Divine Brilliance

Chapter 936: Variant prelude

The burning of the world’s inflammation, in just a moment, burned the hundreds of miles of black fog. []

Everything here is open, it can be seen, and there is no way to hinder the exploration.

The source of sight that came to the attention was the land containing smoke under the demon tree. The beauty was amazed and mixed.

The flameless smile, just a flash, and went to the demon tree.

With a handful of sleeves, the vines that bundled the smoke in the ground were broken apart. All the bans, together with the tree, are turned into powder!

The flames immediately followed, and there was a little headache. I looked at the Zongshou in my hand.

After thinking about it, it is like throwing garbage, and it is aside.

Lu Hanyan was originally amazed, why the flame will destroy this prohibition.

At this time, I saw that I had no chance to estimate my body. Busy and illusory, catch Zong Shou's body.

Then I was stunned and looked at the flames.

"I don't know the Holy Spirit, why is this? What is it?"

"What else can you mean, you have a good luck with a cigarette, and you have a good son. Nothing has been done! It was too sloppy to sentence the sentence to the penalty hall. A few days ago, the old man had a joint decision with the Qianyuan, exempting you from the residual criminal responsibility. ——"

The flameless laughter, behind the hand: "Before you have served more than 20 years in this eight-layered death sentence, the old man has his own compensation. There is only one sentence to ask you, you are detained in this, you can have complaints in your heart?"

Lu Hanyan Liu Mei slightly, she asked is the flame, why should we stay here?

Obviously, it is worth paying attention to, even at the expense of the bones of the soul. But it is so ‘torn’.

I heard the back, but I can't help but move.

Good luck, gave birth to a good son? What the **** is this? The remaining twenty years of punishment, is it so free?

In front of me is one of the most respected people of Lujia identity. Naturally, I will not open my mouth. But why?

Listen to this tone, you can get rid of it. [WWw.YZUU point m] seems to be due to guardian children?

Then there was a silence, and she asked her if she had any complaints about Lu Jia. This is really hard to answer.

It is true that there was no such thing as myself. It was too young at the time. The mind is also very simple, thinking that nothing more than normal criminal responsibility.

I never thought that the result was the joint efforts of several national elders.

Being trapped in prison, he certainly hates it.

However, in these decades, it has also faded. The only thing I can't help is that her grandfather is the one who burns the Emperor.

At the moment, the flames are more prosperous: "About a thousand years ago, my Lu family won a top-level treasure. Although there is no ability to open the sky, it makes people come true. But with the help of this treasure, only a little magical power The sacred cult of the mana can be sneaked into the country. For this thing, I have burned the sacred court in the land of the house, and it has been fighting for several generations. It was not until 30 years ago that the result was obtained. People are gradually interested in your grandfather."

Lu Han smoked the body micro-shock, the back of the waist can not help but straighten, fixed to see the flame, the eyes are all unbelievable color.

"But after that, it suddenly happened, and you and the cloud of the foxes in the cloud. Privately accepting things. At that time, Xuanhua, master of the burning of the temple, first of all. It is said that your grandfather only left you as the only descendant. It is also associated with foreigners, and the blood of the descendants is impure. If you use the power of the gods to log in to the country, it will not help me to burn the entire land and continue the blood. So far, the people are in trouble, and the entire Holy Court is 70% of the kings and the elderly. They are all attached to it. The turbulent sentiments are the sacred sages of ours, and we must not fail to do so, lest the land of the family fall apart -"

On the surface of the land containing smoke, it is suddenly white and white. She only knows that she was sentenced to nine imprisonment, and she was a little surprised.

I don't know, there is such a horrible hidden feeling.

The battle for the position of the situation is naturally that you are dead and dead, and you are not dead.

It is already a blessing to burn the Holy Emperor and finally retreat.

"At that time, there were two choices for Beiwu. Before the arrival of the situation, another room was spent, and some Yangyuan was consumed. Another birthday was born. It was just a matter of delaying a few hundred years. But your grandfather I have always thought about this strategy with your grandmother, and I have never thought about it. (Look at the novel and go to the leaves, you can go to the M.) There is another method that forces you to give up the fox, choose another in the family. One person is married."

Lu Hanyan bitten his silver teeth, and his hands were close to each other, and a trace of bright red blood dripped from the inside.

Lu Beiwu, the name of her grandfather, is now burning the Holy Emperor!

She was clear again, but from the beginning to the end, the Burning of the Holy Emperor did not have any words.

Just like a towering tree, standing silently, covering her with the wind and rain.

"Your grandfather, but also a very arrogant person. At that time, I exchanged the powers and responsibilities in my hands, in exchange for the support of several ethnic elders, to protect your life without worry. After that, I closed the door and did not ask the Holy Court. I quit the battle for the gods. I look at it, and I seem to want to borrow foreign objects and enter the road--"

Speaking of this, the sound of the flameless sound is only a meal: "It is too coincidental to talk about the things of the year. Now I want to come, there is no one in it, and the means are secretly used. It is a pity that Beiwu, these thousands of years Many of my descendants, who are the only ones, are the ones that I value most."

