Divine Brilliance

Chapter 851: How is this policy?

"There is a ban within this symbol. The meaning of the monarch is that I can only open after I have gathered."

The weak water smashed, and then look at the symbol. Spiritual sensing, this is the case.

The ‘I wait’ that Cifang said, in addition to the three people here, there are also Yuanling circles, all spiritual monks, naturally including the wind Taiji and Zhao Yuran.

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Yu He Daoren, the people of the Yuanlian world, are also included.

There are even a few people who have contributed a lot to this war, including the East China Sea Kings.

I looked at each other and did not agree.

Waiting quietly, after about three hours.

A few light and shadows in succession, flying forward and backward.

The first person is the wind Tai Chi. After coming in, I curiously asked Cifang: "When you are here, you have been to several Buddhist monasteries in the past. If there is a Buddha statue, it is somewhat different from the cloud world, but I don't know which Buddha to offer."

"Nature is the Three Buddhas!"

That Cifang said faintly, seeing the suspicion of the wind Taiji, still puzzled.

I know that the other party is strange, and the Cifang has no intention of concealing it. On the contrary, it is quite meaningful. I saw Zhao Xiaoran.

"Feng Tan Yue, it is too ignorant. I don't know if my Buddha's future Buddha is already easier. In addition, several Buddhas also have a purpose. In this Yuanlian world, when the Buddha is the ultimate Buddha! Help the future Buddha, gather the golden body relic - ”

The wind Tai Chi was relieved, and he did not intend to go deep into it, just out of curiosity.

This matter has nothing to do with Jianzong. Nodded. After signing it out, I went to the temple and found a place to sit down.

On the face of Zhao Yanran, it has a strange color.

As the cultivation is refined, the law of Zong Shou is empty, and within her soul sea, the more obvious the invention becomes.

It used to be two small dots in black and white. I can’t afford to look at it, but it’s like two ‘empty’.

One is deep bottomless and can be used to swallow everything. One is the endless light. Endless heat, endless energy, spewing out.

Keep her close. It is a gradual improvement.

- Infinite light, endless darkness!

How can she be late, and she already knows what the Buddha of Buddhism says is the ultimate Buddha. Who is it?

This black and white hole is divided into the end of the origin. Is it the endless amount?

At this time, she is between Zong Shou and Zong Shou. Just like the Buddha in Buddhism, the relationship with the disciples.

Through the tire tube, borrow the power of its law.

I am afraid that I am always in my heart.

But even more unwilling to say, in her eyes. This Buddhist temple is to dig the foot of the wall.

If Zong Shou is so arrogant, can't stand up to the holy step, or the temptation of the net sound of this Nizi, what should I do?

This little girl is still the best around her. Can not give Zong Shou a scourge.

Only when he had never heard, Zhao Yanran took the sales of the net sound and sat down in a position.

Hidden to hear, the sigh of the merciful and the pure voice. Zhao Xiaoran felt a little embarrassed, and he was relieved and calm.

The real ‘infinite Buddha.’ Anyway, not her -

It is Zong Shou himself, not willing to admit. It has nothing to do with her Zhao Ruran. I didn’t know how many times I denied it before, and it’s really not her.

A few more hours, more than a dozen spiritual monks, have rushed back.

Then even the East China Sea King's wind and dust, also settled in Yuanjing Palace.

It was a 30-year-old man with a white face and a faint look. Even if it is noticed by more than a dozen spiritual places, it will not be noticed.

Zhuang Yu is the last one, after the whole integer day. Only with a **** gas, stepped into the temple.

A faint look at the people in the temple, the words are simple and concise: "I am finally lucky to live up to the support of the king, the army marched, when there is no opponent. Within three days, Bet will be the three countries of the Central Plains. Because of the chores, Zhuang is late, Please also forgive me!"

Everyone here, there is no complaint about the words.

I know that this battle has been hosted by this one. Can show up here, because it is the war ahead, they are coming to an end.

It’s hard for a strong man to call someone in his busy schedule.

"The people are ready, the Fu can be opened!"

The wind is very solemn and solemn, and it is a head of the head. Then explore the right hand and expand the symbol.

A piece of aura is now in front of everyone. The void condenses a single text, and it will not linger for a long time.

The first paragraph is about merits.

Zong Shou is generous, not unreasonable, and very fair. Not only is there a few people who are present in Yuanlianjie, but Cangsheng Road and Buddhism are also no objectionable.

The land of the seven countries has expanded. The three sects also got a lot of veins.

Several people who have contributed to this battle can get a country.

After that, I entered the topic and said that I left because of the incident. I can return within a period of two or two, so that everyone can not read.

Wind Taiji suddenly brows a knot, do not read?

It’s really light! This Yuanlian world, finally stand firm and follow the foot. Everything is right, and everything is going to be awkward, and a person who can serve the public is in control.

At this time, Zong Shou, but he left alone, actually told them not to read?

It’s just that Zong Shou, it seems that I also know that there is a need to preside over the Yuanlian world. Then he came up with a solution.

Ren Zhuang Yu was the checkpoint of the post-military army, and ruled over the 300,000 troops in the Yunlian world to control the countries.

It’s not just Zhuang Yu’s own accident, but even the wind is too mellow and it’s stunned.

Is it true that people from the world of Yuan Lian are in charge of this world?

If you know Zong Shou, you have never suffered in this life.

Sometimes the seemingly confusing move can always prove that the guy is farsighted. The wind Tai Chi can hardly stand it, to destroy this symbol.

Resist the temper, continue to look at the following. The look of the wind Tai Chi, this is slightly relieved.

"Cangsheng and Buddhism swordsmen, each with nine people. On the side of the Dagan Xianting, there are also twenty-seven people. If you are alone, you can decide to decide everything from the Yuanlian world. There are also other countries in the Yuanlian world, and there are three or five participants in the area according to the size of the region -"

The wind Tai Chi shook his head slightly, and he knew that Zong Shou, it is impossible to entrust all military powers to all of the state affairs to Zhuang Yu.

There must be a means of restraint, and this set is almost no different from the cloud industry.

Even this distribution of people is just right. The forces of all parties have been taken care of.

Not only can the three teachings pass this participatory system, it will influence the decision-making in this world.

The people of this Yuanlian world may also have the right to participate in the affairs of the Dagan Xianting.

Is it just that these people’s seats are too much? Is it a **** check and balance strategy?

Although I thought so in my heart, the wind was too strong and it was suddenly loose.

The monarch does not like the director, it is really a headache.

But if there is no such thing as a sect, they have one less power to master the power of the sword, and the high-ranking people pay attention to it, but it is also a happy event from time to time.

So I turned to Cifang: "I don't know the master, what do you think of the monarch? (To be continued)

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