Divine Brilliance

Chapter 924: Take the cause of death

“Just a little wronged?”

The red girl 嗤 '嗤 ', to show disdain. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

"If this is the case, why do you need to dig and bury people, exhaust your efforts, both hard and soft. Let him plead guilty?"

The flames are not refuted, and they look at their hands intently.

"How can it be? If the child is against me, he is already hating the bones and hating the sky. If you don't use this Lu Tianqing's head, how can you get his anger? I have ignored the Lujia thing. It is said that it is a holy deity, and it can only be obtained, and it is only the nine dead prisoners. It can be arbitrarily pinned, and this is only Lu Tianqing, but he is not lucky!"

"Hey! That Lu Tianqing is not enough, just a little rely on strength, and will not be sent to the death prison. That Xuanhua Xuanzang several nationals, may not be willing to submit!"

"But it’s not everyone, they are dying to advance and retreat with them."

It seems that I don't want to say anything, but I can't help but laugh. "Can you feel it? Huang Er, at this time, my blood in this body is burning and boiling! It is all because of his reason! The blood is traced back, this is a strong force. It’s the first time since these seven thousand years. It’s no less than Yu Yuan, when he first entered the country—"


It was called ‘Ouran’ and it’s also squinting and quietly feeling.

She has a special relationship with this flame, even life and death. How can you feel such an obvious blood flow?

When he saw Zong Shouzhi from both of them, he was already feeling. []

As time goes by, the blood of the flames changes, and the more obvious it becomes.

The flame can benefit, and she can also benefit here.

"It is really strong. You have been in the holy places for thousands of years. You have no one to get him. It is **** and plausible. It seems to be integrated with some other gods. Bloody spells, death imprisonment I really don't know how he stayed. Let me look forward to life, when he is going to be holy -"

Immediately, his eyes flashed slightly, and the voice faintly said: "It is worth it for the power of this blood. To sacrifice a holy place for him?"

"Worth! Why not worth it?"

The flames suddenly laughed, but they shook like a thousand miles. "When I wait for these people, what family, what power, what descendants are not in the eye. It is the only way for the old man to ask for the truth." In the past, it’s nothing. If you fight in the family, who wins or loses, it doesn’t matter to me. Let it be, such as watching the fight. Even if you collude with outsiders, you don’t need to hurt you or me, even the flames can sit and even Since the beginning of this, let the old man have the opportunity to re-enter, and how to be willing to be like those? Lu Tianqing he can not see this. It is his way to death!"

After saying this, the flames suddenly look and move: "Speak up, this son is also very relevant to you. This child. With the Thunder imprint, it should be --"

The girl heard the words, her face changed, and she was pale as paper. If you have not finished the flames, you will open the subject directly.

"I watched him awaken and burn blood, when there is at least ten days! Now it is a contradiction. I hope that he will be faster, and he wants him to be slower and can reach the tenth day.[]"

"hope so!"

The flames are laughing. What the girl said is exactly what he thought at this time.

Almost every moment in the past, you can feel the power of the blood, and add another point. It is grand and vast, and it makes people shudder.

Just like a dam. The longer the support is, the more potential the flood will be intercepted.

Once you rush down, it must be a huge wave, drowning everything!

Let people look forward to it. I also want this dam to last until the end.

Only in this way can more blood flow be traced back to him.

"As far as the benefits are concerned, after all, it is really embarrassing to be without the yuan. At this time, he is afraid that it will be a few days later."

The blood is traced back, the stronger the cultivation, the closer the blood is, the more benefits there are.

It’s only eight generations since I went down to Zong Shou.

Like his flames, he can't catch up anyway, but fortunately he has taken the lead.

"If he achieves **** blood, he really doesn't know what kind of movement, these nine dead prisons -"

When the words are normal, the girl frowns and looks down at the black mist.

The fierce battle there is over.

"It's a magic mirror, nine tails of mysterious fox? How did this situation come to him? How can I not tell me first?"

It is impossible to let this child really fall into the ninth floor.

It’s unexpected that the flames are smashed. Then I didn't care about it: "Nothing! Just as I mean-"

Between the fingers, a drop of blood popped up and flew straight to the gate.

In the midair, it shows another flame figure -


At this time in the dark fog, Zong Shou is a shock of the heart.

"Since the 20th anniversary, people who have been sent to the ninth floor of the prison have no women, and there are no people who call the name of the smoke--"

For twenty years, there is no land containing smoke. Then where is his mother, where is it? This is nothing to say, whether it is true or not.

Can it be said that people are still in prison, just themselves, have not found it?

But why did he spend a few days and couldn’t find it? Where did it leak?

These questions are all flashing in my mind.

Zong Shou is also completely unable to accept ideas, and his thoughts are getting more and more chaotic.

Tens of thousands of thoughts, at the same time. It seems to be completely manipulated by an inexplicable force.

Opposite the moment, the white man smiled softly. Another sword is coming, it is plain, but it is faster than the stars.

Zong Shou can only watch it with his eyes and stand in the same place. Although there is a sense of dodging and resisting, it is completely impossible to occupy the main position in the mind.

Seeing the sword, looking straight into the eyebrows, I will wear his skull hole.

But there was another blue mirror, shining from the illusion of the mirror behind him.

Guanghua sprinkled, directly covering the body of the white man.

The mirror also has a spiritual understanding and returns to the soul sea. With a chilly force, the mind distracted ~www.readwn.com~ instantly subsided.

The opposite of the demon, there was a tragic scream. Before the sword and the body of the sect, they violently fled.

Zongshou’s face is unchanged, and the Yudao Longfang sword array, which has long been ready to go, has been surrounded for forty miles.

In the hands of an unknown sword, it is a momentary counterattack. In a moment, there are several dragon shadows, hovering over them.

Wulong returned to the first, the dragon's huge dragon mouth opened, and rushed forward to explore, like to have this white boy, completely swallowed!

At that moment, the shadowless demon is simply unable to resist. It is clear that the swordsmanship wins the sword, but the sword light that is thrown out is often a touch.

Was broken and smashed by Zong Shou!

The face is painful and distorted, and the left side is right and left, and it is more and more difficult to support. Even the shadows around them are annihilated by the swordsmanship of the ancestors! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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