Divine Brilliance

Chapter 917: Just remember

"If something goes wrong, Lu Tianqing is naturally willing to bear!"

After careful consideration, Lu Yanyan said that even the situation of his sacred sage, but also helplessness, is nothing more than the other shots of the situation, the rescue of Zong Shou from the death prison.

It is not impossible to use the talents that are displayed today to have the background of the helpers outside.

However, at that time, what if he had to take responsibility for improper disposal?

Looking around Lujia's many positions, there is no worse position than the nine dead prisons.

Can he also put Lu Tianqing into the ninth floor of the prison for the monks who are bound to the Holy Land?

As for Zong Shou, a collusion with foreign enemies is enough to make this child return to the land.

In that case, there will never be any more variables in the case.

Being stunned, this flameless sage, even the entire Lu family, is even less likely to be unresponsive.

Besides, in this world, there are only a handful of people who can stand up to the flames and not be afraid of offending the Lu family.

"Is it? You need to remember this at the time -"

The lumbar flames of the land have been pumped, and it seems that they do not want to continue to talk with Lu Tianqing.

His eyes went down, through the void, and looked at the eighth floor, the prison gate and the storm circle, the man standing in the armor.

This person walks with Zong Shou, no accident, it is his subordinate.

A peak of the immortal stage, half a foot into the holy world. Somehow, he made him care.

"How do you feel that this person's breath is familiar?"

Slightly thinking, the Lu is not known for the cause. Then it was a smile: "It turned out to be him! This child, finally escaped from the bitter sea, but ran back again. Why is this bitter? It seems to be a deep obsession -"

Lu Tianqing was slightly stunned and immediately responded. In the eyes of the haze, I immediately thought: "When it is Lu Wu disease! This son was distributed by the Xuanzang kingdom, followed by Lu Wushuang, but now he is next to this body, is it changed the door? I He heard that he followed Lu Wushuang to kill the enemy. As a result, Lu Wushuang unfortunately died in the hands of the Buddha. This land is disease-free. The whereabouts are unknown. According to the truth, it is **** right--"

Having said that, his face is already full of doubts.

Lu did not die, but instead invested in Zongshou. Then the death of Lu Wushuang, is it related to Zong Shou?

Immediately, he was dumb and laughed. He was deviled. Whether it is related or not, it is not important.

Just in the Holy Court. The chiefs of the kingdoms. This can be determined.

It is a crime to kill the same family.

"Lu Wushuang is dead? It's a pity!"

A sigh of flames, it seems that I did not hear the meaning of Lu Tianqing.

"The old man. But I am very optimistic about the little guy. It’s not easy to pay for it, but it’s not so good."

"It is a pity! It is said that after Lu Wushuang died. Xuan Zang's lord has retired for ten days and nights."

Lu Tianqing was slightly beheaded, but his eyes were like poisonous snakes, watching the man next to the prison gate.

The killings in the shackles are stirring, but they converge. Stop it, kill it, but it will make it a good death. It would be better to let this son suffer the punishment in this Linghai death prison.

At this time, it has been different for dozens of years before, this land disease-free repair is enough, when you can die in this Linghai prison. Hold more time.

Thinking like this, Lu Tianqing no longer cares, and turns to say: "Sacred, the younger generation is still worried about something. This sect has now entered the eighth floor of the prison, then you need to move Lu Han to her?"

"Moving to another place?"

Lu Yanyan turned over and looked deep into the red robe old man, and then shook his head in disapproval: "The smoke has been born since the birth of the child. The mother and the child have never seen each other. This way, but some are not human, no need in this way--"

"Sacred! The younger generation is only worried about any variables. Lu Hanyan is the grandson of the man, the son of the sacred sage. It is difficult to say that there are any means to help this child escape."

Lu Tianqing was trying to persuade again, and he saw the flames of the flames and waved. Undoubtedly: "No need to worry! The old man is also counting on this child, and then go to the ninth floor of the death prison. The husband has his own disposal -"

Upon hearing this, Lu Tianqing has already had peace of mind. Then he reconsidered and listened to the meaning of the flames. He seemed interested in Zong Shou and looked forward to it.

This is a million years of time, lonely for too long. Found a new toy, do not want to let go immediately?

Suddenly watching the back of Lu Yanyan, I listened to the latter and said with interest: "Which is the guard at the entrance to the ninth floor? And there is no such thing as a shadowless magic? This child has endless potential, from the soul of the sword In the middle of the situation, there is only one step. The shadow magic is afraid that it can’t stop it--"

While talking, while splitting the void, stepped into it.

Lu Tianqing raised his eyebrows and kept him in prison for so long. He was the first time to see him.


Entering the eighth floor, Zong Shou feels the name of this 'prison', which is really incomparable.

It’s really a dead force here, and everything I see is a pale scene.

If you don’t know it, it’s just one of the deaths on the 9th floor of Lujia.

Here is the Netherworld, and Zong Shou will believe.

As soon as he stepped in, Zong Shou felt that his body was angry and he began to feel weak.

Zong Shou did not hesitate, and he transported the source of Lin Xuan-shuang's spirituality.

His demise is now gradually perfected. However, at this moment, it is far more than the role of this door to the realm of life, in this prison.

The consequence is that the body is warm and recovers a lot.

"It’s not just the death of the dead, but also the plundering of life. This day, it costs ten days."

In other words, in 20 years, it is more than two hundred years of life -

Zong Shou's hands can't help but just hold a grip, and the nails are deeply buckled into the meat.

Then force yourself not to think about it and look around.

"But I don't know what the ban on this field is. What is it? Lu is ill and will pass this world in the future. The situation in prison is not heard by the outside world. Xuan Shuang Shizun never even told."

While thinking, observe.

Just a must, Zong Shou reveals the color of the accident. This prison world is much smaller than he imagined. www.readwn.com~ Look at this day, this world is not as big as one-tenth of Linghai.

Using the instantaneous space, it is estimated that only two or three hours, from the south of the sky, to the north of the land.

In other words, it is much easier to find someone in this world than he expected.

However, since it is called the prison, it is listed as the eighth floor in the nine prisons.

Then the world is also extremely dangerous. This prison ban should also be better than Linghai.

Thinking about this, the heart of Zong Shou is jumping up in disappointment.

During the period, believe in, the mood can not tell the complexity.

After a long while, I barely pressed down. With a large sleeve, you want to release all the sacred fire ants.

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