Divine Brilliance

Chapter 905: Burning blood?

"Just this is a difficult one!"

Lu Wuwu shook his head, and his words were full of self-satisfaction: "Chen in the nine dead prisons, only experienced the second to seventh floors. (Read the novel to the leaves, you ~ ~ M) is also the most understood These layers, under the seventh layer. I have never been to the disease, and I have never heard of it. The Lu family’s death to the prison has always been secret, not only the outsiders are difficult to see in detail, but also the people within the family. I don't know what it is -"

Zong Shou was slightly disappointed, and his eyes were different. He looked up and down Lu’s eyes.

Listening to his words, it seems that this light is dead, and the prisoner has died. This person has experienced the experience in general.

He had previously thought that this land was disease-free and there was no mental disorder in the nine prisons. It was a miracle.

At the moment, I was thinking that this person could still escape from the nine dead prisons and stand in front of him.

I always thought that if this time is tough, the people in the world are more than others. It seems that today, it may not be all right.

With a sigh of sighs, the idea of ​​Zong Shou has been locked in the air, and another star is scattered thousands of miles away.

It’s just that he just got up and moved in the blink of an eye, and he was in a hurry, and it was a huge pain. Involved in nerves, and instantly spread to the whole brain.

The qi and blood of the whole body are all countercurrent irrigation, going to the binocular irrigation area. In the bone marrow, it looks like a burning burning sensation, and it rises again.

Before that time, the power of the blood spirit that had just subsided, and the complex began to churn.

In the double eyes, the disappearing ‘door’ appeared again. (Looking at the novel to the leaves, Yu ~ You M) seems to have countless voices, calling and yelling in his ear.

Zong Shou Shen Qing, the hard support of death. I swept the gods over me. Every suspicious place.

This time, I finally figured out the reasons for these changes.

“It’s actually awkward!”

At this time, after the holy fire ant, it was shrunk into a sleeve. It is no longer the previous shape, but it is covered with thin silver wire.

It seems that it is cleaning up the smelting, the few mutants that have swept over.

This time, a few different kind of beasts that you choose to devour are related to flame and light.

I saw a whole eight or silver or flaming red beasts. Wrapped in the six pairs of light wings, all of them are Guanghua, and the flames are fierce.

晗曦 itself. It was the whole body, and it fell into a deep sleep.

And at this time, a different kind of force. Instilled through the symbiosis of one person and one beast.

As a result, there are countless mysterious information that can only be understood and cannot be said.

It is also these heterogeneous forces that support the bone marrow blood in his body, burning in boiling, pouring into the sputum.

Zong Shou is a little strange, this time because of embarrassment. So what happened the previous time?

At the time of the first attack, you can't devour any alien beast. []that time. Why is it induced?

This time, it is also different from the previous helplessness of this ‘door’.

At that time, it seemed that the unbreakable barrier was under the constant impact of his temper, and there was a faint crack in the invisible.

I feel countless red flames. It came back from this crack.

Make his eyes, almost burning, it is even more painful.

It seems that there is something, at this moment, deeply imprinted into the depths of his soul.

But when he examined it carefully, he had no income.

"There are nine dead prisoners. There are other legends. The nine dead prisons are not really dead prisoners. Under the ninth floor, there are other exports. Just hit the deepest part of the nine prisons. I am leaving. Therefore, 90% of the sinners who have been sent to this prison in Lujia will have tried their best to migrate to the upper level, and only seek peace, which can alleviate some pain. Many people will do their best. The impact on the bottom of the dead prison. The same was true of the parents in the same year, but unfortunately the defeat was successful -"

It was not until this time that Lu was sick that he found the situation of Zong Shou, and some did not move.

He couldn’t restrain himself and shivered slightly. The surface is also pale as paper, without blood.

He used to be a sect, but he was resentful because of his mother.

At this point, I realized that the situation was somewhat wrong. Zong Shou did seem to endure severe pain.

However, only this light pin is dead, but why? In the area of ​​the light needle burning pain, in the experience of the ruined blood curse, Zong Shou, but only pediatrics, not worth a trip.

Is it the effect of the Curse of Blood Spirit that has not yet subsided? Should not be -

In the shackles of Lu’s disease, the moment was full of strange worries, and the brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Just, but what's wrong with it? It's better to take a break -"

The voice did not fall, but was forcibly interrupted by the voice of Zong Shou.

"I am innocent!"

Deeply sighed, Zong Shou will have this huge pain and forcibly suppressed it.

Fortunately, as time goes by, the heterogeneous forces infused from the sputum are slowly weakening.

Although the bone marrow blood is still burning, it is not as violent as the beginning.

It has gradually fallen to the point where he can stand it.

It is only a pity that the door did not open. Even the crack in the previous one is recovering.

At this time, Zong Shou himself began to be curious about this layer of barriers hidden in his eyes. I want to know what kind of thing is after the door, and what kind of blood changes, can make him stand up for pain -

"It should be just the aftermath of the meditation of the **** curse. Nothing! The spiritual power of this world is weak, and it is cultivated in this world. It is only a matter of strength."

This sentence says that Zong Shou is a faint look at Lu Wu disease,

The origin of this blood spell is this person.

This person is able to bear the heart, will be the blood sacrifices of dozens of children of the same family, just to trace him.

But think about this life-long experience of the disease, but it is not unexpected.

In their minds, I am afraid that I will never treat those who have the same blood as their own relatives. There may even be no concept of 'ethnic people'.

The perception in the heart is complex. Originally, he was disease-free and prepared for use.

This person's wisdom is extremely high, but the heart is too vicious, can not reassure him.

At this time, it may not be able to blame this person for this ruined blood curse.

At this time, Lu Wu disease ~www.readwn.com~ is slightly stunned. Determined to look at the shackles of Zong Shou.

I saw a few incomparable mysterious fire runes in the pupil.

It seems to be no different from ordinary symbols.

However, only this pair of eyes, the land is disease-free, only the blood in this body, as if there is no fire and spontaneous combustion.

The heart of the sea is more like a storm.

“Lu Jia’s **** blood?”

This thought just flashed, and Lu did not squint, and shook his head slightly.

It doesn't seem to be -

But in the future, I have to think about it, and Zong Shou has already wrapped up a mana. Under the blazing red sun, continue to take him through the void and begin to search for the entrance to the fifth floor. RQ

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