Divine Brilliance

Chapter 848: First fight

>. The gun hits the shadow, but it is like a handle with a heavy hammer. Mwww.. with the burning of the blank flame, bombarded in front of Zongshou.

Zong Shou’s nameless sword was stunned by Jianguang, and it was scattered by the powerful force of the sky.

Three hundred pieces of the power of the mountain! 40% of the spirit of Wuhe!

The sect of the sect of the sect, the fierce squad, has only sensed the general strength of this person.

Sure enough, it is the peak of the fairy! And far beyond the same order a hundred times!

This person, the method of repairing, is the Avenue of the Royal!

It can be used for all things, and it can be controlled by Wanling, and it can be used for three thousand avenues!

This world, there are still such wonderful things!

In the hands of the sword shadow is scattered, it will be revived. In front of him, a heavy epee curtain was set up to resist the disintegration.

Without exception, it was just started, and it was forcibly broken by the gun.

Zong Shou did not care, and did not look. Do your best and hold up the space in front of you with the nameless sword in your hand.

The Yin of Yuan Yi, within ten feet, is still his unbroken sword field!

Fighting with such a strong top, he has refused to talk about the identity of autumn will be leaked.

Do your best, don't dare to have half a hand!

In the void, suddenly a series of metal shocks.

The swords and swords fought again and again, and the strength of the sword fluctuated again and again, and began to crush the void river.

Zong Shou only felt the tip of this arm, almost numb. That plentiful force is a constant impact.

Fortunately, he has not been injured yet. The vast majority of the power has just come to the body and is swallowed up by the black hole in the emptiness of the sacred soul.

Then use the white hole method to bounce back.

It is also wonderful that his door was derived from the swallowing of the metamorphosis.

It is only the most rudimentary application. It can be achieved when it is strong and weak.

It was also a slamming sound of ‘When’, but it’s like a battle of thousands of guns.

Tens of thousands of mountains gather together, and the body shape of Zong Shou is ultimately unsupportable. Retreat in the void. This was stopped by three idling speeds.

At first glance, I looked at the unknown sword in my hand.

The other party used it, it is clearly the squadron. Www.. Under such a heavy blow, he is not worried.

The result was that his heart was loose, and the **** sword in his hand was still unscathed.

"Well? Strange, today this sword only drank the blood of the 'poisonous old'. It has been separated for half a day. At the time of the sword, the sword is still nearly doubled."

The dark feeling is incredible. Is it this unnamed sword, and there is a new ability?

But for this battle today. It’s better than that -

Innocent to think, after the Zongshou body stretched a pair of five thousand feet, the pure black.

In addition to the burning of inflammation. There is also a trace of thunder flashing in it.

The blood of the burning has been strengthened, which has directly increased the power of this thunder.

Not only fire, but also Lei Li. The seven-year-old Xuan dynasty that was taken from the king of the Ming Dynasty.

Even though Zong Shou was distracted by the book and the sword, he never had time to practice, but he still mastered three types of thunder.

At this time, the momentum is violent, far from the time of heaven, can be compared.

That is the day of the flame. At this moment, it is also one by one, and it is also burning in the flame.

Can take this person a shot without death, then there is a fight.

After months of hard work, the situation is much better than he imagined.

Just want to escape safely today, but also need to use all his power.

And just in front of Zong Shou, a figure. Also stepped out from the opposite side of the sky.

The appearance is about twenty years, and his face is rosy. There is a mysterious essay in the forehead, which makes this person a demon.

It’s just that, but it’s a bit of blood, it’s like burning. Pay attention to it.

"Swordsmanship is good! I am ridiculous, I am a Lujiazhong, and I still think that you are a young man. It is still a waste person. With the body of the two veins, you can be proud of this!"

Holding a silver gun, slowly stepping forward, the young man then asked faintly.

"Lu Zi, but died of your hand?"


Zongshou’s decapitation, what he has done, will never be denied.

When this sentence is said, I will only see the young man opposite, and the blue veins will appear on the surface.

"With your ability, she is in front of you, just wait for the ants! Why can't I leave her life?"

“Why stay?”

Zong Shou raised his eyes and his eyes were indifferent. Www..

Killing Lu Zi, there are too many reasons.

Unwilling to do things in Lujia, affecting him to open up the foreign domain.

This woman’s speech on the day does not make him feel merciless.

I know that he is quite secretive, so he will want to swear.

The original idea was to solve these few people. Let the trouble brought by Lujia be postponed as much as possible.

Although in the end, it is counterproductive.

These words cannot be said to this person, nor are they willing to say anything more.

Having said that, can the explanation be useful?

Therefore, it is a calm adjustment, and a simple and concise return.

The young man seemed to be full of anger, unable to vent, glaring like blood, and continued to go here.

"Then you know that Zier, her parents, and my parents in the death of my family, need her to redeem the sentence? You know that she, there are two younger brothers, need to be raised? She is not the same as you, but the same blood, Why are you forbearing?"

