Divine Brilliance

Chapter 926: Give you a chance

"Is it Xiaojin?"

Zong Shou 怔然, Xiao Jin swallow this thing?

Vientiane swallows no phase?

One is good at metamorphosis, and can be used to formulate any beast and strong. [WWw.YZUU point m]

One is proficient in illusion, attacking the soul, no shadow, no difficulty to prevent -


In the eyes of Zong Shou, there was a shimmer of light. This little guy's ambition is not small!

But to be able to do that, you must devour more and more incomparable gods.

Xiaojin swallowed the transparent crystal pill and retracted his body. There was no movement.

Zong Shou shook his head and ignored it. He walked away from the empty gates.

A void flashes, that is, ten miles away. But at this time, a smashing to the incredible soul of the power, the sudden rise from the edge of the ripples, sweeping the void.

Zong Shouxian was only aware of the soul of the sea and it was very uncomfortable.

Then the idea was reunited. The condensate is one, and it is crushed.

It seems to be a huge, heavy and sturdy ship that crashes into a tranquil lake.

Set off the waves of the sky, and smash everything that dares to resist!

Zong Shou's lips overflowed with a trace of blood, and the soul smashed and collapsed.

Resistance to the knot, directly at the core of the gods. The real form of the law in the sea of ​​souls suddenly became eye-catching. []

In the eyebrows is a word of 'dao', and among the two eyes, it is awesome.

Water, fire, yin and yang, life and death, cause and effect, fate, the universe -

Correspond to each other and complement each other.

Black and white holes in both hands. Then vacated and hung behind.

That method is true, and then explore a trick. Actually purely with soul power, condensed a four-footed blood sword in the nameless sword.

The nine-storey golden pagoda also fell from above and reached his left hand.

When the huge wheel rushed to it, the same sword was thrown!

A bang of the bang. Zong Shou only felt that this **** was blown up into countless pieces.

Seven bloody, the image is stern. For a while. Even the pain in the ban and the eyes was suppressed.

Fortunately, at the core of the Yuan Soul, the impact was finally supported. Never broken.

Except for the shocking aftermath, there are some uncomfortable things.

Zong Shouzheng has a headache and how to make a fuss. The nine-story gold pagoda in the real heart of the law spontaneously releases thousands of golden lights.

To make his heart empty, the soul of the sea space, in a moment to restore calm.

The cracks in the soul are quickly recovered with the speed of the naked eye as the golden light shines.

"This is He Yibao?"

Zong Shou was slightly surprised. (When you read the novel, you can go to the leaves, you can see the golden tower.) He didn’t even go to the imperial.

At this time, it was known that Master Wei Xu was really not valued to him at the beginning.

The weight of this gift is far beyond his imagination.

Look at the tower of this tower. I am afraid that I am not in a state of illusion!

Far from just suppressing the power of the king!

It seems to be a separation of treasures -

For a time, there was no time to study it. Zong Shou was the first time and looked ahead. And the consequences see a purple robe youth, standing in the door of the gate.

Standing with a negative hand, the lips are sneer. Like a god, looking down at the people.

"The flames?"

Zong Shou is in the middle of the heart. I will know immediately. This person is not the body of the flame, but it is a soul.

However, the air machine gave him the feeling. Still an abyss like a secluded bottom! No, it is a black hole or a white hole.

Only those things that have just been seen can only be accurately described.

He has seen a lot of the situation, Long Ying and Lin Xuan.

But both of them will try to converge the air machine. Not like this person, no cover, overbearing and fierce.

"This is the old man's blood incarnation!"

The flames of the flames flashed slightly, and the Zong Shou was examined from top to bottom.

"When I can take a hit, I can still keep the soul of the Yuan from breaking. It is very good! Although it is less than one percent, it can be at your age, the same realm."

Zong Shouxin sank to the bottom of the valley, a cold. The right hand can only hold the nameless sword, and the blue veins rise.

Even in this situation, he will not lose the courage to draw a sword.

But what is the use of this? This person in front of me, though only a drop of blood and incarnation of the flame. It is enough to make him desperate, that there is no gods, compared to the eyes, it is tantamount to the spark of the moon!

Even if it is a sacred place, he dares to fight together at this time, and dare to pull the sword!

It’s just that this is the front, so that he only feels that he can’t even breathe and forcibly hold it.

However, he wants to give up? Never possible!

Can it be only eye-opening, watching this person block before the gate?

Or is it waiting for Lin Xuan, to help him?

I also laughed at myself, and thinking about these things at this time is unavoidable.

Although he did not want to admit it, the other party did not show any murderousness. However, at this moment, his life is indeed between the sage and the sage.

This feeling is really uncomfortable!

The 'extreme flame' changed his mood, but he did not care, but still faintly said: "You are my late generation, there is such a strength, can be described as none of the thousands of people! The old husband is very comfortable, today is also willing You have a chance. Within ten days, if you can rely on your own strength, you will enter this gate. Your mother’s remaining punishment, the old man can be removed -"

Zong Shou frowned, but there was no sense of joy in his heart.

It’s ok to walk to the gate, it’s simple. However, this flame must have the following. I am afraid that it will never be so easy, let him do it.

"The natural old man will also try to stop!"

The flames said, a slight sleeve. The instantaneous red fire burns, making the 30,000-foot place like a flame furnace.

All black fog is broken at a touch.

"Only for this avatar -"

The gaze was full of enthusiasm, with a bit of provocation and contempt.

I don't know if it is illusory. Zong Shou somehow, always feel that this person, most of the time, is watching his closed eyes.

Seeing curiosity, it seems to be looking forward to something.

Zong Shou meditation a little, he has resolutely stepped on, did not say a word.

Knowing yourself ~www.readwn.com~ there is no room for choice. It is also necessary to try some time before I am willing.

Before entering the death penalty, I have already had a mortal ambition. So at this moment, why bother to die?

Stepping out in three steps, walking into the red inflammation, Zong Shoumei's heart, once again showing the golden mark.

Seven thousand feet of thunder wings opened, and the foot was actually a flame of black like a lotus flower.

Protecting the sect, never in the fire of the burning, the body dissipated.

After three hundred feet, it is nine silver tails.

Under the body, there are some fine water blue scales.

This is the blood of the water unicorn, spontaneous body.

Just three hundred feet, this burning fire has already forced the sect, using all the blood and blood. (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)

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