places, which sounds good. But if there are no holy figures, there is dregs in this area. At most, this dregs are slightly larger.

The whip is too long and you don't need to care about it for the time being.

"Thank you for reminding!"

Nodded, Zong Shou again said: "As for this rule, you still have to think about one or two!"

After that, after that, no more nonsense. Turned into a light and shadow, re-entered into his ship.

In the end, whether he will abide by this covenant, he still needs to look at it. In the Yuanlian world, it is only with the strength of Ruolang Feng Taiji and others that he can stand up.

If the strength is not enough, or if they are jointly suppressed by the parties.

He insisted on this appointment, is it not self-defeating? It is the wise man who does not take -

The six empty ships continued to move forward, but this time they were unstoppable.

The monks in the void, after hesitating a little, then retreated.

Even the only ones who appeared, the monks who appeared in the field were also missing.

Touching the space barrier, the six empty ships are all in full force and shattered.

The next moment, it is like a bubble, integrated into a world.

When Fang Yi entered, he had already returned to the wind tai chi in the flagship, and he browed slightly and showed some surprises.

"This place is good, the glory of the prosperity, actually surpassed my cloud world!"

Cifang is beside him, and the words are also slightly decapitated.

The concentration of psionic energy here is indeed stronger than the cloud world.

After expanding the spiritual thoughts, after a while, he said: "There is about 50,000 miles in this world! There is a city not far away, and the people inside are not different from me. The population is not as good as me. The cloud world is dense, but within 200 miles, there are also 400,000 strangers!"

The more people there are, the more believers there will be in the future.

This world of Zongshou’s choice is indeed good.

Among the thousands of worlds, it can be regarded as the best one.

The division of the world of thousands of sizes is extremely complicated.

In the eyes of the practitioner, the first is psionic power, followed by the region.

In some worlds, there are hundreds of millions of miles. There is little spirituality in the boundary, and the spirit can be indifferent. It can only be regarded as a small world.

Before the cloud industry, there were millions of miles in the land. The psionic spirit is extremely prosperous, and it can be brought to the world. There is no doubt about the world.

Only from the name of its fairyland, you can know one or two.

And this Yuanlian world, even only a little bit, can enter the threshold of the world.

However, there are some hidden concerns between the words of Cifang.

The more the environment is, the more resources are abundant, and the more attention it draws. The more natural the battle, the more dangerous it is.

This time, the sects of the sects, including the three major sects of the cloud world.

Any teaching can be overwhelmed by the so-called Seven Holy Alliance.

But now in the cloud world, there is a lot of chaos, where can you be distracted too much?

Moreover, these opponents, without a taste, have no shadow.

After all, the foreign sanctuary, the suppression of the cloud and the Buddha, is not a day or two.

After the disciplinary code did not care, after identifying the position, it went to the southwest direction.

Although those people did not say the specific location of the Yuanjing Palace, but for Zong Shou. It is not difficult to find this Xianfu.

The six ships were scattered, and more than a dozen spiritual ideas were swept together in all directions.

Just need to be jealous, Zong Shou has the income. Leaving the ship, a flash, it has already reached a cloud.

The so-called Yuanjing Palace Xianfu is actually floating in the clouds. A piece of hard and incomparable, but as light as the dust of the Hongyun stone, built the foundation of Xianfu.

Ten thousand feet north and south, the scale is extremely grand, but also very spectacular.

Many places are still blank. Seventy percent of the temples have not been completed.

Zong Shouwang was in his eyes, but he still took a cold breath. Compared to this palace, the smoking palace left by his father is simply the huts of the country.

That temple is all majestic and majestic, and the pavilions and pavilions are all exquisite and beautiful, showing the fairy tales.

The first dragon temple and the third dragon temple are stronger than here, but in the end it is built by the dragons, and the aesthetics are different from others.

Just like Ye is not cold, he has been entangled in his lack of 'corner'.

"Today, I know that this foreign rich!"

Speaking of his current jurisdiction, it is equivalent to a small half of the Yuanlian world, but it is not so stylish.

These nine quiet laymen, only in the middle of a fairyland, I will compare him.

"It’s just a search for it!"

The wind Taiji followed, and did not take it for granted: "I only see the people in this world, not only the cultivators are rare, but also the people are not happy. In many places, there are countless foods, and there are countless hungry people. It is really a big deal with Jun. There are too many differences. The spirit of this world is extremely prosperous. The land is 50,000 miles, and the people are at most 2 billion. I really don’t know how these people have made this point--"

In the cloud world, even those famous tyrants in history will not cause such a tragic situation in the country.

It is also suddenly ~www.readwn.com~ understand the ancient cloud world, why do you strongly resist the aliens.

The few saints who have been ignorant of the news in the era of cloudlessness, after the achievement of the situation, are all righteous and unrequited, and these aliens do life and death!

I am afraid not only because of the open device.

"Wind brother praised!"

In the usual, Zong Shou must be touted by the wind Taiji, very enjoyable.

But at the moment, there is nothing to think about, and my heart is bleeding.

The nine quiet settlers have already died. The so-called Xianchao established by this person will naturally not do it.

All the subordinates are doing birds and beasts. But don't forget to leave before. All the treasures and treasures in this Yuan Jing Palace are swept away.

These are all right, and Zong Shou can barely accept it. But in his mindfulness, there are a few people who don't know how to live and die. In the distance, try to crack the ban and enter a similar treasure house. (To be continued) RQ

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