Divine Brilliance

Chapter 957: Can you be crazy again?

At this time, not only these unidentified immortals, but also the wind Taiji and others, are also extremely surprised. []

Zong Shou did not start, but the entire boundary river airspace, at this moment is shrouded in its swordsmanship. To make those dozens of monks, they are all stunned, and their eyes are taboo and surprised. Although still besieging, they have tried to leave some extra strength.


Almost everyone’s mind has passed this idea.

At this time, Zong Shou is already a true fairyland monk! How can it be so strong?

There is also this eyelid, and what is going on. How can I just take a look at it, as if I can kill life?

The gaze was gazing at the people, and they could not speak. Zong Shou is too lazy to ask again, the power of the magical power to tear, directly want to tear this person.

But I couldn't listen to another person, suddenly smiled and said: "The blood sword monster? It is finally back. It is really surprising, but also a real surprise! Since I was lucky not to die under the unparalleled sword, why should I catch up? Come back to die? As for my identity, the demon king really doesn’t know-"

At this point in the voice, suddenly a burst of bang was spread.

Everyone looked at it with sorrow, and saw the fairyland cultivator who was locked by Zongshou’s gaze. He was directly flesh and blood, and was forcibly smashed by the inexplicable force.

Make the voice of the man suddenly. Zong Shou’s cold sight was also followed by the sound.

"You are only, but what did you say to you?"

It seems that the true leader of this group of immortals is not the one who is the only one. Opposite to this, although the repair is a little lower, it is clearly the head of the crowd.

The man’s breath was noticeable, and he was horrified at the flesh and blood that was floating in the void.

Then the brows were slightly wrinkled. The face is ridiculous.

"Good tyrants! Good prestige! I hope that later, you can be so crazy! How many people have been waiting for you for a long time?"

The limbs of his body, under the watchful eyes of Zongshou, began to appear distorted, and some muscles have collapsed. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

In the depths of the middle, it is full of horror. But it is strong and self-sustaining.

At this time, there were several light and shadows appearing in the sky.

The forefront is a giant mountain. Hearly launched a wide range of 300,000 feet. Forcibly squeeze into this space.

However, it was not the attack on Zong Shou, but the direct travel to the dozen or so giant ships.

Then I heard a light drink. Since the void came, it almost sounded directly beside Zong Shou.


A bunch of fists, straight to the front of the body. The enthusiasm of the enthusiasm, but the sensible sensation of the turbulence, makes the nearby void, folding and swaying.

But it is also directly directed at him, but it is just blocking, and the sect guards the way of the dozen or so empty ships.

I don't know where to rush. More than a dozen people shot at the same time, almost locking the airspace of this boundary river.

There are at least three shares that can be absolutely smashed. And the vastness of the soul is coming, coming over.

In three directions, such as the tide of sweeping shocks, the swordsmanship of the Zong Shou will be forced to oppress.

Zhao Yuran and the wind Tai Chi. I couldn't help but hold my breath and my pupils shrank.

Godland! Actually three gods!

The means of seeing these people is actually to attack the sect and save the place. At the beginning, the shoudeng is cut off and the possibility of escape!

The wind Taiji holds the sword's hand and his muscles are arrogant. Zhao Yuran is even more defeated. For the first time, I regret it. This is a slap in the face.

Who can think of it, in the outer domain, there are actually more than three sacred monks lurking, only to guard one person?

Zong Shou’s chest is quite calm and does not mean it.

Before coming, the ambush was prepared.

And this situation has not exceeded his expectations.

With these people, can he also kill him?

A year ago, or really capable of doing it, even made him have no resistance.

However, at this time, it is really worth nothing. Even disdain -

With a sleeve, I took the turtle out.

First, a stream of blue streamrays, then quickly expands, and turns into a thousand feet in a blink of an eye. []

That punch hits it, but it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt.

Instead, waving the giant shield, the sound of ‘Peng’, with that vast force, directly forced the man to fly!

When you reach the front of the mountain, you shrink the head. At the edge of the giant shield, unfold a number of gears and rotate at a rapid speed. Twelve pieces of ice wings unfolded to make them huge, and in the blink of an eye, they accelerated to the extreme.

It was a hard life, forcibly hitting the mountainside of the giant mountain.

In the sound of the shock, the body of the thousand-footed tortoise was swept away by the earthquake.

When the figure stopped, I carefully stretched out and looked at the giant mountain.

Directly opposite the huge Xianbao, although he was knocked off the offset. In addition to the mountainside, there are several deep marks, and the rest are harmless.

Can not help but regret the flat mouth, looking at the same shield without damage.

Thinking about these two shields, is it necessary to change?

Released the blue fire turtle, followed by a flash of silver. Invisible to the naked eye, in this void, brought a white brilliance.

Headed by 晗曦, dozens of sacred fire silver ants flew in all directions.

