Divine Brilliance

Chapter 933: Supreme blood

When the tree was under the sky, Lu Tianqing took up the jelly-shaped magic weapon and left the world. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

Outside of hundreds of worlds, Lu Yunge also snorted.

With a slight sleeve, the layers of the lines in front of the eyes are forbidden, and they have disappeared.

This is the sound of the array, although not unique to the burning of Xianting.

However, Xianting’s battles cover almost one tenth of a world, at least five thousand worlds.

Among the domains, except for those big forces that are similar to the burning of Lu's, there are few comparable ones.

And those who are qualified to use this array are only a few dozen.

He Lu Yun Ge, it is one of them!

"Old man!"

Squinting and cursing. Lu Yunge's eyes are slightly transparent, how can he not know, what is this Lu Tianqing?

The thing about the red hummingbird is good for him. However, this old man is too unbearable and even less interested!

Shaking his head, Lu Yunge still throws a jade slip and squats into the void.

Xuanhua’s lord of the day is not a sight to see. When a message is handed over, it is enough, and it is not a big deal.

Then I fell into meditation and remembered the sect.

Can you enter the eighth floor of the prison, it seems to make the flames of the Holy Spirit, but also look at each other?

There have been rumors long ago, and the sect is in the cloud, and it seems to be weak.

Is it really a bit tolerant? The body of the two veins, the body of the disabled, can really practice?

Unfortunately, Lu Tianqing is unclear. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] is far from the void dialogue, too much mana, can not know the details.

This person is too unreliable. If there is one day. The right to kill the Lu Jiasheng, you must beat this Lu Tianqing!

And the woman -

The lips are obliquely selected, and Lu Yunge’s eyes are all cheerful.

Isn't it the blood of the family, never seeing him?

Daily cautious flattering, but in exchange for betrayal.

I would rather follow a fox who is nothing in the cloud world, and I don’t want to marry him.

How is it now?

It contains smoke and smoke. At the end of the day, you must look at the father and son, and suffer the pain of the world, and you must not die! I want you to regret it at the beginning -

I am thinking about this. Lu Yunge listened to the outside and there was a lot of noise. It’s awesome, and I’m looking out from this pavilion. It is even more visible that there are countless flaming lights coming.

"Would you dare to be here?"

Wrinkled, Lu Yunge also floated up. As soon as I left, I left the building.

This is the most sacred place to burn the Holy Court.

Even if it is the land of the Holy Family, it is not daring to be arrogant.

At this time, the direction of the noise is the home of Lu’s ancestral temple!

A few of them are already there. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

When I arrived here, I wanted to use Lu Yunge, the second sect of Lujia. But it is stunned.

Silent and silent, looking at the crowds here, where the eyes converge.

It was a huge stone monument. Under the stone monument at the moment, it was a blazing red flame burning.

There is a strong blood color. Flowing above the stone monument.

"How can it be burned?"

In general with the people below, Lu Yunge's face is full of wrong colors.

This is a burning monument, also known as the monument.

The monument will show the name of the person who is eligible to compete for the great emperor.

Arranged by the top and bottom. Set the order of the storage, the difference between the noble and the poor.

Together with the newly engraved ‘Lu Shou’, there are a total of forty-nine people.

However, at this time, the blood on the tablet has disappeared. The rich blood flame on the monument is that it is indefinite, and it has never been manifested.

"It’s strange to be born! Is it someone who is listed on the roster of Lujia’s veins and burned on the monument?”

"Most of it is not! Even if it is added, there will be no such movement. All the names are actually disappearing."

"Not new, is there a fallen stone monument?"

"How about Lu Wu's unparalleled? The top five, isn't it just a red man's warning?" At this time, most of the top ten Chu Juns in Lujia are in the Holy Court. What surprises will there be?"

"I always feel that there must be a great change! The burning of the empty monument is so different that it has never happened for thousands of years. I remember the last time, before the seven thousand years, I am Lujiazhao Yuanzun -"

The master of the voice seemed to realize that it was not right, and immediately stopped talking.

Lu Yunge sneered, burning the empty monument is such a movement, it is the last time the sacred sage, when the achievement is at the time.

However, at this time, it is impossible to be a sage of Lujia.

I have never heard of this wind -

With the strength of Lu’s heritage, it will definitely be announced to the Quartet, and all parties are invited to observe the ceremony.

Yaowu Yangwei, show off the strength, will never be secret.

At that time, there was no such thing as the disappearance of all the names of the princes.

Shaking his head, Lu Yunge raised his eyes again and looked at the stone steps of the distant temple.

It is a group of red-dressed women, one of them, the clothing is extraordinarily solemn and luxurious, and the appearance is also extremely outstanding. There is no one in it, and it has a holy atmosphere.

However, this Lujia ancestral sacred woman, at this moment, is silent, no expression, really can't see anything.

No joy, no sorrow, no anger.

"It seems that I have burned up the land, and it is really changing. The wind and rain are coming -"

A voice that sounded from the back.

Lu Yunge turned his head and saw a 30-year-old youth wearing a purple gold lock and an aggressive man, standing behind him.

The shortage of the jaws is both handsome and handsome, and it does not lose its stability.

"Lu Dao!"

This person ranks sixth among the Lu's Chu Jun. Before ten years, it was second only to him.

Lu Yunge’s pupils shrank and then resumed as usual: “The trees want to be quiet and the wind does not stop. This is burning inside the Holy Court. But there are always some people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic—”

The Jinjia youth heard the words, but did not anger and laugh, and shook his head slightly: "It seems that Yun Ge brother, really did not feel it! I thought that the younger brother is not able to open the mouth. At this time, the Holy Court is in chaos, I have a younger brother. What are the benefits?"

Lu Yun Ge is a glimpse of the face.

At this moment, I don’t think it’s right~www.readwn.com~ I saw only a few of the Lu’s disciples in the crowd before the stone monument, and they all showed surprise and unbelievable color.

They all emptied into the air and flew around the corner.

Lu Dao’s tone, at this moment, turned into a sigh of relief: “I didn’t feel it, this blood change? So, you Lu Yunge named me Lujiatun, but it’s a side branch, too far from Zhengzheng. If I were you, I should have given up."

Lu Yunge had no time to care about the sarcasm of this erect.

Just in the moment, only in his heart, there was a stir.

It’s clear that the blood is backtracking, so to speak -

Like what I thought of, Lu Yunge’s pupil was angry and looked at the stone monument.

And Lu Dao is secluded: "I still don't understand? Someone has mastered the blood of burning the world. I am Lujia to Gao Shentong, the highest blood -" (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)

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