Zong Shou looked at the opposite of this young man, this guy, how is it going to happen?

Among the Lu family, what are the strange things?

It’s already a hate, it’s a full battle. Oh, it’s not good!

To say these words, is to make his heart grow? That really is to disappoint the other party.

"Although there is blood in the burning, Lu Zi is alone, but he has never been tolerant!"

Zong Shou shook his head, and then smiled carelessly: "Before you said these things, you have thought about it. The thirty-six Lujia children who burned the soul of the spirits will not survive after three years. If you want to fight, why? More words?"

The young man looked at it and looked at Zong Shou carefully. It seemed that there was some accident, and then there was a bang.

It is no longer nonsense, the silver gun shadow, first disappeared from his hands. Then the next moment, it flashed again.

It was already before the tomb of the defender, fifteen feet.

It seems that only three percent or even three thousandths of a moment can pierce Zong Shou's eyebrows.

Zong Shou’s heart is also slightly cold, this gun, driving countless forces, can penetrate the universal world!

In the past, I fought with people. He can always be united with heaven and earth, with his help.

At this time, it seems to be completely rejected by this piece of void.

Not to mention borrowing the power of heaven and earth, it is difficult to control psionic power.

A good avenue!

This gun is not capable of enemies!

The sect of the sect of the sect, the ten annihilation of the martial arts. There is a reaction.

Only twenty-four Yudao Longfang swords. However, it has set off a million swordsmanship and cut off to the opposite person.

A total of twenty-four avenues are contained within the sword.

The nameless sword in the hands of Zong Shou. Also a fluttering sword, slanted out.

For the first time, try to realize the true meaning of the word 'dao'. Contained in the sword.

On the opposite side, this person can be defensive, and can be used for three thousand.

However, his sword is the same as the ‘dao’ itself.

The sword and the sword screamed, and Zong Shou retreated. In this river, like a broken kite flying.

In the mouth, there was a red blood overflowing, but the gun that was worn out was also bounced back.

Dumbfounded, Zong Shou is secretly self-deprecating, the true meaning of his understanding. Sure enough, it is still very fragile.

By this unbeknownd brother, he was defeated by one shot.

The young man was cold and cold, but there was a bit of dignity in his eyebrows.

The figure flickers and moves through the swords of the Ten Commandments.

Then there was another shot, followed by a direct attack.

Zong Shou’s pupil is shrinking again. This gun. Actually, he also controlled the power of some of the ten best annihilation swords.

The power of the sword, which in turn is used for it. It is also the gun of the first stage of the soul!

This person is a martial art, it is terrible and fearful!

I dare not hesitate to hesitate, and Zong Shou is a sword.

Yuan Yijian Yu!

The space is broken and the space is around. Instantly smash into thousands of worlds, numerous time and space cracks. Twisted stretch.

Make Zong Shou's figure a little bit closer to the gun.

Suddenly, it’s just a stone's throw away.

"This is the law of space?

The young man scorned and the gunshot shook. The whole piece was broken and it was forcibly fixed.

Under the control of the sword, it was hidden by Zong Shou.

Although it is a miscellaneous, but also profound!

But it’s not discouraged, the gunshots are changing again, there are thousands of pears, falling down,

Beautiful and gorgeous, dazzling and fascinating, but with the glory of everything.

"Thousands of fires are extinct! You are superior in talent, and you really don't want to be the only **** person of the four scorpions! Actually want to be simple and simple, based on the road. It's a pity that the day is not a fake year. You kill me Zier on the same day, I will ruin you today. lifetime--"

Thousands of pears have ignited the blazing inflammation, and the whole void is burning.

The voice of the youth, mixed in between, looks very incomparable.

"Look, I can still hold a few shots today?"

Zong Shou was pale and smiled but did not dare to look at the pear flower.

The eyes are focused, and then the millions of gunshots are in his vision, but the pieces disappear.

It is made up of thousands of thousands. Hundreds of gunshots, in the end, there are only three glare left.

Although it is a million pears, it is only three shots that really need to be resisted.

It is the fire that burns the sky~www.readwn.com~ makes people fearful!

It’s so hot, I feel like I’m burning all over. The real spirits are boiling and difficult to control.

If it is not these months, with the engraving of the Royal Road Dragon Sword, exercise the power of control, and break the three-way seven-turn into the micro-ban.

Only these white flames will kill him.

Yuan Yizhi!

Jianguang picked up, and the pair of five thousand feet of thunder suddenly collapsed and turned into a dark dragon, hovering over the unknown sword.

Hanging in the air, it is just three swords. Hit in the heavy gun shadow, so that the 10 million pear flowers, can not fall.

Lei Lie Qian Hua, and the white flames of the sky, bursting sounds.

Zong Shou’s figure also lost control and rushed down. Bombarded by this huge force, it almost fell into the gap of time and space.

However, within this ten feet, it is still that he does not break the sword field!

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