Only a few silver ants combined with the cockroach, there is a monk in the late fairyland, smashed by this bright and incredible silver ant arm knife.

The blood sprayed, and the dozen or so people who were surrounded by it could no longer be distracted and stopped in the air. Concentrated, dealing with these dozens of holy fire silver ants.

Especially, every time, there will be one person who will be hit hard.

At about the same time, a golden light and shadow, also out of the sleeves.

However, it was amazed that it was a small sect of the sect, and went straight to the person who ran into the fire.

Actually, it is also possible to use the power of the sect of the sect of the sect, and the moment is empty, and the eye of the middle-aged Wu Xiu is on the side.

A sword squats, waving between the stars. Nine Kowloon Shadows, the four swords are one, and a vaguely early Tai Long Shadow is now on the pocket version of the sword.

The opposite person was struck by the blue fire turtle, resulting in a loss of control. However, Xiao Jin, who came from the attack alone. Still able to cope with it.

The fist-printing guide, in the blink of an eye, spurred the emptiness of the cracked blade and slammed into the golden eyebrow.

But in this person, just when there is action. In that case, I suddenly became confused and took a look.

Xiaojin’s sword cut the person’s arm and ruthlessly.

Extremely hot. Then it was a sword, and the head of this person was also cut off.

Then there is a mouthful. From this person's body, forcibly sucked out a transparent Dan Pill and swallowed it in.

Zong Shou looked in the distance. For the small gold pressure array. Seeing it at this moment, my eyes suddenly brightened.

Soul! The only way to show his talents is to practice the spiritual law and even simulate some of his **** magical powers!

In the past, this little guy, although able to simulate his figure, was limited to martial arts.

In terms of spiritual law, it is still a little worse.

At this moment, it is clear that this short board has also been completed.

Although there is only a spiritual environment, he has already guarded him, and he has a strength in the late period of the spiritual world. Simulated at least 80%!

Is it because of the innocent god?

Nowhere, no doubt -

Cold-eyed, the man who was killed by Xiaojin. The heart is both an accident and a disappointment.

"It turned out to be a shadow demonic -"

Not surprisingly, these so-called 'shadow gods'. It must be for his sect, and the illusion comes.

No wonder, there will be three gods and shots at the same time.

However, I also know that it is the best of both worlds. The mysterious retreat will be worth mentioning. It is impossible to have such courage, regardless of the existence of the dragon shadow, directly to his sect.

At most, it is also a match, giving people a chance to fight.

In the end, there are still some regrets in the heart. These people nearby are really from the nine.

Then at this time, he can no longer worry about it, and he can directly start to sweep around the world!

The faint sway in the sleeve is the unicorn, and the Thunder pterosaur, who also wants to help him.

However, it was unexpectedly suppressed by Zong Shou and Xiao Jin’s combat power.

There are no need for two helpers inside, and the next fight. The two little guys couldn’t help, but distracted him.

After the magic mirror emerged, the blue light came out and swept the airspace.

I saw this emptiness, and it’s far more than just a few dozens of sacred repairs.

There are dozens of hidden shadows, hidden in various places, quietly and silently.

A few of them, even far from the wind Tai Chi, are not far from Zhao.

Several people were taken aback and hurriedly guarded.

And these shadows seem to be wrong. After a trip, I quickly retired.

However, the illusion mirror was blue, but they never let them go. Continue to chase the light, so that these shadows are almost close to the invisible and inferior body, burning a blue flame.

These shadows can't make a sound. But still can mourn, so that everyone around you is clear. It seems that the pain is so violent, the soul is fluctuating, and it is extremely fierce.

In this moment, in the air, it was a cold drink.

"Bold, in front of the old man, dare to hurt my Protoss! Really arrogant!"

A sword is hit, like a fly outside. The sword falls nine miles, like a falling star.

Among the scattered light and shadow, an unparalleled fierceness is hidden in it.

It is impossible to see the trajectory, and it is impossible to judge the place.

At this time, the giant mountain ~www.readwn.com~ is also shrinking, falling in the hands of a middle-aged monk who appeared suddenly.

Carrying this mountain-like magic weapon, this person came from behind the body.

"This is the magic mirror? It really is the blood of countless mysters, can not be destroyed! Jiuwei Xuanhu blood, should also be cut off!"

The illusion of the mirror suddenly screamed, and the spirit of the inside seemed to be wrath to the extreme.

Actually, I don’t have to guard it, but I’m motivated by the blood. The seal on the mirror is solved layer by layer.

At that moment, not far away, the more famous monk who spoke before, laughed out loudly: "How is it now? Three people are not here. You are a sacred place to die today! Is it very overbearing? It’s life between death and death, but I don’t know if you are now, can you still be crazy?”

This person's body has not been twisted. However, because of Zong Shou, luckily did not die, but at the moment it was a haha ​​smile, it seems to be very happy. RQ

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