Divine Brilliance

Chapter 868: Controversy

“It’s really delicious! Every time you eat, you must feel the wonder of this event—”

Lu Yantian’s face turned red and seemed to be drunk.

Next to the lake, the python suddenly screamed, seemingly venting dissatisfaction.

Lu Yantian suddenly laughed and laughed. Just two or three newborn children were thrown over.

The python eats the phase, but it is not as good as Lu Yantian. Directly swallowed, grinded in the mouth, swallowed swiftly. It is also the color of satisfaction, and the huge body is sneaked into the water.

Lu Yantian went on and smiled and said to the opposite side: "Without the younger brother, if you like it, you will enjoy it. I have extra money here. If these children grow up, they will be useless after being filthy," ”

Lu Wushuang is a face of iron and blue, and his expression is cold: "Does the brother's move not be too much? For a drop of the innate fire, the marrow will take a life. What is this, and what is different from the beast? Hand, this matter, returning to Xianting, Lu Wushuang will definitely go to the impeachment."

"No brother, are you going to teach me?"

Lu Yantian laughed loudly, and his eyes were full of sarcasm: "As for the impeachment, I dare to ask me Lu Yantian, which is against the rules of Xianting, which one."

Lu Wushuang brows a wrinkle: "Can you do this, how do you gather the hearts of the people?"

Lu Yantian did not care a smile: "I am in the spirit world, according to the rules of the Holy Emperor, only take 40% of the tax, do not want to plunder. One should be worshipped, but also never less. I have never violated the military order to raise the tone. The Lord of this world. Lu Yantian asked himself to be competent. It is the Holy Emperor, if he is not guilty, he can not be punished. Several nationals, in fact, have not known -"

Speaking of this, the tone is even darker and colder: "You are Lu Jiaxuan, how do you know that I am going to fall to the suffering of the people in Lujia? Even if the blood is a little bit better, it is also a surprise! ”

Lu Wushuang is silent. If Lu Zi’s business is in front, can he not know?

The preciousness of the blood of the burning is not in its power.

It is the three places of Lujia. Dozens of sacred places in the past, engraved in the blood of the inheritance mark.

With this help, you can save the people of Lujia. Hundreds of years of hard work.

And the blood level is also directly determined by a tribe, and the status within the family is high -

He has seen many tragedies in the family.

But I can't help myself, I remembered Zong Shou.

It is said that this son was born before the birth of his imprint, has been joined by several elders in the family and the nationals, sealed the majority. Only the Holy Emperor, the blood of the direct line.

Even if the blood is so pure, it is difficult to get too much. Unless you can break through the shackles.

At the time of birth, it was the body of the two veins, and the body of the remnant soul could not be practiced for the rest of his life.

The mother was confined to the family and the father did not know what to do.

Compared to this unparalleled situation. I don’t know how hard it is. Not the same, climbed up from the mire?

Even with the inheritance of Jiuwei Xuanhu, it relies on one's own ability and owns.

Compared with his cousin who is more "close", the enemy is even more admired.

Shake his head. Lu Wushuang got up directly and stepped out of the void.

The Tao is different and does not know what to do. He also knows himself and can never persuade this person. Even more reluctant to be at this time, and this person is in a stalemate, then it is only good to see the eyes.

That Lu Yantian saw that the dough was pumping and then recovered as usual.

"The defensive thing, my Lu Yantian must do my best. Within forty days, I will give an explanation to the unparalleled brother."

Lu Wushuang’s figure was fixed, but he was not allowed to leave.

In just a few steps, it was outside the spirit world, and there was a vain sea.

Then I looked at the world of the gods and fell into deep thought.

Only after a moment of silence, there is another person who stepped out. It was just a few days ago, the handsome scribe.

Looking at Lu Wushuang's look, a little guess, it is known.

"I smell the owner of the Yantian government. I use the congenital fire yuan in this world to improve the blood. The young master can't understand it?"

Lu Wushuang nodded and revealed the color of disgust: "It is really disgusting, and he can't help him."

"Nothing to do -"

The young man’s eyes flashed and smiled slightly: “In other words, the young master is not ready to go?”

Lu Wushuang did not answer, this Lu Tianyan is annoying, but can be thrown aside compared to the Zongshou.

If you want to find the whereabouts of Zongshou, you must borrow their strength.

After decades of fighting, although he has blood, he has burned out.

It is strange to say that I don’t know what kind of secret law I hold.

Since entering the spirit world, he has searched all the way, and he has not seen it.

The blood-sensing technique is also completely ineffective.

"The Lord is wise! At this time, you still need to be patient. If the Lord is not used to it, he will inherit the position of the Holy Land in the future, and he can resist the evil spirit. In fact, I don’t know how many things are in the land of Lujia, and where can I manage it. ?"

It seems that I don't want to be entangled in this topic. The young man said: "What do you say about people?"

"Not mentioned, it is said that within 40 days, give me an account."

"Forty days?"

The young man’s brow picked it up and then sneered out: “In other words, on the side of Xianting, I hope that you can return after forty days. This person masters the world of the spirits and acts on the rules. There is not enough. For the reason, I really can't help him."

Lu Wushuang has a slight surprise: "You don't advise me to give up this person and go back in time?"

"Go back to do? Before the Lord, Mu Xiu Yulin, although Xuan Zang Guozhu valued, but a little bit cold, and everywhere helpless. Now is the target of the public. Even if there is nothing today, no disease is also trying to persuade the Lord First, keep a light for a while."

The youth said faintly, the dawn is also uncertain: "This time the event is just right, the sect keeps this person, the minister is really unable to see the depth. If it really returns to the Lu family, it must be the enemy of the Lord. Even if it is offended by the Holy Emperor, I need to remove it. I don’t see the person’s body in front of me. It’s hard to worry about it. The only thing that can be considered is Lu Tianyan, who turned to Zong Shou.”

Lu Wushuang was shocked. Strictly speaking, the sect was also one of the Lujia Chujun.

Since Lu Yantian can join him, he can naturally join forces with Zong Shou -

Immediately he shook his head again, and he knew the roots of Zong Shou.

There is no such thing as a joint venture with the people of Lujia.

This possibility is really small and small.

Double fists clenched, Lu Wushuang intuition in the chest a hot fire.

- There is still a month ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he only feels that he can't wait for a moment.

I can’t wait to be at that time, I will keep the sect and squat under the sword.

At the same time, in the spirit world, Tianyinfu.

Still in the courtyard, Lu Xichen stood up. And at the stone table next to it, Lu Yantian was laughing and born.

"In the water month, you find a suspicious person. Is it possible that it is the guard? Then you have confirmed, how much?"

Seeing that Lu Xichen was not able to speak, Lu Yantian did not care, just laughing.

"Interesting, fun! Unfortunately, unfortunately-"

The laughter suddenly stopped, Lu Yantian turned and sighed.

It’s a pity that it’s too small and too weak.

To make him a fisherman, can't make a profit at all - (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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