Wind and sand are all over the sky, murderous. Hundreds of thousands of sharp-edged soldiers, chasing and chasing each other in this desert.

The corpse is full of wilderness, and the corpse is everywhere. Countless gravel was dyed dark red by the blood.

This is the northwest of Yuanlian, the famous west gravel. It is not a place, but it is on the southwest wing.

Here, there are no dangers to keep in the seven thousand miles. However, there are more than a dozen large oases nearby, which can be used by the army.

Zhuang Yu stood up on a sand dune and looked at the battlefield below.

This time is the big win! In the east, the allied coalition forces, in this corpse, reached a total of 130,000!

At this time, the results are still growing!

Tens of thousands of elite cavalry, chasing after the trailing. Constantly split, intercept, drive away, split each other's formation, fragmented!

And with 20,000 days of swordsmanship and 10,000 Xuan Duwei, the whole 200,000 strokes, followed closely behind. Quickly hit! At the speed of the whole, I do not know how to exhaust, constantly harvesting life.

The momentum is strong, the morale spirit is all prosperous!

Such a victory, in just a few months, Zhuang Yu has experienced more than a dozen times.

From the beginning of the temptation, and gradually abandoned all estimates, violently attacked.

Dozens of battles in size, or win or lose. Like today, although the dagger has reached 100,000, it has been unable to touch his nerves.

On the contrary, those who were riding the army on the face, the hidden fatigue, made him secretly worried.

On the tenth night, the march was four thousand miles. Even if it is the elite of iron, it can't support it.

That is, you will be able to win every battle, and sooner or later you will be dragged down.

And if the forecast is good, they will continue to struggle and fight around in the next period of time.

Zhuang Yu smashed his eyebrows, and his fists burst into the blue veins. After that, it was released again, silently sighing.

He used his soldiers for many years, and he rarely felt so helpless.

With a number that is nearly double the number of troops, it is necessary to guard the defense line of the long-running miles.

No matter which direction, you can't be comfortable.

In fact, it seems to him. The best way is to take the initiative to attack and defend. Hit the key and force the other side to fight!

This can promote your own strengths and avoid shortcomings.

It seems that today's sizzling fires are really uncomfortable, and it is particularly difficult to deal with.

Of course -

Today's Dagan Xianting is really lacking in strength.

"Yu Shuai! I can see that I can take over. Now the enemy is broken, but our army is also tired. Need to be able to prevent it in case-"

Behind the reminder of the military staff, Zhuang Yu returned to God and continued to look into the eyes.

Some hesitated, but still slightly decapitated: "You can pass all the troops, all stop. Rest on the spot! One should follow up, clean up the battlefield, soothe the soldiers, all departments must be properly handled."

In the desert. The native horse of Yuanlianjie can't run smoothly, usually only using camel as a beast.

However, when Zong Shou arrived in Yuanlianjie. However, it took two hundred thousand hurricanes and two clouds. You can walk in the air, and there is no limit in this sand, you can play it.

At this time, the number has increased to 7,000. The Xuanhu Iron Rider has experienced dozens of hundreds of battles. It is already a real power of Xuan Duwei.

There are almost no military can be on the horseshoe!

Therefore, Zhuang Yu’s original intention is here. Take advantage of riding the army. Try to encircle the enemy and destroy this northwestern elite. In order to make the future battle, you can get some pressure.

However, today's result is somewhat ‘unsatisfactory’ or it should be said. It is his Zhuang Yu expectations that are too high.

The opposite enemy is also extremely tricky. It does not seem to be a victory or defeat, but also a good understanding of the preservation of strength.

Turning his head, Zhuang Yu looked back at the young counselor who reminded me.

Recall the name of this person and keep it in mind. Zhuang Yu turned around and went to the rear of the camp.

At this time, the Dagan Xianting is not only lacking the available army, but also lacking the good general.

This person is not subject to his majesty, can promptly remind, obviously guts, all are good,

After listening to the sound, there was an abrupt voice of discussion.

"Or not enough strength! Otherwise, today, why are these rabbits escaped?"

"It’s those who have passed the monarchs. Before the coach, a year ago, they had already informed the countries to prepare their military strength. But until now, it’s only a 20% increase in soldiers. What is the use?”

"The clever woman is also difficult to be without rice. The guys on the opposite side seem to be incapable of killing. I don't know them, where is the financial strength?"

"It is said that six months ago, it was the Xuan Ling Xiuhui, and at least seventeen empty ships came. The armor brought by it reached three million. I waited?"

"It is annoying that the few heads of state, when they talk about the supply of food, they will push the three resistances. They will not increase their taxes in life and death! If you don't smell the skin, you will be attached to it?"

"How can I stay for a long time?"

Zhuang Yu brows slightly, this time can be regarded as a big win.

But in his shogunate, is it so heartfelt? Chaos my military heart, really should kill!

With a heart anger reprimanded, Zhuang Yu did not know how, and lived a mouth, only to ignore it.

Knowing a leaf and knowing the autumn, ignorance, such as vegetation, can also feel four changes.

