Divine Brilliance

Chapter 88: Sublimation

Just when everyone was blaspheming, the sword of the sect, but not even half a minute to stop.

Swallowing the heavens, when the blue sword shadow swept past the old man’s neck, he took the few scorpions of the congenital martial artist.

It’s less than one tenth of the total, but it’s terrible. And the remnant idea of ​​this old man is ten times more powerful than the two secret martial artists!

Zong Shou’s heart was cold, and these distractions were forcibly erased, and the sword shadow was once again vacated. After a spin, it rolls straight down in the distance.

The high-yellow face was white, but he still looked back at the sword, driving the hurricane sitting down and running away.

Zong Shou did not care, and the power of the gathering came out suddenly. Directly with the strength of the attack, a sword sword stabbed at full speed. Make thousands of swords, such as the sky waterfall hanging over, the fall of the giant waves, rushing down.

When the sound of a slamming sword slams, it is **** and fleshy. Directly a sword, the hurricane is cut into two halves. Then the sword shadow flashed again. Cut all the high limbs, all the roots, and let them fall to the ground.

Then the sword has another fold, and it rises high, and it is swift and rapid. One flashing, so that the rear, another sergeant ready to escape, the first two paragraphs. Then the sword shadows flashed, and in the night sky, I saw only a few streams of light. Hundreds of feet away, another secret martial artist, also the head fluttering, silently, fell to the ground.

The only two left, at the moment, are fighting with the cold tiger, and under the panic, they are left and right, and they are unable to get out.

Zong Shouling’s thoughts were tingling, and the purple power in his body was already at its extreme, and the soul was almost scattered. Self-knowledge is the limit, even if it can swallow the fine elements, it is equally difficult to continue. Simply take it too lazy to go back directly to your body.

Still turned into a group of light smoke, pouring from the gods. When the soul regained, the body recovered, and Zong Shou only felt dizzy when standing.

Shaking, not only is the heart weak, but the whole body is also like acupuncture. All the strength in the body is exhausted.

Within the soul sea, there are even more impurities, which is actually dirty at the moment.

Zong Shouxin knows that this is the time to kill the congenital martial artist.

To clean up the soul and restore purity. At least two months of work. In these two months, not only can the soul of the soul not be able to go out, but the soul will be repaired, and I am afraid that it will not go backwards.

In fact, it is not only the Yuan Soul, but even the twenty-strong bow. At this moment, his arm is still shaking slightly, and some bones are almost completely torn. I am afraid that the next half a month is hard to use.

I didn't care, but it was a heart-felt mind, a sigh of relief in my chest.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the first snow, and I was looking down at me as if I was watching the geese.

Next to Gong Xinran is the same, both eyes are missing, it seems that I do not know how to speak.

Killing the secret martial artist has made her dream. At this moment, even the congenital martial artist who was in her eyes, completely impossible to win, is also a sword!

Actually, when it was said that it was promised to let Gao Yi die in front of him, he was really desperate, and he would not hesitate to fight with the congenital martial artist.

It’s not just the mystery of the mystery, it’s endless, and it’s so daunting.

I remember that this schoolmate who was considered a waste in the college is still less than the year of dancing.

In my heart, I felt that I was filled with emotions. When I was deceived by people, I could only cry from my tears. Now I have such strong force.

I also thought that if I stayed with this young boy two years ago, if she was not fascinated by the gentleness of the high and the style of the family, now I don’t know how?

Thinking about this, Gong Xinran couldn't help but secretly swear, and he was too shameless.

For a time, the one who pushed her into the abyss of Gao Yi, Gong Xinran was no longer worried about it. In the eyes of the boy who was pale and paper-like, the mind was filled with numbness.

Zong Shou was unaware of it, and after twitching his lips, he sat up.

Then the complexion suddenly turned white. The line of sight fixedly looked at Gong Xinran's left chest. The gold needle that locked the lifeline and the last line of life is now loose.

Sighing with a sigh, Zong Shou struggled to get up, and the trail fell from the back of the lion.

At this moment, he only felt squatting on his body, and even a finger could hardly move. I am tired and want to die. I can’t wait for the next moment, and I fall to sleep.

But even if you are tired and tired again, there is one thing that you must do before you get dizzy.

Smashing out a Dan Pill and throwing it into the mouth. When the strength of this Snow Soul Dan spread, the sting of the soul, immediately eliminated most of it. Within the soul of the sea, the cold is like a cold spring.

I also tried to move forward and walked to the front of the high-altitude that had been cut into human sticks. I saw this person, it was the eyes of the fire, with endless resentment, angered over.

Zong Shou smiled and took out a bracelet in his hand. Then the next moment, you can see that high-definition eyes, but all were replaced by fear and fear. White as paper, shaking his head violently, his body kept twisting and trying to climb away.

"Seven Spirit Rings? What are you going to do? Don't! I don't want to be the ones who are in love with each other, and I am asking you to kill me."

Zong Shou did not care, when the foot stood fixed, not far from the blood of the old man named Lin ~ www.readwn.com ~ has been flowing. Mixed with horse corpses, and Gao Yi's own blood. Within these three feet, a circular array of symbols is formed. In seven directions, each has a different rune!

He slammed on the bracelet and let go of the grievances in the seal. This was a handprint.

"I am acting in the same way, and I am most eager to rule the person by his own way. You must make the sister of the sage, do the main spirit in the seven spiritual rings. Then I will let you in this ring now. Wonderful gods, born in the world, can not be free!"

In the mouth, I read the secret words, and the **** character array began to shed strange red light, and I was completely restrained by several nearby souls that had just died. The bracelet is also high, from the pure white, to the colorful color.

Then in the gaze of Gao Yi's horror, Zong Shou and his hand reached out again, on the seven spiritual rings.

A group of black smoke immediately emerged from the high-browed eyebrows and was strongly inhaled into the seven spirits.

Looking at the aura flashed, Zong Shou did not feel half-hearted, his mouth slightly bitter, turned his head and looked back.

I saw the first snow, it was a pretty white, holding Gong Xinran, who had already blinked, and no life, shook his head slightly: "Before the three interest, I am glad that my sister has gone. She told me that this life is regrettable. More, but I can finally die with peace of mind-"

Zong Shou’s heart was tight, but surprisingly, it was not the painfulness in his imagination. It was just a loss and a slight sadness.

Then the mind began to scream and screamed. Deep in the spirit, as if there is something, it is constantly overflowing.

Not only is the soul sea swelling wildly, but because of the technique of swallowing the yuan, the impurities in the soul of the soul are actually exhausted.

At the top of the head, a smoky smog rushed, and the whistling sound was more and more clear and empty, and it continued for a long time.

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