Divine Brilliance

Chapter 944: Voluntary effect

"In the end, I still keep the children, and I also rolled in -"

The voice passed quietly, and a figure appeared quietly on the side of Zongshou. [WWw.YZUU point m]

The hand patted the shoulder of Zongshou to show comfort.

Zong Shou silently said that although he was angry and hate in the chest, he was still more helpless.

This flameless sage, he is ultimately unable to do so.

What is incomprehensible is Lu Hanyan, why should you voluntarily go back with the flames.

Then I listened to the voice of the person next to me: "You don't need to be like this. Your mother gave birth to you, but owed you too much grandfather. Although she is out of trouble, she also has her own responsibility and responsibility. Burning the Holy Emperor is a lover of love and righteousness. It should never fall to the hands of the rebels and be driven off the throne. Your mother chose her so much, I am not only pleased, but also happy to see it -"

Zong Shou frowned, and the grievances of this kind of entanglement, his parents' experience of the past, he is not very clear.

But since Zong Weiran, saying that the mother has the reason to do so, then the mother must kiss her, she must have her own difficulties.

Unexpectedly, the burning of the Emperor of the Holy Land, Beiwu, could have such a high evaluation in the mind of Zongweiran.

Slightly sighed, Zong Shou turned his head and looked back.

I haven’t seen it for a few years, but my father’s appearance is getting more and more handsome. There are a few hard lines on the face, and the figure is still thin, but it is more like a bear mountain.

It’s just that in the eyes, it’s also a bit more vicissitudes. The situation at this time is not very good.

Although Zong Suran tried to hide it, he could not understand the **** magic that he just awakened.

Leaning a respectful ceremony, Zong Shou’s words are stunned: "Father, you suffer! It’s a child coming late-"

It is only when I know that Zong Weiran is on the sidelines. Lin Xuan-shuang is in the external connection, and he is not afraid of this azure.

There is blood in the world, and in the nine dead prisons, he is a battle force, comparable to the peak of the gods.

Together with Zong Weiran, it is enough to fight Lu Tianqing.

However, at this time, it was secretly glad. The timely release of the sacred sage.

His father and son, although they have a few points of victory. (When you read the novel, you can go to the leaf, you can go to the M.) Even if you win, the injury of Zongweiran. It must also be heavier.

The heart is secretly embarrassed, if the father gave the book to the universe, he completed himself. Why is this so?

Step into the holy. The palm of the hand. At that time, even in the face of the situation, there is the ability to get away.

"Is it still seen by you? The peak of the Lu family is really extraordinary!"

Zong Weiran chuckled and shook his head: "It’s just two years in this dead prison. It’s really nothing compared to your mother. But this time, thanks to you, you can get out of trouble! Unconsciously, keep You, have grown up! Just put Lu Tianqing into six reincarnations. It’s not really handsome. I hate this person for a long time! But it’s good to be infected with Buddhism and causality?”

On the face of Zongshou, there was a sudden sigh of relief. Listening to Zong Weiran’s words, it was quite strange and uncomfortable.

After a few words, I listened to the concerns of Zongweiran. The heart is slightly warmer. Then he explained: "No problem! The debt is not too much, it is not itch, it is a small matter."

This Lu Tianqing, he also hates the bones, especially the Chifeng bird.

The person can be driven into the animal road and suffer from the ravages of the world. These costs are really nothing.

Unconsciously, I have already owed a lot to Buddhism.

At most, his Buddha’s Gate opened another prison to create a real world of bliss. If you have the ability, you will also have some strength.

some! No more.

Zong Weiran suddenly laughed and looked at him. If you have such a child, what can you ask for?

Immediately, I remembered the land-containing smoke that had left with the flames, but it was a burst of gloom.

After a lapse of more than 20 years, although the two met one side, they never even said one sentence.

When she arrived at the Burning Holy Court, she was in a sinister storm, and she had to deal with countless sharp arrows.

The eyes flashed slightly, and Zong Suran then confessed: "Be careful! If you can, go to the burning court and go to help your mother and your grandfather-"

Zong Shouyi, looked up. [] Seeing Zongweiran, it is a look of sorrow: "Although I am her husband, but in Lujia, it is still an outsider. It is not only helpless, but it will make his situation even more sinister. Only when you can help your mother!"

Zong Shou heard the words silently, thoughtfully.

Going to the Burning Holy Court, do you the first servant of the Lu family? Isn’t it like the meaning of the flame?

However, I am afraid that there is no other choice.

Just thinking about it, I saw Zong Weiran again, and suddenly turned my head and looked at the direction of the deadly prison that had been shattered.

"Who are you? Why do you follow me here?"

At this time, Zong Shou felt that the direction of the air was different, and the warning in his heart was a slight life.

In the next moment, I saw a figure and stepped in from there.

Is a middle-aged man, although only a linen prisoner, a poor quality sword at the waist. But when people walked in, they were graceful and graceful, and they all made people feel heart-wrenching.

Zong Shou's past life was specialized in kendo, and this world is also extremely hard work.