Nowadays, just a little smarter, you can see it.

The minds of these people are what he can stop with his soldiers.

There is no grievance in the heart, just add another 30% of the military, a million soldiers. He will not be so tough.

However, there is some helplessness. When you go to the time of departure, you are chosen to be a very capable person. You have your own persistence.

Just like the words of Xuan Guojun He Daoren, the people of the southwest are already overwhelmed. In order to resist the enemy and impose taxes on the people, how is it different from before?

It is still a shackle for the disabled. It takes only half a year to make the people under the rule again and be displaced.

It is also because of the conflict with the mind, his Zhuang Yu can always be patient and support.

Shaking his head, Zhuang Yu was sent to his own camp, and then he rushed into his own account.

Devoted to exhaustion, he did not sleep for a few days, and he was repaired as a man who had reached the stage of immortality. He was also overwhelmed. I can't wait to fall down at this time, sleep a lot, and open this troublesome thing.

Just entering it, Zhuang Yu’s heart is a micro-vigilance.

Seeing the shimmer, Zhuang Yu’s hand is a red gold sword, angered to one side!

The ‘嗤啦’ loud noise, the tempering on the battlefield, and the martial arts that have been tempered, make this sword condense. However, it made a shocking scream to show off the police.

And that piece of void, it was split by the whole piece.

But it is not really smashing the void, but breaking the illusion. Inside, a figure appeared, and the eyes were flashing.

There are dozens of symbols in the sleeves of the shackles, which are gathered on the right hand. Make the arm tough as gold and iron, and point out.

A force, so that the sound waves, disappeared instantly, all pressed.

The fingertips clashed with the epee, and the thoughts collided and entangled.

Just as the violent storm is about to explode.

The figure was a big sleeve, and it was all overwhelming and ruined.

Whispered softly: "Yu Shuai is a good and fierce means! This martial art is also the first in the Yuanlian world. It is just that I am not malicious, I don't know if I am handsome, can I stop to talk to me?"

Zhuang Yu looked at the past and then looked at it.

"You are the Tianfang Xiu Tan mirror?"

This person, although he did not meet, has already recognized it long ago.

Knowing this position, in fact, did not leave after the war, always staying outside the Yuanlian world.

This time, the eastern allied coalition forces, attacking each other in succession, can not be separated from this one.

However, it really stopped the sword. When he first entered the account, the person in front of him did have some murder.

It can be found that after the death of him, he has let go of hostility.

Zhuang Yu also knows himself, can't take this person, no need to take risks and hard screen.

It’s not that he is timid, nor is he self-sufficient. At this time, the Dagan Xianting in the Yuanlian industry was in danger, and it was indeed all in one.

For the handsome, know how to cherish your own body.

In addition, this person can hide this moment. It can take only a moment, and his subordinates will be aware of the same.

With the power of the people, it is much easier to get it.

"Exactly! Yu Shuai was recognized as being down, really honored."

Tan Jing smiled and daggered: "This time, I came to talk to Yu Shuai-"

Zhuang Yu’s eyes are faint, only watching the Epee Jianfeng in his hand.

"You have nothing to say between me and me!"

"This is not necessarily."

Tan Jing shook his head slightly: "Don't Zhuang brother, really want to hang on the tree of Dagan Xianting? The situation of Yuanlianjie, you have your own heart. Can you support January, February, or March?"

Zhuang Yu heard the words, but it was a disdain: "If it is these nonsense, there is no need to say. How long can it last, how to win or lose. You and I are on the battlefield, since the real chapter!"

"Zhuang brother's ability, Tan has already been taught, and there are counts."

Tan Jing laughs again, it seems that he doesn't mean it: "But in the battle of the battlefield, you can block the enemy several times in a weak position. But I don't know if I can defeat hundreds of centuries, solve the difficulties of the Yuanlian world, and destroy the crisis. ?"

Zhuang Yu looked shocked and looked at the opposite side. What is this?

But I only listened to that Mirror of Confucius: "It is no wonder that Zhuang Xiong does not know! Now the cloud world is dying, it is already a dangerous egg. The sage is to lead this teaching as an ally but once the sacred road is over, it must be It’s hard to support the woods! Where else is the mind, to take care of this Yuanlian world? At that time, it’s the Jianjie Buddhism in the Clouds, I’m afraid I will also retreat. May you say that I can say this?”

In the eyes of Zhuang Yu, it has already been born. I was amazed at the moment, and I don’t know if this is a mirror. Is it true or false?

"There will be no half-sentences and false deception! There is still that sect. There have been no appearances for a long time, and no traces have been made. At this time, I don’t know whether it is life or death. But even if it is a life, Tan Jing can guarantee this. Definitely no more power to turn the tide!"

Like knowing Zhuang Yu’s mind, Tan Jing’s expression is clear and convinced.

"Ask Yu Yushuai, do you still want to be buried in this so-called Dagan Xianchao? If you are loyal, you can think about this Southeastern million people."

In the past, Zong Shou, to the future of Yuanlian, persuaded Zhuang Yu.

At this time, he is the shield of the spear!

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