The eyes of Lu Hanyin are so stunned. So, the love between her and Zong Weiran is actually a planned conspiracy?

Immediately and firmly shaking her head, she is right before the end, with deep feelings. The same is true for her.

Regardless of the encounter between the two people, is there any ulterior motive?

This feeling is not falsified.

Also strange in my heart, why is the flameless good end, to be in front of her, to mention these secrets?

Then I saw the flames, a weird smile: "At this time, Beiwu, the situation should be poor. For decades, he has not dealt with the government affairs of the Holy Court. It is time to put the position of the Holy Emperor and give him a hand. Because of those competitions, It is still not delayed, but this has been delayed. However, the 20th battle of the Holy Court is still going on. The voice of the Holy Man can be replaced, but it has gradually begun. Your grandfather has countless hatreds in his life. It can also be shocked. Once it is not in its place, revenge must come one after another. With his ability, even if he is not afraid, it will be unbearable. It may not be able to be clean again, ready to rob the world-"

"Then ask you a cigarette, you can return to the burning of the Holy Court to help your grandfather's strength? This matter is entirely yours, but also your own business. In the end, you choose."

The voice seemed to carry a magical power and went straight into the heart of the smoke.

The eyes were awkward for a moment, and Lu Hanyan had recovered calm.

"Before 20 years ago, it was a smoke-filled grandfather. Now I can no longer be the unfilial person who is unintentional -"

In my heart, I was going to find my baby after I was released from prison.

But the situation of my grandfather, if I don't know, I will give up. Since I know at this time, how can I be independent?

The flames heard the words, suddenly laughed, and shocked three thousand miles.

That smug feeling is not disguised.

Lu Hanyan suddenly noticed, very puzzled, why is this flame?

However, I heard that the character of this saint is always eccentric and unpredictable.

In the heart of the move, the flames have said that their own children, is it already known that the child is falling?

I was released, and the words of the flames were only related to Zong Shou.

The flame is not allowed to reflect on her, directly grasping the idea, and taking the body shape of the land.

"That's the case, then it will go! Just the old man will also leave the nine dead prisons to avoid the disaster, and will send you back to the Burning Holy Court."

However, the land contains smoke, but it does not follow his intentions, and there is a slight struggle, holding his hand.

The flames knew what she was thinking, and when she was slightly pointed, it was three drops of jade liquid, and she flew to Zong Shou, who was still in a coma.

"This child doesn't have to be taken away. This is another reason. You have to stay in this dead prison for a few days. You don't have to worry about it. I love him like a treasure, it is a thousand times more than you. It will never make He is here to be hurt by half. So, can you rest assured?"

The meaning of the ambiguity in the eyes made the land containing red on the surface. Still according to the words, put Zong Shou down.

This time, Zong Shou, the injury is not too heavy.

The flames are reluctant to use a full three drops of jade bones to cure the wound.

It seems that it is not the general love -

And these three drops of marrow into the body, it is estimated that the sect will only wake up in an instant.

When I got along for ten days, Lu Hanyan also knew him. There were a few tyrannical guards and animals that were safe and worry-free.

Such a shocking figure, burning the land, how can you leave it here, do not care?

The mind is fixed, and with the flame, it leaves the world of the prison.

When the scene changes, it stands in the dusty array of stars.

Lu Hanyan felt that he was tormenting himself at the time, and he was suffering from the soul of the soul.

If the burden is heavy, for a while, it is not appropriate. Looking at the front, the look is complicated. I don’t want to win, I can’t wait, and I’m a little embarrassed.

The flameless flame, regardless of this many, took her to go ahead.

Then it was quiet, standing in a void, seems to be here, waiting for something.

Lu Han’s heart was suspicious, but he did not dare to ask questions.

Just a moment later, a flame appeared in the flames behind the flames, giving a silver bell-like chuckle.

"The man is coming, ten days, so punctual!"

Lu Hanyan is more confused, that person, who is that person?

I only hope to see the flames of ~www.readwn.com~讥诮. And the girl who didn’t know her name, all of them were gloating and compassion.

After you have to wait, you will see a blue figure, coming from afar.

It turned out to be the azure sage -

Looking at the appearance of this person, Lu Hanyan suddenly lost. This is one of the elders of the Lujia Holy Land, and now he is in charge of death.

But even more puzzled, why is the flame and the girl, will be the same expression?

That Lu Tianqing was holding a jade, and when he saw Lu Hansheng, there were also some accidents.

In the eyelids, there was a glimpse of speculation and uneasiness, and then it resumed as usual, and the half points did not appear.

In front of the flames, I took a ritual and put the jade in front of me.

"At last, I don't care for the Holy Spirit, I will arrive within ten days--" (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)

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