The induction is the most sensitive and distinct, and the person’s eyebrows are condensed and not scattered.

"I am Ye Xuan, who used to have the old name of "Dao Xiao Yao". He was unfortunately lost before the 70th, and was trapped in prison. In the near future, His Royal Highness should have seen me."

That Ye Xuan stood outside the idling speed, and then looked at Zong Shou.

"Since His Royal Highness intends to go to the Holy Court and the line, then I must have helped the people. But I don't know my Highness, I am willing to accept my subordinates. The Burning of the Holy Court, the first prince, the subordinates must not be too shabby,"

When this voice fell, Zong Shou and Zong Weiran both father and son, both of them showed the gloom.

However, I heard that Ye Xuan ridiculed himself: "The prison has collapsed, but here is the void, but there are two people who are obsessed with the blockade. If it is only a flameless sage, Ye Xuan still dares to take a chance. Shang Yuyuan, then can only be helpless in the next. Sleepy in prison for seventy years, really do not want to stay in it for a while. Can only resort to the Lord! But Ye Xuan boasted, before the imprisonment. Underneath, there is no enemy of Ye Xuan and a sword! Even if the Qing dynasty, it is impossible to fight with one! It will certainly benefit the lesser masters-"

Among these words, the first few sentences are the doubts of Shi Zongshou and his father. In the latter case, it is said that the repair is the mainstay, and that it is a slap in the face, and it is also followed by the slogan to prove its words.

It’s not just the ancestors, it’s amazed. Zong Shou is also slightly raising his eyebrows, and his heart is slightly interested.

This person, he has seen it! Just at the beginning of the eighth floor of the prison... almost at the same time, thousands of worlds. The Burning Holy Court, which was discussed by Zongshou and his son, was dead.

Especially before the ancestral temple, countless Lu's disciples gathered here, but they were all silent, and the needles were audible.

On the one hand, it is waiting for the blood gas change of the burning of the monument, and finally settled. On the one hand, it is trying to absorb and absorb it, and the blood is back.

Everyone is looking calm and with surprises.

The more the children of Lujia, the more children, the more happy they are.

In the common sense, they are far away. The benefits that can be obtained are hard to get the blood of the family.

However, when the blood is burned to a certain extent, it is extremely difficult to upgrade.

On the contrary, this is a weak sideline of the original blood, which can greatly improve the order.

Therefore, before this ancestral temple, no matter how old or young, no matter how high or low, no one dared to distract at this moment.

In the identity of Lu Yunge's second Chu Jun, naturally there is no need to mix with this Lu's lower-order children.

At this time, it is standing not far from the holy monument, above the attic, looking down.

"Oh! This fire of burning, actually promoted a whole order, it is really rare, rare! Speaking of this situation, only before the seven thousand years ago, when the sacred sages passed through the robbery. I Lu Jiazhong, there are really people who have mastered the blood of the Lu family--"

After Lu Yun Ge, the Ludao 睁 opened his eyes at this time.

At this time, the power of retrospective blood is nearing the end.

Asking the rest of the story, you can deal with it with a little differentiation.

Lu Daoyu was not sitting still, and got up and walked to Lu Yunge's side.

Only he walked to the side of the fence, and felt the blood in his body, and it was a pulse.

Slightly shocked, the land road squatting consciousness, and Lu Yunge a look. Suspicion in my heart is uncertain -

Could it be that? Not yet finished at this moment?

wrong! Even after several landlords have been robbed, this has not happened!

After the pulsation, it subsided again.

Then there is only one possibility, and the one who has mastered the Lujiafeng Peak supernatural power is still not potential!

Or, it is a person who is very close to him, and there are also advanced signs, which can also be reversed to the whole family!

In the eyes of Lu Dao, suddenly there was a haze. No matter which one, it will make the burning of the Holy Court at this time, generating huge variables!

But seeing Lu Yunge, his face is unchanged, and he has never noticed it.

Ludao’s brows picked one and knew that there were only two possibilities at the moment.

One is that Lu Yunge has already found out, but he is forced to calm down. One is the one that changes from the blood, which is too far away.

When the light laughs out, the face is nothing.

"Looking at this situation, most of the holy monuments have been announced soon. I am afraid that this reserve will be a big change. But I don't know how many times you can go to the cousin~www.readwn.com~? Most of the positions are unstoppable-"

There is still a bit of sarcasm in the words, and it is a schadenfreude.

The position of Lujia Chujun has always been said to be five. The first is the blood, the second is the merits, the third is the prospect of talent, the fourth is the strength, and the fifth is the relationship.

Lu Yun Ge can be based on the position of the second Chu Jun, one is to repair his own strength, it is indeed good. The second is Xuanhua, a few national leaders, behind the support.

The third is that the achievements that this person has accumulated over the past few decades are indeed the best in the Lu family.

However, after today, in Lu's, I do not know how many people, the blood has been improved.

On the other hand, this person has stopped retreating early, apparently not much.

Nature is far more than those side branches, but among the many treasures, it must be the bottom. RQ

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